Rahul Mookerjee
Why I'm indeed uniquely qualified to spot - and train - phat phocks - and get them into the BEST shape of their lives!
OK, short answer?
Because yours truly used to be one "par excellence" not so long ago (ok, more than 10 years ago, but I was fat at ages before that too, at ages where I was supposed to be at my prime!).
(Some may say I am too harsh on myself and too demanding, maybe so - but I'd rather that than be content with living life as a fat blobby slob - or a slobby blob like Bozo Schofield, hehe, replete with slobber all up and down - but we wont go there!) ... (and truth be told, I WAS a phat phock at certain times - the covers of Shoulders like Boulders! and Pull-ups - from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks! prove not just that but the facts and proven in the subsequent books that my exercises WORK and people of any SIZE - I mean SIZE - can do 'em - but being FAT will definitely be a huge, huge hindrance!).
So, how did I do them you might ask?
We'll get into that below.
But first, long answer.
Because I used to be one par excellence, can spot 'em from a mile away and I can instinctively sense by looking at them how their diet is, what sort of training they DO - not just talk about - or have done in the PAST - and so forth.
This might sound strange to some.
it's really not.
Ask any class boxer to spot an untrained fighter in a room full of trained fighters, he'll do in the space of an instant.
Ask Jason Bourne all about gut feelings, and he'll tell you - or ask me. Hehe.
Ask me about how I make my almost always accurate predictions on things ...
Gut feeling when backed up with reason and logic, though not necessarily in that manner, is simply RIGHT.
And all phat phocks I've seen, regardless of where they are, where they live, where they were born etc - or color, race etc - have the following common characterestics.
One, a terrible diet.
I know - because I trained hard, and I ate extra hard too. Hehe.
Sure, Eat More Weigh Less works - but not if you stuff your gullet to the point moving next day makes you burp out last night's food - if you get my drift.
A lot of phat phocks, and no I ain't naming no-one in particular would do well to eat less - a LOT less - and FAST more while working out more.
And ,follow some of the tips I give you in the Simple and Effective Diet!
Fasting isn't covered in that book, maybe in a later version - or a book of it's own. We'll see, it's a topic I have very in depth and personal knowledge of, and I'm constantly learning even at this point (you never stop learning, as I say in 0 Excuses Fitness).
They also DRINK too much - beer in particular.
Nothing wrong with either of the above if you choose to, but it'll make you fat - simple as that. Outraining a bad diet can be done, but if you BOMBARD your body daily with nothing but tons of bad, eventually it will cave in - simple as that.
Second, I've noticed MOST, if not all - are "happily married" or "family men" (note this one doesnt apply to women as much as it does MEN) or what not.
Nothing at all wrong with that either.
Family is the most important - I get it!
But, I've written about this before - when you're ON your lonesome, when you have no constant nagging, familial duties and such - and not to mention, that good ole home cooking - well, it's a lot easier to simply live caveman style, train hard, and (naturally) eat less - and get into the best shape of your life!
Again, with the right exercises.
And I should know - again.
Dont believe me?
Mickey: Well, Rock, let's put it this way. Three years ago, you were supernatural. You was hard and nasty. You had this cast iron jaw. But then, the worst thing happened to you that could happen to any fighter. You got civilized. Don't worry, kid. You know, presidents retire, generals retire, horses retire, Man o War retired. They put him out to stud. That's what you should've done, retire.
I ain't getting into the retirement part here. Personally, in Zero to Hero I tell you it aint all its cracked up to be, but if you're talking physcially in the ring, ole Mickey had it spot on in terms of what was going on with Rock at that time - happily married, lots of dough, no INCENTIVE - to do better!
Incentive, my friend, is a huge, huge motivator - when you dont HAVE what you want, you'll naturally work your bollocks off to GET it - period!
I can give you plenty of more examples, but what I'm saying about is true. I've seen so many lean and mean guys get married, and then ... "happy and fat" - again, aint nothing wrong with that, happens to women too, but most strikingly in men.
SOME men are exceptions - Brooks Kubik being one, but I doubt anyone works grip and core as hard as he does (though I'll give him close competition on grip work, hehe).
And even he was divorced for long periods in the middle, I believe ...
Hey, it happens - take a look at prisoners - and the shape they manage to get in despite crap diets and despite not always having access to weights and such.
Sure, bodyweight workouts play a huge part in that.
