It's been a busy few days!
And I've written so much int he past few days, that I see “writing” everywhere I go. And indeed, as I'm almost done with finishing my other book, I'm writing this to you for a break – and a change in pace.
And it reminds me of a whil eback.
Remember that trip I told you about to Dalhouse and Khajiaar in the Himalayas in India?
Well, the drive back and forth was around 15 hours, give or take, and in Indian conditioins thats like driving 30 plus hours STRAIGHT with unwavering focus and concentration (and to make things harder, we didnt have GPS, or auto steering, or any of that other rubbish back then).
It was a stick shift as well, the car!
And after the drive either way was done, I remember sinking down into the chair, and my hands would automatically “move” as if on the steering wheel.
When I looked at my wife, I'd have to consciously focus, so used to had I got by dint of sheer FOCUS and concentration over the past few hours (past many hours, I should say) that life seemed to have turned into a “road”.
OF course, the spell wore off after a good sleep.
But right about now, that is how I feel, and I've still got work to do. And I'm still going!
And I could tell you right now, and I'd be right, that THAT is the sort of energy advanced jump rope workouts give you (being that was the last form of exercis eI did before the writing spree).
You focus more. And better.
You keep going, like the ENERGIZER BUNNY!
And ... in all areas of life, if you get my drift, hehe.
And thats how deeply ingrained bodyweight exercise sshould be for YOU, my friend.
You shouldn't have to think about exercising – or doing Hindu pushups – or handstands.
You slip into position, and yo ujust do it, and anything else should feel strange.
Ditto for your normal routine.
EXERCISE should be a part of it, and LACK OF IT should make you feel lik eI did above!
That is how ingrained exercise is in my life, and how it should be for you too.
LASER SHARP FOCUS and bulldog tenacity.
Thats what it's all about!
I'll be back soon with more (especially FOCUS)! For now, it's off to finish the other book.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up th e0 Excuses Fitness System, truly the best damned fitness system out there RIGHT HERE.