Displaying items by tag: life
Just why have people become such LAZY phocks?
If you've seen the last email I sent out from this site (posted under Blog) - you know what I'm talking about.
I swear, I'll tell you one damn thing.
If I wanted to I could make a veritable FORTUNE right now.
Not by selling my books or products, although thats a plan in the works.
Not by selling books on the other site.
Not by writing.
Not by calling the Bozo out.
Not by tom tomming.
But by selling "get slim quick without exercise" potions and slimming pills and a bunch of rot.
I mean really, just how lazy and desperate can folks get??
And this is in the midset of lockdowns or gradual reopenings - in both cases, most people have "F all" to do (and while you might be busy otherwise, thats not an excuse to skimp on taking care of health).
It's a mindset thing too.
People don't do what sets them FREE.
And thus, its always staying frustrated, complaining etc - and never actualy either working out or DOING something to improve their situation.
I know a lady right now putting on more and more weight than ever.
She's done everything the Chinese do.
OR Japanese, and Korean, and what not.
Or Indians for that matter.
Traditional Asian food.
Starving herself.
Drinking warm water and nothing else during the day.
Milk coffee when she feels hungry.
Some sort of wierd "legs" up stretch which to be honest is a "modified" yoga move, but the original is what counts, not the modified one.
And so forth.
Yet, she and scores of others despite all this hoopla and worrying about the external stuff (see yesterdays email) are getting fatter and more miserable by the day despite what they claim.
Think it's ladies alone?
Think again.
Think several times.
And it ain't just Bozos either.
It's people in GENERAL getting lazier, mushier, and FATTER by the day and complaing and pissing and moaning and whining and groaning and what not.
When the problem could be solved - - how?
By getting their RUMPUS in high gear.
And one of the programs that will not only motivate you to get off your ass and DO (well, one of the many - but this is for lard asses and couch potatoes that haven't budged an inch for years) (the sweat on Bozo's couch - I've seen it - makes an outline, literally as he sits there growing lardier and fatter by the day) is this one - Animal Kingdom Workouts.
So simple that even the laziest of people should - or would be motivated to try it.
Of course, there is one category of folks beyond help.
Beyond all the above.
It's those I mention ont he 0 Excuses Ship page (those I do NOT want either there or buying my products).
It's the grade Z+++ +buffoons that claim "it's too easy " and "its too simple".
For you folks, well, NOTHING I have to offer will help.
Until I sell the supplements I've mentioned above i.e. the lazy man's manna from heaven.
And pigs will fly out my ass before that happens.
And thats that for now.
Rahul Mookerjee
Turning into MORE of a blubbery mess during the panic-excuse-demic
Some people just dont know how well they have it in terms of being molly coddled!
I've written galore about how people are using this panic demic as an excuse for all sorts of thing.
Binge Eating. Drug overuse (and abuse). Alcoholism.
(I even read they've set up a "mobile shooting van" in the UK if you get my drift - not the Government obviously, but some "kind soul" who claims "they'll do it anyway"!)
"So what! We're not living in normal times!"
Drunken and other inappropriate behavor
"Self compassion! I'm practising self compassion!"
Getting FAT as phock - even phatter than before (curiously enough these same pople were hardly fitness fanatics before - it's just now that the panic-demic, or so called anxiety demic has given them MORE of an excuse to do less) - which is PATHETIC.
I will say it again: we are not living in normal times. Therefore, why should we hold ourselves up to normal standards?
Stressing about gaining a little weight only makes it harder for me care for myself. I’m already worried about the pandemic, I already have OCD, I’m already not sleeping that well. I don’t need to add another ingredient to an anxiety-cauldron in danger of boiling over.
A pathetic little Tom Tom wote this, and she kept babbling about how "these are not normal times".
I wonder if this idiot ever heard about the famous Claude Bristol saying that he made popular.
"As we think, so we are!"
And of course, these idiots - the sheeple - are the first to stick their heads in the sand and want lockdowns etc, while denying the fact that maybe, just maybe, all this was spread - why?
To engineer global panic, crash economies, and so forth!
Gaining weight can be worrying, but if you packed on a few pounds over the pandemic, I say don’t stress. You can always lose it later, when you’ll have more freedom, energy, and means to do so.
Why not NOW, lady?
My pants feel tighter, I’m eating more, I’m moving less, and I feel more sluggish. That’s enough information to tell me I’m not as fit as I used to be.
But frankly, I don’t care.
Anytime I read rubbish like this from female versions of Bozo Schofield (this one is al of 4'11 inches tall too apparently - ugh - I can just imagine) I gotta say, I dont know how lucky people have it in some places - or should I say, I dont know if people even realize how lucky they are to have their lights on, government assistance (that a lot of Schofields use for purposes they were never intended for) - 911 to call anytime they feel like "checking themselves into the loony tune bin" - and so forth?
This chick claims "it's not an emergency" so she doestn need to be fit, and it's fine to turn into a lardass because "she's so stressed out and anxious".
She never did say WHAT she's anxious about and why.
Of course, being she's "living in a climate controlled comfortable environment" as she says, gorging and stuffing her gourd daily, and seemingly has nary a worry in the world, why WOULD she be anxious?
Bored, yes. Excuse maker and whiny, yes. But anxious? Hell no! At least I can't find one single reason for her to be anxious , and if I get it right she's from .... Canada, which while it might have some restrictions etc, in the overall scheme of things is hardly the "anxiety ridden" mess she claims she is.
I wonder what people like this would do, for instance, if they were suddenly stuck in a life or death situation like in India.
Or China in some regards.
Or, Israel right about now ...
The fact is, my friend, its MORE important than ever to be super fit - NOW - using methods you can use on the road with you!
When that gym is closed, or blown apart, whichever it is, you got one thing left.
The one thing that people hav ebeen using for centuries to turn into fitness phenoms.
And a MIND.
The latter controls the former, and if you let the latter run riot by thinking what you shouldn't, you're a fool. Simple.
As an aside, of course, panic is hardly "new".
I remember back in 2001 when 9/11 occured, classes etc were cancled (which I understand - completely understand) . . . but what I did not understand was the long ass lines for gas forming up "because we might have to attack Saudi Arabia".
And, of course, my girlfriend at the time.
I was getting a few beers.
"I'm going to get drunk today" announced my girlfriend suddenly.
"Didnt you have something to do", I asked her (she did - she had plans).
"I dont care! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stressed!"
And get drunk she did, which given she was a looker wasn;t a bad thing ... (for me).
But, it does sum up the panic / excuse mentality that a lot of people have PERFECTLY.
Nigh perfectly.
Avoid, my friend.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Remember, you can never ever go wrong with great bodyweight exercise programs. Start right HERE.
PS #2 - Whats that? I hear you say "I dont care"?
Well, my friend, what if YOU had to run a mile at top speed NOW to save your life?
What if you had to FIGHT your way out of a situation where noone was there to do it for you?
What if you had to be self reliant and grow - and fetch your own FOOD?
You dont think physical fitness comes into any of that?
But wait, who am I talking to.
If whoever is reading this is part of the "excuses" club, they'll never get it.
The doers DO though - and more kudos to THEM!
Why I can't stand Tom Tom's with no guts to "really tell the world what they think"
I guess this one might come across as a bit strange, but bear with me ...
As of late, especially on Pinked-In-Out, a social shedia network I'm about to leave pretty soon I think (much like I left Freakbook, and never returned), I've been seeing scores of people post news.
Some post news, and then their comments on it either way which is fine.
Either they support it, or they don't or they're in the middle. All good!
But an increasing number of people - specifically bozo expats from China it would seem are posting China news - sometimes "sort of critical" of China, but you'll notice its like a robot posting.
They post the news as if it's a computer spitting it out.
And they never post THEIR views on it.
And those that discuss, it seems they're just "watching from afar" with the "oh, I'm just putting it out there" excuse wihch is spiel so full of doo doo it STINKS to high hell and beyond, because these same people wouldn't miss an opportunity to openly Tom Tom if they got the chance (and they often do).
Hell, even the Tom Tom's at least have one side they took.
But these folks ... I get a feeling of they want to call China, or whoever out.
But they just dont have the balls or fortitude to do so.
I mean, else, why post the way they are?
Beats the very purpose of a discussion.
Even She N N and Fox-x-y news don't just "tell you the news".
There is always some sort of "discussion" on it?
An interview, a discussion, something ...
These folks are just too SCARED to say anything it seems.
Then on another note, I was seeing a post about how social she-dia these days is taking posts such as mine (with plenty of cuss words etc in it) and "filtering" so that the bare minimum of people see it, and the Tom Tomming posts get pushed up to the top, or idiotic diatribes about how "freelancers making money spend it on their annoying pooches" (I mean, a dog's a dog, but some of those damn things the Chinese and certain girls like - they resemble pink rats more than anything else with bows tied around their neck yapping all damn day long).
