I dont know how to explain this, maybe I do!
Carrying on from the last email I sent on this, I just looked out the window, saw a family - two, in fact, trying to figure out how to fit their cars past each other on a narrow road or something.
Neither one of them would back up, of course.
And their whole families showed up, with the "hot and bothered" expression on their faces, you know, the "how dare you do this to us" expression - but when you probe deeper beyond that superficial expression, it doesnt come because they dont like the entire world so much as it does their unhappiness with their own lives and dissatisfaction secretly thinking about "what might have been" (and of course, if I bring up, they'll find a perfect reason and excuse to badge me about "being an idiot") Hehe.
"I can't see myself like that", I caught myself saying.
I dont know why I was saying that - actually I do. I was thinking about life, and my life, and my results.
I could NEVER see myself like that.
And my phat phocker days, my friend - trust me - all cam after I got married.
No, I ain't blaming my wife for it either.
She's an excellent cook, and I'm a glutton par excellence. Hehe.
But the fact is this, it wasn't the food that made me fat.
The beer, yes, but remember, this is from the Eat More - Weigh Less guy!
But yes, liqor and too much rich food will do it, but it was mainly LESS of the RIGHT form of exercise (though believe it or not, I still did pull-ups and handstand pushups at that weight, my 500 pushup workout scame then! No wonder although I was and call myselfl a phat phocker those days, people call me "thick" and "not fat" when they see those pictures!).
For my daughter, of course, Papas size or lack thereof has always been a standing, running joke. Hehe.
But mainly, it's something most people dont notice.
Carol did in 2015, after that trip we took where she literally gained like 5 kgs - without eating anything more than she normally does, and running around a lot.
Doesnt just happen to women, friend, happens to men too.
I dont know why, but every time I've been in any sort of committed relationship, usually live in, I tend to bloat - and pack on the pounds.
That LEAN AND MEAN LOOK - I mean, a lot of actors, most notably Akshay Kumar from India in the 90's - just HAD IT!
Natural, lean, MEAN - like a jungle fighter!
He had the LOOK in his eyes!
Then he did what he had to make money, greased body, bodybuilding pecs and so forth - which is fine. I get it!
Then he got married.
And now, despite being admirably fit at his age - fifty plus - he aint got the look.
Dont get me wrong.
Dude's a top class martial artist that could likely kick my ass from here to Thailand.
He can still do the kicks etc.
But he's not the guy who this 13 year old once (or, once upon a time 13 year old, though it seems I'll always been 13, and like Helen said, make them feel like a teenager and young again!) .. took a picture of him to the barber, wanting that sort of hairstyle.
My daughter wants it too - my style NOW. Hehe.
True carbon copy - truly a chip off the old block, which will stay no matter how much the Bozos around her try to get her to change.
Can't change the person!
but anyway ...
Its a look that I've seen actors, martial artists - yo uname it - get - then lose.
Except Sylvester Stallone, but even then, him in the Cobra movie - my favorite Sly look - I dont know, but given Sly, I'm sure he'd get into that sort of look again if he had to, but his look now, is different.
Still top class, the ONLY ACTOR out there whose managed to not let the relationships, or lack thereof get to him.
more than that, the STUDLY LOOK.
The long hair, the natural abs, all of it, there is just something to all of that that I dont know, married life takes away, or even a happy relationship.
No, I ain't saying nothing against the latter for those who want it.
Trust me, nothing wrong with that.
But secretly, most guys - and you reading this know - crave that LOOK.
That virile, handsome, studly look that makes girls think "bad boy".
They may not want to be in a relationship with you, like a feminist once told me, but even she told me "I'd likely be the life and soul of the party".
She said she wouldn't recommend me for marriage to anyone.
She waited for the tears.
They never came.
Honey, I never wanted it. Hehe.
But anyway .............
THAT is what most guys want, period.
You reading this know it.
And the two courses that will get you the closest to that sort of shape regardless of the "fat and happy" status you may or may not be at are as follows -
I believe we even have a special offer going on on these two, not sure ...
As for me, given the choice?
It wouldn't even BE a choice.
"Dad, would you rather choose drinking beer or climbing hills".
"Honey, some choices in life cannot be made, thats like asking me if I'd choose breathing or drinking water!"
But yeah, if I HAD to choose...
Above the beer, above the girls, above all, physical training is where it's at pally.
Bottom line.
You know it, I know, we all do.
Come GET some.
Rahul Mookerjee