Monday, 22 June 2020 16:52

Pop ‘em and they go away!

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When my daughter was about 3 (I believe, or maybe 4), there was a guy in her class that was repeatedly “harassing” her and a lot of other students (as much as a slightly older 4 year old can harass)

One fine day, I went to pick up my daughter from school.

The two were talking, apparently happily so.

OK . . .

Suddenly, out of the blue, the guy whacked my daughter. Hard.

She looked at me and started crying.

His father was there, and he stared at me, and did nothing. Didn’t even reprimand his child.

I just had to speak up.

“Honey, slap him back”

“What” my daughter wailed.

“Hit him back. Now!”  I said sternly. “Papa is right here with you!”

She stepped forward, hit the much bigger guy, and HE started wailing, and his dad took him away.

And that was the end of that. I’ve never heard any complaints from here about him again!

I was bullied a lot in school myself, so when I see something like this happening, especially to my daughter, my hackles rise. And rightly so. Bullies should not and cannot be tolerated!

This sort of bullying when the person grows up leads to  OTHER and more serious crimes as an adult.

If you were to look at the histories of most psychopathic killers, you’ll see one thing.

They were either bullies in school, or (in some cases) they GOT bullied repeatedly. Not good either way!

In terms of yours truly and the bullying suffered by me in school, unfortunately I didn’t receive much support at home. If anything, my mother often put me down (when I was trying to get stronger) with statements like “He thinks he’s too strong!” and while that wasn’t her conscious intention to do so (in her mind she was just making a remark which didn’t affect me), the result was the same.

Zero confidence in many regards growing up, not to mention my family has never been the physical sort. Always the “solve it via non-violence” sort, and that’s not a good thing always. IN fact, I can remember a coupla instances where I really got it at home for striking . . . BACK at someone who was badgering up and down and taking him to the cleaners.

I still remember that gorilla grip around his neck, hehe, that caused his Dad to show up at school and complain.

Of course, when I got my eye busted in school did anyone show up to complain?

No way, Jose.

Anyway, enough of that.

In Rocky V, the upstart boxer gorging on Adrian’s sphagetti the first night in Rocky’s place had THIS to say when he saw his kid come back from school with massive bruises on his cheek (from a school bully that punched him, took his jacket and lunch money).

His mom was the pacifist sort.

“I’ll go to school and complain!”

“No, Mom, don’t” replied the kid irritably and I can understand why . . .

And the upstart pipes up.

“Just hit him. Pop him like a balloon, and he’ll go away”.

What do you mean, asks kid.

“Well, when I was growing up my Dad once beat me so hard I could barely walk for two days. And every time I got into the boxing ring thereafter, when I see my opponent in front of me, I see my Dad. Kinda sick, but it works for me!”

(That’s the sum and substance of it, and for the verbatim comment, you may want to check out the movie, hehe).

But the point stands.

Pop the bullies, and hit them where it hurts, and they usually go away in a hurry, never to return.

Other hand, if you take it, and don’t fight back, guess what happens.

You get more of the same.

And as a certain rogue nation continues to act like a rogue with its neighbors, most notably India, this is something the Indian think tank should bear in mind when finally replying to them (which they will - - matter of time now if the rogue actor – well said Pompeo! – isn’t brought to heel soon).

And that’s that for this post, my friend.

In terms of fitness, if you want to get in the sort of SHAPE it would take to whip bullies into submission, go right here to get on the 0 Excuses Fitness System –

Lots of men think that “it’s the modern day world” and they don’t need to be strong and fit like their ancestors. And if you’re part of that think tank, I think - - and know - - you’re WRONG.

I wrote about 2020 being the year of the survivor, and the way events have transpired until now? You be the judge!

September will truly be a month of reckoning though. Let’s see how it goes!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The best damned course on pushups has been getting rave reviews. Go right here to grab it -