Give me a German Shepherd ANY DAY of the week - a REAL DOG!
And my favorite by far.
Anyway ....
Yours truly remains the same, I'm never ever scared to post my thoughts or views on anything anywhere, and if I had restrictions of that nature - I simply wouldn't post or talk about it as opposed to "talk but have no opinion" as I find that pointless.
Plenty of controversy everywhere I go. Hehe.
And I make plenty of great claims too - all can be proven!
For instance, in Advanced Hill Training I tell you that you'll probably lose X amount of kgs per workout .. or something like it.
Animal Kingdom Workouts (#2 in that series by most regards) makes a claim of "turning into a super human with the exercises and courses therein" - and again, if you do what is told - you'll turn into as close to a super human as you can get.
Some of it causes plenty of angst amongst the nutjobs that don't "do" (the claims etc).
So be it!
Never one to back down I've been, and never will be.
Anyway, we're receiving plenty of interest for the last remaining copy of Fast and Furious Fitness - Collector's Edition, so if you want in, jump now.
No, NO plans for a reprint for this one down the line!!
Rahul Mookerjee
Why I love mixing biz with controversy - especially if supporting President Trump is deemed as the latter.
This just follows on from the Trump marketing thingy I told you about in the last email, except in a different way.
Trump, my friend, is controversy himself you might argue.
The point is this though - people are IDIOTS in general.
Pinked-Out had a post about Trump helping the Vets, visiting injured folks in hospital, and so forth, and along with that that the caption "Does this look like a man who would disresprect our troops?"
I Couldn't agree more!
And I posted the following.
Trump is the ONLY President that did something for the cops and Vets - and miliary in general. Respect!!
That, of course was enough to bring the liberals out (point hit home).
This is business channel ... please stay away with your political opinions especially if they are that controversial
Um ....
Can someone point out what was controversial in any way about what I said?
Another person asked him that to (on Pinked-Out), so we will see what/if he responds with.
But really, this Bozo posted pictures of Trump in hospital himself, and when someone responds with what the meme says that HE posted, he gripes.
Anyway, whats the world coming to my friend.
Isn't helping the vets and miltary supposed to be apolitical?
BIden, Hiden that claims he's "far better than Trump in every regard" - just what did HE do for the troops?
Big fat zilcho.
I wonder if these buffoons actually talk to the troops and find out who they support?
I wonder if they know how many Trump ballots - military ballots - were found in the trash pre -election?
Then they bitch about "no the election wasn't stolen".
My ass.
A hairy one at that.
The Marines, especially - where Trump support is still solid.
There is a reason they aren't buying into this whole panixation panic, and I dont blame 'em!
Anyway ...
Controversy, right down to the Bozo has always been my middle name too, along with brually honest.
My most controversial book though is right here - Isometric and Flexiblity Training.
Just a must get!
And it works.
Perhaps thats why it's so controversial.
And maybe yours truly, Trump, and a few others on this list - we're all "brothers from a different mother", hehe, if you get my drift.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P S- More TRUE and insanely controversial claims made HERE.
I DARE you to prove 'em wrong!
You won't be able to!
Why this spic ain't scared of "Big Bad Boys in Brum"
At the outset, yeah.
Yours truly "El Cowboy" is often called that, hehe.
Along with "Hombre" too!
All par for the course. I could care less, except if it comes from the Bozo, and it did.
On that note, Bozo disregarded my last warning to him.
He's truly choosing the hard way over the easy way.
Steve Austin was the best, on that note.
"Vince, we can do this the easy way - or the HARD WAY!"
So be it, Bozo Glyn from "Rumpus Ville".
It might not happen today, it won't happen tomorrow, and I doubt it'll be six months either.
But you'll know when it does - much like you NEVER thought your racist trolling was gonna come back to BITE you in the (chuckles) rumpus, and it did, this will too.
Except, I won't just grind you into the dust though - I'll make you wish, most likely metamorphically, but who knows - I'm skilled in many areas - that you were never born, and that ugly face never "made it's way into the world".
It' belongs right there in the sewer with the Big Booty Blowhards you're referring to, Bozo.
Right there with the 300 ton TURD in the Birmingham sewer.
Glyn, for that dont know is one of those guys thats that ugly (I've let it be until now, but his racist comment spurred me to say what he said about me, hehe - yeah - this Bozo actually projected his ugliness complex on me, lol) that (and remember, Bozo didnt say this - he stopped at ugly) that if a newborn was coming into this world head first, if he saw the Bozos' leering like paedophile lard butt face near him?
Poor kid would scoot back into the safety of the womb.
Honest, thats how scary he is.
But he doesnt scare me.
And as of now, it's OK - Bozo made his choice, and so have I.
Anyway, on other notes ...
Big guys?
I mean, dude, here's the fact. I'v ebeen picked upon by nothing but "Big Bozos" my entire life - and its rare that I even ever fought anyone my size.
My size or less, I'll just NOT be motivated and lose the fight.
I might lose with a guy twice my size and better skills than me, but guess what, Bozo Blow - The King of all Trolls, I should say - basement dweller cretin "El Supremo" - I WILL be motivated in that case.
Oh, yes, I will!
To me, it's no big deal and therefore credit to fight someone I could either easily beat - or an equal, even.
To me though, if I can fell Goliath, and I have all my life - THAT TO ME IS SOMETHING!
Therein lies the lesson for YOU, the dear reader.
If you gotta fight, stand up for the WEAK.
Fight the damn bullies EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!
As I told my little girl - never give up - never, ever!
You may lose the battle, but you pick yourself up no matter what - and you find a way to WIN!
When I Tom tom my gripping strength, it's because I've measured it against the best of the best.
When I tom tom my handstand pushup abilities, it's because less than 1% of the population can even get into a handstand, and less than 0.1% can DO it.
So said a customer, not me!
When I ...but you get my drift.
It's about BETTERING those better than you, my friend.
Thats how true greatness is accomplished.
But yes, sometimes we gotta get our hands dirty, and at some point with Blowfield, that is precisely, much like last year, what is going to happen.
I'm sure he hasn't forgotten it.
Neither have I forgotten any of what you did, Glyn.
I let it go for years, but no more
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Rolls Royce of Fitness is a must grab for you that is going bonkers "stuck indoors during lockdown". Trust me, as a great customer said the other day, workouts done like this are a great way to blow off steam.
"I dont know what I'd do without my workouts. I'd go insane!"
And to my email guys - thank you - you're the BEST! Especially you, Tomek!
Why LICKDOWNS are another means of global CONTROL
One's gotta be a total BOZO to not see it, honestly. An ignorant MORON!
And really, a great customer of mine said this a few weeks back.
"This whole Wu Flu thing was set up to control the populations" (amongst other things).
I agreed with them, but I spoke more about controlling through panic, which i've spoken about so often that post - Apoclyapse (hehe) you'll find me STILL saying it.
Hopefully people in general will listen it.
Right now, Hannibal is indeed leading the very willling sheep to the slaughter.
And as the world's second most, or most, depending upon how you look at it moves closer towards imposing complete lockdown, and has been adopting China like surviellance tactics on social She-dia etc (increasingly, Twitter is banning posts in India much like they banned Trump in the US - posts critical of the government and such) - right down to the latest ie using "students" (medical students" as front line warrior, shades of China's "Great Leap Backwards" in the 1960's and the devastation internally caused by this (no war!) comes to mind.
They won the war with INdia, yes.
but internally - they were destroyed due to their own policies at that time, one of which included getting KIDS - yes - KIDS to berate parents who didnt support their country's restrictive BS.
And it's only gotten worse.
Right now, their censorship is the most sophisticated in the world.
When you think China, you think JAIL.
Well, that still happens, dont get me wrong -Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia etc.
Big time.
But they only put people in jail that they can benefit from - remember, Commies only do things if there is any advantage to them - they do NOTHING WITHOUT REASON!
And right now, my own WeShat messages are being censored - probably personally by someone who doesnt want to.
I can feel it!
It ain't the Bozo reporting me on WeShat either.
They know how the Bozo is. Hell, they deported him, never me.
But I never broke a law. Hehe. He did - many!
But I do say and do certain things that skirt the edge of "censorship" - like this post, and my site is blocked in mainland China, but I could give a rats ass LESS to be honest.
And right now, it's happening.
But right down to the inane control of locking people up at home, scaring people big time, vaccines that were neither tested nor do they effing work 100% - and the fact that India had NARY A CASE before the last year's mad lockdown done on the spurt of the moment (I didnt misspell) - for a REASON! - people still don't get it!
I give up.
All I will say it this, and what Trump has been saying all along, and what I have too.
I truly believe the elections have been stolen.
I always did.
And I truly, truly believe - precautions - NOT PANIC!!
For whoever wants to listen, that is.
And I'm out. '
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - No link in this one. Take that for what you may!
Does hedonism and fun equate to top quality?
Seems the Labor Day holiday in China is bringing out the nutzos in "full" (much like the full moon in the UK, I thought, hehe, has brought Glyn out from his hiberation for the past week).
Behold this one!
I haven't been able to book a hotel I want for the 5-day May 1st national holidays in China. Everything has been booked since late March
As I predicted tourism in China is roaring after it was suppressed over covid fears during Chinese New Year - restaurants, planes, hotels, bars, luxury shopping will all do well. Investors should look at Hyatt Hotels Corporation Trip.com China Duty Free Group Haidilao
After the devastation of the Spanish Flu & WW1, the Roaring 20s stormed the world. China has witnessed the same sort of hedonism - GenZ from Beijing flew to Shanghai last year when nightclubs were still shut in the Capital. Maotai & Wuliangye alcohol sales are up & patriotic Red Tourism is soaring
I'm off to Tibet soon if govt approvals come through!
If you're a western brand & are not investing heavily in China regardless of troubles in your home market, it'll be too late to catch up
You might go out of business
Chinese brands are grabbing market share. The Made in China label used to mean cheap, bad quality but not to Chinese GenZs who equate Chinese brands w patriotic pride
Adidas can be replaced by Li Ning
L'Oreal can be replaced by Perfect Diary
Starbucks can be replaced by HeyTea
Toyota can be replaced by NIO
Think hedonism & fun
Me yesterday in Shanghai
I won't mention the guy here, but he's got a "suited" picture of himself, and he's smiling in such a fake manner that I can almost feel the "CCP hand" behind his you know where, cackling away.
It's sad...
But lets break this down!
After the devastation of the Spanish Flu & WW1, the Roaring 20s stormed the world. China has witnessed the same sort of hedonism - GenZ from Beijing flew to Shanghai last year when nightclubs were still shut in the Capital. Maotai & Wuliangye alcohol sales are up & patriotic Red Tourism is soaring
MaoTai and the other brand he mentioned are the "working mans" liqor in China. "nuff said. Panic-demic or not, their sales NEVER DROP. Hehe.
Neither does "Snow beer" sales ever drop, despite it being one of the crappy lagers out there. (I love Tsingtao though, and Snow "draft").
Patriotic red tourism?
Jingoism, more like, and even the most patriotic of Chinese has an Iphone, for one . . .
(and they'll tell you that despite the brands mentioned above, they truly want NIke and H&M, except they can't come out and say it).
Then this wacko calls it the "Spanish flu".
which is fin. That is what it was.
Of course, if you call it the plague from China ?
You can well imagine!
Investors should look at Hyatt Hotels Corporation Trip.com China Duty Free Group Haidilao
Cheap bookings, discounted rooms galore ... and pent up demand which won't last.
I'm off to Tibet soon if govt approvals come through!
That says it all. If!
If you're a western brand & are not investing heavily in China regardless of troubles in your home market, it'll be too late to catch up
You might go out of business
Chinese brands are grabbing market share. The Made in China label used to mean cheap, bad quality but not to Chinese GenZs who equate Chinese brands w patriotic pride
Adidas can be replaced by Li Ning
L'Oreal can be replaced by Perfect Diary
Starbucks can be replaced by HeyTea
Toyota can be replaced by NIO
Think hedonism & fun
Me yesterday in Shanghai
And this, to me sums up the China tom tomming idiocy up big time.
Since when did hedonism and fun - and really, grabbing a few drinks is hedonism? This is probably another one of those guys cucked by his Chinese wife or girlfriend or owner or whatever while she cavorts around and he's, well, stuck posting on PInked-Out ...
As for Made in China?
We've been over that many a times, I doubt there is any need to go over it anymore.
Let's just say the Chinese themsleves are the people that have made iPhone, for one, a brand NOT making any real profit nowadays in the US of A popular ... enough said.
You can replace it, maybe.
But you ain't getting the quality, bro.
I shoud have asked him that.
But I didnt.
And I'm happy to be a business that loses business for saying it like it is.
Really, the insanity of it all.
Anyway, I haven't seen sales hurt at all by my recent posts or anything. If anything, all is going very well.
So much for the panicdemic!
Anyway, last note -
1. Remember the discounts we have going on NOW. They will not last into next month, so grab while you can - a few hours remaining. I just grabbed a domain, so you might want to get that end of the month shopping done too!
And two, well, we've got ONE copy remaining for Fast and Furious Fitness.
If you hurry, you might just be the "last" one to get it!
(and if you need it autographed, let me know.
The "Untouchable Fitness Expert" as the Bozo says is happy to do it, hehe).
Rahul Mookerjee
The Tai Po that almost made Freddie kick my ass
Back in the day, I believe I mentioned I worked for Freddie, a great dude?
I also believe I've been very upfront about the fact that that job was one I should NOT have left the way I did.
Not because it was a "good job" - it wasn't - the conditions were shitty, and the factory food - UGH - but then again, thats factories in China ... (at least the ones in the boonies). But Freddie himself was a great guy!
And anyway, I was hired to ostensibly build a website, write code for them and ... well, in a position wher eI was sort of a manager without ALL of the benefits (but I had most anyway in a sort of indirect manner).
Company cars, phone bills etc all paid, not to mention those lovely $100 burgers at Dan Ryans (more on this later, hehe. I love Freddie, even when we were on a trip to HK and he thrust packs of Nachos or what not at me and asked me not to break them (at that time those weren't available on the mainland, hehe))...
Never one to shy away from being a "Courier boy". LOL.
But he's a great guy! Right down to asking me to bring him "curry powder" or something, lol.
Anyway, that one time I got the best car in the factory - his - so I Can't complain. Hehe.
But anyway, so I was hired for that reason, and I did their website.
Freddie was nothing if not a harsh taskmaster.
IT looks awful!
Was his public comment when he first saw it.
I love Freddie, hehe. It didnt look awful. but it looked "basic", because it wasn't fully designed as yet.
Manny, a manager (design, I belive) was standing next to me (it was a packaging factory).
"No, no, no", he tried telling me, before Freddie whisked him away.
Later, he told me the following.
"So critical!"
"I mean, he can say that privately!"
Probably, hehe, but funny part? I didnt mind!
Anyway, we had a meetingon the site, all was great fun in the meeting, and then I was supposed to create some sort of system based upon feedback from other managers, which of course they were all too busy to provide, and yours truly got along great with all of 'em - so I never pushed them. Always the nice guy, hehe.
A week or so later, Freddie's indirect boss showed up.
Asked why it wasn't done!
And a flaming email showed up from Freddie, who in person just said the following.
"I'm gonna talk to you, Rahul!"
I knew that wink meant something ...
He sent an email completely "tearing apart the site", the project, all from an IT standpoint, and he CC'd all the managers in.
Talk about baptism by fire. Hehe.
When I asked him about it?
"You know, if I dont say it, no-one will do it!"
He was right there!
And a classic way of avoiding the point, but again, I didnt mind. I liked Freddie!
He was part Chinese (US citizen) and said most people mistook him for Indian, lol.
Anyway - Mannie once emailed me about a Tai-Po on the website.
"Buddy, I noticed a typo here. Fix it, or Fred will kick your ass!"
Fred never did.
But I fixed it, but point of me saying this/?
Well, first off, I 'm not quite sure WHY I was hired there.
IT yes, but ...
I think really it all boiled down to two things.
One, we enjoyed a great Corona during the interview, got along well, and that was that.
And two?
As Uncle Bob told me, he probably doesnt know any more about hiring than you do!
Hey, thats China and "life at the ole factory".
But point of me saying this?
Sometimes, these things matter - usually not tho.
Por ejempelo, another TaiPo I made on the website (not sure if it was after the Chinese Annual New Year party where I drank more than I ever have in my life, so much so that Freddie came to my office and said "I saw you! You were really pouring it down!") I think ascribed a product to a competitor or something.
"Fix that, Rahul!" said ole Fred. "You'll get my ass in some serious trouble!"
But most cases, I'd say these things really don't matter my friend.
Again, and for example, the comment the Rum Dum in Brum left on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page about Tai-po's ...
"His writing style is very poor!"
Coming from a bozo that never READ the book and that used to previously praise my writing style to the heavens, I'd say ... BS. (and a jackass that never wrote anything beyond what his ole tongue tied to ass tongue did in unmentionable "nether regions")
(Poor gals and older women in Brum)
And so said other people, including a great customer on that very page.
For reference, most of my books don't contain Tai Pos.
No, I dont hire copywriters or fancy editors. All done myself, so the odd one may slip through.
But I really don't think there are many at all in my books.
These emails, of course, that is a different matter.
Point of all this, of course is two fold.
One, a trip down memory lane.
And two, really, my friend.
Focus on what MATTERS.
In this case, exercise.
And I do a damned fine job of bringing it to you ...
Anyway, before I go - and as I've been trumpeting all week long.
Fast and Furious Fitness - the Collector's Edition DOES matter.
You DO want to get your paws on this if you're serious about fitness (in any way, even if you lift weights).
And the time to do so is NOW - once the last few copies (3) are gone they're gone.
No more reprints, fella.
So jump on this now.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Back soon!
More on why I absolutely and categorically REFUSE and always HAVE to buy into the Wu Flu panic-demic
It's no secret that I think this whole mess we're ALL dealing that China unleashed on us (and their own unsuspecting citizens FIRST) is nothing more than "engineered mass panic".
Hence why I keep railing against masks, idiotic vaccines that have not been tested (I mean really, why would you wanna be a guinea pig??), even moronic face shields, carrying bottles of disinfectant everywhere, Bozo Schofield like "injecting Dettol / Lysol into ass" and then ending up in the emergency room (this last one really befuddles me - I mean Prez Trump said "X rays might kill the virus like it does the flu virus" and the Bozos misinterepreted what he said and thought, if that term is applicable that ...!)
Enough said.
I mean, let's face it. China done spread this damn thing - now what are YOU going to do about it?
As I keep saying, if you buy into all the above, and unfortunately the world as a whole continues to, then you're just buying into the CCP grand plan of world domination not directly (they ain't got a snowball's chance in hell that way, and they know it) .... done Hitler style, by sowing panic, chaos and FEAR everywhere (and of course the associated conditoning while putting their own people into concentration camps far worse than Hitler's willy nilly, at random almost).
Here is what a great customer of mine - but I won't name him - he prefers to keep a low profile, and given Big Brother everywhere, I dont blame him - said about the plague from China.
This Wu Flu thing is a HOAX and is being used to CONTROL us! (Yes, I realize that some have died from it if they had pre-existing conditions, but it is OVERBLOWN!)
Spot on, bro, spot on ...
My reply -
I couldn't agree more, <name chopped> . . . this one whole China plague thing was created by China way back in 2013 - and there was ONE reason behind it - the Chinese plan for "world domination". They knew they could never beat us (the civilized world) the direct way - so they chose to begin the indirect way. As I've been saying for a long, long time now though, they have pretty much shot themselves in the foot with it. We will NEVER FORGET!
And yes, the panic is way overblown, lockdowns etc inane and meaningless (I mean, I for one can't understand why the sheeple cant see reality staring them in the faces i.e. lockdowns kill economies globally and therefore more people than this Wuhan Flu ever could - not to mention that although a lot of people have died from this yes (mostly with pre existing conditions though and even then 9 out of 10 recovered), WAY more people die from the regular flu, accidents etc globally)!
Then again, the Chinese knew this is the result it would have, and by buying into the panic (anywhere) people in general are unfortunately doing just what the Chinese wanted.
So it goes.
Another awesome guy (and a very loyal customer from the UK) calls this the "Wu(han) plague".
He spoke of how his wife got it, and how he told her he wouldn't, because his immune system, hardened from years of continous HARD TRAINING like A REAL MAN would "eat the damn thing for breakfast".
And it did.
He never got it, I believe or if he did (yeah, I think he did) - he made a very speedy recovery
(I'm still not 100% on whether or not he got it - yeah, now I think he did! But he recovered like lightning, and a man of 60 plus - well - you get my drift!).
And he's right.
It's all about the mind, my friend.
Dont get me wrong.
By all means take precautions as you would against this and any other disease.
But be logical, and remember that the flu kills far more than this stupid thing, and remember -car accidents - other diseases - I mean if you add it all up, where are we with regard to the numbers for the plague.
I'm sure the idiots from the left and such will look at this and think "I'm disrespecting frontline health workers by saying this" or "this spreads way faster and in a more undetectable manner than the flu".
To the first, no I aint. They're fighting the real battle!
And two, well, China engineered it that way. This thing was found or brought from Saudi Arabia in 2013, then to Canada, then when they got kicked out of the lab there back to the PRC in Wuhan and then, well.
Their OWN DOCTORS have come out and said it as well, so for the idiots claiming "we haven't seen any proof" - get your head out your ass.
And I (and others with SENSE) have been saying it even before their own people came out and said it.
Pres Trump for one.
And on that note, it's heartening to see the States push back against this silly vaccine passport nonsense i.e. providing services or allow people to travel or not based upon whether they got the jab.
Eff - that.
Let me repeat - F that.
Ain't nobody telling me what to stick in my own body.
Thank you very much
And Arkansas, Tx, and Missisippi I believe it was - correct me if I'm wrong here Charles and others - have pushed back very STRONGLY against the madness.
some things even "Hiden Biden" cannot do, much as he'd like to.
