It BE a most satisfying feeling hehe.
And I mean that in terms of life, fitness, biz, and just about everything else you can think of.
And the satisfaction comes not from the final result so much as NOT having jumped the gun and been “impulsive before” (although I do recommend this, there is a time and place for it my friend).
What exactly do I mean?
Well, consider the following for one.
As the great Deng Xiaoping, the one and only Chinese leader I do admire despite his faults (the rest aren’t even fit to be called leaders to be quite frank) once said.
“Hide your strength, bide your time”.
And no, tom tommers. He did NOT say “to get rich is glorious”. His words were taken out of context in that regard.
And neither did he support the current shenanigans going on w.r.t. the PRC, and neither WOULD he have. In fact a speech he made to the contrary in the UN years ago pretty much says it all when he said “should China turn imperialist, then the PEOPLE of China should support the ROW in fighting against it” (I am paraphrasing – but that’s the sum and substance of it).
Anyway, what do I mean. Hehe.
What I mean is this my friend.
Let me give you an example.
Years ago, Bozo Schofield, who by dint of his silly dancing monkey job in China (while on the lam from the police) thought he “had it made”.
Between bouts of drug usage, going insane, being locked up temporarily (and kicked out on the road – literally – by friends who got tired of him taking advantage of them repeatedly – trust me – he literally took advantage in the worst way possible and then some), he found time to troll yours truly.
With racist memes and stickers. Apparently according to Bozo Scofield (his thinking which is nigh obvious) “Colored people have no place in the American South”.
And this bozo over the years has been curiously following my every move, and getting his panties into a wad at just about everything I Write. Hehe.
I blocked him on social media. He gets around that block by “snooping” on my websites.
I blocked his IP. He used another. I blocked about 15 different email addresses he signe dup for when he emails me. He persists.
All this for a “one man show with no contacts”, as someone once so “adroitly” told me.
For someone “that would take 10 years to get his biz going” (as a friend told me).
For someone “with no ambition” (as another nutto once told me).
And the comment are numerous. The list of names I’ve been called is now past 900 (well past) and I look forward to hitting 1000. Not to mention I could write a BOOK on the comments themselves, and probably sell it too. Hehe.
As they say, you’re indeed defined more by your haters than those that “so called” support you while privately doing the very exact opposite …
Anyway, amidst all this, the satisfaction comes from not “living life on my own terms and enjoying it”.
Bozo Scofield’s latest claim is he’s a multimillionaire (apparently he was before he turned 40 or what not). When in actuality he doesn’t have two pennies to rub together, got kicked out of his Mama’s basement a long time, and is currently apparently in “public housing” and … ah, but need I continue?
I think NOT. LOL.
And yours truly?
I’m not a millionaire let alone multi. In fact, I’m quite far away from even selling a million books! ?
(But I’m getting there)
And to be honest, I’v never quite thought of becoming a multi-millionaire (even without the multi).
Sorry, Glyn the Bozo Scofield and all the rest who must be smacking their chops with glee at the statement above.
But it doesn’t really interest me. If it does happen, well andgood.
What interests me is my freedom, and being able to live life on my own terms as I choose.
No 50, 60, 70, or 80 hour work weeks. No silly monkey jobs. No silly jobs which you get kicked out of for stating facts as they ARE …
And certainly no mooching up to your girlfriend or SO hoping she’ll give you money for your latest beer blast (on your lonesome, if you’re Bozo Scofield) and then whining about it when she doesn’t, and getting kicked out on the road in China, and running to the cops because youre too much of a you know what to to admit you stole quite a significant sum of dough from (again) you know who…
So anyway.
The person with zero contacts, and the one that “never made it” is the one being followed, trolled and way worse.
And he’s happy about it, hehe. In fact he THRIVES on it!
And as my friend from the Marines recently told me, and he’s SPOT ON.
“Rahul, you should consider that a compliment. Obviously he feels threatened by you (they – sic)”.
And they did way back then as well. The racism only started after this Bozo Scofield got to know of ONE business of mine, hehe.
And none of this would happened if I had “tom tommed” things before they happened.
None of this would happened if I claimed to have followers before I hit the mark I’m at now (and it grows by the day – how funny eh? ?).
And so forth.
Hide your strength, bide your time.
Ignore this advice at your own peril, and YES, it applies to fitness too!
I didn’t write those books on pull-ups before I could do them myself, and how!
I didn’t write 0 Excuses Fitness before I got into the best shape of my life (and no, fat doesn’t equate to ‘strong” or “big” – sorry).
(Neither does my “strength” when I was admittedly “thick” obscure the fact I was FAT at a certain point in time – this is for a certain selective reader, or perhaps a whole bunch (I could start the name of the bunch with “L”)).
And so forth.
GET the results first, and then talk about ‘em.
As Napoleon Hill famously once said, tell the world what you’re going to do, but SHOW IT FIRST!
Actions count brah. That’s just as simple as it gets.
Take this little gem and apply it if you so choose, and watch your life start to change before your very eyes!
Last, but not least, to the person who I recently had an agreement with “not to mention” (so long as you don’t hound me) – fair enough.
But neither were your “disclosures” incidental nor were they “unintentional”.
And I’ll reveal ALL in a future email.
For now, stay tuned for the next email – contains an important tip or two about LOWER ab fat!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Apparently Bozo Scofield decided he’d copy my email style as well. How coincidental, eh. LOL.
PS #2 – If you’re truly interested in getting in the best shape of your life with NO excuses, then start by investing in and USING the System right HERE:
(No it isn't cheap. No, I'ts not for free. No, I won't give it you at 10% of the price if you "just want to lose 10 kgs". Yada, nada schnada. You are either IN - or out - it's as simple as that, brah (sis)).