Success (131)
The three golden rules - or should I say COMMANDMENTS - of Manifestation.
Rahul MookerjeeIn the world famous 0 Excuses Fitness System, yours truly breaks things down and gives you the "10 Commandments of Physical Training" (success at it) before anything else.
Before the exercises. Before the workouts. Before all of it, because the mind is always the most important. I've made sure to really emphasize this in the first book on pull-ups as well, one of the most notably tough exercises for people to do right, and also in "Shoulders like BOULDERS!" for obvious reasons.
These lessons and commandments apply not just to fitness, but to life.
And today I'll give you three golden rules of manifestation which most gurus wont agree with - yet those same so called gurus have either knowingly or unknowingly followed these paths, and are not telling YOU because they're telling you what you want to hear, not what you need to KNOW in this regard.
Works for fitness - and life both.
Here it is, if I were to break it down into "three".
There's more, but these three are core tenets of any sort of successful manifestation which I've struggled with at the start my friend, and it's effortless now.
One, let me tell you what it does NOT involve - saying "I am".
It doesnt involve becoming a hermit or standing on one leg in the Himalayan mountains, or meditating for days, or growing a long beard like I am right now.
And any of that self help rot they tell you.
It aint about the so called Law of Attraction. That is a crock if there ever was - it works, yes, but only in its purest form.
It's about a lot of hard work first off.
Second, more importantly. It's about the right WORDS. And FEELING.
Third, and this is MOST important.
Thats the three commandments in ascending order, my friend.
Not sexy, not what most self help gurus tell you.
Look at the lives of most following those self help gurus though ...
This, my friend - is how you manifest success in ANY Field - fitness or not.
I'll have more on this subject later, but as I literally live a life of "think and it WILL happen" - remember one thing.
There is no magic involved.
It is a rational art and science both.
Dont think you can go out not having done any workouts in ages and think you can start sprinting up hills like Walter Peyton for one.
It aint gonna happen.
Dont think a million dollars will land at your doorstep tomorrow if you just think about it.
It aint gonna happen.
Other hand, you do the work, use the right words, most importantly, focus like a horse with blinders on and have FEELING behind not just your self talk but your bloody actions too - and it'll happen like "magic" almost.
Trust me on this one.
That, my friend is that . . .
Zero to Hero and Gumption Galore are but the tip of the iceberg on this one, those that can break down, dissect and analyze success will get it ...
I'll have more on this in the future as well.
Thats the update for now.
Back to the bearded pard doing handstand pushups . . .
Rahul Mookerjee
The lunacy of Nazi feminists whining about and taunting me about my "riches".
Rahul MookerjeeI will never forget the experience I had climbing the hill once in China - when a gaggle of schoolkids stopped me before I was even halfway up.
From a distance, the chorus started.
"Mei Guo Ren, Mei Guo Ren!"
(American, American in Mandarin Chinese)
If you've seen the scene in the famous movie Bloodsport where Van Damme and his pal enter the "Walled City" where they are stopped at the entrance by people checking - their guide ushers them in, but not before one of the guards chimes in with this ...
"USA! OK! ?"
Right down to the thumbsup.
Its hilarious but true - that is how it is often in China.
"Hen duo Qian!" was the next chant.
(a lot of money)
For reference, at the time - this was years ago - I was hardly even at the financial level I am at now.
(which I'm hardly a millionaire now, neither have I ever claimed to be one, nor is that goal - though I probably to be honest will be one someday. Hehe).
I found it interesting, I told my wife, who was ranting as usual.
"No money, yet they look at you that way and think so highly of you".
I didnt reply, but I grinned.
Little did she know.
The secret I've been using before dumbphones and so forth . . . before all the so called motivational videos came out, before a lot of the crap passing for "self help" came out - a lot of the crap these lunatic Nazi feminists live and swear by.
And it's simple - I THINK rich.
Most of these idiots on their videos think they think that way too, but their reality shows otherwise.
Anyway, it wasn't just one time, I've often been taunted in the past this way by the lovely wife who when she's in a good mood sends me long odes of "I want to sit at your feet forever" (true story my friend, I've got the emails if you're so interested) and bad, well you read it. HEhe.
"You're a business man! You are rich, you have money, you travel to so many countries!"
And it's people supposed to be closest to me that have done it but you know whats funny?
This whole "you're soooooooooooooo rich" thing I keep getting.
(not to mention the sheer impotency behind the comments - these usually come from women, because they know, as a certain Charles said "you wont smack 'em in the head". And coming from my dumb ass wife whose day consists of being Buddha in the bed on an old creaky laptop with an external HDD attached so she can hammer her brain with meaningless videos all day - I can sort of understand the frustration she has about "me going here, there, and her precisely NOWHERE". Well, my dear, if you'd stop being a complete cunt for one ... ah, but wait. That isn't part of their lexicon!).
And of course, the business is great when the money rolls in, when it doesnt, according to the wife "it's an useless biz".
For reference, she was referring to the trading business which we were literally rollin in money before COVID hit, of course, once it did it was my fault. Hehe.
We - or I, rather, am back up to steam there, but thankfully without my idiotic wife (the first time I was forced to depend on her for deliveries, now I just pay someone to do it).
When these same people watch motivational *so called* videos all day long - which tell them to affirm "I'm rich!" to themselves, but yet those riches never quite materialize - when these same people affirm to themselves "I'm happy" - yet stay in "three days foul mood, one day so so, then the mood swings back to super jubilant the next ..."
I did a brief talk on this here - a must watch, but in short, affirmations only work if you use them right and understand them, most do not, never will (because they're too damn lazy for one).
I can almost predict it, hehe. Come to think of it, I can predict it like clockwork, and I play these people like fools all the time. Hehe.
Look, it's all about the subconscious mind and activating it at levels that most people dont.
And empty affirmations backed up without any sort of emotion for one - or fake emotion - doesnt work.
Your mind isn't stupid, and it knows the reality of the empty bank account staring back at you, my friend - hehe (to the Nazi feminists).
And thats how it will be unless you do what is REQUIRED.
Anyway - point of this?
Lots of you deal with this on a daily basis, and feel trapped, but you dont have to my friend.
You dont necessarily need to go full on MGTOW either though that wouldn't be a bad thing.
If you want to profit and benefit from these Nazi feminists and others of their ilk at unimaginable levels in manners even you didnt dream possible - well pick up "How to not only COMBAT - but profit from Nazi feminists BIG TIME from the Nazi feminist disease PLAGUING modern day society NOW.
And that, my friend is that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The male equivalent of the Nazi feminist is usually a loser troll - of which there are tons in this world.
Learn how to benefit at levels hitherto dreamed IMPOSSIBLE by investing in the one and only book of it's kind HERE.
By far the most cringeworthy intro I saw, and why I dont hold those reading from scripts in very high regard...
Rahul MookerjeeThe vast majority of people live life "scripted" - and never go with the flow. Never on auto pilot, and therefore, they will never even BEGIN to feel the sheer freedom and joy - and more importantly results from living life unfettered - by the boss, wife (are they the same, hehe) - or "you should be more responsible" taunts by idiots - and so forth.