What also plays a huge role in it is that they dont need to worry about paying bills, going to work, writing emails or what not (unless they're Gregory David Roberts writing their books on sheets of paper first, having the gumption to continue despite a 1000 page book being torn up TWICE ..) ..
Third, almost ALL of them eat the so called healthiest meal of the day - breakfast - and load up way more than they need to, followed by lunch, and dinner.
Breakfast like a king, eat like a prince, dine like a pauper - that advice is good, but it was also intended for when men did a lot of physical labor, not just move from couch to computer to bed and the fridge/bathroom in between.
Most do all three like kings x 10.
And tossing some of the conventional advice out of the window like I do in the Simple and Effective Diet.
As for the family part, I sure wouldn't tell you to toss family.
What I WOULD tell you though is this happily married mirage of "wife happy, family happy" that most men are content to live in - well not most, a lot are waking up these days (though only because of the state the world is in!) - is just that, a mirage.
I've told men forever that the chances of them finding that one gem amongst the rabble is slim and next to town, and slim just left town.
And that someday, eventually, they'll find out the truism which I keep explaining to them i.e. its all about MONEY.
They dont listen, and claim I rant, then the same thing happens to them years later, then they learn. Ah well. Such is life!
But fitness wise, have the family - have as many as you want, but you have to retain a bit of caveman, my friend in order to stay in super "lean and mean - hungry!" shape.
Simple fact of life...
So, those are three common traits - there are more, of course.
And again, I should know.
I was a phat phock myself!
Fourth - I'll end with this one - a tendency to do WAY less cardio and less intense than you should, claiming "youre big, not fat".
And so forth.
I'll stop here.
But that should give you plenty of reasons to chew upon as well as answer the "why" question ... for now.
More later!
Rahul Mookerjee
Back to tearing it up am I ...
Did I ever stop? Lol.
Last night, I asked the wife about a vest (sports vest) that was for some reason hanging off - well, a piece of it has been hanging off my lat area for ages.
It's an XXL vest - which means it billows around the midsection, and is "snug" but not too tight, so I thought - around the upper body.
Shopping for clothes can be a bitch when you're fit too!
But although I hadn't paid much attention to it, a small tear on the other side of the vest caught my attention.
For a split second I thought of asking her if it could be sewn despite the hell that was likely to follow, hehe (how dare you ask me!).
Surprisingly enough, it didnt.
Of course, she said no.
And of course, I'll get a new one anyway.
But it's interesting, I'm wearing a XL vest now - and I notice another tear - this time on the left trap.
A small tear which will no doubt increase as time passes.
Now, normally the SHOULDERS (delts) are what used to be tight for me, not so much the traps and lats - so I bought XXL.
But they billow around the waist, but thats fine, some do, some dont (sizes aren't standard - but when we come out with 0 Excuses Fitness T shirts, and more - which a lot of you want - believe me, I'll keep all this in mind!) - and its funny, these repeated tears around the lat and trap region for one.
You might think I'm focusing heavily on handstand pushups and pull-ups, but compared to my 100 plus workouts before - these days, I'm on 50 - 70 normally.
so it's not that.
It's SQUATS and special isometrics (especially a lot of those from Volume Two I'm focusing one)
We all know how squats kick your ass, but the latter - isometrics - is REALLY what is responsibile for the X factor here.
Those stretches REALLY work the entire body in a way you never have before, and when you partake of the special workouts at the end of the book, let me tell you, wife or no wife, cooking or no cooking, you'll truly (if you combine it with my other fitness programs) be in the best darn shape of your life.
Can't vouch for your clothing expenses though. Hehe.
But, those of you that put down >$500 (a special list has the orders, this isn't going out i.e. the T shirt stuff to the regular list, but if YOU on THIS list want in, let me know) as a pre-order on the tshirts, well, your money is very well invested!
And that, my friend is that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - For BRUTAL workouts involving pull-ups and handstand pushups, check out THIS book - and THIS book.
(Edit - I'm writing this right after one of those workouts, albeit an easy one for me, 100 squats, 20 pull-ups, 10 handstand pushups, and isometrics. it was the night workout though, so gotta go easy ONCE! Hehe.)
(Summer's here, so remember that one book I was talking about - AQUATIC Animal Kingdom Workouts - well, covid willing, I might actually do something on that front too - stay tuned!
For now, pick up the regular land version HERE - it kicks RUMPUS - period). (and it'll kick YOUR booty too - guaranteed).
