Saturday, 08 January 2022 07:09

Why keeping it real is what its all about!

A lot of "gurus" - fitness included are guilty of not doing just that in my opinion. 

A lot of so called "life gurus" or motivational so called experts as well ... 

Let me ask you, the majority of these motivational speakers out there for one - how often do they focus on the NEGATIVE  part of things, which to be honest makes up the majority of anyone's journey to achieving anything noteworthy? 

How often do you hear "think and you'll attract" (dont get me wrong, it's true, but...) - while these people paper over the bad, often long periods of bad - in their own lives? 

Maybe that is their version of marketing i.e. "saying what people want to hear". 


To me, I'm one of the best marketers out there - in my not so humble opinion, hehe - but me aside, to me, it's about keeping it real. THAT markets better for you than any number of snazzy campaigns, ads, airy fairy tales etc could... 

To me, it's about doing what David Goggins , pull-up stud - once said. 

"It's about putting your entire life, no matter how fucked up it is, on a BILLBoard out there on the busiest highway out there!" 

He's right. 

Fitness wise, I see so many gurus - so called gurus - putting out pictures of themselves that were taken when they were doing the exact opposite of what they advocate, for one. 

For instance, training with weights when they advocate bodyweight .. 

Or, following super strict diets - but claiming later "diets aren't the most important thing" ... 

I dont know, to me? 

When I wrote Fast and Furious Ffitness in 2012, I showed myself off in the shape I was back then - certainly not the lean and mean me you see in 0 Excuses Fitness, and thats why there is a difference albeit slight in the two books, as I told you what I did then. 

I still did pull-ups, handstands etc ...  but the two books are different, crack them both open, you'll see what I mean. 

When I wrote Eat More - Weigh Less, I had the shittiest diet ever, drank tons of beer - and still lost weight like a on steroids - natural as ever - and I've included proof on the sales page. 

When I wrote Pull-ups - from STUD to SUPER STUD - within WEEKS! - you see me doing each of the exercisesI advocate. 

In my videos, my writings, everything, I've always belived the real you will shine out no matter how much you try to hide it  - or not. 

I never do. Hehe. 

Because to me, keeping it real is what its about. 

You're not always going to have the best days - or best workouts. 

You're not always going to pop off 500 squats at one go, even if you have done 1000 of them at one go in the past. 

You're not always going to be "feeling like doing it". 

Key is lighting a fire under your arse though,and showing up daily, and doing the very best you can. 

Applies to life, fitness, emails, anything you do. 

Do so for a year starting today, and I'll guarantee you - that looking back, in hindsight, once the year's over - you'll see yourself getting to results you previously thought completely "ungettable". 

In the trenches advice that almost no-one gives, but I'm giving it to you straight. 

Just as I do in Zero to Hero and Gumption Galore! - two motivational reads with no fluff you'll want to grab NOW. 

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee