It's just increased manifold, the lunacy - life coaches that have done exactly F all themselves in terms of their own life sprouting up ALL over the place with their retarded, ridiculous affirmations - numero uno of course being that people pick up on "I am rich!"
And needless to say for the vast majority of people, repeating this useless mantra does exactly nothing for them - in fact, people have reported back to me that in the long run they not only did NOT make more money by reciting this nonsense mindlessly, but things WORSENED for them in many regards as well (overall, for those that were smart enough to see the overall picture - a lot aren't, and keep getting brainwashed by these same gurus aka scam artists over and over again).
Look, some of the best damn motivators out there motivated PRACTICALLY.
The book Think and Grow Rich is a classic, a lot of people complain about the title being "salesy" - but thing is, Napoleon Hill does not mention this affirmation of "I am rich" even once in the book - it is jampacked with PRACTICAL means of attaining what you want - mixed in with the spiritual i.e. faith and persistence which is a mixture of both -but the REAL secret, and Hill says this in the book at the start - YOU gotta find it for yourself.
Telling you, he says, is no use because that would deprive you of most of the benefits you'd get otherwise if you learnt/figured it out / stumbled upon it yourself.
Then these idiots (so called life coaches) send emails to their followers "How to become a life coach" and the brainwashed fools actually follow those instructions.
Mess x mess = ... well, I'm seeing a live example of it right in front of me NOW.
I wont name and shame for once.
And I wont say ALL affirmations are bad, my friend.
My favorite chant is the ole Claude Bristol line "Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmations, leads to BELIEF. Once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to HAPPEN".
It's a saying that is ALWAYS with me - along with another secret I will not mention here - through all my computer crashes, old computers, new computers, phones, what not - THAT is my desktop background - against black, the words, along with Bristol's face.
(and trust me, the Magic of Believing is a GREAT book - my favorite along with Think and Grow Rich).
There is a reason for that, as John walker, a great customer recently wrote back saying "despite all the tech out there, human beings are still subject to the Laws of Nature".
Spot on, friend.
Bristol was big on affirmations - DONE RIGHT.
Most do it utterly wrong.
Lets break it down to bare, brass tacks.
Lets say your shopping for a new cellphone - and you really, really want that "spanking new iphone".
You dont have the cash for it, but you add it to your cart anyway.
And you forget about it - so you think.
You DON'T though - every so often you check back, think about it ...
One fine day, and that day comes sooner than you'd expect, without even thinking about it, that phone is YOURS - somehow. Sometimes, you didnt even buy it yourself!
(not always, but a lot of times the Universe works in wondrous ways if you let it).
In the meantime, what do you do?
Do you "settle" for another cheaper model? One you dont really want?
If you do - well, you're classified as someone who doesn't "really want it" - and therefore wont get it.
If you're like me (and this was me the last time I bought a damn dumbphone) - you dont settle.
And you get what you WANT.
It's a simple example - and that can be applied to your affirmation, yet, saying "I have that phone" didnt attract it to me.
I said the polar reverse, actually ...
Same thing applies to shopping for clothes - to attracting money - to something as simple as deciding what to eat today.
If you really, really want it - you'll figure out a way to get it, it's that simple, repeating affirmations consciously or not does not matter. It will be a part of you, period, and it wont rest until it gets what it wants. Simple as that.
Same thing applies to your FITNESS my friend.
If you are REALLY REALLY Sick of looking in the mirror and seeing a flabby mess staring back at you (if you're honest with yourself to admit what sort of condition you're in) - if you're REALLY, really sick of being weak and not being able to do a single pull-up - or very many pushups at all - if you're sick of looking at the "studs on TV" and wishing "I was like them" - then you'll TAKE the steps necessary to improve your condition.
You'll invest in the resources you need to improve yourself - whether I tell you or not - whether you "affirm" it to yourself or not.
Thats how it works, friend.
And thats the Law of Attraction broken down into its simplest form - there's more to it, but thats the "gist".
Anyway ...
For those truly interested in getting in kick ass shape - starting NOW - and tossing out the rubbish excuses and "time tried nonsense" - well, the link to start is right HERE - The 0 Excuses Fitness System.
It is the baseline every serious fitness enthusiast, regardless of what "level" you're at right now MUST either begin at or pass.
And thats that for now - back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The "adding to cart" is a dead giveaway that You, or SOMEONE wants it - and believe me, there are SO many of you that have added products to the cart and keep coming back to the checkout page (believe me, I can track this) that it begs the question "why the delay" my friend.
Like I said, if you're truly serious you'll do what it takes NOW. I can't do it for you. YOU have to do it yourself, its that simple.