And it shows.
Man, I still remember ole Steve Austin getting the "Hall of Famer" award at the WWE ceremonies. He had pages worth of speech ready, yet, first thing he said getting up on the podium - - ?
"I've got these speeches, but..."
And then he launched into extempero mode.
Sign of a true genius, a doer..
I still remember the first time I did a video in public - on my channel for all to see, the introduction to the 0 Excuses Fitness videos, I had a script - sorta.
And I hardly even looked at it, though I was kinda nervous being filmed for the first time.
Nervous, me, you might ask?
Well, I might not have looked it, but I was - sorta. Not really, but sorta, but it passed within a minute or so ...
Man, looking at a certain fat boy's Youtube channel replete with his nasty pics of gyno and boob jiggling and stuff he calls workouts - getting past all that (I think we all know which fat boy is currently haunting this place) ...
To say "pukeworthy" would be doing it a disservice.
I mean, the dude looks like a nervous 16 year old girl - a fat one - in front of her high school crush or something, yammering, stammering, and constantly looking down at either his wanker, or more likely a "script" someone prepared for him.
I mean you can literally see his heart pound out of his chest!
Now, not to be down on such folks but ...given he just can't stay away from mentioning me in some weird drunken rants he keeps posting on his youtube channel (I wont mention either him or the channel here) and claiming "I hate HIS rants too" (another real man I wont mention here) (I hadn't really heard of that dude until fat boy mentioned him, but reading his blog, I can sort of understand why liberal "sucking on government teat" (or the wife's bank account) fat boy" wouldn't like him. Different philosophies in life eh) ...
.. Well, given that, I had to call a spade a spade.
And ,well, this time I'll just let some of the commenters do the talking.
"His carer has disappeared again it seemes".
Man, I thought those guys were trolls on his site.
Viewing just a few seconds of that was enough to make me almost spit out my beer, but that would be a waste of a perfectly good brew.
I did 25 slow pushups to get it out of my system.
But really...
Benny truly seems to be LOST. Hehe. And thats being very kind, Benny Boy, those comments he keeps deleting are all spot on.
Anyway ............
In life, in business, in politics, I'd rather a Trump - or myself - or a Steve Austin "off the cuff" (most of the latter's success was achieved exactly that way, Vince gave him a free hand on RAW pretty much within certain very broad and flexible guidelines - nothing, including shoving catheters up nether ends in hospitals was "off limits". Hehe).
Biden, Obama, these script readers - Ugh.
These liberal wackos are all the same, but Benny takes the cake, I must say.
Not to mention the amount he praises himself, then looks at the script anxiously "did I miss something", and then you can almost see the tail wagging for approval.
Look, dog, UGH. Thats just ... cringeworthy. I mean, if you gotta praise yourself to the high heavens and beyond, well, that explains why most real men want NOTHING to do with a Bozo of this nature (and the system was right in "spamming" his affiliate application in the first place. Ugh! Really, not just his fat or his training or what not, I can stomach all this, but someone this pathetic? I'd rather engage with a Nazi feminist woman than him, at least she's female... Hehe (so called)).
(with this dude, who knows. Ugh).
Then again, I'm sure we've all seen someone far more pathetic? Bozo "drunken" Schofield being one ...
Anyway ..........
Look, bottom line, grow a pair man.
And thats really all I got to say on this one, pure rant, but man, is it well deserved or what ... Hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - REAL man workouts, not sissified Youtube "glory shots" or whatever they're called are what build confidence from the inside out, that swagger that shows even when it don't, boyo. And a Corrugated Core is a MUST for that, if you're fat, you're not only fat, but you wont have that swashbuckling confidence, my friend, and thats a FACT - Jack.
Deny it all you like, but it shows.
Along with the course above, the 0 Excuses Fitness System is an absolute must.
And thats that. Oh, life isn't scripted, "natural" is what works best, pally, of course, try telling that to utopia dwelling nutcases and Bozos...
Not to mention, these liberal fools - it's truly pathetically mind boggling how hypocritical and far up their own fat backsides their pea sized "heads" are.
please dont use your imagination here. Hehe.
But really, this fool here that was rightly put in spam for six months, there's a reason why he jumped at it even after six months (and that was only me being generous enough to email everyone that had slipped through. Sometimes, like Rueben once told me "I need to stop being so nice"...)
And he, despite claiming "he hates what I stand for" (and presumably from his latest woozy rant - every real man falls on his "hate" list) ... he was more than happy to play ball here because his greedy beady little eyes saw a way out, MONEY, unfortunately like most liberals, he didnt pass the test of persistence - he didnt even start.
Pathetic, dude, really, but I done forgotten all that a long time ago, but GAWD, that god awful wanker video ... ugh!
Liberals = utopian (the worst kind) hypocrites, and thats being kind, but then again we all know that about these LGBBBBTTTTQQQ (maybe thats why he parades his gyno does Benny Boy) lovers dont we ... ugh again.
I mean, the minute he saw he'd have to put his fat butt to - ahem - WORK - he threw a hissy, and that was that.
He seems to hate Johnny grube too, which I get, being "wild" isn't exactly up his alley. Hehe.
Anyway .................. for posterity's sake while he is wacking off to "wacking me into oblivion" or whatever his latest (I gotta say, I read it thrice, I couldn't understand what he was yammering about) rant is ...
(like dude, being a keyboard warrior ain't exactly an example of "tough guy", but then again, what do I know. Hehe. Like I said, get in the ring with me, and thats that - except I wouldn't with women or "in between's".. Hehe.)...
Anyway, for posterity's sake, here is who this guy is -
Logic to the rescue, not that these fools will understand the L of logic...
Why binge watching Bozo Flix or "donating" to the Republican - or any - politcal party ain't a magic pill for nothing
Rahul MookerjeeIt never ceases to amaze me, my friend.
These same people complaining about inflation, these same people complaining bout rising prices, these same people complaining about "his products are overpriced" (and if not mine, it's something or someone else) ...
... these same people somehow find the money to keep the most inane and useless of things going.
Or, they simply fritter it away on stuff not required.
Fancy gym memberships for one, we've been over this already so many times - neither is there any NEED for the same - nor do those gyms deliver in any which way (though ultimately it's YOU that has to deliver, the gyms simply market themselves well and people buy into the BS - because its EASY to sit on a machine, and it feeds their "lazy" bone if you get my drift than actually do some REAL exercise) ..
Worse than that, and I've spoken about this before, something like the ridiculously overpriced (and still increasing) Bozo Flix.
I mean really, if you have the money for Netflix while fitness related purchases "always have to be put off", if you think wifi is more important than breathing as opposed to fitness (Really, take people's Wifi away and watch them YOWL) - then you're just a pansy my friend, and I mean it.
Dont get me wrong.
I've got Wifi, and though I dont have Netflix, I do plenty of binge watching movies myself.
But in my case, it leads to binge selling and writing - and a hell of a lot of it, and even more than the hell of a lot I do normally, which is saying a lot, and thats the entire point. I could care less about the actual movies in most cases, I'm thinking of SELLING and business when I watch 'em!
Further, it aint my biz to tell you or anyone how to spend their money, or whether or not to WAIST - pun intended - it. Hehe.
No, really - it isn't.
But if that same somebody gets back to me complaining about price, if the same somebody is a slacker that never buys anything, just sits there on the list like a bump on a log - then there's no point to it, and I WILL call these people out.
Personally, if I had to choose between something like what I sell, and perhaps Prime or whatever, its a no brainer.
Then of course these guys who think repeated political donations will change things, it's the magic cure...
I'm sorry, it ain't.
YOU have to change things yourself, if your expecting the government to do it, then you're in for a rude awakening my friend - it hasn't happened for years, it wont happen now, regardless of which party takes back the Presidency, regardless of who controls the House or Senate, politicians are all as crooked as a dog's tail, that is just the nature of the biz, its dirty, or it would not be politics if it wasn't.
And the blind faith people place in these guys, because it's easier to just ignore the problem and say "he'll do it" - well, thats mostly how they fill their own pockets big time. Hehe.
Thats how it is.
And this applies to all ends of the political spectrum - with the exception of a perhaps a few liberterians... (and if you can prove me wrong, I'm all ears my friend).
There's too many wrongs that have to be righted for one, if that even happens, people dont even look at the overall picture or long term, preferring to stick their heads in the sand and whine about inflation and other issues they cannot control, yet should have seen coming years ago, and of course a lot of people "expecting the government to provide endless handouts or fix it all for them".
I realize a lot of this makes me sound like an ass.
But it's true, my friend.
YOU have to fix things, it starts, ends, and continues with YOU.
And if your life aint going the way it should be, or you'd like it to, chances are YOU are doing things wrong.
And fitness wise, if you're not on the 0 Excuses Fitness System as yet, you're definitely NOT doing it right - I'll say that, write it, and sign my damn name to it ...
And thats that, my friend.
From who a fat Bozo once called "Gods gift to fitness" and who another called "he thinks he's hot shit" -
Yours truly, always BRUTAL - yet right -
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Pushup Central is one of the best and most effective courses we have, thats another one you guys (those that have not got it as yet) need to pick up NOW. Like, yesterday, to be honest...
Dear Reader,
I dont know who needs to hear this today - maybe a lot of people do. Maybe not many on this list. I'm not sure (though I bet the latter).
But I'll tell you one damn thing, inspiration is something we could all do with a little more of.
Personally, those of us doing our own thing often get hit the hardest by life - and everything else (I realize that sounds "uncaring and arrogant" but try and follow a dream you've got for years, but never have, then when you finally do, watch the world seemingly put up barriers at EVERY stage).
Just when you think you've done it all, when you've hit a high point, BAM!
Life hands you a sucker punch and you're back BELOW where you started with MORE of a struggle to climb up - and out - of the hole.
It ain't anyone's fault either.
Napoleon Hill says it very well indeed in the Chapter on persistence in Think and Grow Rich where he talks about how there is a "hidden guide" (his choice of term is right i.e. guide because you learn a hell of a lot, I mean a hell of a lot during your dark and down times - about life - people - who your TRUE friends are - and a lot more (and how family will almost NEVER support you in pursuit of your dream or goal which is why I recommend NOT telling anyone until you get there i.e "Tell the world what you want to do, but SHOW 'em first" - Napoleon Hill again) who job it is to test men through countless discouraging challenges before finally "relenting" ...
And some of these challenges can be way tougher than you ever imagined - and come at times there could not be possibly "worse" in many regards.
EVERY doer, every achiever in life has been through this phase, often for extended periods, often for a long long time before success finally caved in!
You might not hear about their stories (the tough times part) a lot.
But theyre very much there, believe me, the higher a person rises, you can bet your bottom dollar he had to go through some INSANE struggle to get to where he (or she) is today.
Thats just how life works...
Homelessness seems to be one common factor as well - from Jean Claude Van Damme to Sly Stallone (and it ain't limited to just Hollywood either - it applies to life and business all across the spectrum) - some of the stories you hear about this guys, I gotta tell you, if they hadn't persisted - gone one more round when NOTHING and NOBODY was there for them - you wouldn't even know about them today.
It's persistence, gumption, the knowledge that the long game eventually rents, it's STICKABILITY - it's dedication - all of this ,plus that "intangible" Napoleon Hill talks about in his books.
I'll close this with quotes from Sly Stallone, someone who knows more than most about this sort of thing . . .
From selling his wife's jewelry on the sly to being homeless for a period to having to sell his dog because he literally couldn't feed himself, let alone the dog - working as a movie usher for years - this dude knows a thing or two about struggle.
He ain't the only one either, but Sly with his interest in writing - he pens things in an interesting manner indeed - and it makes his movie dialogs seems all the more believable, you can tell the man has LIVED it himself.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!
Or this
"going one more round when you dont think you can is what makes ALL the difference in your life"
OR ...
"Being broke is BAD. Really BAD. Have you ever had a dream? A wonderful dream? But You are too broke to implement it? Too tiny to do it? Too small to accomplish it? Life is tough. Opportunities will pass you by, just because you are a NOBODY. People will want your products but NOT YOU. Its a tough world. If you ain’t already famous or rich or “connected”, you will find it rough. Doors will be shut on you. People will steal your glory and crash your hopes. You will push and push. And yet NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. And then your hopes will be crashed. You will be broke. Damn broke. You will do odd jobs for survival. You will be unable to feed yourself. And yes, you may end up sleeping in the streets. It happens. Yes, it does. BUT NEVER LET THEM CRUSH THAT DREAM. Whatever happens to You, Keep Dreaming. Even when they crush your hopes, Keep Dreaming. Even when they turn you away, Keep Dreaming. Even when they shut you down, Keep Dreaming. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF EXCEPT YOURSELF! People will judge you by HOW you look. And by WHAT you have. But Fight on! Fight for Your place in history. Fight for your glory. NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Even if it means selling all your clothes and sleeping with the dogs, IT’S OKAY! But AS LONG AS YOU ARE STILL ALIVE, Your STORY IS NOT OVER. Keep Up the Fight. Keep your dreams and hope alive. Go get it !!!"
And that, friend, is that, like I said, I dont quite know who needed to hear this today, but I'm sure many did.
Even if not, words for the ages basically from a true DOER - legend!
And thats that.
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - For more such inspiration you MUST have at your bedside - check out Gumption Galore and Zero to Hero!
Oh boy.
The squeeze is well and truly ON - not that it hasn't been for years, not that I have not seen it coming, not that some of you didnt, but it REALLY started last December in terms of the rampant inflation which never came down.
You can make excuses all you want about "Russia's special military operation" causing it, but truth it COVID started the fall (we all know who started that) - truth also is, covid is the straw that broke the camel's back.
Truth also is, sanctions dont work, and if the West was truly serious about sanctions they'd never have left loopholes, and if with those the pain is this bad - well...
(not to mention it's nothing short of downright retarded to apply sanctions, then buy the same damn product from the sanctioned entity. I wonder why few, if any people are talking about that. Ah yes, it exposes lack of preparation - BRUTALLY!).
And guess what, it's just STARTING.
As my friend Ricky was saying a few months ago to a customer of his "everything's up brother. Everything's up!" (customer complaining about a few cents rise in price, which seems little, but when it happens weekly for instance... it does sort of dent the budget).
Anyway - stress levels are skyrocketing - people havent been acting normally in AGES, NOW?
It's even worse, even the normally cool cats are stressed out, big companies are in all sorts of financial "iffy" situations, and so forth.
Something to remember here, of course, is that the squeeze is being applied GLOBALLY, my friend.
You might hear it a lot more about in the West, but in reality (although it might not sound nice) it's been going on in other parts of the world for a while now, for even longer - and funny part, those parts of the world are so used to hardship they either dont talk about it, or take it in their stride and roll with it anyway - I realize that doesnt mean anything for those suffering the squeeze NOW and stressing out, but just putting it in perspective - SOMEONE out there is way worse off than you in many regards, my friend .
Dont believe me?
Oh, its true my friend.
It's TRUE.
And in this sort of environment, of course it's the salesmen that get the brunt of the "crankiness". Hehe.
Which is fine, as it should be, in fact if you're selling HARD, regularly and well - then you SHOULD be getting people on and off your list all the time for one!
Here's the thing though - remember, businesses are ALL being hit equally hard, so more so than others, some dont talk about it, others do all the time, but it's affecting EVERYONE.
Anyway ...
Real point of me saying this isn't to tell you it's all man made - I'm sure even the most anti Rahul Mookerjee reader has finally, at long last, come to that CONCLUSION (common sense!) - it's to say this.
If you're wimping out saying you dont have the money to buy something you really, really, want, my friend, then you dont really want it.
Now before I get hit by a bunch of comments on this - let me backtrack - let me rephrase.
Buy doesnt necessarily mean buy NOW.
But it also means buy - sometimes - not an indefinite NO.
There is a fine line there . . .
More -
Think about your own situation - if there is something you REALLY want, chances are excellent and second to none you prioritize that despite things being tough, tight, or whatever it is in your neck of the woods.
Thats how human beings are wired, my friend. It's nature - to all of us.
And we usually end up getting that which we really, really want - IF we really want it - at some point.
Even in the toughest of economies.
Even in the toughest of economies SOME people do well and make a profit, some a lot, some a little.
Even in the toughest of economies those with WILL to survive DO SO, and thrive as well.
(Yours truly has - I've gone on record saying HOW as well!). (and so can YOU if YOU so CHOOSE! We all have that choice to make, friend).
This is a marketing lesson rooted in reality for those that need to hear it - many do - a life lesson for many - many need to hear it - and fitness wise, my friend if you've been putting off your purchase for the 0 Excuses Fitness System for one for DONKEY'S years, it's time to get on the HORSE - and NOW!
Believe me, I can see a lot of you repeatedly adding products to the cart, and doing - NOTHING.
That don't mean EVERYONE does nothing - quite the opposite.
But this is aimed at those that do . . .
Time to man up,pony up, or whatever the story BE, and GET that damn product NOW - that you've been putting off for ages.
I realize this will open me up a barrage of criticism, and that is more than welcome, but the facts stand my friend.
As ole Alonzo rightly said, Man up nikka, man the "eff" up.
Do it NOW!
And thats that.
Rahul Mookerjee
More on this moronic "I'm rich" nonsense people spout even more these days
Rahul MookerjeeIt's just increased manifold, the lunacy - life coaches that have done exactly F all themselves in terms of their own life sprouting up ALL over the place with their retarded, ridiculous affirmations - numero uno of course being that people pick up on "I am rich!"
And needless to say for the vast majority of people, repeating this useless mantra does exactly nothing for them - in fact, people have reported back to me that in the long run they not only did NOT make more money by reciting this nonsense mindlessly, but things WORSENED for them in many regards as well (overall, for those that were smart enough to see the overall picture - a lot aren't, and keep getting brainwashed by these same gurus aka scam artists over and over again).
Look, some of the best damn motivators out there motivated PRACTICALLY.
The book Think and Grow Rich is a classic, a lot of people complain about the title being "salesy" - but thing is, Napoleon Hill does not mention this affirmation of "I am rich" even once in the book - it is jampacked with PRACTICAL means of attaining what you want - mixed in with the spiritual i.e. faith and persistence which is a mixture of both -but the REAL secret, and Hill says this in the book at the start - YOU gotta find it for yourself.
Telling you, he says, is no use because that would deprive you of most of the benefits you'd get otherwise if you learnt/figured it out / stumbled upon it yourself.
Then these idiots (so called life coaches) send emails to their followers "How to become a life coach" and the brainwashed fools actually follow those instructions.
Mess x mess = ... well, I'm seeing a live example of it right in front of me NOW.
I wont name and shame for once.
And I wont say ALL affirmations are bad, my friend.
My favorite chant is the ole Claude Bristol line "Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmations, leads to BELIEF. Once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to HAPPEN".
It's a saying that is ALWAYS with me - along with another secret I will not mention here - through all my computer crashes, old computers, new computers, phones, what not - THAT is my desktop background - against black, the words, along with Bristol's face.
(and trust me, the Magic of Believing is a GREAT book - my favorite along with Think and Grow Rich).
There is a reason for that, as John walker, a great customer recently wrote back saying "despite all the tech out there, human beings are still subject to the Laws of Nature".
Spot on, friend.
Bristol was big on affirmations - DONE RIGHT.
Most do it utterly wrong.
Lets break it down to bare, brass tacks.
Lets say your shopping for a new cellphone - and you really, really want that "spanking new iphone".
You dont have the cash for it, but you add it to your cart anyway.
And you forget about it - so you think.
You DON'T though - every so often you check back, think about it ...
One fine day, and that day comes sooner than you'd expect, without even thinking about it, that phone is YOURS - somehow. Sometimes, you didnt even buy it yourself!
(not always, but a lot of times the Universe works in wondrous ways if you let it).
In the meantime, what do you do?
Do you "settle" for another cheaper model? One you dont really want?
If you do - well, you're classified as someone who doesn't "really want it" - and therefore wont get it.
If you're like me (and this was me the last time I bought a damn dumbphone) - you dont settle.
And you get what you WANT.
It's a simple example - and that can be applied to your affirmation, yet, saying "I have that phone" didnt attract it to me.
I said the polar reverse, actually ...
Same thing applies to shopping for clothes - to attracting money - to something as simple as deciding what to eat today.
If you really, really want it - you'll figure out a way to get it, it's that simple, repeating affirmations consciously or not does not matter. It will be a part of you, period, and it wont rest until it gets what it wants. Simple as that.
Same thing applies to your FITNESS my friend.
If you are REALLY REALLY Sick of looking in the mirror and seeing a flabby mess staring back at you (if you're honest with yourself to admit what sort of condition you're in) - if you're REALLY, really sick of being weak and not being able to do a single pull-up - or very many pushups at all - if you're sick of looking at the "studs on TV" and wishing "I was like them" - then you'll TAKE the steps necessary to improve your condition.
You'll invest in the resources you need to improve yourself - whether I tell you or not - whether you "affirm" it to yourself or not.
Thats how it works, friend.
And thats the Law of Attraction broken down into its simplest form - there's more to it, but thats the "gist".
Anyway ...
For those truly interested in getting in kick ass shape - starting NOW - and tossing out the rubbish excuses and "time tried nonsense" - well, the link to start is right HERE - The 0 Excuses Fitness System.
It is the baseline every serious fitness enthusiast, regardless of what "level" you're at right now MUST either begin at or pass.
And thats that for now - back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The "adding to cart" is a dead giveaway that You, or SOMEONE wants it - and believe me, there are SO many of you that have added products to the cart and keep coming back to the checkout page (believe me, I can track this) that it begs the question "why the delay" my friend.
Like I said, if you're truly serious you'll do what it takes NOW. I can't do it for you. YOU have to do it yourself, its that simple.
Why I rate Herschel Walker, Iron Mike Tyson - and REAL DOERS so highly!
Rahul MookerjeeIt isn't so much their accomplishments in life - or otherwise - or in the Octagon in the former's case, and the football field (and now the Republican Party - GO HERSCHEL!!) - or the boxing ring in the latter's.
It isn't so much just their physical prowress, their never say die spirit, their gumption - its actually ALL of that - but it's something MORE.
With all the bitching and moaning about tough times these days, this is yet another great time to point out that tough times begin - and end - and germinate - and pass away - in the mind of MAN.
Bottom line, period.
Not to forget the fact that any great DOER - accomplisher - anyone that has accomplished anything of note - has usually done so "with the entire world and then some against him multiple times " - and NOT "Elon Musk" style with a silver spoon in his mouth (no, it ain't a rant against Musk either, I just dont like the guy for reasons I have spoken about before, I'll take Jeff Bezos anyday).
That is how they developed not just their iron bodies - but their nigh indomitable WILL AND SPIRIT!
Their gumption, persistence, never say die attitude.
Their desire to keep going no matter what. Their desire to achieve - which ultimately broke through all - and achieve they did.
Walker, perhaps most of all exemplifies this email to a T - or the reason I'm writing it - there is a reason 0 Excuses Fitness opens with a quote penned by him (or said by him in an interview).
Grew up in the era of slavery, despite what my friend Chuck keeps saying, did NOT have the sort of genetics which made muscle stick to him like "shit on a stick" - was bullied galore in school - was one of many kids growing up dirt poor ...
Mike Tyson - similar things, except slavery wasn't there when he was born.
Problem child, constantly bullied, until Gus D Amato took him under his wing, he was "going nowhere".
Once he found a purpose in life -voila!
And again, there's a damn good reason he's mentioned on the sales page for Pushup Central - I dont think anyone can argue with or better either Bruce Lee's or Iron Mike's (2000 per workoout) pushup workouts, and the results show don't they??
Anyway, lets get to the real reason I admire these homies - or good ole boys, hehe - and anyone thats a real doer.
Not once do you hear them bitch and moan about how tough they had it (compare this to the average Joe or Jane who rants all day about exactly that, accomplishes even less, and is way more concerned about hurting people's or their own, to be honest, feelings than being sensible, logical, frank and upfront).
"What happened to the Dunkirk spirit our grandparents had!!"
John Walker and me were discussing all this, and more, and he's right.
I mentioned my take on it - years of easy living, government handouts, getting soft, and well - we are where we're at TODAY. Other than a select few of us, few believe in the axiom of "we keep learning even when we're on top".
There's a whole Chapter dedicated to that in 0 Excuses Fitness.
Think about it, Walker. Tyson. Blacks have historically been treated the WORST when it comes to real oppression - even more so than say the Indians were in India by the colonial Brits (dont get me wrong, there were horrible atrocities happening there too, but end of the day, the Brits didnt hate India to the same extent that blacks in general were back in the day, treated worse than chattel almost) ...
.. and these men, real men never mention it.
I'm sure they had HUGE struggles growing up.
And throughout their lives.
Yet, they forged ahead -and just DID - and ultimately succeeded.
THAT is the hall mark of a winner in life, or anything else.
Think this is just about people of color?
No my friend.
Henry Ford for one (we all know him , eh) did not even finish middle school. Edison, I believe dropped out due to his teacher's taunts and ultimate "expulsion from school" (though his Mom it was later revealed always supported him through all that) ...
Modern era?
Someone like a "hell raising Stone Cold Steve Austin" wrestling and traveling great distances - for no more than a meal of uncooked potatoes daily for months on end (yes, true story - times were that tough back then and this wasn't even a Depression Era).
Or the Rock, evicted routinely from apartments during his childhood, almost gave up on his dreams, but didnt ...
My point simply is this, the next time you hear these "feel good touchy feely comments" about "be niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee" and "not offend anyone" - and "sooooooooo sad" - and I've had it sooooooooo tough - seperate the wheat from the chaff, my friend.
Tough times cut across race, nationality, ages, John said it so well "we all have our own cross to bear".
And we do
The less we bitch and moan about it and use it as a CRUTCH - the better!
And thats what I wanted to tell you, yet something else a lot of y'all need to hear ...
Anyway - fitness wise, get on the 0 Excuses Fitness train NOW if you have not already, truly one for the ages and DOERS, the best book on bodyweight exercise out there - bar NONE, nothing even "comes close".
And thats that.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Want more? The Great Gama of India who earned that moniker DURING, not after, colonial times ... I'd rather someone like him than Gandhi, to be honest!
Contrarian as always (to the last breath at that, hehe) as I wrote on Twitter, but I left the last breath part out lest people "gasp".
If you get my drift.
But really, it's a good way to live life, the proper way ie if the "vast majority of people" believe it, tell you do it - then it isn't necessarily or probably isn't anywhere near the best path to follow.
Ask any REAL doer, anyone thats achieved anything of note - and they'll be the first to tell you that.
And the other thing, as I was talking to a great customer of mine this morning, all these "sob stories" you see out there, just increasing by the day as people become "more and more desperate".
There's so many out there I couldn't even start to detail 'em here, neither will I since it isn't the point of this dispatch, but it's just pathetic.
As he rightly said, we all have our own crosses to bear, to feel as if you have to showcase your struggles "publicly" (as opposed to simply mention them) and "garner sympathy" (pity party seems to be what so many people want, even fitness wise) just shows you're weak deep down inside.
And you know it.
No, this isn't aimed at anyone in particular, it's aimed at the HERD in particular, because it's just exponentially increasing these days when it should be the polar opposite.
You dont see Sly Stallone complain about his rocky (literally) times all the time, do you?
You DO however see him pimp his stuff all the time, for a damn good reason, "positive attracts positive", whines attract whines and so forth.
