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Tuesday, 13 October 2020 10:13

You have to take the long view

And it is TRUE.

I don’t care if youre thinking life, or fitness, or business, this applies. And how!

Recently, a friend of mine commented on a new business venture I started a couple of months ago.

Actually, I should say an “offshoot” of an existing business, really. To be honest. Pun intended. In more ways than ONE! ?

Maybe I just started doing things differently (and remember, I KEPT doing them the old way too).

“Hmm”, he noticed (best intentions at heart).

“Why do you want to change things up if they aren’t failing?” he asked curiously. “Why the new slant?”

Well, I didn’t change things I replied. I merely added a new twist to it, a new business offshoot as it were …

More potential, more opportunities.

Yesterday, this person asked me how much money I made from the “new way” and old.

Old? Its going great, I said.

“And the new way” he eagerly asked.

ZERO, I replied.

And I meant it.

That new business, or offshoot of an existing one has netted me a grand total of ZERO as yet, and probably won’t net me anything until next year, recession or not, Chinese plague or not.

You could have deflated a balloon, so disappointed he was …

Listen, my friend.

Some of the most successful businesses were started when the person starting them was at rock bottom, and then some – or during some of the worst recession or global depressions ever.

I don’t care what your situation is right now, but it boils down to this – when you really, really gotta do something you’ll either sink or swim (as a former boss of mine said).

Might sound harsh, but the tough times are what separate the doer from the dreamers my friend, and the achievers from the has beens.

And you gotta take the LONG view here.

If you’re starting a biz in the depression, for instance (such as now, which is easily the most turbulent time of our recent lives … and EASILY a time that could lead to another massive World War (despite what the nuts on the left think)), then profit?

Forgetttt about it, my friend.

Unless you’re already established, or selling something essential, it ain’t gonna happen and even then it’s dicey and up in the air.

Down the line though, slowly …

Thing is, most people don’t GET to that point.

People don’t understand that businesses that LAST make SACRIFICES, often times for YEARS that the average joker isn’t willing to make.

Note I said WILLING, not able. Everyone is able. Where there is a will, there is indeed a way. For everything!

Often times, way back in the day I had to choose between putting food on the table and keeping my businesses going.

Not an easy choice, is it?

But it’s a choice we all face when we START something, and often times down the road as well.

It’s a tough choice, my friend, but you have to make that business a priority (no, I don’t mean don’t put food on the table, but I mean, that biz has got to come before anything else).

It is only IF you have this mindset that you can progress, and eventually succeed – lasting success, not a fly by night and “rapid” success that most people hope for.

Fitness wise, same thing.

Often times, while the most rapid succeses come within days or weeks (and usually they do if you’re doing things right) … the LASTING successes come from YEARS of hard training done right.

Muscle memory comes from YEARS of hard training done right!

So does your overall conditioning, how quickly you bounce back from injuries down the year, how quickly you get back in the groove, and so forth.

There was a point I didn’t do pull-ups for ages.

Months, actually.

But when I started doing them again?

‘Twas like I had never stopped.

Sure, took me a few days to get back to 100 pull-ups per workout.

That’s a FEW DAYS to get back to something I hadn’t done for months, and something (a level) most people won’t reach in their entire LIFETIME.

Mostly for lack of real trying…. (and of course, hiding behind the big guy can’t do pull-ups silly excuses).

And so forth.

Take the long view, my friend. That’s how it works both in terms of life – and business – and relationships – and fitness – and damn near everything you dabble in!

Unless you’re Bozo Schofield, of course, but even he seems to have taken the long view to becoming the most useless and most ignored “troll of the century”, hehe. Or unless you aspire to him which I highly doubt!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Apply for life coaching right HERE if you so choose my friend.

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. . . but especially on social media I should say.

A while back I wrote that “infamous” piece about how I would not learn Chinese if you paid me to do so. And believe me, I MEANT EVERY WORD!

Perhaps that is why the article was such a resounding success in many ways i.e. came straight from the heart, and was true.

Believe me, my friend.

People can see past the BS, and while they may or may not like you (or hate you in my case) for saying it like it is, they WILL follow you to the ends of the earth to hear what you got to say if you follow that one rule above and KEEP IT REAL.

Ah, Keeping it Real in China. What a “nice” group that used to be before I gave it up. Lots of rants in there that would do just great printed out on a roll of toilet paper, as Uncle Bob once said about our communication (daily (hourly, actually, if not more) emails while bored shitless at the factories we worked at – long story).

But really.

That one article generate SO MANY comments that at one point I was literally hearing my phone beep every second. Believe me now and trust me later, yes, it did tick people off a lot.

I posted it in a China Facebook group of all things . . .

The irony. How dare I eh.

Well I did.

And the beeping is an exaggeration in that my phone  is always on silent mode no matter what. But the point stands, as do the notifications I got.

And guess what, they weren’t all hate and the usual “your racist” nonsense (it still befuddles me as to how Im racist by choosing not to a learn a certain language but for the mainlanders it’s their way or the highway, much like the liberal lunatic left, so that don’t surprise me one bit().

Some of the comments actually made perfect sense including some of the responses to the “hes a racist” chants which I’ve covered before.

And I did respond to a couple of comments on that thread (no more tho).

But really, mi amigo.

Its far better in most cases to NOT get into a pissing contest on social media.

In most cases.

In that case, it was warranted to a degree, but even then, I eventually took the fight back to my own den. My own lair (which most of those people that comment up a storm are too LAZY to create or foster).

The same type of people that badger you incessantly with idiotic questions and yet when you ask THEM questions about their own life or situation, they never reply.

“Will India defeat China?”

“China’s a powerful country! Can India defeat it?”

(just a couple of replies to a recent post and the guy got on FB Messenger for them)

Look, dude. Get on Google for fuck’s sake and then Google it .  . .

And when I asked him a question, of course. The question that mattered.

Resounding and ringing silence so loud it could have woken the dead.

As TEMB (who for whatever reason chooses to call himself “Eric”, hehe) said “no answer is often an answer with these nuts”.

And it is, in many ways.

I can’t stand people like that.

