This is going to be another LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG rant - or thesis - or crankiness - or straight from the heart talk as always, what have you.
Gotta say, this here cantankerous cranky bastard would make ole Clint wring his hands in despair (he probably already does anyway, hehe).
Gruff Gorilla or cranky bear, I've been called both, and I am both.
But like I keep saying on another business, life is NEVER black and white.
Shades of grey.
yin and yang.
Two sides to every coin says a T shirt (vest) I wore when I was called Twiggy (no problem there, hehe) ...
And indeed, some of what YOU guys read here might come across as so emotional and soppy (not really, hehe, I'llt try and remove the sop from it, but I might not be able to fully) that you might not even think it's Rahul Mookerjee saying it (or writing it).
Then again, if you know my history with the gals you might think it is. Depends, hehe. All depends!
Anyway ................
Dude that I've been "bickering with" (as he puts it) back and forth over some trivialities - I call it banter, hehe - sent me a "truce of sorts" on Twitter again.
Along with some photos of him preening and posing he said he was proud of what he's accomplished, that weve both got good things going, that the ONLY thing we have in common is we inspire a lot of people ... and then he asked for a truce, or he "put it out there".
Since he did is so nicely, since it's the SECOND time he asked, since yours truly spiritual has been seeing 2's damn near everywhere, since today is the 29th (2), maybe even because it's his birthday today so I'll go easy on him (I got the "phat phocker" note on one of my own birthdays, but thats OK - that was the best damn thing I could have heard that day John - and I MEAN EVERY WORD!! Hehe. ) ...
(and I mean that because it kicked my RUMPUS into high gear coming from a doer. You know me bro! hehe).
... I dont know what prompted me to reply on Twitter, something I rarely do. Maybe an angel on my shoulder?
Look, maybe he needs support, whatever it is, but so I said we didnt have a war going on in the first place - it's all banter as far as I'm concerned. hey, just look at any Aus-Eng cricket match. Hehe.
I didnt get into the preening, posing, pumpin, toning, I simply said we see FACTS differently .. Hehe. Which we do. (and I'll never shy away from saying it like it is either).
And then I ended it saying I'd be glad to help him out IF he ever needed it - and thats that hopefully. We'll see, hehe.
But anyway - that isn't why I'm writing this.
As I was tweeting a video of me doing fingertip pushups memories flooded back, as they have all damned day today.
WHAT is so special about today, I kept wondering.
And a short while ago, it HIT ME.
(sop story starts, y'all might wanna bring out the handkerchiefs, hehe)
We met each other on this date ... lots of you on this list know that girl.
My buddy from the Marines would recognize her anywhere probably from the photo he's seen of us together.
"Once I see a face, I never forget it!" (when we first met). (we had "passed each other" training out there on the hills before, but had not spoken)
I think I knew him by name from a group first online.
Anyway ..............
She came into my life when I was low, down, depressed, when NOTHING was working for me, everything was working against me - seemingly.
I mean nothing.
I was broker than a broken gramophone record. Hehe.
My wife was bitching up a storm as usual about something or the other (which she always did when times were tough) (no wonder the so called relationship is what it is today) (but to be fair to her, I'm not exactly the easiest of people to deal with either, especially these days) ...
And - just in general - everything seemed like it was collapsing big time.
I've had this happen to me a LOT during my life - more times than I can count.
NO-ONE would help, NO-ONE was there to help anyway.
So I did what I do best - I tackled it head on myself.
Along the way, I continued to do a great job teaching English (something I absolutely detest doing, but if I'm paid well for something, you can be damn skippy sure I'll do a good job of it!) at the center I was, where I first met her.
Who was to know - I certainly didn't! - that a few short conversation later and a short text I sent her about finding me a housemaid (I didnt want to ask Glyn to do it, hehe) would lead to one of the most intense, romantic, and ... again, just bloody INTENSE four month "relationship" if you can call it that that I've ever had.
Trust me, I've been with so many girls I've lost track.
But this one was different.