Anyway, this isn't about whining and moaning so much as it is ... the opposite of what most people do.
You see even more people these days spending all their money on beads, chains, amulets "hoping for good luck". (I sent you an email about it this morning too)
Since 2020, a lot of these self help gurus and sham-scam artists have literally made fortunes and bailed, leaving their followers "stuck in the mud", in most cases WORSE off than where they started - and when they started the mindless affirmations most people so believe and place stock in except not truly.
I've done videos on it, I've written about it, but I'll tell you this again, saying "I am rich" repeatedly will not make you rich if you're not currently - it could and probably will have the OPPOSITE impact.
Saying "I am receiving X amount in sales" daily - same thing (when you are NOT).
Saying "I'm fit" - when you're not or "its ok to be a little fat" - when you're more than a little - same thing.
Dont get me wrong, you reading this can continue doing it if you want, but results speak, and those dont get results (affirmations done that way).
A change of language works wonders.
But really what works wonders is BELIEF in what you're doing - belief you can feel in your bones, deep down in your CORE - and backed up by unmovvable FAITH!
Faith alone moves mountains - of inventory (and no that is not me that said that). (if you're ready and willing to play the long game which I've always instinctively believed in).
"Accidentally spilling tea leaves" wont bring you good luck anymore than spotting magpies will bring you BAD luck - if you truly don't or do believe in both of those things.
Neither will a cracked mirror bring you bad luck by itself.
Claude Bristol explains this so well in the Magic of Believing ...
None of that stuff the Babas use will bring you good luck - all they do is bring the Baba good luck in that their followers believe it adds to their mystique and aura...
Personally, me?
I believe in SO many of these good luck things that you'd think I'm nuts.
Except, I ain't either.
To me, if I have to believe in something, I'd rather believe it's something good or for the greater good/positive.
This belief has ultimately kept positive flowing to me and does right now even when times are probably "dark" for most people.
Personally I would rather, and I DO BELIEVE that "spotting One crow" or "glass shattering unexpectedly" (ole Steve Austin, hehe) is GOOD luck, not bad.
And that is how I run my entire life, always have.
I dont know why I felt compelled to say this, but I guess because of all the nonsense people believe in these days; "everything is bad", everything is doom and gloom.
It all starts in the mind of man.
Zero to Hero is a great little read on what ACTUALLY makes things happen.
either way.
And back to fitness, the mirror is a great tool to get in shape, or command your subconscious to do so if you do it right.
Most do it wrong.
Do it right, you'll be doing it on auto pilot, some of the things that happen in your life won't even be fitness related, but they will GET you into better shape.
Dont believe me?
I understand...
But it's true. I've done it myself, so can you.
And for those that prefer to just get down to brass tacks and DO - well, I highly second that approach. it works, and gets the message across to the subconscious very powerfully as well.
And to do, do how it's mentioned in the 0 Excuses Fitness System - truly the best and most results producing system in terms of bodyweight exercise; nothing even comes close to it (not my words either).
And thats that.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Recently recieved a rant from an idiot who claimed "but you didnt do 50 Hindu pushups" in the video (workout video in 0 Excuses Fitness).
Like dude ... (and this is some idiot who thinks they're bad for the back or what not) ..
I did 25, I believe. But I'd rather do 25 throughout the 250 pushup workout which was done, by the way, AFTER 250 pushups in the morning (Cindy showed up in the PM which is fine) than do 50 good pushups and then 5 of everything as I've seen some "gurus" do, that don't cut it my friend. (not to mention FORM - lots of these gurus do them in absymally crappy form).
Not that I need to justify anything, results speaketh, but just thought I'd put that out there ...
PS #2 - If there was ever a time to promote Pushup Central, a bare bones manual that is just nothing short of brutal, both in terms of workouts involving "the world's oldest and most diverse exercise" (again, not my words, John, you're right on that tho!) - it is NOW. Get this book now, real fitness lovers will LOVE it. Strips away unsighly blubber around the midsection like there's NO tomorrow.
This is going to be another LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG rant - or thesis - or crankiness - or straight from the heart talk as always, what have you.
Gotta say, this here cantankerous cranky bastard would make ole Clint wring his hands in despair (he probably already does anyway, hehe).
Gruff Gorilla or cranky bear, I've been called both, and I am both.
But like I keep saying on another business, life is NEVER black and white.
Shades of grey.
yin and yang.
Two sides to every coin says a T shirt (vest) I wore when I was called Twiggy (no problem there, hehe) ...
And indeed, some of what YOU guys read here might come across as so emotional and soppy (not really, hehe, I'llt try and remove the sop from it, but I might not be able to fully) that you might not even think it's Rahul Mookerjee saying it (or writing it).
Then again, if you know my history with the gals you might think it is. Depends, hehe. All depends!
Anyway ................
Dude that I've been "bickering with" (as he puts it) back and forth over some trivialities - I call it banter, hehe - sent me a "truce of sorts" on Twitter again.
Along with some photos of him preening and posing he said he was proud of what he's accomplished, that weve both got good things going, that the ONLY thing we have in common is we inspire a lot of people ... and then he asked for a truce, or he "put it out there".
Since he did is so nicely, since it's the SECOND time he asked, since yours truly spiritual has been seeing 2's damn near everywhere, since today is the 29th (2), maybe even because it's his birthday today so I'll go easy on him (I got the "phat phocker" note on one of my own birthdays, but thats OK - that was the best damn thing I could have heard that day John - and I MEAN EVERY WORD!! Hehe. ) ...
(and I mean that because it kicked my RUMPUS into high gear coming from a doer. You know me bro! hehe).
... I dont know what prompted me to reply on Twitter, something I rarely do. Maybe an angel on my shoulder?
Look, maybe he needs support, whatever it is, but so I said we didnt have a war going on in the first place - it's all banter as far as I'm concerned. hey, just look at any Aus-Eng cricket match. Hehe.
I didnt get into the preening, posing, pumpin, toning, I simply said we see FACTS differently .. Hehe. Which we do. (and I'll never shy away from saying it like it is either).
And then I ended it saying I'd be glad to help him out IF he ever needed it - and thats that hopefully. We'll see, hehe.
But anyway - that isn't why I'm writing this.
As I was tweeting a video of me doing fingertip pushups memories flooded back, as they have all damned day today.
WHAT is so special about today, I kept wondering.
And a short while ago, it HIT ME.
(sop story starts, y'all might wanna bring out the handkerchiefs, hehe)
We met each other on this date ... lots of you on this list know that girl.
My buddy from the Marines would recognize her anywhere probably from the photo he's seen of us together.
"Once I see a face, I never forget it!" (when we first met). (we had "passed each other" training out there on the hills before, but had not spoken)
I think I knew him by name from a group first online.
Anyway ..............
She came into my life when I was low, down, depressed, when NOTHING was working for me, everything was working against me - seemingly.
I mean nothing.
I was broker than a broken gramophone record. Hehe.
My wife was bitching up a storm as usual about something or the other (which she always did when times were tough) (no wonder the so called relationship is what it is today) (but to be fair to her, I'm not exactly the easiest of people to deal with either, especially these days) ...
And - just in general - everything seemed like it was collapsing big time.
I've had this happen to me a LOT during my life - more times than I can count.
NO-ONE would help, NO-ONE was there to help anyway.
So I did what I do best - I tackled it head on myself.
Along the way, I continued to do a great job teaching English (something I absolutely detest doing, but if I'm paid well for something, you can be damn skippy sure I'll do a good job of it!) at the center I was, where I first met her.
Who was to know - I certainly didn't! - that a few short conversation later and a short text I sent her about finding me a housemaid (I didnt want to ask Glyn to do it, hehe) would lead to one of the most intense, romantic, and ... again, just bloody INTENSE four month "relationship" if you can call it that that I've ever had.
Trust me, I've been with so many girls I've lost track.
But this one was different.
"This relationship is beautiful, like these trees, but I can't continue!" I still remember her saying.
It almost killed me to hear her say that.
Some of the other stuff she said made me ANGRY.
And at that point, I had two choices - buckle down - or BUCK UP.
I chose the latter, channeled my fury and emotion into my FITNESS - into BUSINESS - and a short while later, I emerged on top again.
She came into my life for a reason.
And while we were going on that LONG trip together, in itself an adventure given I hadn't even driven in China before embarking on a 17 hour long ass drive (believe me, driving in China is easier than in India, tons easier, but if you're comparing to the US, you've got several thinks coming, hehe). . . she said the following.
"Maybe we will be together in the future, maybe we wont but we'll ALWAYS have these memories!"
Although she didnt know at the time, she hit the nail on the head.
Those memories, those romantic memories, those GOOD memories - exactly what is needed for YOU to recharge, and take a break - and emerge rejuvenated.
Napoleon Hill writes about this so often in Think and Grow Rich i.e. "retreat into the recesses of your mind and bathe yourself in the memories of the past, romantic memories" - and who knows, when you emerge - solutions to problems that have been eluding you might emerge! (or they might not, but his point stands)
It's something I talk about in a different form in Zero to Hero.
EMOTION is key to accomplishment or not.
And she truly sparked that emotion in me (although admittedly, without even trying I sparked it in HER - or else it would have never gotten to the point it did - I certainly wouldn't be cavorting around with students - well, maybe sometimes, hehe - but business is business for the most part) ...
Anyway, maybe thats why I've been seeing "her" on social media in all shapes, forms and guises.
Maybe it's why I remember helpng her do handstands on the top of the hill.
Maybe it's why I remember her slapping my thigh and saying "NOT like this, Michael!" when I was doing a stretch wrong.
Maybe it's why I remember that sweet smile, forever smiling and "happy" ...
Maybe its why I remember her telling me to "go easy on the pushups" (I was doing the floor huggers, hehe - or floor pumpers, or humpers, or - hehe - extended arm pushups with an injured shoulder) ...
Maybe it's why the DATE kept coming to mind.
Good things come in pairs?
So say the chinese.
But either way, I remember, it was on Jul 29th that I first started to chat with her, I believe.
"Hi Carol. Do you have any idea where I can find a decent ayi"?
And that one comment sparked it all. Hehe.
Not to mention, along with Ann Lee, Carol is probably the woman responsible for me WANTING To get into kick ass shape that I did shortly after meeting her. (or after we left each other, or whatever it was).
She ain't responsible for the business, success, failures, but I still remember the RAGE and FURY that drove me to do what I did, the RAGING EMOTION, the . . . I dont know how to put it, anyone thats ever been in that sort of an intense relationship knows how it's like!
And that, maybe is why I'm writing to you about this?
I dont know.
Carol was supposed to review 0 Excuses Fitness too - all she did was giggle at the photos.
(note some of you might not have seen 'em, I believed I removed them from a few drafts of the book, but they might still be floating around out there, I dont know. Doesnt matter either way).
Gotta love women ...
Anyway, I'm out.
Had to get that off my chest.
I have!
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - YOU too will build memories of a LIFETIME by training in the 0 Excuses Fitness manner - try it - and you'll see what I mean, they'll be some of the best "me" times you've ever had.
PPS #2 - If you're currently struggling with excess flab and blubber around the ole core, the "belly button getting too tight on the shirt, buttons popping off or what not, hehe, as the great PG Wodehouse says", then extended cardio ain't the answer.
BRIEF bursts of exercise are the answer.
So are pushups, my friend, and if there was ever a no nonsense one of it's kind book on the oldest exercise out there that will CARVE that core into granite - it is Pushup Central. Along with squats (book upcoming soon!) - and Corrugated Core - truly what the ole Doc ordered in that regard. Get 'em NOW.
PPS - Yes, she's not the only one for those that are wondering. Hehe. But it sure was one of the most intense. Like I said, the best things happen when you aint expecting them, that might be a message some of you need to hear TODAY.
I wasn't going to write about this to be honest, but with all the Pity Party Central going on, this constant back and forth with a certain whiny "Ben" I gotta really stop doing (if he knew the OTHER BEN I so admire, another cranky "bear" like me, hehe - he'd have kittens!) ...but really, Benny isn't the only culprit by far, there is WAY too much "aww poor little baby feel good" crap going on in this world today, and I'm sick and damn tired of it as I always have been. Not to mention, if there was NEVER a time for that - it is now, when cold hard deeds and ACTION - and bloody minded CUSSEDNESS - and gumption, not feel good crappy "bask in this or that glory" is required in order to WIN - and SURVIVE - more so than ever before.
You know what I just saw?
Some idiot actress whining bout being "skinny shamed" because she had to "pad up for a photo shoot".
I mean grow up lady, real men want real boobs, that was all there is to it, its a goddamned business is the move industry, it ain't Pity Party Central now is it.
I wont name her here, in fact I would but I cannot recall her name to be honest.
Then of course the phat phocks and their sob stories of "inane justifications for not being phat but "big"". I've debunked this crap enough times, logically, emotionally, every other way possible, they know it, I know it, the world keeps revolving, and so forth ...
Then of course all the nonsense about "say I loooooooooooooooooove you" and so forth ...
I mean, all of that is great but it does not replace action, neither does it by itself rectify shortcomings either personally or business wise which are FACTS. Everyone has a sob story and pity party, but when it comes down to brass tacks, few "really" DO.
(speaking of which, I just asked Gorilla Girl to send me some of her ... I hate to say it, but I will, "cleavage". Hehe. She says she's put on more weight, I'd love to see it! Hehe).
Anyway .... before the Nazi fems jump on me (Sophia just ignored me in her girlish manner, hehe).
(which is fine, I love the games she plays)
... where was I?
Ah yes, this pity party central shit.
Look, to me, growing up, I've had plenty of reasons to want "pity" - more so than the average Bubba sitting around drinking beer whining about "how tough it's gotten" would in a lifetime.
If I had - and sometimes I did - I got hit with more shit.
Which if you think about it, pity attracts pity, not something "good" per se. Like attracts like.. Bozos attract Bozos, success attracts .. well, more of it and trolls ... and so forth.
