Wednesday, 26 August 2020 08:33

You have to take a side . . . or DO YOU?

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As events across the globe spiral out of control and processed towards the inevitable and (to me at least) bloody obvious conclusion (and as the vast majority of people in the world, especially China seem to be preferring to go the “if we don’t talk about it it will go away on it’s own” route on this one), I gotta say one thing.

Something I’ve been saying for a while now.

Something I’ve been saying for ages, actually, and something that is nigh on crucial to success in ANY field or endavor.

That being, you gotta stop VACILLATING my friend.

No if’s, buts and maybe.

As George Bush once famously said, you’re either WITH us – or you’re against US.

He had his heart in the right place, and though his actions in Iraq for one are NOT something I support (for obvious reasons again, and even back then I didn’t support ‘em) what he said is true in times of crisis, and actually, when discussing anything important.

Way too many people right now are vacillating between offering lip service to the countries that are being directly affected by the Chinese aggression on their borders and elsewhere - - while adopting the silly and pacifist response of “we’ll continue to do business with them”.

And to me, it don’t work that way.

Thank heavens President Trump and his team don’t believe that, for one!

You simply cannot continue to support a bunch of thugs like that my friend. Every dollar spent in and on China goes back either directly or indirectly to the CCP and that’s just how it is.

Secretary Pompeo was very clear on this a few days ago too when he said the same thing, except in greater detail and was more “verbose” about it.

And in any case, I believe people will be FORCED to take a stance very soon, whether they like it or not, and the sooner they accept that reality the better it is.

Saying this, of course, has lost me more friends than gained, but that’s fine.

The few that remain are the ones I truly care about, and the ones that are worth remaining.

I was truly saddened last night by a good friends response to this entire mess last night.

He did not say one word against the CCP, the inaction by PM Modi in India, or the HIGHLY COMMENDABLE actions Trump and team have taken or anything of that nature.

All he said was the official CCP line (or something very dangerously close to it) of “we have to work together for mutual benefit”.

This floored me.

How can it work that way when one party is hell bent upon bullying the other and the entire world?

And yet, this blindingly simple concept doesn’t seem to be penetrating for a lot of people . ..

NO, you cannot separate border issues from everything else!

NO, you cannot allow Spy Way (Huawei) and other such CCP sponsored telecos to be the backbone of your infrastructure. Ditto for Chinese apps, Chinese programs etc.

We cannot discuss things in a void my friend.

And the same holds true globally.

And the sooner folks REALIZE this, the better it will be for ALL Concerned.

Thankfully, the developed world seems to be moving in exactly that direction, and I believe it is a matter of time (very soon now) before the Asia Pacific as a whole gets tired of the Chinese bullying and finally says enough is enough.

And now, fitness you ask.

OK. Let’s go there.

And let me throw a FINAL spanner into the works! ?

Fitness wise, you DO have to be on the side of the sensible, for one.

If what you’re doing right now is not working, then TOSS it regardless of what the bros tell you or regardless of what you read on the Internet.

If you’re NOT getting the results you want, well, guess what. Time to make that CHANGE!

But on that same note, do I believe that “lifting weights” (as many of you like to do) and bodyweight stuff cannot co-exist?


Done right, they can. And the old timers did it that way with great results.

What I DO believe cannot co-exist is pumping and toning, puffing and buffing, and REAL training.

That, to me simply cannot co-exisit.

And which side of that fence you’re on, only you know – and can tell me!

Let me know! ? I’m out for now, but will be back later with more! ?


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’ve completely deactivated one of my WeShat accounts as of now. The only reason I had it was one of my friends, and given what he said the other day, well . . .

PS #2 – Good news – you can still follow me on other social media! Try Twitter, for one . . .

PPS – BE sure to check out our products page right HERE.