Thursday, 22 June 2023 05:22

Fake - or "forced" visualizations.

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Lots of people whine about their visualizations "not working" and such. Then, they get on Twitter which for some reason seems to be awash with even more "Desperate" bullshit than ever before - with a few "keeping a real's" shining brightly -yours truly being one of them, and I make sure to give all such posts a genuine like or such (not that it matters either way, of course). 

Ever see those endless gif's, images, emojis etc saying "affirm 11111! Something WONDERFUL is about to happen today!" 

Why the heck do you need to affirm that number? 

True, it's a magic number - I even did a video on it here - but the magic happens in your mind FIRST, my friend. 

It often happens without a single number beside it. 

Then those images saying "You will be RICH TODAY!" (often accompanied by a picture of a humvee, SUV and such). 

When I see this fake BS that people buy into DAILY, scrolling endlessly on social media, equate it to visualization - I almost puke. 

It all feels, and IS so fake! 

Those images mean "F all" - the only vibe that comes off them is folks that haven't made it pretending to have made it, and "conning" others into believing it which most do. 

Zero to Hero has received rave reviews all over the world, my friend - yet, you wont find a single social  media post or other email from me along the lines of the above. 


Then there are those who say they visualize - but can't really "feel it". 

My friend, if you can't feel what you're visualizaing with DEEP passion and emotion, you might as well not do it. 

And there's a good reason behind your mind telling your subconscious that "this seems fake". 

For someone thats never made a dime on their own in their lives, to visualize making a billion dollars right off the bat wont work. 

If you add a "maybe" in there and let it go - that conditions your mind a lot better for the eventual "reality". 

Most are so obsessed with money that all visualization centers around "money falling into my lap". 

There has to be the obligatory dollar signs everywhere!

Dont get me wrong. 

I use the tricks too, I've been doing it subconsciously since I was born. 

But they aren't a be all and end all for me. 

Take it all away from me - my mind will still do what I want, and create the reality I want. 

When I visualize, I think about things I've done before that make me happy - I think about what I want in the future - that makes me SHIVER AND QUIVER with RED HOT EMOTION! 

Then, I bridge between those two worlds. 

Those that claim visualization doesn't work (because of what the so called social media gurus told them to and tell them "how to do it") - well, your current results in your life are in part, large part, an end result of visualization whether you know it or not. 

And if you have to force yourself to visualize, or it feels forced, it aint a goal you deeply want deep down inside. It's not something that ignites a spark of RED HOT PASSION IN YOU - and its not going to work that way, simple, if you want magic to happen - you have to truly BE AND WANT the end result FIRST, my friend, in your own MIND! 

Only those that have truly, truly DEEPLY wanted something will "get this". 

Yes, visualization plays a vital part in everything you do in your life my friend whether you know it or not. 

When you make the decision to "on the fly" - drop down and do a 100 pushups like I didd yesterday, no warmups etc - chances are you thought about it first for a fleeting instant - I did. 

THAT is how you do it. 

You visualize - then you LET GO. 

And you let the magic happen. 

And that, my friend is that. 

It forms a huge part of getting better at tough exercises too - such as the pull-up. 

Look, I've literally visualized people coming to my front door - the type of person - my reaction - times deliveries will occur - and so forth - and it's happened, like clockwork. 

The key is to remember this. 

Money isn't the end result you "want". 

You want the end result that you GET from money. 

This, my friend is a huge secret most miss. 

Without FEELING ... nothing happens in this world, good or bad, or lukewarm for that matter... 

Getting back to it - if you think of something and it feels forced, fake etc - well, then it likely is in terms of where you're at now. Chances are also excellent and second to none you dont believe you can have it - and if you dont believe, well, you're either not thinking of something you truly WANT - or ... you're taking leaps before you can walk. 

More on this in future emails, but for now, I'll close off with the eternal Claude Bristol quote I always hold dear, and keep close to me. 

Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmation leads to BELIEF. Once that belief becomes a deep seated conviction - things begin to HAPPEN. 

And that, friend is that. 

Back soon. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - IF you wish to apply for life coaching, do so here

Last modified on Thursday, 22 June 2023 05:43
