
Success (131)

Over the past few weeks, or months I should say, I’ve been paring down my contact list in all regards even more dramatically.

Used to be I could count on the fingers of hand people I’d regard as being close friends.

And now, it’s more like a couple of fingers . . .

I don’t know why, but people have not just stopped (or aren’t) saying it like it is anymore out of FEAR.

Fear of being lumped into XYZ category, or perhaps offending people, or perhaps being polarizing, or perhaps (most commonly) been “seen” differently than they’d “like to be”.

Truth be told, this has been going on for donkey’s years, of course, but whats different now you ask?

Well, the few people (or almost all of them at any rate) that DID say it like is apparently aren’t any more, and not even privately, which is sad.

I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out what I’m hinting at my friend.


The China-zi issue . . .

And no for those of you that think “it’ll hopefully go away” or “it won’t escalate”, I got two words for ya.

Not necessarily what you might think either! ?

It won’t.,

Let me repeat that.

It won’t just like the Nazis never “went away” until they were MADE to.

Then there are those with businesses in mainland China or connections of other nature (family, investments, homes etc).

And they aren’t saying it like it for fear of reprisal from you know who.

Well, first thing I got to say about that is that if you’re that scared of reprisal, and don’t get me wrong, it’s very real given what China does, that probably isn’t the right place for you long term (unless gulags and forced labor are your thing).

And second, more importantly, if you think business wise it will be “all good” and the Chinese won’t take it over, think again.

Think several times.

For starters, any sort of real business in China requires a Chinese partner.

And there haven tons of cases where that partner just flat out took over the company and there was nothing the other person (or people) could do about it.

And THESE days, it’s about the CCP just grabbing it once it gets big enough.

And parroting it as “their own”.

They’ll let you do the hard work. The hard yards.

And just as you get big enough, they’ll invoke some obscure law or something (much like their obscure and meaningless territorial claims) and just GRAB it.

Or kick you out. Period.

Look at what happened to Uber, for one. It didn’t leave on it’s own.

Carrefour . . .

Plenty of other businesses, and on a smaller scale, you may want to read Mark Kitto’s piece on “you’ll never be Chinese” (Google if you need to).

And while I can understand not coming out publicly about it, privately??

Those that privately say nothing about this sort of thing are no longer on my contacts list, I’ll tell you this much.

No, the problem ain’t going away my friend.

No, the problem can’t “wait until the fight is at your doorstep”. It already IS IN MANY ways, and while it’s being pushed back vigorously, it hasn’t gone away by any means.

And other than Prez Trump, Secretary Pompeo (both of whom I applaud whole heartedly for saying things as they are), I see precious few people saying it like it is.

This includes world leaders.

Angela Merkel for one . . . Surprising that Germany isn’t saying anything, or maybe not??

And of course, PM Modi’s curious absence and silence given the Chinese aren’t just not vacating what they took from India, but will probably move in FURTHER as time passes (not a lot of it at that).

Ignoring a problem never makes it go away.

It only EXCABERATES it my friend.

And a lot of people are starting to rant about the ideological side behind this.

And how it shouldn’t be that way.


I can understand everything not being taken from that standpoint, but certain things have to be.

Let’s take a look at the racism row in the U.S. right now.

At the core of it, racism is wrong aint it?

Showl is, I hear you say.

Then isn’t China-Nazism or Nazim or any similar ideology WRONG?

Communism is fine if you’re into it and don’t try and impose yourself on others, but clearly that ain’t what is happening with the CCP!

Anyway, that’s my take on it.

And yes, I WILL Continue to take a stance.

The more people that speak up the better, and if you think your voice don’t count, think again.

Every little bit helps, and no, it doesn’t benefit me financially in case you’re wondering or hurt me.

In fact, and funnily enough certain people have “threatened” to get off my list and “not buy” for my political posts as of late.

And that’s perfectly fine. The vast majority of those people were talkers, not doers.