Nor those who say “I won’t discuss it publicly” and then pester me with 1000 voice notes for something that could be said in writing in one paragraph (usually the voice them justifying the non-existence of their point to themselves if that makes sense!).

Or those that say “my friends might see”, but I agree with you privately.

Dude (or lady) at least have the balls to say it publicly. There are extenuating circumstances on occasion, but far less than what most people make out to be, and the above two cases ain’t it for sure.

And yes, this email is mostly MARKETING, and I’ve already given you many different marketing tips, but before I cover the why, here’s something else.

Aside from fitness, I’ve made no bones about the fact that I AM a damned good marketer even if I say so myself, and CAN AND WILL Teach those interested tricks that will double, triple or even quadruple your sales in ANY Economy if I say so myself.

Believe me, if I can do it (and here’s proof) then YOU can too.

IF  you’re serious.

And if so, I can help . . .

But back to it. Because . ..

It accomplishes zippo for one.

Not only are you getting nothing out of that effort (and in most cases heartfelt comments with emotion behind them) but you’re rarely if ever going to convince someone to change their POV on most things.

That emotion might be best spent doing what I am right now, or with your SO (or on him or her) or other things . . .

. . . Things that matter.

IN certain cases, yes. Perhaps getting into a bit of a fistfight online may help if the person youre attacking has a massive audience.

But even then perhaps not . . .

. . . And if you’re Bozo Schofield for one that claims . . . ah, but we’ll get there.

These are the two main reasons why other than waste of time, and one last “monkey in the wrench”?

Or was it spanner in the works, hehe.

It’s well known that a lot of people hate my very guts, and existence. Much like Major General Michael once told me years ago “Rahul you hate my guts don’t you” (I didn’t, really!) . . .

But curiously enough it is these people who can’t resist following yours truly.

“lets see what he’s got to say”

(because deep down inside they know I say what is TRUE and what I say makes perfect SENSE).

“Lets get a couple of tips for freeeeeeee!”

And so forth.

And as the liberal left no doubt latches on to this post with renewed vigor (believe me, I might as well not post it on social media as people are going to look for what Rahul Mookerjee is sayin anyway even if the social media post isn’t out there) hey – I welcome it! ?

Go for it!

Oh, and if you’re Bozo Schofield on drugs trying to convince me “I have no followers and can’t market worth a damn” with a sum total of two followwers on Twitter yourself, one being an alter ego of you, and the other being ..  I don’t know, but the profile pic is so weird I won’t even go there … well, please  Glyn.

Do it if you must.

But really, you’re making a massive fool out of yourself.

Which you are, anyway, so I suppose youre being honest in that regard and kudos for that! ?

And there endeth this particular rant. The haters will find reasons to hate and the DOERS that GET SOMEWHERE IN LIFE will LISTEN – and learn

If I were you, I know which Id choose!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you want to apply for life coaching, send in your application right here. Be aware that I’m usually dealing with several things at once, so if you’re not serious or if I get a bad vibe off your email, you’ll be blocked pronto. You can wail and moan all you like later, but sorry, I won’t be unblocking you . . .

PS #2 – Here is where you can pick up the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales (that works in ANY economy bar none).

PPS – A certain poster who specifically asked not to be named and so I wont name him wrote in to say I was a pompous ass for saying “masks aren’t necessary” and I didn’t “value human life”. Yada, nada, schnada. All I can say to that? Ho hum! Hey, pally. China spread the plague and then of course disappeared leaving the ROW to deal with it, and guess what, hiding at home ain’t gonna make it go away. Might as well man up and get rid of it the natural way which is to ignore it and eventually you’ll see it as just the flu or other common diseases. Really, my brother. All it is is a version of the super flu, and that’s it!

PPS #2 – Donald Trump is back in office (I mean, back in the White House). Yippee!! Here’s to the one and only Trumpinator!

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Wednesday, 23 September 2020 12:45

When that SHOE starts to PINCH . . .

Its interesting isn’t it?

The number of people willing to sacrifice their TRUE values and beliefs, and NOT say it like it is, not necessarily because they’re scared of any reprisals (or not) -  but because of the almighty DOLLAR?


Or Rupee. Or Rupiah. Or pound (ah, but we’ll get to that part later! ?).

Reminds me of a time when my “dear” Dad told me the following.

“Rahul, it’s great you’re honest and say it like is, even so, brutal honesty needs to be tempered with a modicum of practicality!”

Now, these are my words. He used the word “white lie” . . .and to give you some background don this, yours truly was working a job in the Middle East at the time.

And at a certain point, yours truly was blamed roundly up and down for sending an email he never did (actually, for “instigating” the sending of that email even though they knew I didn’t send it – don’t ask!).

And for not castigating the sender of the email, and apologizing on my behalf.

And for (most importantly) brazenly (according to them at least – boy, if they knew me NOW!!) denying I had anything to do with it.

Because I didn’t.

It was the truth.

Cost me the job in the end, because that was the point relations deteriorated big time.

Loss of face, and what not but anyway, point being this.

I have always been this way my friend.

A customer Jason who I’ve written about befofe emailed me recently telling me much the same thing.


I love your daily emails, and admire your frankness. However, my sincere advice to you (and please do not take it the wrong way) is to tone it down occasionally, especially the politics. You never know who may get ticked off!”

(and not buy your products is what he didn’t say, but meant, and before y’all reading this start, he’s a Gorilla Grip customer, and has nothing but GREAT things to say about not just that one initial course, but the entire series).

Now, I guess I could put a call to action here but I won’t .

Instead, back to my response.

I’ve always been this way my friend.

I could care LESS if that approach costs me dollars, pennies, or makes me the same.

I was the same way when I barely had two cents to rub together (or dimes) – and I’m the same now.

Ain’t nothing changed bro.

Like I wrote about a while ago, my values are what I care about and standing up for, and doing the RIGHT THING, and I WILL Go to the ends of the world to say things to that extent. Regardless of business lost/gained.

End of the day, when we “go”, as I recently was chatting with Charles (Mitchell) about, all we have is a satisfaction of having made a difference by doing the right thing! At least, that’s how yours truly views it.

And on that note . . .

I get this same sort of thing a lot of time when I write my posts on China and the CCP.

And I gotta say this my friend.

Tom Tomming (I seem to have patented the word! ?) – and TRUE support are about as different and unique from each other as bread from meat.

Oil and water.

And so forth.

They do NOT mix.

Not even a little. No overlap. No congruence.


Wei Shenmo, some may ask.

Well, because . . . but before I get into that, let me say (or point out) something.

Ever notice that most, if not ALL the China tom tommers (actually, ALL) that praise the current Chinese regime up and down, and say (either literally or figuratively) that it can do NO harm, wants peace, never spread the China plague, and most certainly does NOT want war with any country, and never ever entertained any thoughts of global dominance, never does any wrong in Tibet and Xinjiang, and so forth, and well . . . you get the drift, but (and I know, this is long!) ever notice these guys all have MONEY (business) interests involved?

Like Donald Trump recently said in his rally at PA (and he’s damn right as usual).

“Russia, Russia, Russia, that’s all you hear about. But they ignore the real threat, China. No-one says a word about China. They all have their little deals going on”

(And yes, the She She Pee did take care to become that octopus with tentacles of many forms, shapes and guises as opposed to the erstwhile Soviet Union, but they’ve forgotten that its fairly simple to chop off the head of an octopus or snake if you know how! ?).

Usually people that are scared that China is their only option and they best not alienate it.

Or loser “ESL” teachers whose only option back home is public welfare, shared housing and the like . . .

Hey, don’t get me wrong. If you’re a GENUINE teacher there, so be it, but you wouldn’t fall into the tom tomming category then anyway (a past supervisor of mine comes to mind – a true business person but I’ll let it be for now).

You’d be either silent or joining me in approval. Probably the former, and that I can handle.

Hey, no sense upsetting the apple cart eh.

But the tom tomming is what I Can’t stand, and it’s usually losers from some of the above categories that do it the most.

A certain “Wacko Scholfield “comes to mind and on that note . . .

Dude, look.

Let me be flat out honest.

I care not if you’ve got no work in your life other than making racist memes of myself and spreading them over the place, or stealing money from women (who have likely filed yet more police complaints against you) and then claiming myself or someone else was in bed with them, doing drugs, going off the rails every so often, and of course haunting the Internet to make up for lost time when you were locked away in god only knows which jail or looney tune bin.

Probably the latter, I suspect (although I DO remember you jumping bail . . . ).  .  .

But really.

I care NOT. I could care less, to be honest.

I could care less if you badger Charles up and down with 200 plus messages daily with “new names for yours truly” to add on to the burgeoning and rapidly so 650 plus “uncomplimentary names” list.

Hey, I will even stand for your right to be a loser, and do so openly. Honestly! ?

But what I can’t handle is you bring a ROYAL (sic? In more ways than one! Hehe) PEST.

Yes, you heard me.

If you’ll stop being a PEST, I might, might (emphasis) just do what you’ve been hankering after all this while (and since you’re no doubt glued to the screen waiting for my next dispatch, I figured I’d say it here).

That’s my only request, or demand. Take it or leave. It. That’s how it’s going ot be my friend. If you pester me, you’ll get called out. Don’t, and you’re free to spread your filth to other like minded folks. You won’t hear a peep outta me!

Even during your tom tomming and posting about me on your WeShat moments (I mean, dude, really. We all know you need attention, but that sort of thing is just pathetic, like asking someone to do your dirty work for YOU because you’re too much of a pussy to do so yourself). . .

Anyway, where was I before I got into that rant.

The difference between truly supporting something or a country or someone, and tom tomming.

REAL support involves an honest and open appraisal/analysis of strengths and weaknesses.

(and saying “China can do no wrong” because you might not get that ESL job or the purse strings from your Chinese S.O. doesn’t count my friend).

Everyone has ‘em. Both.

As my wife recently said during an argument of sorts,

“No-one is right all the time”.

She wasn’t referring to me, but she’s right. Spot on. Dead right!

I don’t care if it’s me, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, the Pope, or Donald Trump, “to err is human”
 and no-one is right all the time.

Least of all the CCP.

Those that truly care about the country (yours truly, and MANY OTHER CHINESE!) are pointing out the obvious flaws, shortcomings and debacles the CCP is getting the country into for their own selfish interests (not to mention become the Chinese equivalent of Nazi Germany).

Those that truly want the country to do well and have a soft spot for it (might sound amazing, but I love the PEOPLE of China!) will always be HONEST about the country and it’s dealings.

And of course, we all know what happens to said people.

Jail time and reprimands. More of the former than the latter, I gotta say.

(and yes, this list of people, at least the Chinese bunch includes people that are by all angles SUCCESFUL and do not, I repeat, NOT, fall into the “financially insecure” category).

In fact they fall into the “Very financially secure so long as they don’t say nothing bad about the PRC” category.

And yet they say it, because they CARE.

THAT, my friend, is the difference!

Now, politics aside, fitness you ask.

Well, the same damned thing applies.

Those that pooh pooh and rubbish bodyweight exercises in favor of booybuilding – are guess what.

The very people that CANNOT do the bodyweight exercises!

Be those either pull-ups, pushups, or handstand pushups (just to name a few off the top of my head).

Especially pull-ups and handstand pushups, which is a combo guaran-damn-teed to turn you into a bonafide ANIMAL, a RUMPUS KICKING one at that very quickly!

So says Mr Handstand pushup, and anyone that’s acutally done the thing.

Or those that claim “gyms are essential”! (usually you’ll see these folks handing out memberships to others as well . . . ).

And so forth.

Anyway, this has gone on for long enough, so I’ll stop here. On yet another note, someone recently messaged me and asked me about “doing that one thing that NO-ONE, not even your most ardent detractors can criticize you for” (something I wrote about a coupla weeks ago).

Apparently she can’t find her “sweet spot”, and that’s fine. Happens. But this one is already too long, so wait for me to do up another piece on that which I will shortly.

And that, my friend, truly ist hat.

Onward, upward, and BETTER!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Handstand pushup look cool don’t they? Wouldn’t it be cool for you to be called Mr. HandStand Pushup or BETTER some day? An Animal? BEAST? I bet it would, and yes, you gym goers want it the most – I can tell! ? Anyway here is the course that will get cranking out handstands and handstand pushups like there’s no tomorrow – Shoulders like BOULDERS. Jump aboard if you truly choose – and if you’re truly serious (no bitching and moaning or pissing and groaning about price please; I ain’t interested!).

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Friday, 11 September 2020 09:59

The one thing I will NEVER EVER compromise on . . .

Whatsupppp CHUCKKOOOOO .. .

. . . or at least, that was the first thing I wanted to say to Charles aka “Chuck”, the guy (not the loyal and down to earth customer Charles, but the other guy) I’ve written about a lot . . .

. . . he used to be a fairly honest and down to earth guy, but 2020 has changed a lot of people.

Truly the year of the survivor as it were, and truly the year where the CREAM rises to the top - - and Idon’t just mean fitness wise – I mean in all regards!

Anyway, what am I talking about, you might ask.

Well, a couple of posts earlier somewhere on these on my social media I posted a “politically” charged post on WeShat.

A form of social media I normally assiduously avoid due to the Chinese CCP censorship and monitoring, but a form of social media I just have to get on sometimes to talk to people that for whatever reason won’t and haven’t switched to less intrusive forms of social media (although they all do monitor, wechat takes things to giddy limits).

And what I basically posted about was the current unofficial war going on between India and China, and the fact that the Indians are finally giving the Chinese a taste of their own medicine, and how.

A lot has been written about how the Chinese view Indians as inferior, and how their economy supposedly dwarfs the Indian economy, how “India wouldn’t stand a chance”, and other such horse manure from the CCP “troll factory” or running dogs station.

Global Times being the prime moron here, which is basically a mouthpiece for the CCP.

One fine tweet from these idiots read as such “India has forgotten who it is”

Huh?? Racism (or intended) aside, what exactly do these buffoons think India, or the rest of the world is?

YES, we slept on things for way too long, but the plague you unleashed and a certain Trumpinator that was unleashed a few years ago changed all that permanently, and right now, it’s justa matter of time.

And that’s basically what I posted to weShat, or auto posted.

And Charles piped up, as he often does.

He was moaning about “why I posted here if I was bored (he thought I was) and had nothing better to do, and what would I accomplish by posting here”.


Well, first thing, Chuck-O.

My DEAREST, and former friend Chuck-O, and truth be told, you’re still a good dude, you’ve just been brainwashed . . . or you’re running scared of “them”.

What good does it do YOU To respond to my post?


I thought so!

Look, dude.

I don’t care if you believe the CCP is the best thing since sliced bread, and if you quote Global Times as a reputable source for what sgoing on globally, or choose to stick your head in the sand on a number of issues as you have and continue to do.

I don’t care if you call me a moron that “can’t speak English” (hey, remember that convo we had? ?).

And so forth.

I don’t give a shit either way.

But what I WILL RESPOND to, and what I DO CARE about is this, my friend.

My honor and integrity, and my reputation, and DOING THE RIGHT THING.

I am NOT GOING to stand by and let bullies “be bullies” and passively encourage them by pretending to roll overand play dead.

What is right is right ,and what is wrong is wrong, BOYO. You know this as well as I do.

You know very well what is going on.

You’re just shit scared you’ll have to return back home and . . . well, I won’t get into that. Your choice, your pregorative,  but when you come out and say I can’t say what I am, while you apparently can, I got THREE WORDS for ya.

No, NOT two words as “D-X” said all those years ago (man, them were the days!!). ?

Those being . . . (mine)


And doing the right thing, again.

A long time ago, when we met in person my honor and integrity was called into question by a certain someone you know very well (someone I won’t mention).

I looked you in the EYE when that was happening.

So did YOU.

And YOU WERE the first to REFUTE that statement!

My friend from the Marines (while chatting with me) once told me the following.

“You’re a man of high moral fiber, Rahul!”

And while the reasons he told me that were different from yours, right now, if you were here, I’d stand toe to toe with you and look you in the eye.

And look DEEP into your eyes!

Much like I did all those years ago, when you looked away . . .

I don’t care whose stronger, and who can pick up who and throw him out the window.

I don’t care about doing pull-ups (I do, but not).

What I truly DO CARE ABOUT is my HONOR and integrity.

And when there’s wrong being committed, I WILL go to the ends of the earth to expose that wrong.

And I WILL POST about it, and I WILL STAND toe to toe with you, look yoi in the eye (much as “Major General Michael” did all those years ago while drinking one fine night ?) and tell you the following.


And doing the right thing.

I don’t BS in any of my books and courses. That’s how it relates to fitness, for those asking!

My products deliver results, and while I ain’t everyones cup of tea, hey, end of the day, results are what count bro.

And as you yourself said, it ain’t how you start. It’s how you FINISH!

And on that note, me be finishing this here email. How dare I write that way. But hey, I’m the guy that can’t speak English worth a damn right Charles? ?


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, none of this is posturing my friend. Always stand up and be counted and do the RIGHT THING – it will pay dividends down the line!

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I feel it. Oh boy, yes, I do!


And I’m sure you have too on occasion.

Have you ever woken upon one fine morning (or afternoon, as the case might be) and felt something POSITIVE?

Felt overwhelmingly POSITIVE (this goes for an “el groucho” like yours truly as well, hehe).

Felt like things were just going to WORK OUT SOMEHOW!

Felt like you were on top of the world?

You probably have. And while truth be told, this is how you should wake up EACH morning, not all of us do.

For most of us, those days are far and few in between.

Anyway, this isn’t so much about . . . ah, but let me say what I want to first.

Back in December last year, I was faced with a problem that it would take a while to detail here.

I was working willy nilly non stop on it all week, and on a Sunday at that, I was working LITERALLY NON STOP to solve it.

Like 18 hours of the day workday (which I do NOT do normally).

And it was frustrating,

I must admit I cursed all throughout the day, albeit to myself.

