Saturday, 05 December 2020 10:34

More on why I dont want and dont watch VIDEOS (and especially not profoundly moronic ones which most are).

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You on this list know why!

But I will say it yet again – videos are something Rahul Mookerjee does NOT WATCH.

I repeat. 


I mean, I’d like to stay out of the “bozo” category, and the minute you stare non stop at anything that kills your imagination (TV, soap operas, inane and idiotitc promotional videos, or those “trying to make some sort of inane point in a long winded and overly showboaty manner” and so forth are PRIME EXAMPLES OF THIS) is the minute you slide further towards inertia and BOZO like behavior 

And “boredom” and complaining galore too.

Michelle, a friend of mine (or ...w ell, FB friend) once told me this.

“I am not the type of person who complains about where I live!”

(That being the PRC).

Last night, she messaged me out of the blue.

“Hey how are you"

I could tell that part was a formality. She needed someone to .. .

“Have you watched the videos”, she went three times without even allowing me the chance to do so (becuase deep down inside she knows I won’t, hehe).

Anyway, she sent me three links one after the other.

Bear in mind this person only talks to me either when she sends lengthy voice notes – or – you got it – videos.

In the “friendship” thus far I think it’s the first time she’s ever typed because “her English is supposedly too weak” (but it isnt weak when she speaks, hehe) 

So we got to talking.

“I’m bored!”

“China is so boring!”

OK ....

“I’m an interesting girl! I am not like most Chinese girls ! I travel all over world!”

And I tried to switch the topic to something interesting that being hiking.

“DG hiking is nothing compared to where I’m from!”

Apparently the “mountain” in her hometown in taiwan is far “better”.

It probably is, to be honest.

But really, hiking never gets boring my friend.

Neither does LIFE.

You have to FIND something to do. You gotta MAKE YOUR OWN LIFE interesting, no matter what.

I Could tell you a bazillion things to do within the confines of a room in that regard!

It’s not a matter of “boring”.

IT’s a matter of not being open minded enough to ... ah, but whatever.

What do I know, I told her.

And she bought it. Hook line and sinker.

“I’m just the fitness guy”, I tittered. “Maybe thats why I like hikes, foot massages (I dont, actually) and the like”

(I DO like body massages though)

(and thats why I put out a section on MASSAGE in the 0 Excuses Fitness book)

but really, the video she sent were LONG.

I watched about a few seconds of one.

That was enough.

Some inane nonsense about some tom tommers claiming “Taiwan is a much better place to live than America” – and then dissing America (curiously enough he’s American) in favor of China, Taiwan etc.

Punctuated by the most asinine and juvenile music ever.

So much for interesting and well traveled “different” ladies.

I rest my case.

And on a side note, as my friend from the Marines rightly said.

“Taiwan exists because of it’s friends. Simple. “

And it IS that simple.

Maybe thats what causes all the angst as well, hehe.

Anyway, thats that for now.

I dont like videos, but sometimes they’re necessary.

Last one I watched was of a guy taking apart a water dispenser.

Now that was cool. Learned me a NEW TRICK, hehe.

A do at home kinda thing.

And I believe I watched a Trump video (part of it) about going out and voting, but he made it interesting.

“Maybe you’ll vote for me, and maybe you won’t”, I remember him saying.

And after reading all this, maybe you’ll stay on my list, and maybe you won’t.

Maybe you’ll invest in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, or maybe you won’t.

Or maybe you’ll just send me more inane idiotic vidoes and wonder why I Dont reply to you.

All good either way, hehe ...

And thats truly that for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee