Tuesday, 07 July 2020 05:59

On saying it like it is – AGAIN, hehe.

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Over the past couple of days, I’ve been receiving messages on WeShat (China’s premier messagin app which has been blocked in pretty much every rational and CIVILIZED country in the world) about being “concerned for my safety”.

Or, (and this is less bothersome from a certain angle) my social media accounts etc (the Chinese ones) being blocked.

Apparently although the Chinese law states that “political discourse is allowed”, it’s still not.

Really? I didn’t know that! ?

Jokes aside, what do I think?

Well, a few years ago I started a WeChat group in mainland China titled “Keeping it Real”, which discussed many of the same things.

Everyone was happy to discuss what we are now as a GLOBE globally but within the privacy of the chat room (which was a small private chat basically, so it flew under the radar).

But no-one was willing to take the plunge and actually set up the group and administer it.

Same thing for my employments groups.

While people LOVE the group for being a no-nonsense group where rules are very strictly followed for the benefit of ALL (and while a lot of people castigate me for enforcing the rules, and while I do NOT relent in that regard, hehe) – and in fact, people have offered to BUY the group from me (remember a certain Linda? ?), NO-ONE is willing to be the “bad guy” and enforce the rules with an IRON hand, NO exceptions.

Believe me, it isn’t easy for most people to be unpopular.

Most at the end of the day do care about what the rest of the “people” (sheeple) think of them.

And that’s precisely why MOST do not rise to the level of a Gates, or Buffet, or Ford, or Jobs, or who have you.

These people didn’t care two hoots about what people thought my friend.

And while I ain’t putting myself in that category (as yet! ?), I’ve always been the guy who would care FIVE hoots (if not more) else about what people think.

If WeChat doesn’t like me calling them WeShat, maybe they should take a look at their crappy app and the bloatware and spyware pre-installed on it.

Bloatware that fills up your phone within days of starting the damned app, and of course the regular CCP surveillance for the app, and everything else.

If folks that agree with me on certain things don’t have the balls to say it publicly, well I’m sorry – but you’re not a man (or woman) that TRULY agrees.

If you TRULY do care, take a stance my friend.

Way too FEW people do that, being content to drift along in the “Oh, but I’ll be hammered” bubble.

Guess what mi amigo.

Chances are excellent and second to none you’ll be hammered even more if you sit and do nothing (and by that I don’t mean the sort of hammering that the nail that sticks out the most sometimes gets, but another more insidious form of hammering).

So long story short – I could care less.

I WILL make posts of a political nature if I see fit to. I WILL Write emails of a political or OTHER nature if I see fit to.

I WILL comment on world issues and talk about LIFE in general.

And as my buddy Vincent once said, “I refuse to kneel”.

A true warrior dies, but he does NOT kneel.

He never has in the countless WARS he has fought, and neither have I.

I still remember us talking about being in a WAR right NOW (this was back in 2017) of a different nature than what most people think.

If something is right, then it’s right. If something is wrong, it’s wrong. That’s as simple as it gets, and despite my NOT agreeing with my Dad on MOST and any things, that was one lesson he instilled in me from an early age, and it has (for good or bad, and to brutally honest extremes) nigh on STUCK WITH ME.

I don’t plan on losing it anytime soon!

And fitness is the same.

YES, pull-ups work your entire body way better than the idiotic lat pulldown machine ever can, will and HAS.

Think you’re strong if you can pump out bench presses while you’re “flat on your back”? Well, try handstand pushups – the REAL test of REAL MAN strength, and THEN GET BACK TO ME.

Think pushups don’t build muscle?

Try some of the ones I’ve got in Pushup Central, and then get back to me.

And if you’re thinking “gym shym” or pounding the pavement will get you the “animal like level of fitness”, “V shaped back”, “six pack” and all the other things that you really do want then you’re sadly mistaken my friend.

Very sadly so (and yoga shmoga isn’t gonna do it either)(.

If you want the sort of RAW animal like physicality I refer to so often, you TRAIN LIKE ONE.

Like a true BEAST.

To turn into a true BEAST, and a force of Nature to be reckoned with, and indeed as Mother Nature intended you to be, get on the stick NOW.

And last, but not least – rememeber.

Rise – UP! Never be afraid to take a stance – on anything. As Alan once told me, “unpopular is often times exactly what is needed”, and if no-one took a stance, nothing would ever change (mine!).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS. – Animal KingDom Workouts was written in the same BRAZENLY UNAPOLOGETIC style as I refer to above. Find out more here –https://0excusesfitness.com/animal-kingdom-workouts/

P.S #2 – Charles, you were dead on RIGHT about not giving the group to a certain jackass that eventually got it. Trouble is, the dude I gave it to was too busy to bother with that B.S, hehe. Ah well.