Why I don't Tom Tom my ability to do "extreme" workouts and exercises.
In Pull-ups - from STUD to SUPER STUD - within weeks! - I give you several exercises that will take you a long, long time to work up to; let alone start to get good at.
These exercises much like the "swami pull-up" - which is unlike any other you've seen out there, anywhere (much like most of my stuff, if not all) - might seem nigh undoable at the start - but they're not.
Proof is in the pudding, me doing them, so can YOU. Eventually.
In Battletank Shoulders, while the exercises themselves are a bit easier (though not "easy" per se), the workouts might seem almost undoable, or as Charles Mitchell a long time customer once famously said "I can't see how anyone doing these workouts isn't at least 70% Gorilla!".
He's right, and it sparked the next progression in the series - "Profound 70% GORILLA 30% Human handstands".
All this might seem tough.
But there's far more tough stuff out there - including, but not limited to muscle ups (people ask me all the time about these) - - advanced gymnastic movements (that make the muscle up look easy peasy) - one legged and one armed workouts - and more.
But for the most part, although I can do one legged pushups, squats, and pull-ups, for instane, do you see me tom tomming my ability to do them?
For instance, while writing this post, I just dropped down and did 8 one arm pushups on one hand, then the other - something I haven't done since last year, I believe.
Much like what I did yesterday, hehe - "Professor Rahul", as some saw on Instagram was forced to shave off that infamous stubble "bad man stubble" as some call it, hehe - because my electric razor gave up in the middle of shaving, and of course, we all know what happens when one side of your face is shaven, the other not even started on. LOL.
So, I had no choice but to shave fully - which was something I believe my face last saw a razor sometime around Chinese New year 2019. Hehe.
Maybe the hair will go too someday!
Anyway - point is this.
Neither do I do these extreme exercises all the time - my workhorses are what I tell YOU to do.
One arm pushups and squats may look great, the reality though is this - very few people can even do 'em - or do 'em in reps high enough for it to really make a difference, and you focus SO much on form in these that the workout part gets neglected.
Second, they're not exactly the most "natural of things" - for the most part, you use your WHOLE body to move, not just one arm or one limb, right?
That don't mean they're not tough, that they dont build strength, stamina and endurance.
In Squat 101, you will see the one legged squat.
But, it won't take up much of the book either. It'll BE there, but the other versions of the squat on two legs will take priority and precedence.
Point also is this, I might be able to do 'em but for you, you might be at a level where you can only barely even do a pushup, for instance.
Or getting through 50 squats might be a challenge.
If you're at that level, or even intermediate, the last thing you need is a coach or teacher primping and preening, showing off his "muscles or ability or both" to do extreme stuff ...
What you need even when you're an expert and advanced - is to keep focusing on the basics, my friend.
Those basics are what I stick by still, what YOU need to stick by as well the rest of your life. The advanced stuff is great, but most of it is good as a TEST - not a regular workout, but to see the results of your hard work.
You'll understand this the day you knock off your first one arm pushup after months of 150/day ...
And so forth.
Anyway, thats why (and yes, muscle-ups, advanced bridging, gymnastics, plyometrics, all very much still in the works).
Lots to do, my friend.
For now, for you - pick up a product right HERE. There's more than enough to choose from!
Rahul Mookerjee
Bodybuilder with "huge guns" tells me "you look like you do a lot of running!"
I was out and about today for some work (well, not necessarily of my own choosing, but work regardless).
And this entailed meeting a few people.
As I was walking from place A to place B with one person, he introduced me to the second - and then spoke to the second.
"You're getting a bit soft", he laughed, patting "#2" around the waist etc (Which he wasn't fat, perhaps somewhat out of shape, not a lot).
Guy rolled up his sleeves.
Huge arms, tattooed on the bicep.
Showing off "large shoulders" - except the kind of shoulders that look large from the front, but nothing "to back it up".
i.e all chest and arms, very little back, certainly no legs...
I made small talk.
"Ah, so you're into fitness", I noted. "Nice arms!"
And that broke the ice.
"You go to the gym" I noted - while "#1" broke in with "but he's soft inside!" (again, he might have been a bit soft, I Dont know, certainly not near as out of shape as some people I've seen, or a lot!).
"You look like you do a lot of running!" he promptly responded, looking at my legs and "in general".
I laughed, as I jogged up a flight of stairs.
"Never", I said.
But it's interesting, and more testament to the power of SQUATS my friend - daily squats.
