Tuesday, 12 January 2021 07:51

On going “mano a mano” and more!

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George Bush II and his Presidency aren’t anything I’d writ ehome about.

Bush isn’t on the list of people (a very short list though!) I admire, and wish to emulate (or should I say those people that have traits I’d wish to emulate myself).

But I’ll always remember the “mano a mano incident” when young Bush (at the age of 40, hehe, if I’ve got it right, but perhaps I’m wrong!) showed up drunk one night to the home ranch, and when his dad asked him about why he ran over the neighbor’s trash, the challenge was issued.

“You wanna go MANO-a-MANO right here?”

Now, I dont mean to say that physical violence solves all. FAR FROM IT!

But, what Bush said and did was REAL.

You know, the way in which it was done, and the way “it came out!”

Bush was nothing if not a colorful character (a term my mother loves to use).

Albeit in a mournful manner, as if it was something “bad” ...

Sports cars, heavy drinking, drug usage, lots of women ...

Hmm ....

Sans the drugs and sports car (some of the ones I’ve driven have been anything but sporty) yours truly comes to mind. Though I’d probably outdo Mr Mano a Mano in the girl count, but who knows!

I never counted, hehe.

But anyway, growing up, there was this Indian actor my mother often took a “liking to” in a strange sort of manner, apparently because his “mustache was manly”.

I was at the age where macho men should appeal to me the most, but for some reason this dude?

He seemed cool, but that was about it. The mustache certainly didnt seem “manly” or what not to me.

No accounting for taste eh.

And a comment, which according to my father, she will “never live down”.


But anyway, point of this?

Is that colorful characters in my family have always been people that are “secretly” watched.


“Whats he up to!”

“How much money does he have!” (this ONE question burns in my Mom’s mind so much so that it creates all the other friction, hehe). Only she can’t ask outright. Gone are the days when yours truly “not truly in the know” would tell her what they paid me at the job-shob ... so far gone I dont even care to remember!

(A certain girl Sophia went so far as to ask me this the FIRST time we met. But at least she made it interesting. Nothing if not interesting and colorful are most Chinese gals I've met, hehe, so FAR away from "plain and staid" that I cannot even begin to tell you, but back to it..) 

Control is what it’s all about.

And yours truly “bad boy” and “Colorful” has NEVER been one to be controlled.

At least for the long term.

That bird ultimately and usually gets back to doing what it does best.


And as I had a dream of me last night (curiously enough) doing just that, fly, I’ll write about it now!

But anyway, those bad boys are also the same people women secretly LOVE – and men “aspire” to follow many of their traits as well.

Let’s face it. We all do!

But you wouldn’t want him dating ... or marrying your daughter, or sister. Would you?

(So said a nutty feminist once. "Rahul, you'd make a great party guy, but I wouldn't introduce you to my friend that wants to get married!"

Hey. We were discussing GOOSE and GANDER. Not marriage. Not relationships! 

My response? 

Hun I never ASKED to be introduced. 

Not like I got a shortage of girls around me anyway. 

Perhaps thats why she said it anyway. )


I dont know.

I wouldn’t care so long as he had a good heart.

But thats me!

Anyway, colorful lives and bad boys aside, thats what I love so much about my fitness system bro.

They make you feel not just like a BADASS.

But FREE Too.

Free like the bird you were MEANT TO BE.

Free from all the BS.

Free from unwanted WEIGHT!

Free from ... health issues, and poor energy levels and so forth.

From “Dud at pull-ups” to verifiable STUD, and then SUPER STUD and beyond.

(Papa the Pull-up Champ!)

ditto for handstand pushups ...

(Mr Handstand pushup).

Or, simply getting in the best shape of your life.

(Advanced Hill Training, 0 Excuses Fitness, and HILL climbs. - - “You look like a movie star!”)

And so forth.

I dont know about “Jim Shim”, but can he – or they give you a single benefit that compares?

If there is, I haven’t seen it as yet.

And no, I won’t go (or ask to go) mano a mano with you if you tell me, hehe. Trust me. I’m not that wild anymore – well, not most of the time!

I am deep down inside though.

As an aside, and on a funny note, even when I do NOT say that, and merely say things to defend myself when people try (emphasis on “try”) to attack me, then said people feel threatened.

Absolutely hilarious if you think about it.

Anyway, I’m back to lollygagging around and doing not much of anything since my computer finally quit throwing several hissies. Gazdooks!

And you, my friend, in the meantime, be sure to pick up some products right HERE.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee