This morning I was reading about “PayTm” a Chinese backed Indian payments app which had surged in popularity over the past few years.
It’s apparently now (given the events of the past few months) being slowly but steadily pushed out by competitors with wallets that are equally, if not deeper as well as by the behemoth Amazon (for whatever reason, all these articles fail to mention the REAL gorilla in the room that does anything to grab customers and GETS Them – and hey – they have my vote for sure in ALL the countries I’ve used them).
Kudos Jeff Bezos – YOUR customer service is why you are where you’re at today, and that’s just the bottom line and an indisputable FACT OF LIFE!
And here is the point in me saying all this.
For years, PayTm in India was literally ROCKING.
Growing by leaps and bounds.
Company valuation increasing year by year, and money kept pouring in from Alibaba that apparently backs the app (not sure about now though).
And it wasn’t all bad. Chinese online payments have their downsides, most notably so in a country where the government scrutinizes and records everything, and its probably the only country in the world where today, you have very little, if at all, chance at DIGITAL security.
And especially when shopping. Cash is a rarity in mainland China. Big time.
And everything is done via Chinese apps like WeChat and Alipay which allow online payment and allow Xitler’s thugs to track your minutest purchases down.
Yes, they know what you ate for dinner last night and the cases of beer you ordered! ? NO, that is NOT an exaggeration my friend. Not in the least.
Anyway, online payments obviously have their upside, and PayTm was one of the first into the fray and it grew.
But these days, much like many other bloated businesses we see all over the place collapsing left right and center, PayTm is struggling big time.
Other apps have overtaken it.
And it doesn’t look to be getting back on it’s feet anytime soon. Shaky foundations anyone?
Pretty much what will happen to China as a whole, and what HAS been happening silently (and the reason for Xitler’s expansionist policies etc which even his own band of thugs are getting tired of).
And again, point of me saying this?
Well first, same thing applies to fitness. You need a solid BASE to build upon.
If you can’t pound out 100 pushups per workout, much like I teach you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, hold a bridge for a while (or even get into position) or do squats, then you’re in NO position to do more advanced exercises like pull-ups.
Or handstand pushups.
And even if you manage to do ‘em, eventually you’ll collapse if the foundation ain’t strong enough.
Second, and more importantly.
It’s what you do when the chips are DOWN that counts my friend.
Very few people have it in in them to get up – keep getting up- and keep going.
You, me, nobody is going to hit has hard as LIFE. Life ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. The world is a very mean and nasty place out there, and it will BEAT you to your KNEES and KEEP you there if you let it. It ain’t about how hard you can hit, my friend.
It’s about how much you can take.
It’s about how hard you can GET HIT and keep moving AHEAD – without blaming others for your failures or what not!
That’s how WINNING IS DONE, and yes, I borrowed that from Sly Stallone in Rocky, a man who should know a thing or two about what is being talked about.
And again, back to fitness.
Like I said yesterday, if your only exercise is climbing hills, GREAT.
Great workout! Hey, I know that better than most people.
But what when there is no hill.
What when you have inclement weather and cannot climb?
What when your favorite gym – or swimming pool is not available?
When you’re being SQUEEZED on all possible fronts, when your back is against the wall, and then some, how do you react?
Do you come out fighting all guns blazing - - or do you lie down and let life have it’s way.
The answers to these questions could well determine where youre headed in life – and your fitness journey as well – and I should know. Oh YES, I should know!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – My friend from the Marines, the “ruggedly strong” individual I refer to so often recently told me “you’re in rare form!”. Reminded me of what Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once told me “You’re in fine, fine fettle Rahul!’ one fine morning in bonny China . . . and while I may or may not be, fact is this – the WORKOUT routines I advocate will keep YOU in much the same condition physically and then some.
Get on the train NOW – right HERE.