Not only do they burn fat off your body and improve your overall health and well being at the rate of warp - not only do they give you solid core and back (and leg) strength - unbeatable stamina - and all the rest - - they also make you LOOK athletic.
Especially, and I believe this is one reason dude said what he did - if you combine with ISOMETRICS.
One of the stretches in the advanced book on isometrics - I'm working upon it daily, and every day I get looser, more limber, flexible - and my legs just "look" different.
Loose around the groin, the kind of legs that can do snap kicks without even thinking about it.
Not the "massive striated" thighs that can barely climb a flight of stairs without collapsing - let alone kick and such.
Lean, muscular, stamina - that is the picture these legs project.
That is the picture YOU should project.
"I do mostly bodyweight" I told him. "Pushups, pull-ups and the rest" ...
I didnt specifically mention squats, maybe I did.
But there it is, my friend. Squats - be it bodyweight or Hindu - or otherwise - are an INDISPENSBALE part of your DAILY fitness routine - the capitalized words have been capitalized for a good reason.
I dont care what else you do, how "fit" you are or not.
If you ain't squatting, and squatting a lot and regularly, you ain't really into fitness...
And that, friend is that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Learn all about squats, one whole video dedicated to just squats in the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
"Practice" vs "exercise" or working out.
I will still remember my Taekwondo teacher in ninth grade seeing me on the road, he was coming to class on his bike, and he flashed me a friendly smile.
My stretching wasn't up to the mark - especially the groin stretches which once literally made me BAWL in pain (tears included).
"We'll get him going", my instructor laughed!
It wasn't quite the "I" position you see Jean claude Van damme strapped into between trees in the iconic movie Bloodsport, but it was getting there!
Ive always been naturally inflexible, especially in the hamstrings and groin, though a lot of that was due to my early upbringing where "sitting" was encouraged, as opposed to running about "because who can keep cleaning up after the child".
Parents sometimes harm their kids way more in the early stages than they realize.
Anyway, I was doing great in 7th grade, 8th grade - and indeed, though I wasn't their best fighter, I was certainly their best pushup guy!
"Good", he'd say, as I made sure to touch my chest to the ground on EACH of the 10 reps he made us do on pushups (along with a lot of kicks, frog jumps, a lot of the things I mention in Animal Kingdom Workouts).
(I wasn't a bad fighter in terms of the kicks etc - but the FEAR of getting hit, I had never gotten over that mentally, and so ..)
(Thats huge, once you get knocked out, or hit - and come back - you realize it ain't nothing and the mind moves past it).
But anyway ........
So he asked me this.
"Rahul, practice pe kyun nahi ate!"
(Rahul, why don't you come to practice).
I told him, too much studies and all the other BS reasons I was pulled out.
He smiled.
I never saw him again after that, they stopped the classes in the park a few years later too I believe.
He was lean and mean though - and gave his little son HELL.
Really instilled DISCIPLINE in him from a young age, not saying the harsh physical beatings he handed out was right or wrong (to me he overdid it, even then) - but it sure made a man of him, but that can go both ways i.e. a kid can grow up scarred too.
But anyway ......
I often use the term practice for my workouts.
Sure, I'm working out. I'm exercising. I'm breathing, etc - but more than "burn fat and build muscle", I'm TRAINING - the body and mind - via PRACTICE - and repetition!
Sylvester Stallone once said the following.
"Im not the best or most talented or richest or most successful. I succeed because I keep GOING".
This morning, I woke up to the following on a Medium piece I wrote - a lady Barbora (my own daughter's name is Barbara, so it seemed like a message!) - highlighted this part on the piece.
"You keep going. You stop if you have to - take a few deep breaths, but you keep going!"
I said it for exercise.
She probably used that as inspiration for life, which I meant it to be as well.
Now ....
Does indeed make perfect!
"I fear not the man who does 10,000 kicks ONCE - but I fear the man who does ONE kick 10,000 times".
If the great Bruce Lee said it, if I keep saying it all the time, that the BORING is what gets the job done, that the fundamentals cannot and must not be ignored, then ... there must be something to it?
No-one, when learning martial arts wants to go through the drills of stretching, inhaling, exhaling, "opening the tight muscles" out - practising the BASIC side kick, for one, and HOLDING the position - mastering CONTROL first before kicking or hitting with POWER ...
No-one wants to get deep in the body, and spend the time required to master the tendons and other supportive musculature of the body, do they?
