Tuesday, 02 June 2020 15:39

On being trolled, and more

On another site (well, the 0 Excuses Fitness site) I wrote about being roundly trolled a few years ago – as well as of late when I posted about my fitness stuff, articles etc.

One fine gentleman on Facebook went so far as to say “You’re a narcissistic little thing!”

And while the comment was more of a hissy than anything else (another one of those that made me spit out my puh er cha as I was drinking as I pictured the tub of lard behind the computer screen writing the comments) – did I get “annoyed”?

Or disturbed? Or worried about my “reputation being slandered” (as a friendly recently wrote about)?

Not at all, my friend.

If you want to troll me, well, I ain’t a hard man to find.

And it’s been going on for YEARS to be honest, hehe. I just haven’t paid much attention it until a few years ago (and the only reason I DID pay attention then was because that happened with a guy who myself and Charles (my friend) tried to HELP – the latter on numerous occasions).

A guy who stole money numerous times from Charles (who though I disagree with on everything is a hard working man in his own right and not one of the freebie seekers I write about so often).

A guy that contacted Alan, a good man and business contact of mine and attempted to troll him with comments about my ethnicity etc . . .

A guy that showed up half drunk in Charles’s house, stole money, hit on his girlfriend (other wierd stuff you do NOT want to know about), apparently made a royal pest of himself throughout his stay (don't ask hehe) and was found apparently lying outside in his underwear or something from the picture I was sent. LOL again.

A guy that was reportedly deported from China (and knowing what I do and the proof I have, it wouldn’t be surprising if it was due to drugs, and if so, he’s damned lucky they didn’t do away with him period – with their zero drug tolerance policy and what not, and I daresay in his case it wouldn’t be an entirely bad thing, hehe).

Anyway, such is the nature of online trolls my friend, and while the lady that wrote to me was apparently very upset about being trolled (as is happening to her now, and I suspect the first time), I wrote back and advised her NOT to worry about it.

There will always be people who don’t like you, my friend.

And anytime you’re trying to break out of the herd, or have DONE so – remember the bucket of crabs analogy (and I am referring to myself here, not the lady that contacted me), you’ll be routinely trolled, castigated, have abusive comments hurled at you, and worse.

Napoleon Hill once wrote about persistence being necessary for any sort of success.

As he said, persistence is to the character of man what carbon is to steel – and to this I’d add being thick skinned. Hehe. It simply IS a pre-requisite for any sort of success, and funnily enough, as I keep getting trolled, the number of BUSINESS opportunities available to me keeps increasing.

In this economic climate, supposedly “down” and the worst in recent history, I’m getting offers for . . . no less than INVESTMENT in my products.

Yes, that’s right my friend.

And more. The sales just keep shooting through the roof, and as I wrote about before – embrace the trolls, my friend. They truly are there for a reason, hehe.

As for HOW to respond to trolls – or even IF – well, that’s a topic for another email and one MANY are interested in. Watch this space – I’l be coming out shortly with an email on that too, hehe.

In the meantime, don’t forget that the best way to banish negativity out of your life, period is by ignoring the trolls – and getting in great, great workouts on a regular basis. Pick up your copy of the 0 Excuses Fitness System right now, and get started today!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Take a gander too, for those of you that seem to be “unable to land the girl you want”, hehe at this course right here - - Advanced Hill Training