As of late, I’ve been asked many times to switch my buying and other business allegiancesfrom the mighty Amazon to many others.
“Why not support some others”, people ask me. Some do, at least. Most don’t.
Well, I don’t know my friend.
But reliability is one main reason.
Recently I’ve bought some items online from (not just from Amazon) various sources, and the retailers are all “small businesses looking to make a mark”
Hey, why not I thought when I made the purchases.
Lets circulate the money, the more small businesses get actual biz, the more the overall global economy improves.
At least, that was my thinking.
But I was WRONG and sadly mistaken in my thinking that these guys would deliver QUALITY products.
I ordered a tenthouse sort of thing for outdoor activities.
Broke the first day. Return!
I ordered a pair of track pants. Too tight, and the wrong color (I mean, really, I don’t get it – how can staff send the wrong color AND wrong size? Seems to me they didn’t have what they promised,and just sent out “something” in the hopes the customer would (in an equally resigned mode) “accept what they got”).
No I wont.
Return time!
And third time, and this was when I ordered track pants again, they actually fit well.
They were loose around the waist – and snug around the thighs -exactly the “straight” cut I wanted.
Wore it once, and then discovered tiny holes in the groin area.
End of experiment with “small companies”, at least for now!
That brings me to my main point – reliability!
I stick with Amazon because of their customer service, first and foremost.
Plague, no plague, rain, hail, sleet, sun, shine, or snow, even the company’s most ardent detractors know how Jeff built his biz – by always putting the customer first.
Within reasonable limits obviously, but they go above and beyond what is required in my opinion. Big time. If any company today has mastered the principle of “give first, and get MORE in return”, it is them!
If Amazon says something you can take it to the bank my friend. They’re that reliable anywhere in the world (barring small glitches).
At least, that has been my experience overall with them, and therefore …
And thats why 0 Excuses Fitness is still here, amidst all the chaos and rubble, and growing as ever.
Because of one thing first and foremost – reliability.
And saying it like it is, and backing up that talk with ACTION and RESULTS.
End of the day, as Trump said, you’re measured ultimately by results.
And my stuff delivers – there is no doubt about that (you know it does when even the Bozos admit it, hehe).
Not to mention the stuff I promote – bodyweight exercises – time tested, true, and reliable.
Bodyweight workouts are there WITH you, FOR you, always. Lockdowns, no lockdowns, Chinese plagues or not, gyms or not, the old staple is always there, and once the hoo haa has cleared, guess what.
Old – is indeed GOLD.
And reliability my friend is key, and cannot be over-estimated or “valued enough” for that matter.
It truly is one of those qualities sorely lacking in most people today, not to mention most businesses.
Anyway, enough on that. My current web hosts fit that “Reliable” bill too!
Anyway, I’ll be back soon.
To pick up the most reliable and results producing fitness system out there, go here.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – No discussion of reliable bodyweight workouts would be complete without that old and essential “must have” staple – Pushups! Get you some NOW, bro.