"It's boring" my daughter keeps saying when I "lecture" her on practice.
Kids these days, globally, are all the same, of course.
But exercise, life, fitness, whatever it is - it's the drip drip drip, the PERSISTENCE - the gumption to keep going when it might long seem like a lost cause and then some - is really what does it at the end of the day.
Take or it leave it, but its true, and thats the lesson for this one.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - And thats why it's called PRACTICE. Hours and hours of grueling practice under the SUN - or in freezing cold weather, or in rain ...
The same reason my books are called MANUALS by the doers.
The same reason, that ...
I remember a case when my Taekwondo fellow students were discussing "what if there is terrible weather".
"Well, if its that rainy, dont come", I said (we were training outdoors)
Another one of my fellow students turned around, looked at me, made the following comment (to the instructor).
"Sir, if someone shows up in ALL sorts of weather, THAT is when you know they're serious!"
I still remember him nodding in appreciation.
There's a reason behind it.
See if given what I said you can figure it out!
And remember, this is the vein in which I wrote 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections, I've probably got 160 in my mind, so get this NOW, you'll never be short of motivation after ths short read!
10 reasons YOU should start doing dips - NOW.
... If you aren't already doing this great exercise, that is!
Back in the day, when I built - and wrote - Battletank Shoulders - dips were a huge, huge mainstay of my fitness routine, my friend.
I remember Marc the African Silverback Gorilla, himself no weakling - whose arms were literally quivering like a maple leaf in the Toronto breeze on his first dip "in the up position - he couldn't go down - too stiff" - telling me as I was knocking sets of 20 out easy peasy "lemon squeezy".
"You should do 'em like th eRock, with extra weight attached!"
True, the Rock does them too.
and I could have titiled this email "build a chest like the Rock's!" - by doing dips. And hype it that way.
Truth is, the Rock and his build - well, you'll need solid genetics to get THAT big for one!
Second, probably anabolic steriods - third, you'll need to be a wrassler, fourth, they just grow 'em big there in Samoa!
Rather than trying to get bloat - you should focus on getting BIG AND STRONG - while LEANING OUT - and staying that way.
Which is what Battletank Shoulders and all my other great courses emphasize.
Shoulders like Boulders too!
In that course, I give you a secret exercise - oft ignored that PREPS you for doing the almighty handstand pushup (or the handstand, in case the pushup is a step too far) ... an exercise that preps yo ufor it QUICKER than the other exercises I've given you in the supplementary section.
Yet, people tend to ignore it.
Big mistake, my friend.
That exercise is DIPS.
And without further ado, here are the 10 reasons you should be including this magnificent exercise in your routine (and note, I'm writing this for YOU, the fitness enthusiast, not the boobybuilders). (though it might give them a good kick up the rumpus too).
One, virtually no other exercise for the upper body addresses weak triceps - that issue I wrote about yesterday - quicker than dips.
True, pushups do it - but end of the day, you're still supporting 75% of your bodyweight on your arms for the most part (unless you're doing handstand pushups or handstands).
Dips, by their very nature strengthen the triceps and the entire upper body far more - and far quicker.
Following from all of the above ...
Two, they're known as (and I call them) the upper body equivalent of the SQUAT not just for that reason - but because if pull-ups are the big dog for back - dips are no slouch in that area either.
Done right, with proper form as I teach you in Shoulders like Boulders - you'll feel a burn along the entire upper - and MIDDLE - back and between the shoulder blades in a way even pushups cannot give you - and you'll build THICK lats that will be the envy of all (human) barndoors if you do this exercise right and regularly.
Third, its far easier to progress up to high reps with dips - as opposed to pull-ups. You "big guys" will notiec that while there is no excuse for being fat - you bigger guys will be able to progress in dips a lot faster than in pull-ups - and build the strength required for them (pull-ups) as well.
Fourth, dips by their very nature are GREAT for the grip. Simply great - pushups are too, but not everyone is that into fingertip pushups - though you should be - and dips done on thick bars as I do - strengthen the grip - BEYOND BELIEF.
Fifth, it's easier to add weight on.
And big guys?
Just look at the picture of Big Doug on the Shoulders like Boulders! page doing dips - at 300 plus lbs - on dipping bars!
Talk about BALANCE, co-ordination, and pure utter STRENGTH - brute GORILLA strength!
Trust me, when you get to that level, you'll be writing a book on dips yourself - and telling ME about the benefits!
