And it is TRUE.
I don’t care if youre thinking life, or fitness, or business, this applies. And how!
Recently, a friend of mine commented on a new business venture I started a couple of months ago.
Actually, I should say an “offshoot” of an existing business, really. To be honest. Pun intended. In more ways than ONE! ?
Maybe I just started doing things differently (and remember, I KEPT doing them the old way too).
“Hmm”, he noticed (best intentions at heart).
“Why do you want to change things up if they aren’t failing?” he asked curiously. “Why the new slant?”
Well, I didn’t change things I replied. I merely added a new twist to it, a new business offshoot as it were …
More potential, more opportunities.
Yesterday, this person asked me how much money I made from the “new way” and old.
Old? Its going great, I said.
“And the new way” he eagerly asked.
ZERO, I replied.
And I meant it.
That new business, or offshoot of an existing one has netted me a grand total of ZERO as yet, and probably won’t net me anything until next year, recession or not, Chinese plague or not.
You could have deflated a balloon, so disappointed he was …
Listen, my friend.
Some of the most successful businesses were started when the person starting them was at rock bottom, and then some – or during some of the worst recession or global depressions ever.
I don’t care what your situation is right now, but it boils down to this – when you really, really gotta do something you’ll either sink or swim (as a former boss of mine said).
Might sound harsh, but the tough times are what separate the doer from the dreamers my friend, and the achievers from the has beens.
And you gotta take the LONG view here.
If you’re starting a biz in the depression, for instance (such as now, which is easily the most turbulent time of our recent lives … and EASILY a time that could lead to another massive World War (despite what the nuts on the left think)), then profit?
Forgetttt about it, my friend.
Unless you’re already established, or selling something essential, it ain’t gonna happen and even then it’s dicey and up in the air.
Down the line though, slowly …
Thing is, most people don’t GET to that point.
People don’t understand that businesses that LAST make SACRIFICES, often times for YEARS that the average joker isn’t willing to make.
Note I said WILLING, not able. Everyone is able. Where there is a will, there is indeed a way. For everything!
Often times, way back in the day I had to choose between putting food on the table and keeping my businesses going.
Not an easy choice, is it?
But it’s a choice we all face when we START something, and often times down the road as well.
It’s a tough choice, my friend, but you have to make that business a priority (no, I don’t mean don’t put food on the table, but I mean, that biz has got to come before anything else).
It is only IF you have this mindset that you can progress, and eventually succeed – lasting success, not a fly by night and “rapid” success that most people hope for.
Fitness wise, same thing.
Often times, while the most rapid succeses come within days or weeks (and usually they do if you’re doing things right) … the LASTING successes come from YEARS of hard training done right.
Muscle memory comes from YEARS of hard training done right!
So does your overall conditioning, how quickly you bounce back from injuries down the year, how quickly you get back in the groove, and so forth.
There was a point I didn’t do pull-ups for ages.
Months, actually.
But when I started doing them again?
‘Twas like I had never stopped.
Sure, took me a few days to get back to 100 pull-ups per workout.
That’s a FEW DAYS to get back to something I hadn’t done for months, and something (a level) most people won’t reach in their entire LIFETIME.
Mostly for lack of real trying…. (and of course, hiding behind the big guy can’t do pull-ups silly excuses).
And so forth.
Take the long view, my friend. That’s how it works both in terms of life – and business – and relationships – and fitness – and damn near everything you dabble in!
Unless you’re Bozo Schofield, of course, but even he seems to have taken the long view to becoming the most useless and most ignored “troll of the century”, hehe. Or unless you aspire to him which I highly doubt!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Apply for life coaching right HERE if you so choose my friend.