There WERE a couple of doers, but if my political stance offends you that much, so be it.

I’d rather do the right thing and speak up my friend. As YOU SHOULD, because believe me, this affects everyone.

That holds true for fitness as well.

Your inaction right NOW (if that’s the case) will cost you dear down the line my friend in terms of fitness too.

“Putting it off until tomorrow”?

Tomorrow usually never comes, and those that do know that very well at the core! ?

And so forth for strength training, weight loss and all that.

I WILL continue to say it like is and I WILL Continue to take a stance; not just have an opinion. The time for “just an opinion” is long gone in my opinion.

And that’s that for now.

Stay tuned for another blast on BAREFOOT training and more on what I wrote about before my goddamned computer crashed. GOtta love Winblows!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can pick up our straight shooting, NO PUNCHES pulled fitness products:

If there is one incident that illustrates perfectly the sheer PRACTICALITY of the Napoleon Hill saying “Every adversity, every misfortune, every unfortunate occurrence carries within in it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit”, it is what is going on in the world today.

Note that the great man did NOT say the flower of full blown success, but the seed from which said plant may be said to germinate.

And astounding as it might sound, the current India – China conflict going on that yours truly has written so much about is a perfect example of this.

Now don’t get me wrong, first off.

Lots of people think I “want” war between the two nations and more.

You couldn’t be more wrong if you thought so my friend. Or if you think so. Or if you even think so in the tiniest bit, way, shape or form.

Unfortunately, sometimes harsh steps need to be taken in order to contain a growing menace that knows no limits and has NO mercy whatsoever. And the same can be said of this conflict.

Everyone knows why, so I won’t get into that here, but rest assured that it’s almost inevitable it will happen.

And the world will get dragged into it, big time.

Do I want it? No. Would I be glad to be proven wrong? Hell yeah! (yes, Charles, there are no prizes for being right as you keep telling me, but are there any for being WRONG? I never did get an answer to that! ?).

But anyway . . .

If there is one truism that emerges from all this, it is what the late Deng Xiaoping, truly a great leader had to say on China back in the day.

And it’s imperialist and other ambitions.

Hide your strength, bide your time

I have made NO secret of the FACT that I don’t regard the CCP and Chinese leadership in general as being even human, let alone have a shred of respect for them.

I don’t, due to obvious reasons.

But, and this alone will probably cause most people reading this to hit “unsubscribe”, he was the very best leader China has ever had. Certainly better than Mao and Xi Jingping, both of whom fit the “buffoon” category perfectly (the former in some ways more so than the latter, but not a lot more).

Conversely, Deng was a practical man.

And it is HE that caused China to literally emerge from the ashes and turn into the rogue nation it is today . . . or should I say, have the economic heft to try and be one.

It is HE that almost single handedly pulled almost a billion plus people out of abject poverty.

And were his methods pretty?

Do I support Tinanemen? Do I support the one child policy? Do I support the hukous system?

Hell no.

But in that day and age, those sort of drastic actions had to be taken and he made those tough decisions, and look where China is today.

And he was a huge, huge proponent of “hiding your strengths and biding your time” until it truly WAS or IS time to reveal them strengths.

Which is a different way of saying what Napoleon Hill did.

“Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!”

AT the right time . . .

And ole Deng, I can promise you, would probably be turning over in his grave right about now if he knew what was going on now.

Ole Deng was NOT a proponent of “imperialism”. Economically, YES, he wanted China to be a force to be reckoned with and then some, much like Japan.

But nothing further than that, I truly believe, and yes, I can’t prove it, but not everything HAS to be proven.

And if China truly was the economic superpower it claims to be, things would have fallen into place a long time ago. It isn’t, and they haven’t, and . . .

But anyway, Deng as I’ve said before is NOT the person responsible for the “Get rich at any costs” or the “To be rich is glorious” sayings both of which are INCORRECTLY attributed to him.