Sixth, following on from 5...
Dips are easier on the fingers and wrists. And CALLUSES too, for those of you with calluses from doing pull-ups that bust open all the time. Hehe.
But they're much easier on the wrist joints than fingertip pushups for one ...
Seventh, dips work the upper ab area and core in general heavily.
Eigth, because of the sheer amount of chest work and upper body in general involved - dips done in high reps cause your body to release tons of HGH - couple with pull-ups, and there's the muscle building formula any gym goer would be more than glad to "load up on!"
Ninth - dips lend themselves great to virtually any workout routine - both push and pull.
You can do pushups and dips all day, or pull-ups and dips - or squats and dips. They're one of those exercises that go no matter what!
And tenth, of course, chest strength, mass and size - few exercises build the chest as quick - and bulky - as dips do!
Well, my friend, I'm sure I could think of 10 more reasons to tell you, but these will suffice for now.
And no, the only reason I'm writing this email to you is not to tell you all the above, though there's nothing wrong if I were to do that either.
I'm telling you - asking you - this QUESTION.
What I teach you about dips in Shoulders like Boulders! barely scratches the tip of the very pointy iceberg in terms of dips
Barely, my friend.
There is a whole another world to them - and whether you're interested in working up to 50 reps per set on these - or doing handstands on dipping bars - DO YOU want an advanced course - or a course dedicated to dips alone?
Let me tell you , if brute upper body strength is your thang, then combine with Battletank Shoulders and Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness, and you will GET it in spades - and then some
It will be a great, great course much like the course (advanced) on bridging I'm halfway through right now - but I am only, I repeat, ONLY going to put it out if there is enough interest.
I'm getting sick of asking over and over again and not hearing back - so please, if there is interest, let me know.
No, It ain't gonna be "cheap".
But oh boy, will it be worth it, trust me on this one.
Alrighty, my friend - thats it for now.
Let me know!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Oh, for BRUTE animal like strength- don't forget Animal Kingdom Workouts either!
The Steve Austin quote thats my FAVORITE!
I can hear the glass smashing, I can see the Texas rattlesnake come out to kick McMahons' ASS!
And now is a good time as any to say his second most used quote.
First was ..
And thats the bottom line, because STONE COLD said SO!
And this here "redneck" from Texas says the following i.e. yours truly -
(he'll borrow a quote from Steve).
To a certain Gorilla Girl Sophia, that will sound like "Rahul's drunk".
He ain't.
But he is.
Ain't on liqor, is on LIFE!
While the world is the polar opposite, sheeplesville...
Oh well.
cant change those that dont want to. Those that do though?
Quote of the day, this one!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Get the course that will turn you into a raging beast and remove any and ALL TRACES OF ANY FEAR that hideth within - become a REAL MAN (or woman) and more with ANIMAL KINGDOM WORKOUTS!
The "awe inspiringly brutal" workout in Animal Kingdom Workouts
One of the workouts, I believe it's #7, but I'm not sure - I dont have the book open in front of me - in Animal Kingdom Workouts is a workout that sometimes stops even me in my tracks, and I'm the one that wrote it.
So tough is it, so BRUTAL that even I have to sometimes wonder if I should do something easier.
I dont, of course!
But here is what Tommy, a former wrassler (high school, I believe) in ... I think Turkey, it was? Currently in china wrote back on Animal Kingdom Workouts (he bought this last week).
"Rahul, this is not just normal exercise workout! This is AWE inspirengly BRUTAL exercise routune!"
Now, I modified what he said a bit, but thats the gist of it obviously. (I simply made it shorter, much like I refer to myself as the Stella Artois of Fitness - that isn't me that said that - I simply shortered the original remark to something easy to type and remember!).
(Especially after one too many Stellas, hehe, and I dont mean the heffas and Stellas Bozo Schofield so loves and adores (their backsides especially)).
Cow Schofield, we should call "her", the amount of grazing Miss Bozo Schofield does. Hehe.
But anyway, Miss Schofield aside . . .
Tommy said some other things also - in short, it was a book that floored him, and this is a former wrassler that said it.
Now, Tommy hasn't wrestled for years.
But there are customers, my friend - that have been into SERIOUS, SERIOUS, physical activity for YEARS - and that have said the same thing about not just Animal Kingdom Workouts, but ALL my books.
Indeed, my training isn't for pussies, as Charles Mitchell, ex cop said.
And it never ever will be.
