Saturday, 21 November 2020 18:19

The ONE reason that COULD be sabotaging YOUR success without you even knowing it.

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Or realizing it, I should say.

But let me back up a bit.

Yours truly has always been headstrong to an extreme and especially if it is something I want.

No matter how trivial. I'll move mountains to get it, and I'm like a horse with blinders on when it comes to these things.

Always been that way, but it's really been this year, as both my businesses take off by leaps and bounds that I've realized the truism of the above saying.

Mike Mahler, I believe it was, him of kettlebell fame that once said on his site that “anything that came between him and his goal (back when he was setting up his biz) was OBLITERATED”.

Big time.

And in my case, it's been Napoleon Hill's advice of “you truly are the sum of the people you hang out with the most” (or are other wise influenced by through any medium) that I truly took to heart in a BIG way this year (and again, it's not that I did not do thi sbefore – it's just been magnified this year).

And I've made no secret of that, of course.

Now, at this point I gotta say something.

NONE, or at least not most of the people I've “removed” from my life are either “bad” people or unsuccesful, or not motivated to do their own thang, or whatever.

Quite the contrary.

Most are great people.

And a lot of them are wildly succesful at what they do in their own lives whether they realize it or not (and those that dont, well, I've gotten tired of trying to get them to realize it, but thats why, of course I ... ah, but we're getting there!).

But when you're having conversations with people and increasingly feel a disconnect, or a feeling of being used as a sounding box for one, it's time to re-evaluate the relationship.

He knows what he's on about”, is the silent cry that goes on in most of these people's minds, so when they want the real scoop or to rant about somethign they're too scared to do publicly guess who they come to.

Thats fine to an extent.

But when it comes to the reverse case, and yours truly needing to rant, nothing doing (or it has to be done their way or the highway).

Not to mention that the vast majority of people out there subconsciously sabotage not just their own success due to what they've been programmed with, but actively get on the “Crabs in the bucket” train when they see someone really going to town in every regard

And in the past, I'd give these people a slight chance.

These days?

Not a chance.

I could care less.

And it's only by REMOVING all negative influences, deliberate or not, conscsious or not that you can truly succeed at the highest levels.

Napoleon Hill said it best in Think and Grow Rich in that you can have ANYTHING your heart desires provided the desire is strong enough and the FOCUS is all encompassing, allowing nothing to come betwen you and the goal! 

And it's true, my friend.

Most won't believe it, but then again, most won't succeed at the highest levels. You that WANTS To, well ... tough decisions need to be made!

And back to fitness.

When I got in the best shape of my life, I got laughs when I made the mistake of announcing my goal to a couple of people (I thought they were my friends, hehe).

(Par for the course, by the way ... and I've written about this before. Human beings tend to unconsciously point out the 100 reasons it can't be done, and neglect the one reason that it can!).

If I had told them at that point I'd be climbing hills multiple times a day, or doing 100 pushups perw workout, they'd have a coronary most likely.

(NB – I actually did 500 pushups a day for a while back in the day, but thats a different story, hehe).

Same thing with pull-ups and the advanced variations I've put out.

I didn't ask if i could do it. I just did it.

And when it gets to the point that you can't have a simple, casual conversation about bodyweight exercises without it being dissed, criticized and mention of gym shym being made (all to an innocous comment about “I did pushups and I feel great!”, for instance) then it's time to reevaluate.

In my case, what was ending up happening was I was subconcsiously getting irritated by these people, and allowing that irritation to sometimes take my mind over.

Bad mistake.

As soon as I PERMANENTLY removed these people from my life – guess what.

The flow not only came back, but increased greatly. Big time!

Do I mean we all have to agree on everything?

Hell no.

But there is a difference between being neutral and negative.

For instance, people often talk to me about their gym routines, and contrary to what you might think, I dont try and push my advice down their throats.

Never have, never will. How they train is their business - - unless they ASK, of course (and sadly enough many of these bozos ask, and don't listen).

But really. Unless asked, I'll actually even give them tips on how to improve in the gym, despite my dislike of modern day gyms.

THAT, my friend, to me is truly staying NEUTRAL.

If you get my drift.

And back to the central focus of this email.

If you're truly, truly looking to succeed at the highest levels at whatever it is you do, you must be ruthless in removing anything that even seems to appear between you and your goal!

It's only then that your faith is truly telegraphed to the Universe, and powers that be – and once that happens – watch out!

OK, my friend. I've got that off my chest haven't I. Hehe.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the very best damned fitness system on the PLANET right HERE – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.