I was irritated. Tired. The “fuck it” all feeling.

And so forth.

And as I drank a couple of beers at the end of it all, I said the hell with it, and meant it. Literally.

The next morning, as I climbed my favorite hill out there, I just FELT GOOD all of a sudden.


Go get ‘em feeling!

Like it was just going to workout!

Work out . . . hehe. Is it a coincindence it came out that way and I have one of the best damn workouts that day – or today for that matter? ?

(Such is life when writing in the flow, but hey . . . ).

And as I finished my workout, things went swimmingly well.

Two of the issues I was working on got solved. And an idea that I got during my workout helped me solve the third, and off it was to Hong kOng that day, I believe . . .

Great day.

Yesterday was yet one of these days for me, and I was FRUSTRATED to the extreme.

And yet, today when I woke up, right about at the “bright early hour” of 1130 AM or so, or perhaps 12 noon after NOT having slept until 4 AM last night (or so) . . . I am LOVING it!

That exuberant feeling is going full blast, and I have no doubt something good will happen today.

Something that will propel me forward towards my goals.

And what is common between now and the other day I mentioned?

Well, it is this.

Work on a problem intensely, my friend. I mean REAL INTENSELY. I m ean REALLY!

IT has to be ALL you think about – literally – for the ENTIRE DAY!

And the “how’s” of that aren’t as important as the why.

I don’t care how you do it, but DO IT – and convince the subconscious that THIS is a problem that HAS TO BE SOLVED NO MATTER WHAT!

And the way you do that is REPETITION my friend.

Claude Bristol when writing about the amazing powers of the subconscious wrote about the “tap tap” technique where he compared “drilling the idea into the deepest depths” of the subconscious to machine gun’s relentless “firing” that eventually achieves the desired result.

Or perhaps the way locomotives move, or perhaps the “Drip drip drip” Chinese torture techniques they used in ancient days.

Say a lie enough times, and you’ll start to think it’s true. And so forth.

Repetition truly is the cadence of the Universe my friend. And if you TRULY CARE about something and convince the subconscious of it, then that problem WILL BE SOLVED.

One way or the other, and I don’t care how it happens. It’ll happen!

And it’s happened on NUMEROUS occasions throughout my entire life my friend.

Now, does this apply to fitness you ask?

You bet it does.

And it applies to ANY exercise, no matter how tough.

REALLY, REALLY want to get good at pull-ups? Then do what I did and what I mention in “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within weeks” – and NOT just the physical part. There is a reason I revamped and repriced the original (yes, it’s MORE expensive now) to include the mental side of this and that’s why I’m writing to you about this now!

REALLY want to get to 500 Hindu squats in a row? Well, goodie. The trick that is mentioned as the FIRST commandment of Physical Training in the 0 Excuses Fitness System is a must do, and if it worked for Tracy - - it will work for YOU TOO.

Give it a try. Let me know how you do!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is where you can check out the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Published in Life
Wednesday, 19 August 2020 08:01

When times are a ROLLING easy . . . .

This morning I was reading about “PayTm” a Chinese backed Indian payments app which had surged in popularity over the past few years.

It’s apparently now (given the events of the past few months) being slowly but steadily pushed out by competitors with wallets that are equally, if not deeper as well as by the behemoth Amazon (for whatever reason, all these articles fail to mention the REAL gorilla in the room that does anything to grab customers and GETS Them – and hey – they have my vote for sure in ALL the countries I’ve used them).

Kudos Jeff Bezos – YOUR customer service is why you are where you’re at today, and that’s just the bottom line and an indisputable FACT OF LIFE!

And here is the point in me saying all this.

For years, PayTm in India was literally ROCKING.

Growing by leaps and bounds.

Company valuation increasing year by year, and money kept pouring in from Alibaba that apparently backs the app (not sure about now though).

And it wasn’t all bad. Chinese online payments have their downsides, most notably so in a country where the government scrutinizes and records everything, and its probably the only country in the world where today, you have very little, if at all, chance at DIGITAL security.

And especially when shopping. Cash is a rarity in mainland China. Big time.

And everything is done via Chinese apps like WeChat and Alipay which allow online payment and allow Xitler’s thugs to track your minutest purchases down.

Yes, they know what you ate for dinner last night and the cases of beer you ordered! ? NO, that is NOT an exaggeration my friend. Not in the least.

Anyway, online payments obviously have their upside, and PayTm was one of the first into the fray and it grew.

But these days, much like many other bloated businesses we see all over the place collapsing left right and center, PayTm is struggling big time.

Other apps have overtaken it.

And it doesn’t look to  be getting back on it’s feet anytime soon. Shaky foundations anyone?

Pretty much what will happen to China as a whole, and what HAS been happening silently (and the reason for Xitler’s expansionist policies etc which even his own band of thugs are getting tired of).

And again, point of me saying this?

Well first, same thing applies to fitness. You need a solid BASE to build upon.

If you can’t pound out 100 pushups per workout, much like I teach you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, hold a bridge for a while (or even get into position) or do squats, then you’re in NO position to do more advanced exercises like pull-ups.

Or handstand pushups.

And even if you manage to do ‘em, eventually you’ll collapse if the foundation ain’t strong enough.

Second, and more importantly.

It’s what you do when the chips are DOWN that counts my friend.

Very few people have it in in them to get up – keep getting up- and keep going.

You, me, nobody is going to hit has hard as LIFE. Life ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. The world is a very mean and nasty place out there, and it will BEAT you to your KNEES and KEEP you there if you let it. It ain’t about how hard you can hit, my friend.

It’s about how much you can take.

It’s about how hard you can GET HIT and keep moving AHEAD – without blaming others for your failures or what not!

That’s how WINNING IS DONE, and yes, I borrowed that from Sly Stallone in Rocky, a man who should know a thing or two about what is being talked about.

And again, back to fitness.

Like I said yesterday, if your only exercise is climbing hills, GREAT.

Great workout! Hey, I know that better than most people.

But what when there is no hill.

What when you have inclement weather and cannot climb?

What when your favorite gym – or swimming pool is not available?

When you’re being SQUEEZED on all possible fronts, when your back is against the wall, and then some, how do you react?

Do you come out fighting all guns blazing - - or do you lie down and let life have it’s way.

The answers to these questions could well determine where youre headed in life – and your fitness journey as well – and I should know. Oh YES, I should know!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My friend from the Marines, the “ruggedly strong” individual I refer to so often recently told me “you’re in rare form!”. Reminded me of what Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once told me “You’re in fine, fine fettle Rahul!’ one fine morning in bonny China . . . and while I may or may not be, fact is this – the WORKOUT routines I advocate will keep YOU in much the same condition physically and then some.

Get on the train NOW – right HERE.

Published in Life

Often times, I discuss the world with people (well, I USED to I should say, but whatever).

And countries in general.

Comparing countries and how they stack up. Politics. What is going on. And so forth.

And of course, the actual nitty gritties of LIFE in the countries.

And I don’t mean life as you see in those places in the movies. Or everyday life.

Or, the “touristy” stuff.

It’s amazing, but people still go on tours of Europe and other such vastly diverse places in a tour bus and expect to cover everything in the itenary in a trifling 10 days or so (or whatever the length of the tour is).

And of course, if we’re talking Asians (and specifically Indians and Chinese), for whatever reason they start to “miss home” as soon as they set foot abroad on foreign shores, even if that’s through the window of a tour bus.

Oh boy. IF there is anything more stupid than wanting (for example) Chinese food when you go to visit various parts of the USA to the point you’re not willing to try real American food, I’m yet to hear it.

Or, the Indians that jump up and down about “where is my curry” when they travel abroad.

Or, those that travel to the Himalayas in India, one of my FAVORITE Places to travel and visit in this world (there may be others, hehe) and never set foot outside the car.

Gorging on food all the time and getting FATTER and more miserable all the time, and then complaining about “I didn’t lose any weight on them hills”.

Yeah. Sure you didn’t!

Anyway, where was I?

Ah yes . . .

Personally, for me, if I travel someplace, I like to visit ONE place. And do so in detail.

Not for me the running around from one place to the other as we once did in China a few years back, a trip that was great fun, but a trip that with all the driving involved (and there is more to this story! Which I won’t share here, hehe?) was anything BUT fun sometimes. Often times, I’d just want to go back to the hotel, get a beer, and CRASH!

Anyway . . .

Point being this.

When you VISIT a country, you see what is “outside”. Or what the tour guides show you.

But when you actually LIVE in that country, and actually get to know the customs, the languages, and the nitty gritties of the country, then that is quite another experience.

For instance, the Chinese often mark my packages as delivered when they’re not. Apparently that’s “become the thing to do” for most delivery companies to avoid being penalized for late deliveries, at least in mainland China.

And to me, this is utterly unacceptable.

Not so to the cHinese, and to people in general who stare at me incredulously and gape like a fish out of water when I rant on about just how UNPROFESSIONAL it is.

Anyway, I’m here to tell you something that might sound a bit surprising given my recent posts.

China, all in all, isn’t really that bad of a place to live in overall – IF you toe their line, of course.

But take away the Commie part, and even then, for a third world country (and lets face it, that’s what China is for the most part even now beneath the gloss and glitter), it’s a pretty decent place to live actually.

It doesn’t have many of the issues associated with most third world countries (not any more at least) . . .

Of course, the reasons for that are the land grabs and the resources and other things they steal and so forth. Everything comes at a price.

But still . . .


Hell no.

But a lot of people think it’s like a slightly nicer version of Sudan or Ethiopia for instance on the grand scale of things.

Not so my friend.

And I KNOW, because . . . well, I didn’t just visit. I put down roots there, hehe.

Anyway . . . how does this apply to fitness you might ask?


Just READING about fitness ain’t gonna get it one.

You can TALK about doing pull-ups like Bourne all you want, but until you actually get down to doing them, you’ll get nowhere (and indeed, just talk might HURT your chances of actually getting better at them more than you think!).

And so forth.

Climbing hills is great, but you have to literally FEEL how it feels on your fourth climb out there in the blazing sun to be considered a true IRONMAN, for one.

And so on and so forth.

Get past the gloss and glitter my friend.

Start DOING – today.

Not only will you make a better YOU by doing this – but you’ll make the WORLD a far better place too!

And that’s that for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I just received the following email from a potential translator for one of my books (Fitness PIONEER) –

“Hi, Rahul! I'd like to translate your book, I find it really interesting and different from others related to fitness, it's not only about the body but our attitude. I'm overweighed and I know how it feels, haha. Hope to hear from you. Thanks. P.S: I speak latin american Spanish.”

Did he have it right? Me thinks so, amigo! Hehe.

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Sunday, 26 July 2020 13:44

We all had humble beginnings . . .

If you’re working on a goal, and your “here and now” bothers you to the point where you can’t look forward to, visualize or take action on your future, then guess what.

You’re either not cut out for success, or you’re not going to make it.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it’s true.

And you’re not alone either.

And you certainly are in EXALTED company as well in that nigh on everyone feels this way at a certain point or the other when working towards success at anything!

Believe me, I’m sure there were times Napoleon Hill just wanted to throw in the towel and give it all up (and he actually DID give up for a while too before being reminded of his true calling, and how!).

I’m sure Henry Ford would be the first to tell you, as Steve Jobs and Jack Ma have, that the dark days are really what teach you far more than success ever does or could.

If you don’t have the dark, there will never ever be a true dawn.

And the darker the night, the brighter the dawn my friend.

But still, despite the words, many people get frustrated.

If you’re sitting in a studio apartment with a laptop (that you bought on credit or borrowed) and that damn thing is on a table so flimsy that it’s almost crashing through, then “success” might look like a long, long way away.

But it isn’t, my friend.

The above example is from a millionaire writer and fitness guru’s life, but there are plenty such examples.

Sylvester Stallone, for instance, slept on the streets of New York for two weeks at a time where he had NOTHING, or less than it.

Ford was bankrupt twice (and no, no angel investors bailed him out either in that day and age).

And so forth.

Yet, despite all the tough times, they found it in themselves to keep going.

To keep being persistence, or should I say KEEP THE FIRES OF DESIRE AND PERSISTENCE burning within!

And we all know what the above people and many others I have not named here accomplished, don’t we?

Successful people are rarely, if ever, born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

And if they are, they HAVE been through the grinder several times and then some (Donald Trump being one prime example).

Despite Trumps family fortune, the fact is that his Dad bailed him out ONCE.


And if you were take a look at the very lengthy list of failures Trump has had before finally succeeding . . . .well, you’ll know what I mean by that!

Fitness wise you ask?

Same thing.

I was NOT born genetically gifited. If anything, and I’ve stated this publicly, it’s the opposite (until this day).

I am NOT naturally strong.

I do NOT have a “naturally strong” grip. I do have a strong grip yes, but boy did I work for it and then some!

Same thing with my fitness.

At a weight of 120 kgs, which my family sometimes still giggles about, hehe (in a good natured manner, and I mean my wife and kid) turning into the fitness monster I am now seemed and probably was to all observing an impossibility.

Much like me farting and landing on the moon is . . .

But it happened, didn’t it?

While I took the actions required, the KEY is something else my friend.

It’s being willing to look beyond the here and now and see the future in your MIND BEFORE it happens.

I did that, and we all see the result.

And that applies to you as well, in ANYTHING you’re looking to do or accomplish. And I mean that!

Do we all get frustrated occasionally? Down? Depressed? IN the “fuck it all mood”?

Hell yeah.

But the point isn’t that.

That will happen.

Its about how you RESPOND To that in the long term, my friend.

If you give in, and stop DOING, then you’ll never get there.

Other hand, if you breeze past a bad day or a couple and get back to it - - business as usual - - then I think we BOTH know which direction you’re headed.

And I should know. Oh yes.

I should know, and on that note – it’s adios for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can grab the BEST damned fitness system there is out there: https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Published in Life

Oh boy.

One of my favorite topics right here, so strap in!

Back in the day in college, a professor of mine (a particularly hard assed one at that, and a particularly and usually cranky one at that) was talking to me in his office for some reason or the other.

He was rambling on about something. I can’t quite remember what, but I think it was about submitted HW or some such thing . . .

Once that was done he asked me a question.

“Where are you from?” he asked.

“Jackson MS” I said. Not that it was any of his business, but . . .

“Hmm!” he said. "This is not Jackson skin!"

And then he raised one of his spindly little fingers and pecked at my skin like a woodpecker. Quite literally.

“I mean, where are you REALLY from” he asked.

Perhaps shockingly enough, or maybe not, this nutjob was TENURED of all things.

And perhaps NOT shockingly either, later on that semester he ended up giving me a “F” for the course for no real good reason.

Well, actually he got me on a technicality.

What was that you ask.

I “mis quoted” someone, or “forgot to put quotes”.

Yes, I think it was the latter. Forgot to put quotes. My beast ass infused (and as Chris, a friend of mine and a fellow student put it “maybe if you hadn’t given him a hard time in class he’d have let you go with a C”) ass forgot to put quotes on a beastly term paper, and there it was. F.

The University had rules that meant anyone that got below a “C” had to repeat the course.

He was the only one teaching the course.

Anyway, as I told Emily about it (a friend of mine and “fellow student” again in another class) she said the following.

“I don’t know why you didn’t raise a stink about it. If he had even DARED to tell me that, I’d have made sure the entire campus knew”.

(and as we deal with the fallout over the incident in Minneapolis, well, I think she might well have!)

She was a fellow student in a different class. Curiously enough a Prof that was slammed for being racist, while the first wasn’t.

And while the second was roundly slammed for being racist, he’s one of the best profs I ever had.

The MOST rational. And the most practical.

Dr Bisland his name is, and I’m still in touch with him all these years later.

Says tomes about what you can see on the surface and what truly exists.

And my reaction to Prof #1?

I laughed it off, and made him the laughing stock in class in many ways. Literally so, except I didn’t race bait. Hehe. I used other tactics. Which I shouldn’t have, of course, but hey . . . ?

Then there was another incident where Rueben, a close friend and myself were walking (gasp!) in front of the gym of all things.

Out comes a burly looking character with massive pecs, massive biceps and pelican legs . . . (though not quite as bad as some other boobybuilders I’ve seen).

And a MEAN look to him.

As we passed . . .

“What the heck you looking at”, he went. “Go back to where you’re from!” (or something to that effect).

And it probably wouldn’t have gone any further except . . . I felt the urge to LAUGH.

Out loud, and while I didn’t laugh, I did “guffaw”. A bit. You know, the “caged guffaw”!

And he caught on.

He glared at me, and made several remarks I won’t repeat here.

Even I have limits! ?

And then he strode off like a Prima Donna if there ever was one.

My friend who was watching all this from the background emerged.


“You just HAVE to come with me to the cops, Rahul”.

“Cops”, I questioned. “Is it really worth it?”

FWIW, I was due to be traveling to New York for an internship soon, and I didn’t want any court cases etc tying me up here, but my furious friend would have none of that.

And at the police station he launched into a tirade about this, and rightly so. We ended up not filing charges because of the reason I just stated above, and . . .

(Upshot of all this? A cop in the sort of shape that would make certain people say “I can pick you up and throw you out the window” went into the gym and tore the dude a new you know what).

But anyway, to me, it’s all STUPID for the most part.

I mean, really.

Does tanned skin mean you’re “not from the U.S”?

Or does being from a different ethnic background mean you’re any less in any way shape or form than whats considered “normal” to these lunatics?

I think not my friend.

And the best way to combat all this is by ignoring it, and becoming BIGGER and better than these people.

Herschel Walker grew up poor, disadvantaged, and OBESE.

And yet you don’t hear a peep from him about his RACE, or the racism he no doubt dealt with growing up in the deep South.

Ditto for any true achiever.

And I’ve never been the sort of whine about it publicly.

Why. Well, first reason stated above . . .

And second, it’s far more fun, and profitable to LAUGH at said people (and if you’ve been on my list for any length of time you know what I mean! ?).

Let them display their stupidity and ignorance for all to see, my friend.

You’ll find that when you react to such things with true MIRTH(I mean real mirth, not feigned) then their racism will fly out of the window eventually to be replaced by a sheepish “Yes, I was wrong”.

They will never admit that, of course. But that is what will go on inside their wee little pea brains . . .

Anyway, who cares. Hehe.

The same way I don’t care two hoots about folks that say my ability to do 100 pull-us per workout means I’m “not strong”. Or some tripe to that effect.

Or that a corrugated core means nothing, and a mammoth belly hanging over your pants means you’re a “big guy” and not “small and light” . . .

Or that hill sprints get tougher with more “muscle” (if there ever was a more asinine assertion than this, I’m yet to hear it!)

And so forth.

Keep fighting the good fight, and doing whats right my friend.

That truly is all that counts at the end of the day!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Be sure and do the right thing and make an investment in your health and fitness today by availing of the VERY best damned fitness system out there –https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – And no, to the person that claims I misquoted them in an email prior to this, I’m not going to weep about the fact that “white people have it better in China”. First thing you know they don’t (if you truly knew their mindset). And second, even if they did, who cares huh. I’m not going to stand around and make excuses for anything and never have.

On that note, if I did mis quote you, please show me WHERE EXACTLY, and I’ll redact it asap.


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Tuesday, 07 July 2020 05:59

On saying it like it is – AGAIN, hehe.

Over the past couple of days, I’ve been receiving messages on WeShat (China’s premier messagin app which has been blocked in pretty much every rational and CIVILIZED country in the world) about being “concerned for my safety”.

Or, (and this is less bothersome from a certain angle) my social media accounts etc (the Chinese ones) being blocked.

Apparently although the Chinese law states that “political discourse is allowed”, it’s still not.

Really? I didn’t know that! ?

Jokes aside, what do I think?

Well, a few years ago I started a WeChat group in mainland China titled “Keeping it Real”, which discussed many of the same things.

Everyone was happy to discuss what we are now as a GLOBE globally but within the privacy of the chat room (which was a small private chat basically, so it flew under the radar).

But no-one was willing to take the plunge and actually set up the group and administer it.

Same thing for my employments groups.

While people LOVE the group for being a no-nonsense group where rules are very strictly followed for the benefit of ALL (and while a lot of people castigate me for enforcing the rules, and while I do NOT relent in that regard, hehe) – and in fact, people have offered to BUY the group from me (remember a certain Linda? ?), NO-ONE is willing to be the “bad guy” and enforce the rules with an IRON hand, NO exceptions.

Believe me, it isn’t easy for most people to be unpopular.

Most at the end of the day do care about what the rest of the “people” (sheeple) think of them.

And that’s precisely why MOST do not rise to the level of a Gates, or Buffet, or Ford, or Jobs, or who have you.

These people didn’t care two hoots about what people thought my friend.

And while I ain’t putting myself in that category (as yet! ?), I’ve always been the guy who would care FIVE hoots (if not more) else about what people think.

If WeChat doesn’t like me calling them WeShat, maybe they should take a look at their crappy app and the bloatware and spyware pre-installed on it.

Bloatware that fills up your phone within days of starting the damned app, and of course the regular CCP surveillance for the app, and everything else.

If folks that agree with me on certain things don’t have the balls to say it publicly, well I’m sorry – but you’re not a man (or woman) that TRULY agrees.

If you TRULY do care, take a stance my friend.

Way too FEW people do that, being content to drift along in the “Oh, but I’ll be hammered” bubble.

Guess what mi amigo.

Chances are excellent and second to none you’ll be hammered even more if you sit and do nothing (and by that I don’t mean the sort of hammering that the nail that sticks out the most sometimes gets, but another more insidious form of hammering).

So long story short – I could care less.

I WILL make posts of a political nature if I see fit to. I WILL Write emails of a political or OTHER nature if I see fit to.

I WILL comment on world issues and talk about LIFE in general.

And as my buddy Vincent once said, “I refuse to kneel”.

A true warrior dies, but he does NOT kneel.

He never has in the countless WARS he has fought, and neither have I.

I still remember us talking about being in a WAR right NOW (this was back in 2017) of a different nature than what most people think.

If something is right, then it’s right. If something is wrong, it’s wrong. That’s as simple as it gets, and despite my NOT agreeing with my Dad on MOST and any things, that was one lesson he instilled in me from an early age, and it has (for good or bad, and to brutally honest extremes) nigh on STUCK WITH ME.

I don’t plan on losing it anytime soon!

And fitness is the same.

YES, pull-ups work your entire body way better than the idiotic lat pulldown machine ever can, will and HAS.

Think you’re strong if you can pump out bench presses while you’re “flat on your back”? Well, try handstand pushups – the REAL test of REAL MAN strength, and THEN GET BACK TO ME.

Think pushups don’t build muscle?

Try some of the ones I’ve got in Pushup Central, and then get back to me.

And if you’re thinking “gym shym” or pounding the pavement will get you the “animal like level of fitness”, “V shaped back”, “six pack” and all the other things that you really do want then you’re sadly mistaken my friend.

Very sadly so (and yoga shmoga isn’t gonna do it either)(.

If you want the sort of RAW animal like physicality I refer to so often, you TRAIN LIKE ONE.

Like a true BEAST.

To turn into a true BEAST, and a force of Nature to be reckoned with, and indeed as Mother Nature intended you to be, get on the stick NOW.

And last, but not least – rememeber.

Rise – UP! Never be afraid to take a stance – on anything. As Alan once told me, “unpopular is often times exactly what is needed”, and if no-one took a stance, nothing would ever change (mine!).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS. – Animal KingDom Workouts was written in the same BRAZENLY UNAPOLOGETIC style as I refer to above. Find out more here –https://0excusesfitness.com/animal-kingdom-workouts/

P.S #2 – Charles, you were dead on RIGHT about not giving the group to a certain jackass that eventually got it. Trouble is, the dude I gave it to was too busy to bother with that B.S, hehe. Ah well.

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