I will never compromise on who I AM!
Not for sales, not for nuttin (though I do pretty well in the former regard I'd say).
Ex cops.
Former Elite Marines.
And of course, Ji Jitsu experts and the like . . . Former Samurais.
The list is legion.
Let me tell you, my friend,even if I dont do a shred or ounce of marketing, my books sell themselves. Most of my customers found me on Amazon for one (where I dont "market"). (or didnt before, at least).
If just for the results ...
And thats the tom tomming for this one - and if you haven't already - pick up Animal Kingdom Workouts now to see the "awe inspiringly brutal" workout that Tommy BE referring to, hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - But if you're a Bozo, or a Schofield type, stay away. These workouts are unfeasible for Miss Schofields. Utdderly butterly so!
More on my conversation with a great, great guy Charles Mitchell and why it applies to you (it DOES!).
Yours truly has made no secret of the fact he's BRUTAL.
In every regard.
Brutally frank.
Brutally honest.
He goes the whole hog.
He drinks teh whole barrel.
He sings songs about "extreme ways have helped me, have helped me every time" ...
On another site, he has written almost a HUNDRED - yes - books - about a topic completely unrelated to this one (Bozo Scofield loves the books though) ... and he's been equally, if not even more brutal, frank, to the point and from the heart on it.
Now, lots tell me that "I'm not for everyone".
And I agree.
I wrote about the list of people that love me and follow me until the ends of the Earth because I give them the REAL DEAL without pulling any punches is LEGION.
The list of haters is x 10.
Or more.
I put that on the front page of 0 Excuses Fitness too!
But anyway, workout wise, a common grip (and someone once said this about Gorilla Grip too) was that ... "these are too tough".
And I've always said, no, they AIN'T " too tough" either - and they are.
if you think they're too tough and can't do 'em, they'll always remain that way.
If you pull up your socks and determine you CAN, and WILL do them come hell, rain or high water - you will damn well do 'em, and get good at 'em!
And thats the entire key.
My stuff is for EVERYONE out there - yes, especially the FANATICS like me, but it helps EVERYONE.
From the average couch potato to Crossfitters and IRonmen to bonafide fitness MANIACS like the 0 Excuses Fitness SHIP members are - and even to Bozo Schofield if he gets off his fat rumpus and decides to make something of himself some day ... what I got to say fitness wise(and indeed on all my other biz endavors too) works for everyone.
If it worked for me, it'll work for you.
The DESIRE and FIRE is what is required, bro.
Most men that succeeded at high levels did because they were (amongst many other factors) persistent and so closely driven by circumstance that they had no choice but to, and I'm not talking money here. I spoke about that in the post before this on the other site.
I'm talking genetics ...
Anyway, enough chatter from me.
First, before you read the SECOND part of the email I sent Charles - read the FIRST part (and his initial email) HERE.
Lots of lessons there ...
And once you're done, here is what I had to say (again).
Here though is another KEY, my brother. One you mentioned yourself in your email beneath.
YES, most would give up just by looking at the workouts.
But and quoting from your email ""Few can master these workouts right out of the box, but it is certainly something to aspire to. If and when you are able to complete one of these workouts, you know you have achieved something special"
THAT is the key!
ASPIRING - and doing and not being lazy.
If yours truly can do these workouts with my genetics, issues of being overweight etc in the past, health issues that I had - and solved MYSELF through my workouts and THAT ALONE (not what some lard ass doc said about not swimming or drinking beer or popping pills) - then ANYONE can.
I dont know if you know Karl Gotch?
He was known as the God of Pro Wrestlin in Japan.
He had some rather uncomplimentary and (in my opinion) WRONG views about money, which is probably why he passed on poor, but training wise, he was a legend right up there with the best, bar none.
FANATIC in terms of conditioning.
And what he said was this "All I asked of any boy that wanted to learn wrassling was a WILLING HEART and the desire to DO".
(That isn't a verbatim quote, but it's out there on the Internet).
But the point of this - ANYONE can WORK UP to these workouts - and become superhumans - - which as you know is why I DO all this.
THAT is what it's all about, bro!
Anyway, more on this later in another email. Inbox Infestation to start again shorty too, hehe, but for now, just visit the blogs on both sites ...
Well, my friend, thats enough lessons for one post.
Inbox Infestation starts soon, hehe - and when it does, and you'll probably be so "flooded that you won't be able to keep up.
Just the way I like it!