I’ve written about it on both the blogs, but the translation of what he said was “If some people get rich, that is a good thing”.

And he said that w.r.t opening the country up economically, and he was dead on RIGHT.

And he was even righter (is that even a word? Hehe) about the “hide your strength, bide your time” thingy.

When someone comes up to you as you’re starting a goal, or on your way there telling you “you’ll never get there”, or “you’ll never lose that weight”, or “you’ll never be strong enough”, or any of the other BS you might expect, one response might be to tell them (as I wrote in the last email) to go to hell.

Straight to hell.

Do so, but do so mentally, my friend.

Let the naysayers neigh, and always remember, any time someone says “no” they have themselves activated a large percentage of the forces responsible for you to do the exact opposite, and then some.

IT’s happened to me on so many occasiona I can hardly recount them all!

Same thing applies to fitness.

If the studs at the gym laugh at the pot belly you’ve got and your inability to do pull-ups, and call you a bonafide DUD at ‘em . . . well, let ‘em.

First thing you know, they’re right.


Second, get cracking on the courses on pull-ups. WORK towards your goal. Before long, you’ll be EQUALLING if not surpassing the braggarts, and that, my friend, will truly be the time to SHOW your strength as opposed to hide it.

There is a time and place for everything!

And by biding your time, and NOT telling the world about your goals or “reacting” when they criticize you or do your best to bring you down (believe me, I should know!) you eliminate any and all NEGATIVE energy that stands between you and your goal.

And channel the remaining bit  of it wholeheartedly and FULL BLOODEDLY … into your goal!

And as Maximus Aurelius (I believe) a.k.a Russell Crowe said in the Gladiator,

“And victory shall be mine, in this life or the next!”

Armed with that belief and knowledge, there is nothing that can stand between you and success.



Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can pick up another extremely motivational read:

P.S #2 – Here is where you can take a gander at an extremely popular course of ours:

P.P.S – And here is where you go back to the basics, and you should!

(Edit – funnily enough it seems, and I’ve been saying this too, that India of all nations is following the “hide your strength, bide your time” maxim right about now. At least I hope that’s what they are doing, notwithstanding what their defence minister said!

Are we (those of subcontinental and Oriental origin) “Really all Asians”?

I’ve often been asked if I’m Chinese in mainland China. “You have yellow skin!”

And ole Deng looks half Indian to me to be honest, if you were to take the eyes away . . . and replace them with “bigger” or closer set eyes. Hehe.

Much like my ex boss Freddie, a great guy of Chinese origin and who was often called Indian!

Anyway, enough rambling on my part. Back soon – but hey – the message STANDS! ?).

I’ll never forget something my father once told me when I was young. About ye small, as it were . . .

“The person that has the ability is ALWAYS expected to do MORE!” , he proclaimed.

In a tone f voice that brooked no further arguments, and of course, for yours truly, that meant I just HAD to question him.

And I would have anyway.


“OK, fair enough”,  I said. “But then they should get PAID more! Or compensated accordingly” . . .

To which of course, there was no answer, and an annoyed look, and finally an irritated “that’s not how things work!”

Why, I asked.

Perfectly reasonable question you’d think eh.

And of course, there was no answer, except the usual “Who does he think he is to ask all this? He thinks he know it all!”

Know it all? Hey, I asked WHY, didn’t I?

He might as well have answered “No why”, as they do in mainland China. Mei Wei Shen Mo . . . something that annoys me greatly especially if the question is a valid one.

I’ve since learnt (and I was young then of course) is the reason people don’t answer these questions is because they cut DEEP . . .

Because of certain inadequacies THEY themselves have deep down inside (and I’m not referring to my father here – I am talking “in general” as it were) that get exposed when these questions are answered, or certain things they are themselves doing WRONG.

Anyway, I found this way of thinking to be highly socialistic and STUPID with a capital S.

Akin to what a colleague of mine in China told me years later when people were trying to mooch off me for this and that for whatever reason.

“It’s like a well full of water”, he laughed “Everyone shows up to fill their jug and leave after they’ve done it, and as for the well . . . “

And he laughed again.

“It’s EMPTY after a while”.

And though he said that in jest, what he said he was true, and it’s a way of thinking and philosophy that I embed into my daily life my friend.

No freebies, no “free” anything, and certainly none of the “you can do it, so you should help me for FREE” B.S.

Certainly no “you learnt X language for free, so you should teach me for free!”

And certainly not in terms of fitness either, but as for the expectation part, I’ve found it to hold true in life in general (though it’s not ideal, of course).

The 20% in any company, for instance, are the ones that really keep the company afloat and the rest of the slacker going.

This might sound insane, but its true my friend.

Do you remember that company I worked at? Yes, THAT company!

The same thing happened there. I was expected to bring in more sales “because I could” and “had the ability” and when I asked for commensurate compensation to be given, there was … you guessed it. Crickets with a capital C.


“Oh, he doesn’t have a choice”, was the thinking of the “powers that be” at that time.

In other words, they figured I had no choice when it came to jobs and it was their way or the highway.


Anyway, this sort of socialist thinking doesn’t appeal to me my friend. Sure, you can EXPECT more from me. No problem. And you’ll get it. But by that same token, you’ll be expected to COMPENSATE me – and WELL – for my services – or time – or products – or whatever it is you’re looking to get me to do for you.

That’s just how it works my friend. I’m not much of a fan of Marxist thought processes such as what he majority of folks seem to believe in . . .

Anyway, and again, back to fitness, I hear you say.


In terms of fitness, I’ve already covered the no freebies part (and how!) . . . but what I did not say up there is that fitness ain’t an unfair employer my friend.

It truly is something where you GET what you PUT into it – and again – how!

Napoelon Hill, I believe it was, spoke of the Law of Increasing Returns which was first brought up by the great Emerson in his essays on compensation.

He goes on to say that any service you render with an open heart (preferably an open heart) comes back to you somehow – and in an INCREASED manner. With compound interest added, as it were!

If you’re working hard right now on your fitness, for instance, but not seeing any results straightaway – well fret NOT.

Keep doing the thing, and soon enough you’ll have the power and probably MORE than the results you wanted when you first started, my friend.

And that’s how it’s worked with me in terms of fitness, as you know, and how it will work for you as well.

And that’s how it works in life in general . . .

Anyway, that’s a long enough post on all this.

Bottom line – if someone expects quality in any regard from you – be damn sure you can deliver it – and once you do – do so at a PREMIUM, my friend. There truly is no other way.

And when it comes to your own fitness, apply the SAME philosophies.

You’ll be nigh astounded at the results that come on down your way!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Go here to avail of the best damn home fitness system out there –

P.S #2 – Here is where you can grab two of our bestselling courses on “six packs” and CORE training – Corrugated Core – and Advanced Hill Training.

. . . I probably won’t be.

And these days, no matter how many times you message me or pester me up and down, chance are I simply either won’t reply or I’ll block you and delete you off my list or whatever for good.

In the past I’d sometimes relent on this particular policy of mine . . . ALWAYS and ALWAYS to be disappointed that I did. If my gut told me that a certain piece of communication was to be ignored, and if I ignored my gut – guess what eventually happened.

I got burnt.

Anyway, what do I mean. Why exactly am I saying this?

Well, it’s simple . . .

I don’t know if y’all remember this, but a while ago I wrote about a person that took trolling me to a whole new personal and racist level.

He was basically using the “can a non white person be American” garbage “logic” to troll me and while I initially got pissed off, I later just did what I do now up and ignore it (actually, I PROFIT from it too, hehe, but that’s a different story and one I believe I will talk about soon on the other site ?).

And though he himself up and blocked him after verbally abusing me online, he’s back as of now, and he’s been trying to get in touch with me with a friend of mine.

A good friend . . . with whom I rarely if ever see eye to eye on anything , hehe.

And when I received said message from my friend, I didn’t respond (for obvious reasons).

But I didn’t block him. OR delete him. Or put him on permanent ignore. Or anything . . .

Despite all our numerous disagreements he’s actually  a smart dude that chooses to support the wrong people and take the wrong path in life, but hey, he probably thinks that about me too. And I’d be the LAST person to tell him that he didn’t have the right to live his life the way he wants though.

Not so with the other dude though.

And once it became nigh apparent that I wasn’t going to “forgive him” (a trollish way indeed of saying “lets start wasting time with meaningless conversations again”) he started trying to get in touch with me – again through other channels.

Namely, a girl named . . . ah, I won’t name her, but let me just say that the two of them “know” each other and the shenanigans they got up to – well, I won’t mention them here, but they’re not for the faint hearted to be honest (no, nothing R rated as far as I know, but on the scale of “how the hell can someone be so DUMB”).

Et al.

And as far as I’m concerned, the reason she’s persona NON GRATA is because she contacted me a few years ago asking me to build her a website . . . for . . . you guessed it.


And while I politely declined, I never spoke to her after that (again, for obvious reasons) .

And as of late she’s back with a vengeance, much like dude I’m talking about is.

Probably the lockdown (though I hear the U.K. is technically and finally starting to get out of lockdown, hehe) and probably boredom from having no job or worthwhile means of employment and trolling outta Mama’s basement, or Cheung King mansions in Hong Kong, or the “government homes” (as dude puts it – apparently he’s on some sort of government welfare or what not after (again, apparently) getting kicked out of China) . . .

But whatever it is, it started with a lengthy Facebook message which I’d post here, but I deleted instantly.

Then this email a few days later –

Hello Rahul, 

My name is <I’m being kind, so I won’t name and shame> (I'm sure you've heard plenty about me!)

Can we talk please?

I need to talk to you about something. It's very important. 

Please Email me back on this Email Address, which is: <bleep>

Look forward to hearing from you.

Many Thanks, <name withheld>

The subject line of the email was this “Hello Rahul. We Need To Talk Please?!”

If there ever was a limit to which the nutjobs can go to to WASTE time, I’m yet to see it. Hehe.

This lady (I’m using the term very sparingly, mind you) writes lengthy emails and Facebook messages to me and deliberately hangs out bait to the order of “we need to talk” when I don’t know her from Adam (or Eve).

At least I knew the other dude. With this gal, no way, Jose – all I know is what I heard from other dude, and the less I heard on that front the better. Believe me, you DO NOT want to know some the “shyt” (literally!) she got into . . .

Why not simply use the email or Facebook message to just up and TELL Me what she wants?

Ah, but that’s because she knows my response to the freebie seekers, lookie lous, Tom tommers and retards in general . . .

But she’s trying to get one last little time wasting dig in anyway.

Nice try, but no dice, but on that note though, it must be said that on occasion I do forget to get back to GENUINE emails – sometimes because I’m just too busy to do so – and sometimes because well, there are only 24 hours in a day and I only have 10 quick little fingers, and even those aren’t enough at times.

As I state on my sites, if the question warrants it I’ll reply through my email list for all to see.

And sometimes even if it doesn’t, hehe, if just to showcase the pure and utter idiocy people find the time to get up to.

Anyway, last, but not least, if you’ve emailed me and I have not responded within 24 hours (and if its something genuine), please DO BY ALL MEANS send me a follow up email ,and I’ll get back to you asap. Sometimes, there is just too much to do in any certain day!

And that, my dear reader is THAT. I’ll be back with more “explosive stuff” soon, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The best darn fitness system on the planet is the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and I’ve even gone to the length and trouble of (nah, no trouble, hehe, I’m willing to bend over backwards and then some for you real customers out there) putting together a FAQ section in terms of all the questions I routinely get asked. Check it out – and if you have more questions ,shoot me an email, and we’ll gof rom there!

P.S #2 – Ditto for handstand pushups, pull-ups etc. I have books I sell SEPERATELY on Amazon with regard to ONLY AND ONLY frequently asked questions for these great exercises) – but if you buy through the website, I’ll include them for you at NO EXTRA COST along with your regular download. Check it out, and let me know your thoughts!  

P.P.S – Stay tuned for how a certain little article I posted literally caused my site views (across the Internet, not just my own site) to shoot through the proverbial ROOF and them some, hehe.

As I was talking to my wife today over lunch, she spoke about something that a current employer (of sorts) of hers is doing.

For what it’s worth, my wife is in the recruitment biz (which is how we met, hehe, long story there tho!) and is what she does currently on a part time basis.

If you’re interested in a job in India, she’s probably the one you need to hit up, but given the COVID lockdown in India (one of the worlds by far harshest and strictest lockdowns), the country has all but ground to a screeching, crying HALT.

A very ineptly done lockdown indeed, and I fear one that really accomplished squat all other than being a STOP GAP measure.

I said this before, of course. A long time ago, and I was called a moron – or worse – for saying it.

I said that the horse done bolted when the Chinese wifully ignored the virus and let it spread willy nilly, and only reported it when they HAD to, and by then the damage was done, and it will take the world a long damned time to recover from this, if ever.

And whether or not the virus was created in China is another topic altogether, and not one for this here email.

Anyway, her employer is running from pillar to post to find sources of income.

Unfortunately not everyone is open to the sort of ideas I am, and so she’s pretty much dependent upon the economy in this regard.

And while she’s getting into the online education hussle, as my wife said over lunch, what was my reaction when I heard about this?


Online education just don’t’ work, my friend. Period.

It’s been tried in China, and has already FLOPPED.

And I’ve said this from the very beginning, back when the China tom tommers (you know who you are!) were claiming that online education would be the next big thing.

No it won’t

There are some things that lend themselves better to IN  PERSON, my friend, and that’s just a fact.

And what I told my wife was basically what I said here, and then

“If you truly want to succeed, real success, then do the OPPOSITE of what everyone is doing”.

And if you think about it that’s one of the best pieces of advice I can give anyone.

Sure, it may come with being ridiculed, put down, called names, and WORSE, but end of the day, this approach delivers lasting results and gets you to the pinnacles of success in whatever it is you truly want.

What you REALLY want out of life, not what your parents, co-workers,friends, or family want you to do.

What YOU want to do, and that at the end of the day is what REALLY MATTERS and you know it, my friend.

That nagging discontent ain’t gonna go away, my friend.

And rather than be the one that has regrets - - why not simply accept the fact you have ONE LIFE – to do what you TRULY WANT?

I’ll write more on this later. Back to doing the precise opposite of what others are doing and having ideas that may sound wild is something all of the people below had in common –

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Claude Bristol

Napoleon Hill

Henry Ford


Steve Jobs

Jack Ma

Jeff Bezos

. . . and scores of other than really made it in their lives.

Study their stories, and you’ll understand what your truly BE talking about, hehe.

And fitness is the same.

No, long drawn out workouts with your heart rate in the “zone” doesn’t cut it, and the results that most people get after going to the gym for years show.

NO, pavement pounding ain’t near as good as intense sprints. Proof is in the pudding!

YES, short and intense workouts benefit you in all regards far more than the commonly touted (by the so called experts) alternative.

YES, doing your own thing is truly where it is AT!

And so forth.

Think about everything I’ve just told you my friend, and apply it in YOUR life.

If you do so - You’ll start to go places – that I do promise you!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S.  – Check out our products right here –

P.S #2 – Apply for life coaching right HERE –

P.P.S – I’m going to be updating my products section on this site very soon indeed. Stay tuned!

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