And I had to get that off my chest, so I have.
I just got done with250 pushups.
A great meal.
And I feel great!
And thats how life should be lived.
Vim, vigor and gusto and NO panic until you pass on, my friend - and even then!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - If there is ONE course in our entire arsenal I'd advise you to get its Animal Kingdom Workouts. Truly makes you join the ranks of the SUPERHUMANS!!
On "don't I have any brains" - and why the INDIRECT mode of attack (or reply) is sometimes the BEST
So, I gotta say this.
Sometimes, MR Direct has "learned" to be indirect - and even more devastatinly effective, hehe.
And I knew this for a while now of course.
But anyway, recently I got the following thrown at me by my "wife" (all I did was ask her something about the daughter).
"Dont you have any brains?"
Now, she probably didtn mean in the rude manner she said it, but my hackles were UP.
Believe me, if someone says that to me in real life they better EXPECT A FIGHT AND THEN SOME!
But then I relaxed.
There's no point engaing with women directly, my friend, especially not when they do all they can to pick fights and engage in stupid "shaming" techniques.
They're attacking you, the RATIONAL MAN in those ways because you cannot attack back (and if you do, how dare you - and if you simply bounce the same back to them "how dare you").
So sometimes, my friend, the INDIRECT mode of attack - and thereby profiting from it - is better.
Think about it.
What good would it do to engage in an inane argument with someone acting like an utter idiot (vast majority of women "in a relationship" - they're the exact opposite before that) ?
None at all.
Not to mention "you'll always lose" (as the man).
Instead, figure out how to work it to YOUR advantage.
This will be in the book on Nazi feminism - already IS, but in different words (tip #13 or something, definitely before #15 in the 46 tips so far...)
But anyway, Bozo Schofied the "rumpus loving woman" who also likes being a servant is a prime example.
Engaging directly with him all those years would have got me?
Jack squat.
What he wanted. Hehe.
Instead, I let it "ride for a while".
And now, payback's indeed not so "sweet" as it is hilarious in many ways. LOL. Even the Bozo knows it. (hopefully he does).
I say hopefully because ...
With regard to Schofield I just thought he was some idiot that left bad reviews on products just for the hell of it, I had no idea how mentally deranged he really is, seems like the poor little chap was at the back of the queue when they were dishing out the brains.
So said a customer recently ... (and more have too, but he was the most verbose of the lot on it, and said it the best).
Yes, the Bozo is indeed suffering from bipolar and OCD and "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" and "schizoprenia" amongst many things - even Hannibal Lecter would shy away from him!
Anyway ... this applies to fitness too, my friend.
Pull-ups, for instance.
That exercise which the "phat phocks" so hate . . .
(because nothing calls them out more than that)
(nothing pisses them off more than seeing a stud do pull-ups willy nilly while they yank cords on the machine or their own or use inane grips or what not).
When I got to that level at pull-ups, it didnt come quick - or easy - and it sure didnt come (beyond a certain point) from doing pull-ups and just that!
I mention this tale in the revamped "Pull-ups - from DUD to STUD - within a matter of WEEKS!" (well, revamped in 2017 so if you've got it recently, you're well up to date).
It came from doing something you'd never think worked (two things actually).
When I got to the current level I am at jumping rope, for instance?
Again, it didnt come directly from "just jumping rope" though that was part of it.
And grip wise, same thing - although that is probably the only area where direct work was very much more responsible than the other areas, though even grip is a full body thing - not sitting on your ass and doing just forearm rollers or what not.
Far more productive ways!
And to end this off, here's a silly review (though genuine one) -
(or part of it)
I was especially put off by the author citing a conversation he had with an American marine. He didn't really quote any of the conversation nor report any specifics and so it seems as if it was included to link his workout with the cachet of the Marines. He also mentioned he hadn't done a single pull up for months, but his grip had got better! He doesn't say what he has been doing instead, he certainly doesn't seem to have included it in this book.
Oh yes, it DOES, my friend. It does!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Full review on Amazon UK, but I'v ementioned it so many times here that ...
PS #2 - Know the sign of a TRUE BUSNINESSMAN?
Shantaram, in his bestselling novel ; a mammoth bit torn apart twice at that in prison, said the following about the time in an Indian prison where the guards literally brutally beat him to literally - shreds.
Indian prisons are probably as brutal as Chinese minus the politics.
"All the time they were flagellating me, I was thinkng of ways to profit from it!"
SAGE Greg. Sage!!