"This relationship is beautiful, like these trees, but I can't continue!" I still remember her saying.
It almost killed me to hear her say that.
Some of the other stuff she said made me ANGRY.
And at that point, I had two choices - buckle down - or BUCK UP.
I chose the latter, channeled my fury and emotion into my FITNESS - into BUSINESS - and a short while later, I emerged on top again.
She came into my life for a reason.
And while we were going on that LONG trip together, in itself an adventure given I hadn't even driven in China before embarking on a 17 hour long ass drive (believe me, driving in China is easier than in India, tons easier, but if you're comparing to the US, you've got several thinks coming, hehe). . . she said the following.
"Maybe we will be together in the future, maybe we wont but we'll ALWAYS have these memories!"
Although she didnt know at the time, she hit the nail on the head.
Those memories, those romantic memories, those GOOD memories - exactly what is needed for YOU to recharge, and take a break - and emerge rejuvenated.
Napoleon Hill writes about this so often in Think and Grow Rich i.e. "retreat into the recesses of your mind and bathe yourself in the memories of the past, romantic memories" - and who knows, when you emerge - solutions to problems that have been eluding you might emerge! (or they might not, but his point stands)
It's something I talk about in a different form in Zero to Hero.
EMOTION is key to accomplishment or not.
And she truly sparked that emotion in me (although admittedly, without even trying I sparked it in HER - or else it would have never gotten to the point it did - I certainly wouldn't be cavorting around with students - well, maybe sometimes, hehe - but business is business for the most part) ...
Anyway, maybe thats why I've been seeing "her" on social media in all shapes, forms and guises.
Maybe it's why I remember helpng her do handstands on the top of the hill.
Maybe it's why I remember her slapping my thigh and saying "NOT like this, Michael!" when I was doing a stretch wrong.
Maybe it's why I remember that sweet smile, forever smiling and "happy" ...
Maybe its why I remember her telling me to "go easy on the pushups" (I was doing the floor huggers, hehe - or floor pumpers, or humpers, or - hehe - extended arm pushups with an injured shoulder) ...
Maybe it's why the DATE kept coming to mind.
Good things come in pairs?
So say the chinese.
But either way, I remember, it was on Jul 29th that I first started to chat with her, I believe.
"Hi Carol. Do you have any idea where I can find a decent ayi"?
And that one comment sparked it all. Hehe.
Not to mention, along with Ann Lee, Carol is probably the woman responsible for me WANTING To get into kick ass shape that I did shortly after meeting her. (or after we left each other, or whatever it was).
She ain't responsible for the business, success, failures, but I still remember the RAGE and FURY that drove me to do what I did, the RAGING EMOTION, the . . . I dont know how to put it, anyone thats ever been in that sort of an intense relationship knows how it's like!
And that, maybe is why I'm writing to you about this?
I dont know.
Carol was supposed to review 0 Excuses Fitness too - all she did was giggle at the photos.
(note some of you might not have seen 'em, I believed I removed them from a few drafts of the book, but they might still be floating around out there, I dont know. Doesnt matter either way).
Gotta love women ...
Anyway, I'm out.
Had to get that off my chest.
I have!
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - YOU too will build memories of a LIFETIME by training in the 0 Excuses Fitness manner - try it - and you'll see what I mean, they'll be some of the best "me" times you've ever had.
PPS #2 - If you're currently struggling with excess flab and blubber around the ole core, the "belly button getting too tight on the shirt, buttons popping off or what not, hehe, as the great PG Wodehouse says", then extended cardio ain't the answer.
BRIEF bursts of exercise are the answer.
So are pushups, my friend, and if there was ever a no nonsense one of it's kind book on the oldest exercise out there that will CARVE that core into granite - it is Pushup Central. Along with squats (book upcoming soon!) - and Corrugated Core - truly what the ole Doc ordered in that regard. Get 'em NOW.
PPS - Yes, she's not the only one for those that are wondering. Hehe. But it sure was one of the most intense. Like I said, the best things happen when you aint expecting them, that might be a message some of you need to hear TODAY.