Displaying items by tag: life
It was right under my NOSE, and I ignored it.
We often don’t realize the very treasures that lie before our EYES, do we?
Could be life. Could be biz. Could be relationships. Could be anything!
Ole Napoleon Hill said it the best.
“Your big opportunity may be where you are NOW!”
Unfortuntely back in 2003 I hadn’t read Hill’s books.
Or Claude Bristol’s books.
Do my own thing?
I was just happy to have a great job (well, it paid me well, that I’ll say) in china!
I was just happy NOT to be home (you on this list know about my childhood, why etc).
And I was happy to go straight from college to China basically, and more.
But hell, one of the best training tools was right there inf ront of me.
I still remember standing there on the fourth floor of my apartment building (no elevator).
And looking at the red lantern on top of that hill ...
I’d look at it. I’d stare at it.
But I never bothered to find out (despite my love of hills) to find out where it was!
I’d run around the block.
Those were my smokin days.
And I’d fail miserably. Couldn’t do two rounds, and I’d wheeze up the stairs after that and I’d think I got a workout.
I’d get frustrated as heck with (despite the positive notes about my forearm strength etc from a lot of people) the BALLOONING weight (despite me lifting lots of weights).
And my lack of flexibility, endurance, and deep down inside I knew, as “Maria” once told me.
“You’re fat inside!”
Well, she was RIGHT. And I was nowhere near the tubbo status most people out there are (I mean those that are fat, or unfit, or what not).
She bodyshamed me.
But she did it in a cute way, hehe.
My Jie Jie is nothing but not honest (elder sister, hehe).
But anyway, life has a way of taking us to where we HAVE TO BE.
Our destiny.
We all have one.
How we start and get there is the “intrigue and SPICE” – of LIFE!
And for me, that first date in Qi Feng Park in China did it.
And the spectacle remains in my mind.
Ann Lee floating up the hill, yours truly gasping, panting, wheezing and barely making it up as other girls giggled at the foreign devil (admittedly a “handsome” one apparently).
And the admonition later as she gave me a massage.
“You can do this daily!”
That look in the eye !
And that set it all off ...
But remember, my friend.
Fitness wise ,same thing.
Do you realize, for instance, that the ONE exercise you can do to get in and stay in great shape doesnt require a chinning bar?
Yes – pushups!
Do YOU know that squats (Hindus) done right will fry off lard off your body quicker than every before?
HAVE you EXPERIENCED the sheer thrill and exhiliration that comes from doing BEAR CRAWLS and other ANIMAL KINGDOM WORKOUTS?
For most people, the answer is no.
And for them, I’d say ... you’re ignoring a fitness treasure right before your very eyes!
There is NO better time to say this than now, with the plague and what not sweeping everywhere globally.
Plague Shague.
My rear end.
I’ve never been in better shape and FELT better – without a mask. Hehe.
And thats it from me.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW, my friend. Really. Don’t postpone it thinking “money will come in later”. Nothing ever DOES. IF you gotta and wanna do something, strike while the iron is HOT. Get it DONE – and NOW!
“Jo Dar Gaya, Wo Mar Gaya!”
Sage indeed!
'Twas a milk store, I believe or some such thing.
The guy selling behind the counter wasn’t wearing a face mask, and a lady was in line (well, she was buying something or the other "mustard oil" I believe but I ain't sure).
The lady asked him “why he wasn’t wearing a face mask”.
No doubt the guy had been asked that 10,0000 times already.
And of course, he was irritated.
Curtly he replied “Jo Dar Gaya – Wo mar gaya”.
And I AGREE with dude.
Apparently this caused a massive flutter on certain social media circles (El -Freak-o-book for one), and a contact forwarded it to me. Yours truly does NOT watch videos, but this one I just had to ..
For reference, this line is from a famous Hindi movie (wyyyyyyyy back int he day when I was growing up “Sholay”).
The big fat baddie who made girls dance on broken glass or the baddie would “chop the hero’s arms off” or some such thing (I can’t quite remember the story) said this.
He was apparently a man to be feared. Bandit no less.
Replete with his army of thugs as well.
The cops were scared of him!
So a couple of freelance “bounty hunters” were hired to get him.
Do they? Do they not? Does one fall in love? Is it typical Bolly “sholly”? Am I commiting a massive FOLLY by spending time watching it?
Well, you watch, and you decide my friend.
But point is this.
HE said this.
“Whoever gets scared – DIES”.
And he was RIGHT. So right!
And it’s SO applicable today.
Ever think or wonder how Hitler and his bunch of thugs turned Germany into gigantic “Nazi boiling pot”?
Or how it started (Hitler was known as a lunatic initially) and how the infamous Gestapo became so powerful?
Or how Xi’s Gestapo in China is equally, if not more powerful?
And how dictators all over the world come to power, and RULE with an iron fist?
Two things.
One, brainwashing. Repeatedly.
Repeat a lie enough times, and a man will BELIEVE IT.
And TWO?
Well, FEAR.
And the same thing is what China banked upon.
They spread the damn thing with much thought and foresight.
They KNEW the panic this would cause because of how it spreads ... (and even the, it’s not nearly as deadly as the bozos make it out to be).
And ... I’ll take my chances, thank you very much, no matter where I go and where I travel.
If I HAVE to wear a face mask, I will. Some airlines don’t even allow you on without a face mask, even domestically.
But the minute I dont have to, I won’t.
And I suggest YOU do the same thing my friend.
Live life OPENLY – unafraid – and UNWORRIED about what people might “think”, “do” or what not.
FEAR is indeed what killed more peopel than anything!
And on that note, I’m out. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Be sure and pick up the two following two courses – Shoulders like Boulders! And battletank shoulders – and why do these have relevance? Well after doing the exercises therein, you won’t have any FEAR left in you!
Just take a look at the sales page. THAT LOOK IN THE EYES! Enough said, bro!
Why yours truly makes a TERRIBLE (I repeat, TERRIBLE) “life partner”
One of the Bozo (Schofield the one and only)’s rants was this (I believe he said this a sa comment on my pathbreaking book (ok, that one wasn’t pathbreaking, but the tips WERE and ARE!) “Fitness Pioneer”)).
A book where the picture has been called “handsome and wild” by many.
A book where the picture represents something far more important to yours truly.
Although it might not seem nigh apparent from the picture (but it will if you look carefully. That LOOK in the eye!)
Anyway, thats also why it pisses the Bozos off (not just their leader Schofield, many others too).
And out of a string of seemingly random, disjointed “lunatic central like” comments straight from “Hannibal Lecter” central, the jewel in his crown of lunacy was this.
“He cheats on his wife, so what can be do to his friends”
He should have applied the latte rpart of that comment to HIMSELF. Hehe. Enough said on that one. And if you’ve been on this list, you KNOW it’s true. Proof’s in the pudding.
But really, the first part speaks of jealousy and impotency.
Not everyone is an “alpha male wearing many faces”.
I get that. Most sensible folk do.
The Bozo doesnt ...
And many others don’t.
But so let me go on record stating one thing. My wife, and I dont care who it is – all women – the tag “marriages” changes them.
Even “committed relationship” is different from marriage.
Yes, even in these days of “drive through” marriages and divorces galore bro.
A switch goes off in their minds. Period!
All becomes as Mother Nature intended it to be, or SHOULD become, and with the convoluted line between feminism and Nazi feminism, we’re left with a mammoth and massive mess.
Not the sort of mess Scofield gets off to regularly, ugh.
But the mess that we call well, dysfunctional relationship.
IF there is ONE piece of advice I could give all men?
IT wouldn’t be as the “MGTOW” crowd says “stay away from women”.
True, you could do that and make gains if thats your thang, but let’s face it, most alpha males and men in general want some, so staying away does no good.
Trick’s two fold.
One, sexual transmutation like Napoleon Hill spoke about in Think and Grow Rich.
And two ...
Do everything – but don’t sign on the dotted line, hehe.
Stay with her your whole life. But the minute the paper shows up ... watch out!
Yes, I know.
Yours is different ... until she is.
Let’s hope so bro.
And I wouldn’t necessarily try to twist your arm (mentally) to get you to believe me. Experience can sometimes be the best teacher and often IS.
But anyway, I dont make a good husband. I admit it.
Because I refuse to wear the “controlled by wife and mother” puppet tag.
Yours truly is a FREE bird.
Always HAS been.
What happens when you cage a bird up?
It withers up and dies - - before getting extremely moody.
Same for yours truly and his freedom, which is what that picture represents.
And anyway, I DO make a great partner of a certain type, hehe.
Well, two types.
One, you guess. LOL.
And two ?
EXERCISE partner.
I’ll push you during training you – and in all my books and courses, guess what I do.
I PUSH you.
I do not CODDLE you.
I PUSH you to lose weight. To get STRONG. REAL STRONG.
To be a bigger, better and healthier version of yourself in ALL Regards.
You’ll hate me while I do it.
You’ll probably hate me while I and for saying it.
But really, my friend.
You’ll LOVE the results.
And thats all I gotta say about THAT.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up the best damned fitness system right HERE - The 0 Excuses Fitness System.
PS #2 – I’m a very “unstable” person. Thats reason #2. So say the bozos and everyone like ‘em, hehe.
PPS - And thats why I asked my wife to "live together: first. She wouldn't. And I figured, as usual, I'd go with gut .. and. HA!
But really. All for a good cause, heh.LEsson - LEARNT!
PPS #1 - John was right when he said I'm a rare breed that believes in and has figured out HOW to live life on his terms ! But you can too my friend. SO CAN YOU!
Jahapanah, tussi GREAT HO!
So went the line ... and in English, I believe it translates into “your honor (said in a funny sort of way – or Emperor, actually now that I think about it) , you’re GREAT!”
Accompanied by a podgy little man pulling his pants down at Ladakh in them snowy heights with “three idiots” and a gorgeous Kareena Kapoor looking on.
And that was the end of the movie “3 Idiots” afte which the credits rolled, but NOT before the following line showed.
“do what you love, and the money will FOLLOW”.
Neither did I like the movie, and nor do I entirely agree with the line.
I’d add on MANY caveats to it!
But the movie was a massive commercial success (which prompted yours truly to at least give it a look see). And Aamir khan say what you might is a class act, and one of the by far most professional actors in the entire wide WORLD.
Really, he is ... and versatile and capable too!
I’m more the action thriller “Ghajini” fan when it comes to Khan (that Khan, at least).
But anyway, the movie revolves around three college students.
And two of them are subject to the usual guilt trips and doing what they dont want to do career wise from their parents, of course.
“We bought you an AC with our savings, and now this is what you do with your grades!”
Cameth the guilt trip from one’s Mama when he flunked exams in the first year.
(Sounds familiar to me both in terms of flunking and guilt trips etc. Hehe.)
Not much different for the other boy.
The third, Aamir is something of an engima, and a mystery.
Not only does he NOT spend any time studying (the other two dont either) – but he TOPS every exam.
Pure genuis, they say, and we never see his parents.
Years later, after they all graduate, Aamir disappears, never to be seen or heard from. But a mysterious employer and supposed billionaire if I recall right “Phansuk Wangu” or something calls the two idiots up, and another Bozo like guy (the guy who finally pulled his pants down to acknowledge the other man’s superiority – some silly college prank that!).
No-one knows who he is.
They set off to find out with typical Bolly wood drama added in- - more than I Care to recant here.
But they finally find him.
Their long lost friend, that is.
And picture their surprise when they find out that THIS is the mystery employer!
Dude #3 used to call out Aamir all the time in college for this and that, and say he’d earn more, etc etc.
And he always came in #2 in the exams.
And when he finally tried to upend Aamir one last time ... well, he couldn’t.
And he finally acknowledged it in the way described bove, hehe.
Like I said, I didnt much like the movie, but it was a roaring success, so they must have hit a raw nerve. HA!
And looking into my crystal ball right now, I see the infamous Bozo Schofield doing something like that very soon. Not the exact physical action of course.
But something like that.
And when you’re truly “sees” somethign in a crystal ball either while dreaming or awake, you can bet your “Betsy” that yours truly “seer” sees RIGHT. It usually comes true.
That don’t mean I want the bozo or anyone to DO that to me, of course (in front of me)
I’m not that sort of dude.
Really. I dont rub it in generally!
(And more so NOT with the Bozo because he LOVES that sort of thing privately. Youd just have to ask him to drop the soap and hed drop the towel too. UGH).
(But since he’s the Bozo, I’ll use him on the other site to ramp up sales – been doing that a while actually, and no not just he fitness sites either. Hehe.).
But anyway ...
Often times I’ll get into disagreements with friends and thats fine.
I only really say something definitively when I know I’m right. If I dont know, or I might be wrong, I keep my big mouth SHUT.
Por ejempelo, a friend of mine recently disagreed big time with the reality of the Trumpinator not being re-elected.
I Explained patiently to him.
But he didnt get it.
So I let it be.
Hey, we all have our own opinion.
Mysteriously, now that Jan 20 draweth near he never talks about it any more given whats going on.
And no, I ain’t gonna rub it in either by sayin g”I told you so”.
That is NOT me.
In fact, it’s the opposite. If I’m proven wrong on something, I’ll be the first to admit it – man up – and say it!
But most aren’t that way.
And fitness wise, same thing.
There’s been a lot of fools running their mouths about pushups for ages.
