Thursday, 11 November 2021 07:33

Whats this with the "grown men bursting into tears"?

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I remember my buddy from the Marines once saying the night after a solid beer drinking session, the same night I wrote about to you earlier today about the mock fighting session "monkey style" long levers throwing opponents nigh off base... 

"You can fight like a monkey", Rahul!" he went, and believe me, monkeys can fight - BIG TIME!

And HIT too. 

One thwack from a tiny monkey's paw, most grown men would go down instantly. 

Anyway, he got emotional that night. 

And started crying. 

To me, that was alright.

IT happens, it's happened to me many a times, but "men dont cry", eh. 

"Men dont have emotions":. 

Of course we do. 

Just this societal BS of men should be this, women should be that. 

Admittedly yours truly has steeled himself to a point unconscously that I never get drunk or lose control - even if I'm physically out of it - but that was not always the case. 

And I told my buddy the next day, nothing to be worried about!


I rememeber Dr Lamar for one getting pissed off when I got so drunk I started bawling and crying on a trip to Memphis which started off just fine with me popping beers at the back of the car, and the good Doc handing them to me too!

No-one, myself included knew the emotions would all come out, they did at the most inappropriate times when he was visiting his Mom. 

Dr Lamar and his daughter never got along. 

And his wife - her mom - truly a Nazi feminist of the worst nature that took her to ASHES in a fireplace once when she was 8, big eyed, waiting for her X mas present, and that is what Mom gave her for being a bad girl. 

Thats just cruel, some things just are, as my friend TEMB remarked (as well) when he heard about it. 

Hes right, they just are. 

That night, I remember my girlfriend telling me "honey, my dad is not always an asshole!" 

Coming from a girl who spent the entire time together telling me he was, and the stories, well, I remember the feeling I had when I was 19, standing out there half or totally "out of it" - like WTF. 

Prosaic, eh. 

Anyway ........ 

"I aint' gonna leave you here!" said Dr LAmar, I remember, as I was aimlessly "hiding behind some bushes" or something, just because I was embarassed at that point. 

He's a great guy - was - but the spirit lives on (his wife, can't say the same tho!). 

He was unfortunately also another one of those men for whom "wife is always right", hence Emily's upbringing ... 

And hence the massive fights where she kicked him square in the nuts occasionalyl, where - on that trip to MEmphis, two days later, the two of them yelled at each other like nothing I'd ever seen before, and we were sent packign back home - which I didnt mind. My own apartment, home sweet home! Hehe. And plenty of "beast ice" too. 

(Plus, that was the house in which it was old fashioned in that, kinda like my own upbringing "sex is horrible, and not meant to be done anywhere near openly", so even sleeping together in the same bedroom was not on. 

The ex gabbled about "its so romantic, like we're dating all over again baby" - your truly Lothario was thinking something quite the opposite. Hehe).

Anyway, crying. 

Happens to the best of us. 

Happened to me in a company get together once of all things if you can believe it, and my wife, some of the people there etc were pissed. 


It's happened to the BEST OF US!

The best of us are the ones that let it all hang out, wear our hearts on our sleeves, but this whole nonsense of men not having emotions etc, it's all utter baloney to me at any rate. 

My friend for one is bigger, stronger and tougher than I am and could probably take down three of me at the same time. 

Yet, emotionally. ... 

Sometimes, you just gotta be there for the other person. I was that night for him ...

Anyway, yet more recollections. Nov 11 seems to be that sort of day!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Remember, pick up the best damned fitnes system right HERE

PS #2 - Ive often wondered why people got pissed when all I was doing was "crying". 

I wasnt'. Hehe. 

I was also sayng it like it was, if it was just Glyn's sissydom coming to the fore, they'd never have gotten upset. Hehe. 

So be it... 

But that was back in the day, of course...