Wednesday, 12 April 2023 09:05

Women, logic and MORE ...

Or the lack therof, I should say. 

picture this - 

My mother's operation went well and she was making good progress but unknown to me she has not been taking the antibiotics (she doesn't like taking them???) that were prescribed for her by her consultant.

This only came to light when she had to go to have the wound drained of fluid, it appears her noncompliance has now resulted in an infected wound and there is now a real possibility that if this doesn't resolve itself with the now stronger antibiotics she's been told she must take it could mean another stay in hospital and having the antibiotics through I. V. at 88 years of age you would have thought she would know better, obviously not.

Now, remember this isn't your run of the mill operations, it's a SERIOUS operation- I'm not going to name who wrote back about this (its his Mom) or the specifics of the operation, but it ain't piddly I'll give you that. And my Mom had the same thing happen to her too. 

My mom probably did take her antibiotics as far as I know, unreasonable and completely illogical though she can be on other fronts, but this - man. 

As I wrote back to my friend saying "women and logic dont go well together". 


Need more examples - one that Bozo Glyn would love at that? 

Well, this lovely "maid" that the wife hired that she couldn't praise highly to the heavens when she first hired her (and I wasn't praising her at that point) - is now on the verge of being fired. 

Not necessarily because she has competition from Glyn, hehe. 

But two main reasons. 

One, the more upfront one being this - as soon as my wife hired another maid to do the dishes (dont get me started, this doggone maid fetish everyone in her neck of the woods and apparently some nuts in the UK too have) - this maid got wind of it (because the cudgel fell on ME to find a maid, and I ain't running around talking to maids for sure, so I asked this lady to find another one of her ilk - of course Madam couldn't or didnt - didnt being more likely) - and so I asked another guy to find one, long story short, as with all the other maids she's hired, she didnt get along with her (and she was a crappy worker) and she fired her, and then hired another one of her old favorites. 

I asked her why she didnt hire the old favorite off the bat instead of asking me to find one, of course I did not get any answer other than "I did not have her number" which might or might not be true, but hey, why not just try and find her like she did later? 

Boggles the mind, anyway the other maid - she got wind of it, and of course, women getting catty when another woman steps in their domain is nothing new, as the wife herself says "women are each other's worst enemies" and apparently she got pissed she was being paid less for more percieved work or the other way around and - well - long story short, the wife "done" got the red ass, and now it is what it is ... 

...except, that aint the real reason. 

The real reason is what she snarkily refers to this lady as "your girlfriend" when she talks to me. 

Admittedly I've been ogling her substantial assets of as late, and she's quite the flirtatious sort ... 

Beyond that though, nothing, but women can feel these things. 


And that, more than anything pissed her off... 

It's this sort of knowledge, my friend, the knowledge of the female pysche - as well as a lot of trolls etc which enables me to talk about the mind, put out WORLD BEATING courses like "How to not only COMBAT and WIN AGAINST – but PROFIT (big time) from the Nazi Feminist DISEASE plaguing modern day society. ("  - or "Profit Troll (". 

(edit - for the idiots who will no doubt get back screaming "woman bashing" - no I aint' either. I'm being the practical and rational male I always am, and its a WOMAN whose narrated the course above and many of my other courses on audible, and done a damn fine SKIPPY PERFECT job at that - thank you Ma'am!) 

I suppose I could have called them Feminazis as everyone seems to, and benefit more (more views etc) but does that really matter? 

I called them the technically correct term. 

And thats how it will - shall - remain, and its a great time with the 50% off we have going on (only for those on the list tho) to get these two world class and one of a kind courses NOW, and start benefiting from 'em like never before. 

I was going to write to my friend about this, but figured I'd write to all of you about it, so I have now!

And I'll be back shortly. Got through a few pushups and club swings before Bodacious Bhagwati - or "Bhago Darling" (run darling, lol, literal translation) as I call her showed up. 

back soon! I was going to do a 100 pushups, but the assets slowed me down, hehe, as did her lovely legs, 25 fingertip pushups, 100 clubs swings and a few pull-ups in, its back to MORE, I'd tell my friend that too, so I'm telling you too! ;) 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Boys will be boys! Gotta admit, this dame -- she's GOT IT! :) 

PS #2  And of course, the wife won't admit it, saying I'm an idiot for thinking that way and that "it isn't about that, its about the work". 

But the subconscious mind finds way to manifest what you truly desire, my friend, and this is yet another example! Hehe.