Then they buy the book finally to see what “ole Rahul is all about”.
Grudgingly, they get on my pushy path and follow my pushin’ ways ...
And they ACKNOWLEDGE that my stuff works, and better than their previous stuff!
Do I name them here?
Have I?
Will I?
Doubtful, unless they want me to.
That aint me!
But really, thats the lesson here.
If you’re wrong, sac up, and TAKE it – and move on.
And if you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground, and have NO clue in terms of what you BE talking about, best not to say anything at all ...
Alrighy, enough of this brain dump.
Remember one thing.
The CLOCK is ticking.
That 0 Excuses Fitness SHIP membership gets you access to everything, the whole shebang for a pittance of $799.
You know that already, I’m sure.
But what you may or may not know is that the price goes up by two hundred SMACKERS come Jan 1.
So hurry now – and get in while the going is GOOD.
Or risk havin to ... nah, not that, hehe.
But you get my drift!
Do it, my friend.
I look forward to welcoming YOU aboard!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Ahoy 2021! I can’t wait!
Like talking to a brick wall, except that WALL likely makes more sense, hehe
I must admit - -I had a bit of a chuckle this morning (or this evening, actually).
I was chattign with a friend and customer about an upcoming (or current, as the case might be) purchase.
And part of our conversation was about his (as he says) wife of 28 years (almost).
And how she actually feels his training is putting him MORE at risk of a heart attack then the other way around i.e not training and being more prone to a heart attack is probably the more rational and sensible way of looking at it
And dont get me wrong – the Mrs likely knows this, but her “concern” is likely overriding any rational thinking she has on this one!
Which happens quite a lot, or all the time with a lot of ladies once “relationships” and marriage become part of the deal.
I should know, hehe.
Training, just don't get me started on that!!! The Mrs believes that at 63 (64 also in July 2021) I should have stopped years ago and she says that all this exercise will probably give me a heart attack or a stroke if I'm not careful, I have tried to tell her that exercising will probably prevent me from having the heart attack or stroke but it's like talking to a brick wall in fact I'd probably get more sense out of a brick wall if you know what I mean
... Is what he said. (I’m quoting the relevant part of the conversation).
And my response?
I must admit I had a chuckle or two at the "brick wall" comment - I feel EXACTLY the same way talking about anything, not just exercise, hehe with my wife or my mom for that matter. Yes, I've been living alone pretty much for the past 8 or so years (probably 10 actually) ... I couldn't ever take the "we're always right" thing that women always seem to pull on us men in some way, shape or form.
(again, relevant parts of the conversation quoted).
He had this to say about my living alone - - and I must say this – bud I dont blame you for feeling that way, hehe.
You live alone, buddy, after 27 years of marriage (28 in July 2021) that sounds like heaven to me, I often dream to myself what living like that would be like after nearly 30 years of having to consider how what I say or do will affect my other half.
It can get to you, but on the other hand, some things are what they are, especially if you’re in one of the more lockdown ravaged parts of the world which this dude is in - - everyone’s just going plumb damn crazy.
Except us serious trainees who KNOW this is all mostly panic beyond the initial problems, and who know the value of real training!
As I told this person.
“Don’t try to explain it, buddy – or you might actually end up getting a heart attack trying to explain than not!”
But it’s true!
Rang so true when I Read it too ...
And thats what YOU gotta do when the bozos from Gym Shym La La land show up claiming a bunch of nonsense like “bodyweight exercises are only good for endurance and not strength”.
Or, “cardio at a steady rate for 30 minutes at 80% of my target heart rate is the ideal way to lose weight”.
Or, “pushups are worthless!”
And a very merry Christmas to these people in la la land, or the looney tune bin, and to try and reason with these people is an act approaching lunacy anyway!
So dont even try! :)
But anyway, on other fronts.
Yours truly has been BUSY as a bee this morning pounding out books, not one but two.
Not for the fitness biz. The other biz.
One is 10,000 plus words in the offing, and the other is 7 k plus words already. Yes, when I get down to it – I get down to it – and I brook NO excuses.
Not w.r.t life.
Not exercise. Not fitness. And not my work! (which for me is FUN).
Fitness wise, a couple of other things.
John Walker from the United Kingdom asked me if I was goin gto put out a book on training with traditional Indian maces and clubs amongst other things.
“Gada and Jori” basically I believe is what they call ‘em.
I DO train with these, and I WILL put out a proper book on it in the future – stay tuned.
I’ve already done one on jump rope training, of course ...
Another one I want to do is the ab roller ... another great gadget, and one I believe Roosevelt used when in the Oval office, and for good reason.
He used to get his ENTIRE family involved while exercising.
Smart man!
Of course, he probably parried the “you’ll get a heart attack” thing off more times than he’d care to remember!
And on yet another note, some of you have signed up with multiple email addresses, and are yet NOT able to receive our emails.
And that sucks – I know.
But truth be told, there isn’t much that can be done about it, unfortunately. Email providers have their own whims and fancies, and my own gmail account is unable to receive emails from my info@.... account for whatever reason!
(but I'm having it looked into anyway. Multiple people have contacted me about it, so ...)
So if you dont get emails from us – remember they’re all posted right her eon the blog as well.
And thats that for now. Back soon! (and I’m back to my other two books).
So much to DO, hehe. An dI’m loving it!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – The compilation on pull-ups is one hell of a book and it’s been getting some REAL interest as of late. Check it out right here - - Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD – to SUPER STUD – WITHIN WEEKS! (0excusesfitness.com)
(and remember, paperback options are there too!)
Waiting until the very LAST minute to get things done ...
Is usually a recipe for disaster, and then some.
For most people, because following the GUT doesnt come naturally to most people (or if it does, the urge is SUPPRESSED).
Now, when you follow the gut it may seem like (to the Bozos out there) that “you do nothing”, or there is “no plan”.
Or things may seem random.
But when those results come, they COME!
With the speed of a black Mamba striking, hehe.
And thats how the Universe and it’s plans work, but back to what I’m saying above.
People have an annoying (and strange, to me) habit of PROCRASTINATION, and then raising all sorts of Cain about it.
Por ejempelo, my beloved and lovely wife.
She’ll wait until the last minute for ... say, when the groceries are about to run out.
When they do, it’s time to blame Rahul for not stocking up in advance, and of course, all the things he DID Stock up on in advance are nigh forgotten, hehe (things that are still LASTING).
Or, if she’s in the mood to do cleaning.
Which only ever happens when it hasn’t happened for ages and the work just PILES Up for ages.
I dont know why, but the concept of “doing things a little daily” (or bit by bit) is alien and uncomfortable for a lot of people ; the majority, actually, and no it ain’t just “my wife”.
Yeah, I know.
Yours is different, right?
The most hard working until she’s not, and so forth ...
Well, lets hope she is bro.
But the point isn’t so much her or my wife. Point is people do this with their FITNESS.
They wait until (as a certain Tracy once told me) “things get out of control”.
Of course, for her, every thing is out of control, hehe. She’s cool though!
And gorgeous too, hehe.
But waiting until that belly EXPLODES out of your pants, or the man boobs really droop down is never a good idea my friend.
Do somethign NOW.
No, tomorrow never comes!
Get off thy DUFF and do something NOW, so you dont complain later.
Thats as simple as it gets my friend.
And with Christmas and everything going on, and people eating more than they should (and no, I’m not buying into the “majority of world is going hungry for Christmas” nonsense the leftist media is spreading either. True, the plague from China has wrecked things and plans royally, but still!), this needs tobe said ... now.
Get on the best fat burning program there is now, my friend.
You won’t have to worry about “later” if you do the thing NOW!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Along with the above program, make SURE to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System right HERE. (Right now, bro! No sense in delaying that decision ...)
Why looking at BOTH sides of an argument is KEY to resolving any sort of argument, no matter how minor or major ...
Like a JUDGE would.
And unless you’re the sort that prefers to “let it go anyway”, because “she (or he) is always right, and there is no point arguing, and ...”
Yours truly does the latter on occasion, but in a way where I dont really lose directly, but set myself up to WIN later.
And I always have.
Kinda cryptic eh.
But it is what it is.
And what THIS EMAIL is all about ain’t that. I’ll expound more on that later.
For now, and recently Bozo Schofield sent Charles (same dude who railed against pull-ups while secretly trying ‘em out and who said I couldn’t have my opinion when it comes to mainland China and a lot more ... though he claims I mis quoted him. No I didnt. I’ve got the screen shot bro) some shots of a page where I said “a person was too fat to do pull-ups and complained”.
“Fat Phucks” was the term I used, which seemed to have hit home though ... ONE, I did NOT mention Charles my name, and two and despite his assertions to the contrary – the email wasn’t even about HIM.
It was about the same bozo I wrote about that demanded a refund for the book on the best damn exercises ever because “some of the exercises were similar to what is in 0 Excuses Fitness”.
Anyway ... point of this, you ask?
Well, this same person ... Charles, I mean, I could have asked him the following when he gave me the guilt trip of “I thought we were pals. How could you do this to me?”
well, first off, bro, I didnt do anything until I was provoked ... and even then, all I did was state FACTS in terms of pull-ups. If that offends, sorry, but I’m not going to either stop having an opinion on China and their bullshit and neither will I stop having an opinion on pull-ups and bodyweight, and I WILL tom tom both opinions until the “cows come home” or “pigs fly” whichever you prefer.
Actually, it’s not tom tomming, but whateva.
But second, and more importantly.
We’re pals, right?
But you did NOT think of telling me about the Bozo’s trolling when he first sent you those gifs, did you now?
“Yeah, I think he sent me a few”.
Yeah. Right. A few. Having a few chuckles on my ass.
Hey, it’s all good bro. Dont get me wrong ...
And then of course the time when you, the Bozo, and some other nutzo joined a WeShat group, were kicked out by Steve the admin, and then you claimed “Glyn was kicked out of the group” when all three were.
For inane trolling, nothing else.
Hey, bro.
All good.
We sometimes have a go at each other.
I get it!
But the point is, and you yourself have said it – GOOSE – and GANDER.
If you can excuse racism, which you do on a daily basis (and dont get me wrong – if thats what you thought about me, perfectly well an good. NO complaints from yours truly!) - then I can talk about pull-ups and fatsos, no?
I’d think the latter would be far less offensive to most people.
Perhaps we can ask Mike Tyson, or Herschel Walker, two people whose sheer dint of results has caused even you to admire ‘em ... ?
Or perhaps you could ask ME?
Of course, I know. How dare I. What do I know. Hehe. I’m an idiot.
I know, I know.
(I can hear name #1113 coming along, hehe).
But really, he ain’t the only one doing it.
SAME thing with my wife. My Mom.
They all get pissed about THIS.
That when it comes to get things done – Rahul Mookerjee gets them done, and ultimately finds a way to GET what he wants, outselling all the bozos and nutzos in the process that claim about “giving freebies away”, “being more helpful on social media sh-edia which I do NOT even use now” and other rubbish.
Ebay she bay. And so forth. Hell,I ain’t even gonna sell on Amazon no more probably in 2021. That decision is by no means made, but it’s in the making as it were.
Point is though, bro.
Please DO listen up.
If you TRULY do want to put all this in the past, and admit a fact that you already know, that the real issue is the Bozo, then I’m willing to do it.
I am. Really.
I’ll let bygones be bygones.
But, point is this. You have to listen to the other side too bro. Can’t be all one sided.
Same thing for fitness routines.
You cannot, for instance, keep touting the benefits of (and here we ain’t talking Charles either) of “pump and dump” (ok, preen and pump, I know) until the pigs fly out of whoever’s ass being better than short and intesne bodyweight workouts.
Because they just aren’t.
Deep down inside these people know it itoo, or they’d never TRY it. Hehe.
OK, so did I piss off enough of the bozos as yet.
Well, good.
HERE is where you can jump on the BEST Damned fitness system ever. Try it – DO the thing – and you SHALL have the power!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – HERE is the best book you can pick up pull-ups, bar none.
PS #2 – I know. “Rahul is always wrong”. Hehe. I know, I know.
More on PERSONAL Responsiblity
I believe I wrote a thing or two about that on the other site ...
But as I finish that last “don’t build websites anymore unless it’s REALLY something that pays me WELL and the client is someone I’d like with me long term” – I gotta say this.
And this will be of interest to said client “from Rwanda”, I believe, if I have got it right but I might not have ... who is no doubt reading this as I type this almost.
I have not one, or two websites. I got PLENTY, bro.
And I just got a new one up a while ago.
Anyway, on another front, I missed a payment for one of my BUSINESS websites.
The due date was around the middle of the month. My credit card wouldn’t work. It often doesnt due to a technicality that I had to contact the bank to sort out (Which to their credit they DID) ... but in the meantime I requested those guys to keep my site up and operational for 2 weeks more.
(to give me time to pony up)
(funnily enough or perhaps not – they gave me a discount that month for a great review I wrote for them. It was nice of them and entirely unexpected and the review was TRUE, so I wrote it. I certainly didnt expect any monetary return from it. Of course, life being what it is, I got the discount, but lost the ... ah, but we’ll get there).
They couldn’t give me the extra time.
Against policy.
Which I completely understand!
Let me repeat this.
And they, along with the folks I host THIS site on are the best damned host I’ve had the pleasure to work with in a long, long time. For many reasons! Oustanding support for one ...
So what did I do?
I didnt rant or rave. Piss or moan. OR whatever.
My card issue wouldn’t get sorted until the next month.
Waiting a month for the other site to be online would incur business losses.
I took it on the chin
Took a complete backup of my site BEFORE the account was “auto deleted”. And thats how to do it, my friend.
And bear in mind, this was just 2 weeks, not SIX MONTHS AND counting as a lot of these guys emailing me are delinquent for.
I have no idea why, but people seem to think “online = easy and turn on / off”.
If it were that easy?
Why not do it yourself, bro?
Ah I know.
How dare I say it?
But I did, because it’s TRUE.
Its about taking responsiblity, my friend.
And ignorance of the law (though honestly speaking there was no ignorance here – there was just you being “cheap”) does NOT mean you can openly flout the law and demand the right to do so.
Ain’t how it works pally.
And thats what I gotta say about that!
Before I go – taking responsbility for your PERSONAL fitness is obviously another major YES – or should be. Start by investing in the best damned fitness system (completely home based, and ZERO equipment of any nature required other than a floor) right here – the0 Excuses Fitness System.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – As for my own other site hosted with some other guys? I made a promise to the hosts that I’d be back with them, and I am. And I – as usual – cannot say enough good things about them. Professional and courteous – and great, great service. That is how it should be!
PS #2- The SAME Thing applies to those who “forget” to renew their SHIP membership, or “their card suddenly stops working”. Hey, I get it. Life is what it is. But life isn’t emailing me and demanding to be let back in without even a “mea culpa” of sorts. And guess what, chances are if you’re not genuine in the first place you will NOT be let back in ...
Why brutal honesty is the way to go (yes yet AGAIN!) - and the email I NEVER wrote, but was blamed for anyway ...
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m brutally honest, and that it is THE Way to go in life.
If people get offended, or they dont like you for saying it like it is, thats their problem.
Sure, this isnt the “easiest” approach to take by far.
But in life, long term, it in my not so humble opinion is the ONLY approach to take – that produces RESULTS, bro.
Solid results.
And keeps you doing your own thang and following your own worthy goals as opposed to some rubbish someone or ther other “deems” you should do.
Por ejempelo, my ill fated stint in Muscat, Oman (truth be told I never wanted to go there, but oh well. Mistakes, mistakes! We all make ‘em)
My Hindi is not that great. I admit it.
My Bengali is even worse. I mangle it in a way most (who think it’s my mother tongue) would be horrified to hear.
But I do know one Hindi saying, that being what a colleague at THAT Job told me.
“Insan Galtiyon ka putla hai”
A man (or a person) is a puppet to his MISTAKES is the literal translation.
What it means is we all make mistakes. Live and learn!
Anyway, the only reason I took that job other than roundly pestered to do so up and down, left right and center etc was that they were willing to give my wife a job, and that would make the minimum wage CRAP they were offering me slightly more bearable.
The deal was they’d do in three months.
Yet months passed, and there was no movement.
It was evident they wouldn’t keep up to their end of the deal.
One fine day, apparently my wife had enough of being polite with them and told them to piss off in no uncertain terms.
“Then I dont want it”, was a response she wrote to an email. Which I only learned of AFTER it was written and from the portly GM who to be frank could do with a dose of frankness himself.
(I still remember him pseudo threatening me when they fired me as in “they have family, so I’m not calling the cops on him”. Yeah. Right! Not like I had actually done anything that would warrant that or believe me they’d be all over my ass, much like ... ah, but we’ll get to that in another email later, hehe).
He called me into his office one fine day and pestered me up and down about “is this the way to behave”.
As if yours truly needed to learn “how to behave from a person that couldn’t and wouldn’t keep up to his end of the deal” (of course, he didnt have any real authority, but thats another tale altogether).
Anyway, they kept me asking me “why I let my wife send the email”
And I kept saying “dude, I ain’t got a clue”.
Because I didnt.
Apparently the rest of my brutal honesty there was so believable that they fired me for it.
But this wasn’t believable.
And of course, I was pestered roundly later by my family etc as to why “I let my wife do this”.
And when I tell her to do something, Mamma dearest pesters me “how dare I even DARE to tell a woman to do anything”.
Cant win for losing, hehe.
And wouldn’t try!
But really, that brutal honesty is what has always driven me.
Dad probably never thought the beating he gave me in fourth grade would make me take it to such extremes, but I DO.
The one positive side effect of something I do NOT condone in ANY situation except the most extreme – violence against kids that passes off as “spanking”. Right! My ass was sore for days hehe.
(but those were the old days, so it was done ... school was even worse).
Anyway, it led me to a far better place down the road ... a few months later ... yet again.
Circumstances shaped up so I was back in ... you guessed it!
And my beloved hill, hehe. So much for the efforts made to derail that process, hehe.
Anyway, just what the hell does this have to do with fitness you might be asking.
Well, it DOES.
My products are written in the SAME tone.
The same brutally honest frank barebones tone – and facts that deliver RESULTS.
Some people don’t get it.
“Cesar”, a guy that bought the initial paperback version of Fast and Furious Fitness bitched up a storm over “Pushups – Reverse Pushups – the BEST DARN EXERCISE EVER!” when it was released and he bought it.
Apparently because some of the exercises were the same as in 0 Excuses Fitness, it had no value and he wouldn’t want to keep it.
Asinine indeed. It was evident he just did a quick look through the book and then had “buyer’s regret” or whatever it is impulse buyers often encounter...
That did teach me one thing though – to RAISE the price of the book ASAP.
I was running my usual 50% off for a while since the book had just been released. I often do that.
And I instantly raised the price back up (for that book and Gorilla Grip) - - and voila!
Serious customers for a serious price.
And thats how to do it, friend.
Stick to your guns – ALWAYS!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And thats really why the price for the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship is going up by a whopping TWO HUNDRED BUCKS come next year. Be pissed or not, I could care less. That is just how it is going to BE, friend.
PS #2 -Read a REAL review from a customer that gets it on the book above ...
The exercise in this book is quite difficult to master but once you crack it, it will blow you away at how good it makes your entire body feel, I’m 63 and let me tell you, this one exercise has done more for my overall wellbeing than anything else I’ve ever done. A masterpiece, thank you.
– John Walker (from the UK).
PPS – Being politically correct and telling white lies is something that has always been quite alien to me. Truth be told, it wouldn’t have been fair to my wife anyway. Truth be told again – f*** it. If I didnt do it, then I flat out didnt bloody do it, and thats just he bottom line, hehe.
On the TINGLE I’ve been feeling in my arms, and then some!
It’s well known (at least to my list – which really are those that MATTER to me) that I’m a highly spiritual person. And that despite my outwardly “uber macho” “logical” side that everyone sees, there lies an entirely different “beast” inside.
Nah, I ain’t referring to a Bozo Scofield like beast, hehe.
But I’m referring to a man’s many sides.
A human being’s many sides – and most of us never acknowledge either our many sides, or what we truly want, and the many wonders that never cease to amaze once we “give in” to our true desires.
As I continue to sink deeper into the Universe, create new businesses, write new books etc – the wonders never cease to amaze!
And amazingly enough those supposed to be the closest to me think the exact opposite.
What a dolt, they go.
Hehe. Thats the most polite of terms these nuts use ... but hey. As I thought about it this morning, the phrase “letting go” came to mind.
In the past I’d have trouble letting go.
This time?
IT just went.
End of caring.
And thats a great way to deal with negativity around you, but it needs practice, and I’ll talk more about it later, but for now, tingling?
Numbers adding up in all the right places (I ain’t talking sales!)?
And that FEELING?
Well – it’s SPIRIT talking to you my friend – IF you recognize it.
As it spoke to me, I’ll tell you about the tingle I’ve been feeling in my arms when doing the dead hang these days, and it’s AMAZING.
It’s a different sort of feeling from the STRONG feeling you get on normal thick bar dead hangs I’ve mentioned in the book on pull-ups.
This is more like a refreshing-cum-strong tingle.
IT literally refreshes your entire arms from up to down, and the ENERGY CRACKLES thereafter!
And there is a special combo of exercises that I have discovered you gotta do for this to happen – and I’m not going to reveal what exactly right now. Stay tuned – but hint – the exercises themselves ain’t nothing new – it’s how you do ‘em.
As they say, its not so much what you do, but HOW youdo it.
And in terms of exercise, lets say the best damned fitness system ever, its HOW you do it.
If I can’t hear you breathe across the room while doing any of this, or even my other workouts in the other books, you ain’t doing ‘em right bro.
It’s just that simple.
Thy breath is thy POWER, thy CONNECTION to the Universe, the source of INFINITE power and possiblities and everything.
And I’ll leave you be on that note!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I’m off for some more arm tingling pull-up workouts right now. Join me by cracking off some ADVANCED pull-ups as I describe in the ADVANCED course on pull-ups.