Bit of a strange, and somewhat philosophical note to start off the email day on!
But it's something that popped up in my Inbox, and caught my eye.
I never read the article. But the question it posed is pretty genuine!
If today was the "last day on planet Earth for you" (I dont mean for those of you going on space travel, hehe, apparently Japanese billionaries have joined that race too!) - I mean, if today was the last day you know you'd be here on the physical plane - what would be your regrets, if any?
Answer honestly, my friend.
Lots of people say "no regrets" but thats an off the cuff remark, not well thought out.
For me, I thought for a good two minutes or so, which is way longer than I think about for this sort of thing.
No regrets.
IF today were to be that last day, which it most certainly isn't - none at all.
I know I've done my best - given my best - in and at everything I've done.
I know fitness wise, I've done everything I wanted to, and then some - and while I have goals right now, most notably the jump rope goal I wrote to you about - - I'll get after those too.
If I wanted to start a business, I just up and did it regardless of the neighsayers, admirers, encouragers (usually none) and so forth.
Regardless of the falls I'd take, if I wanted to do something, write something, say something, no matter how outrageous, no matter what the consequences, I've always done it.
That to me is what its all about .
When Jeff Bezos was asked this, he said "his only regret would be not trying".
And, with regard to space, and his ownership of the Post - "when I'm 90, those are things I can look back and be proud of".
Which I agree with Jeff on both.
What about YOU, my friend?
Fitness wise, have you done - and been - all you CAN BE?
It isn't an indirect push to buy products.
It's a simple question.
If you had a goal to do 100 pushups per workout -have you got there?
If you were once in super shape - and you keep looking back at that picture saying "I used to be like that" and wistfully wanting to be more - HAVE you done it?
Have you honestly given your best at all- business, and everything else?
Have you done the right thing as far as possible?
These are just questions from my end, I highly encourage you to think of them for yourself!
Anyway, that's an interesting note on which to start things off.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S - Fitness wise, if you want do something - try something - buy a product - then just DO IT, my friend.
Pushups wise, for instance, think about it - would it not be nice and satisfying to look back at the age of say 80, and say "I did (or do, if youre Clint Eastwood) one arm pushups willy nilly - or, 500 pushups per workout)?
Similiarly for pull-ups ...
I know a lot of you on here want to buy certain products, but you aren't "saying anything" for some reason.
Seize the day, my friend. It's the "Yuletide" time, if I got that right, hehe (my agnostic / atheist self sometimes does get these things right!) - GET something for yourself, DO something for your fitness.
Trust me, you'll feel great once you get on my workouts, which is really what makes it all worth it!