Thursday, 21 January 2021 12:33

More honest feedback from a GREAT customer that “sees something in me”.

Now this one is REALLY Straight from the horse’s mouth, my friend!!

(My haters will love this here email, so if you're on the haters list and those that think I'm a complete dolt - please - DO read this, hehe) 

Really is.

And he’s right.

But first, let me preface this by saying that I’ve always said that the one thing you can and SHOULD be doing with YOUR LIFE is the one thing that even your most ardent critics/Bozos/what not (and no critics can be GOOD if it’s genuine criticism or suggestion as opposed to Glyn Schofield inane rants) . ..

The one thing nary a person can criticize you for at any point or stage in your life.

IF you’re on this list, and have been for a while, you know what I mean, and despite being (as another great guy told me) “a bodyweight exercise GURU” “par excellence” - - there is ONE more quality at play here.

What is it?

I’ll let you guess, my friend!

But for now, lets take a look at what Panourgias, a recent customer from Greece (well, a long term one I should say) had to email me a few hours ago …

6the only reason I don’t buy something from your products is that I am short in money. I see something in you.Even if the books didn’t have no value for exercise etc I enjoy reading you.The other book is reverse pushup.With all my heart and respect I give you now one tip myself.The exercise think you got it more or less.For nutrition and way to live I strongly recommend ARNOLD EHRET.You can find his books for freeHe was a genius and you will recognise immediately.He did put in order one of the most controversial subjects.And I say it is the solution for politics and society so you don’t need any tramp or biden

Now, thats HONEST – kudos to YOU – bro!

And as far as the money shortage?

Foeey. He buys my products every chance he gets.

And yours truly gave him the “first time 20% OFF” discount on the site on his last purchase even though he’s a repeat customer, and I’d do that for anyone that truly gets it (if you ASK nicely, like I’ve said so many times).

And he does.

My response -

Hi Panourgias!

Thanks for your email! I know your situation - what I mean is those that are just there on the list "for the free stuff". For you, I actually said you're a man that "gets it" (which means you are one of the smart ones, hehe).

Yours truly is nothing if not honest, so you KNOW I MEAN it. And thanks a lot for "seeing something in me - and the products!" . That is much, much appreciated, and deserves yet another mention on the site. Kudos!

Now, Arnold the German naturalist? I think thats who you're referring to? I haven't read him - - but which exact book are you referring to (w.r.t not needing politicians)?

Let me know - not sure about "Free" but I'll certainly look on Amazon etc!


Rahul Mookerjee

Now, I don’t know who Arnold Ehret is, to be honest. Other than the fact that he’s a German naturo”path (I used naturalist).

But despite having read a lot on the Mighty Atom, another probably of that ilk, I haven’t read anything at all about this dude.

Ill have to look it up.

And while the Simple and Effective Diet DOES contain some excellent tips on diet and general health, I’ve no doubt I will learn a LOT from Arnold as well.

Have any of you read it??

Write back – let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Feedback like this makes my day. Really! And thank YOU!