And with the Bozo (Schofield is the top "dog" (I should say "biaaaaaa.....!") there, but there are others too) no doubt creaming his sissy panties to "flooding" and "boy" - LOL - I'm out. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
Sun drenched workouts . . .
What a pain Win-Blows is!
I had this post nicely typed out (email) and then the computer chooses just this time to crash. Hehe.
Lets try another time (I'm still on a hunt for that Toshiba I want!).
Anyway, sun drenched workouts - and spoiler alert - this ain't what you might be thinking.
No sun drenched beach, warm sand you can feel, sparkly water right next to yo uthat you want to DIVE into (even if you just saw the Meg, hehe) ... and certainly no girls lying on their tummies with their posteriors pried tightly SHUT so that leering Bozo Schofields can't even try and pry 'em open.
Now, admittedly the Bozo looks harmless from a distance, but he ain't.
Appearances can be deceptive, and believe me, not even the most desperate of old women would want the Bozo anywhere near her posterior.
Unless he flashed "wads" of cash but beign those are usually given to him by women, gullible ones in China he dupes, and being he's "stuck" in Mom's basement for now in the UK, that ain't happening either!
The lovely Bozo.
But he's great fun in some regards as you can tell!
Anyway, sun drenched.
I just got done with a sun drenched routime myself out there - a 100 pull-ups in the park and the sun literally "bathed" my back and "kneaded it from the inside out" as I worked out!
Great, warm feeling, and my calves are still BUZZING with that buzz you get from great workouts.
But it brings to mind some recollections - and this one - I have NOT posted in the workout memoires - workouts, if you're the nut job reading this - for "salacious memoirs" you'll be redirected to the right site, LOL - truly one of the best fitness memoirs EVER - and a book very dear to my heart (and trolled roundly, since it's just so damn inspirational, just like Pushup Central) - 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections.
Golly, those memories!
Anyway, back in the day I'd often workout at 1PM or so - outdoors.
Remember this is Southern China, my friend. The sun would be BLAZING and BASHING down on me as I trained. It's so hot in that part ofthe country that it would rain one minute - tropical style downpour - you'd be SOAKED to the bone.
Next minute, sun would show up, and you'd dry out, and be soaked again within a minute - with sweat.
I completed many a tough hill climb in those conditions, tons of 'em!
Not for nothing they call me Mr. Ironman, hehe.
But the time I'm talking about, I climbed the hill at the end of my routine.
First, I would do Hindu squats out there, out by the lovely lake int he park as the cool breeze blew across my face.
I loved that lake - still do!
Then I'd do 150 pushups - once done, I'd dust off, and do MORE - with feet plonked on a bench. A style I believe I popularized in Pushup Central ...
Then, it was on to the park itself - unshaded area, and I'd bang out pull-ups and more pushups. It was so hot that the thick bars felt like molten steel, and my hands used to literally feel like they were BURNING!
You gotta experience it to FEEL it, hehe.
And I'd do those 100 handstand pushup/pull workouts out there in that heat.
The park used to be deserted at that time. Save a few "aunties" fanning themselves under the trees wondering what the Da Xing Xing was up to, there was no-one crazy enough to be out there at the time.
Just me, myself, and the SUN! BLAZING DOWN!
And I'd finish them workouts, then climb the hill, then finish off with a Bourne sprint or two.
Some of the best toughest workouts of my life - and some of the best times I HAD and continue to!
And .. good news is this.
YOU don't have to be NEAR as extreme to get in great shape.
I'm not asking you to do any of this necessarily. In fact, when you start out, I would NOT recommened this type fo thing!
But YOU, my friend - and this is a promise Rahul Mookerjee makes - -you, my brother, can get into the best shape of your life in less than 15 minutes in the comfort, privacy and AIR CONDITIONED ENVIRONS (if you so choose) of your Home .
You do NOT need extreme.
You can work up to it.
But no, you do NOT need it!
And you might just SWEAT in the air conditioned environs too - you'll see me doing that in the Rolls Royce of Fitness workout video!
But thats all you need bro.
And thats a promise Rahul is making to you - and whe he makes ones - he does it - and DELIVERS - and you can take his word to the BANK, my friend - and my great customers around the GLOBE know it!
(so do the Bozos, hehe).
I'm out. Man, that felt good!
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The hill I trained on is HERE - Advanced hill Training. Be sure and grab it now - truly the JAGUAR of fitness, and goes great with the Royce here . . .