I almost put the term "Ma'am" in there. Hehe.
But she's damn good at what she does!
And she, my friends, has finally got me to do something which I would probably never have done despite signing up for - a VIDEO platform (she works there) which basically is a video marketing tool etc that you sign up for, people send you videos, and so forth.
I'm still not sure how they make a buck off it, probably signups and all that.
But she's been egging me on to send the "request video" link to "my list".
I wanted to do it which is why I signed up for their service in the first place, but ...
... ya'll know how much I do NOT like videos. Hehe.
I dont know, I'm old fashioned that way, I hate video calls more than most other things - and so forth.
Same thing for vidoes, athough I made a half hearted attempt to get on Youtube last year, I stopped doing it, I just didnt enjoy it much.
Nothing against if you like it, but some of us (like Ben Settle, who recently stopped doing videos too - just AUDIO podcasts now) prefer to "remain cloaked in darkness": - and let our work and writing do the talking.
It seems to do so pretty well too.
But anyway - women can be really smart at times!
Yes, considering what I've written in the past and NO, I do NOT take any of that back - all warranted - that might come across as strange, but y'all know me, I'm fair above all.
And man, woman, or in between, if they get it, they get it. Period. (no pun).
She does.
She's been "badgering" me - except so nicely it seems like a friend talking to you (kinda like my emails pestering you to buy, buy, buy - except I do it so obviously and nicely that you can't resist and you dont get pissed off by it, heh).
And she's been relentless. Like me.
And she doesnt let up. Like me.
And she knows, like I do, that staying in touch is key - and the more you ask, the more you'll get.
Which is true!
Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmations leads to BELIEF, once that belief becomes a deep seated conviction, things begin to HAPPEN!
And it finally did, Celena "Ma'am" - if I might say so.
Hey, she's god - good, lol - at what she does!
I dont know if it's natural, but I bet it is. (again, sorta like me).
Which is why I like the lady, which is why I'm sharing this video link to YOU Guys - here it is - https://sendspark.com/request/Rolls-Royce-Publications-Incorporated/d4rwjmq7mlnz7b1ckdlx92xxplt931b0
Use it.
Upload some of your training videos, send 'em to me via that link, and I'll put you on the DOERS page which isnt up as yet, but will be shortly once we get a substantial amount of "contributions" to put on there.
I'm still not sure which site to put it on - Rolls Royce Publications got a new site yesterday, my other hosting account where another site is due wont let me login (ugh), and then we have this site, and of course 0 Excuses Fitness.
I suspect I'll fit it in the latter. We'll see!
But send 'em- hey - if nothing else, to see what else Celena can relentlessly ask me.
But really, she does it in such a nice manner - it isn't even nagging. But she does it anyway - she keeps asking!
And, as I told her today ... hehe.
Hi Celena,
Thanks for your email (again!). I’m so glad you got a “positive vibe” coming off my words, that is always my intention when writing to someone, business or not (or “communicating with anyone”, I should say).
Unfortunately I have been remiss in that I still have not found a good way to “broach” the video issue to a lot of my list -they’re always “on” social media etc, but more the silent majority that just “silently reads” etc, so it’ll take some doing to get them to send me videos. Hehe.
I’ll get it done eventually tho. That “silent majority” is ultimately what converts the bank tho, as I’m sure you know!
Thanks again for your emails on this one and for “keeping this at the front of my mind” (in a nice way, haha) – much appreciated!
Most ladies are pretty good at "reminding" - I am being polite. Hehe.
but, she's good at doing it smartly.
Hats off Ma'am - lets see who sends us what!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Everyone featured on the DOERS page gets a $50 discount coupon - flat discount. So hurry, get your videos in, this page is LONG overdue.
PS #2 - That link I sent above can be used to send me video TESTIOMONIALS as well - now THAT I'm sure most of you dont mind doing! So lets get to it.