Sunday, 26 July 2020 13:44

We all had humble beginnings . . .

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If you’re working on a goal, and your “here and now” bothers you to the point where you can’t look forward to, visualize or take action on your future, then guess what.

You’re either not cut out for success, or you’re not going to make it.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it’s true.

And you’re not alone either.

And you certainly are in EXALTED company as well in that nigh on everyone feels this way at a certain point or the other when working towards success at anything!

Believe me, I’m sure there were times Napoleon Hill just wanted to throw in the towel and give it all up (and he actually DID give up for a while too before being reminded of his true calling, and how!).

I’m sure Henry Ford would be the first to tell you, as Steve Jobs and Jack Ma have, that the dark days are really what teach you far more than success ever does or could.

If you don’t have the dark, there will never ever be a true dawn.

And the darker the night, the brighter the dawn my friend.

But still, despite the words, many people get frustrated.

If you’re sitting in a studio apartment with a laptop (that you bought on credit or borrowed) and that damn thing is on a table so flimsy that it’s almost crashing through, then “success” might look like a long, long way away.

But it isn’t, my friend.

The above example is from a millionaire writer and fitness guru’s life, but there are plenty such examples.

Sylvester Stallone, for instance, slept on the streets of New York for two weeks at a time where he had NOTHING, or less than it.

Ford was bankrupt twice (and no, no angel investors bailed him out either in that day and age).

And so forth.

Yet, despite all the tough times, they found it in themselves to keep going.

To keep being persistence, or should I say KEEP THE FIRES OF DESIRE AND PERSISTENCE burning within!

And we all know what the above people and many others I have not named here accomplished, don’t we?

Successful people are rarely, if ever, born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

And if they are, they HAVE been through the grinder several times and then some (Donald Trump being one prime example).

Despite Trumps family fortune, the fact is that his Dad bailed him out ONCE.


And if you were take a look at the very lengthy list of failures Trump has had before finally succeeding . . . .well, you’ll know what I mean by that!

Fitness wise you ask?

Same thing.

I was NOT born genetically gifited. If anything, and I’ve stated this publicly, it’s the opposite (until this day).

I am NOT naturally strong.

I do NOT have a “naturally strong” grip. I do have a strong grip yes, but boy did I work for it and then some!

Same thing with my fitness.

At a weight of 120 kgs, which my family sometimes still giggles about, hehe (in a good natured manner, and I mean my wife and kid) turning into the fitness monster I am now seemed and probably was to all observing an impossibility.

Much like me farting and landing on the moon is . . .

But it happened, didn’t it?

While I took the actions required, the KEY is something else my friend.

It’s being willing to look beyond the here and now and see the future in your MIND BEFORE it happens.

I did that, and we all see the result.

And that applies to you as well, in ANYTHING you’re looking to do or accomplish. And I mean that!

Do we all get frustrated occasionally? Down? Depressed? IN the “fuck it all mood”?

Hell yeah.

But the point isn’t that.

That will happen.

Its about how you RESPOND To that in the long term, my friend.

If you give in, and stop DOING, then you’ll never get there.

Other hand, if you breeze past a bad day or a couple and get back to it - - business as usual - - then I think we BOTH know which direction you’re headed.

And I should know. Oh yes.

I should know, and on that note – it’s adios for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can grab the BEST damned fitness system there is out there: