Sunday, 25 October 2020 09:37

On feeling good, and having MORE than one option in your kitty ...

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I woke up today feeling GREAT.

At around 1230 in the aftenoon, after not being “able to sleep” until about 6 AM in the morning, hehe.

Actually it wasn't that I couldn't sleep.

It was that I was so worked up from my workout #2 and the awesome feeling I got from the pull-ups, that I was pacing up and down, thinking of things, and indeed my new book (which has been put on the back burner as of late, but rest assured – when the times comes, I WILL GET TO IT!).

This “morning” when I woke up, I knew something good was gonna happen.

And it did, but that isn't the point of me saying this.

I've actually written posts and emails before about “when you FEEL good, you ATTRACT good”.

And I mean really, really feel good deep down inside.

We truly attract “how we feel”.

And on that note, on to point #2.

(Although I will say, I have not come across ONE single person that “feels this good” without doing a lick of physcial activity).

Donald Trump made the famous comment about never exercising because it “depletes his batteries” but the man routintely works 20 plus hours a day at the age of 74, and moves around more than most 20 year olds do!

So you gotta take the OVERALL picture into consideration my friend. And no, Trump IS exceptional – so you can't simply take that one comment in isolation and ... make excuses for yourself!

Zero excuses my friend. Coming from yours truly who was called exceptional as well a year or so ago ... anyway, enough of my “bragging”. Hehe.

Where was I?

Ah yes. I just scrolled up and saw point #2.

That being, having more than one option in your kitty.

For the past few days, some of my customers might have noticed that one of my websites is down.

Yes, I have more than one site. I have more than two, actually! ;) And other businesses as well, mostly all online.

Years ago, in the past, these sites were all sitting on one server owned by the (by far) worst web host I've ever come across.

And my current host for the fitness websites – well – I cannot say enough good things about then. In fact, as I keep telling Peter, I try and find excuses to compliment them occasionally for no reason. They're that damned good, and they deserve it!

Ditto for the other two web hosts I use for other businesses.

Ditto for most of my other business partners.

Anyway, one of my sites is down due to a “misunderstanding” of sorts if I may call it that.

And while we're working it out, it's interesting that a customer from Google of all things noticed, and emaile dme about it.

It ain't the fitness sites, but the other busines s(one of them).

And in the past, when one site was down, they were ALL Down.

Right now, I could move the “other site” to any one of my own privately administered servers. My “own” servers really if I might say that, as that is what it is now as opposed to before ...

I have choices. I have options. And all good ones at that.

And why should that affect you, especially you the fitness guy who knows squat all about websites and such, and has no intention of “learning” (and hey, it ain't everyone's cup of tea! ;)).

Because. . .

You got it.

The SAME THING applies to fitness. Yes, I know I find a way to work that in somehow.

So shameless am I with the sales pitches that even my haters led by Bozo Scofield (even after being roundly blocked from all social media) seem to obsess about yours truly all day long and perhaps all night long as well (ugh, let's not even go there!). . .

 But really.

 No matter how good a fitness program or exercise is, variety is the spice of life, fitness, and is KEY.

 No matter how effective a regimen, sometimes you need to change things up either due to compulsion or otherwise.

No matter how much you love pull-ups, sometimes you gotta do OTHER WORKOUTS!

And so forth. And there's the lesson of the day, or two in fact.

Enjoy! And while you're at it, be sure to pick up the pathbreaking and truly the BEST Damned fitness system out there right Here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Offf I go now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I was going to say “OO raaaaa”! ;-)

PS #2 – Oh, make sure to pick up the Gorilla Grip compilation right here for those of you that want REAL world grippping strength that will have them all crying “Uncle” for mercy! ;-)

PPS – We'll get the other site back up too. Patience, grasshopper. Good things come to those that WAIT! ;) (not too long, but hey...)