But anyway, I've always been one for the "bring it!" sort of attitude.
"Let me tell you something, Jack" a sneering Mickey Rourke goes in Get Carter, fighting with a half amped Stallone.
"You're going to end up like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest".
"Your brother, your precious brother Richie was no goddamned saint. Everyone's into something, Jack, plain and simple! He got drunk, he wrapped his sorry ass around a tree, end of story. NOw you still wanna do this little dance for old times sake, Jack? Then BRING IT!"
And he truly ends Jack Carter's sob story there. Hehe.
I like the movie, but I loved the original too - the original movie "Get Carter" - a hard ass looking for revenge in that one, no pity parties there for sure! BRUTAL! And he ends up that same way too - shot in the head by the sea ...
Anyway - I've also been a huge advocate of the "if you can take it FIRST - and take it a lot of times - you can THEN dish it out".
To dish it out, you have to be able to take it - multiple times.
I still remember Marc's punch SMOKING Off my left pec (he's a damn good boxer by the way) - snake's tongue. Hehe.
"You're a man, you can take it!" was what he said. hehe.
I knew I could, but still! (later on I asked him if he really gave it his all, I knew he had given it about 80% hehe - and his reply when I said "you probably didnt really hit hard" -
"No, I clocked you pretty hard back there!"
And thats good. Hehe. )
And a lot of idiots think what I write is "one sided", favors me and so forth.
Maybe, but it's also TRUE.
Here's the thing - I've been torn a new one plenty of times, but I have not whined about it one single time.
I've reverse torn x 10 these people a new one when the situation warrants, when it often does.
As Marc once said -
"You'll tear them apart!"
He was also the guy who once said "you're acting like such a loser I dont even know where to begin".
Maybe I was. So I never argued that point. (he was just sending me directions "off the top of my head", I was going to write them down, didnt have the time or inclination right then or what not .. and well, that misunderstanding then occured).
I was having a rough, rough day - and I've always been one for whom directions - I WRITE things down - I'm the guy who back in the day drove around with reams of "" (remember those days?/) even if the directions sometimes ended up wrong i.e. "drive over a cliff or into the sea", hehe - and he was wanting me to meet him someplace, I was pre-occupied, and well, maybe he was right.
Maybe I did sound kinda whiny in my reply to him.
John Walker, a great customer of mine once made the comment about "I have to say something very difficut to you, but you look FAT!"
I've written about that publicly before too, and at the time he said it - well, he was RIGHT.
"Glad to see you take it like a man Rahul , you never know how people will respond!" was what he said (again, I'm not going to elaborate on that one yet again here, I just bring it up to give you a BALANCED viewpoint of how I do things) ...
To me, if someone is brutally honest - and he's given me SUPERLATIVE (and TRUE) reviews for so many of my books that I so deeply appreciate (because they're heartfelt and TRUE) - then he's got the right to be as brutally frank and hand out an ass kicking (figuratively) when the situation demands it too. Hehe. Simple as that.
Goose and gander, if a certain Benny is reading this, you'll understand what I mean now Ben.
Aint nothing personal, just the way it is!
Funnily enough most of the people I consider my friends - are bigger, stronger, and better in SOME regard than I am.
I wouldn't associate with people that aren't better than me - I'm always looking to LEARN.
I'm better in some regards, but physically, a lot of these dudes have skills that I dont have (and probably never will).
My buddy from the Marines, fighting him is like going up against a T 72 - or the Abrams Tank - what have you.
Marc, the African Silver back Gorilla sometimes reminds me of a charging, angry rhino ... Hehe. (I doubt you'd want to tangle with him in that mood!)
And so forth.
To me, its about never giving up.
NEVER saying I quit.
Remember that iconic Steve Austin Bret Hart Match?
Steve never quit, and a legend was made, bleeding, limping, he walked back (I still think Bret is a FAR superior wrestler, but Steve got it made there, kayfabe or not!)
Thats basically how I live.
Knock me down, I'll take it.
If you give me pain, I'll take it x 10.
If I can't react now, I wont - but I wont forget it either.
And so forth.
Bottom line, you wont hear me say I quit - or I give up - or anything of that nature. You certainly wont hear me whine about it, and if some comments are warranted, even if they show me in a somewhat poor light, I'll go to the ends of the world to point 'em out - much like I would if they weren't warranted.
I dont hide who I am.
Phat pictures are there on my site for a reason.
To motivate YOU, simple as that.
But I can only motivate DOERS, true doers - it has to FIRST come from within YOU.
Keep going, pick yourself up YET again, and keep going has always been my motto, always will be.
And THAT is something most of you need to hear TODAY, not the mamsy pamsy sob stories "emotional crap" people so love to tell you.
Toughen up.
Man up, nikka. (Alonzo, hehe).
Anyway ...........
The thing people keep babbling on about "saying good things and so forth".
To me, I've always been one for the "actions speak louder than words" mentality.
Look, I've always agreed with what Emerson said about "if your work affects even one person positively and they remember you well, consider it job well done".
I think Jeff Bezos has that quote (Emerson said it far more eloquently than me, hehe) - pasted on his fridge "sticky note". Jeff didnt do too badly for himself did he?
"General" Michael said it best about our work on Dongguan Expat too.
"The guys processing our visas dont know this, Rahul!"
(he was referring to the work we did together on there, work that benefits people TILL this day, and that was in 2003...)
When I started the business, hell, even these days when I write new books, THAT thought is uppermost.
Sure, I'd love for it to sell big time, most of my books do, but even if it helps ONE person ... I'd feel great about it!
"I'm 63. This one exercise has made me feel better than anything else I've ever done!'
(Pushups - Reverse Pushups - the best darn exercise out there!)
"You motivate thousands daily!" (I got that in 2020).
And so forth.
To me, DOING is what its about.
Daniela, a Spanish lady that translates for me asked me for a recommendation, I gave it to her, I had no inkling if it would help or not.
A month or so later, she got a new job, and she's BUSY with it - and that recommendation DID help.
You won't hear me crowing or Tom Tomming that.
But I helped the girl out, thats what counts (to me).
Perhaps Paula, a lady that has done just superb work for me in the past and continues to to this date on the other business says it the best ...
Congratulations Mike! You are a man who while you appear to be weak, you
are totally strong in reality and with that you have them all the time, without them
realizing it.Dear readers! If you want to be like Mike it is. Do as they say “Follow the leader”,
“Just do it”.
And I wrote about that before … (remember, she said “Just do it” without knowing this was the tagline I use HERE on this business. Truly a case of thoughts TRANSMUTING!)
Anyway .. more on that here -
But I wanted to talk about this a bit, I wanted to say it because THIS is the sort of thing everyone needs to be hearing these days, not the mamsy pamsy feel good flimsy crap that doesnt last.
DO you have it in you ?
CAN you do it?
Sink or swim, my friend, there is no other way out. Brutal, but true.
Anyway ...
Time to pimp the 0 Excuses Fitness System before I end this one.
And that is that.
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
Or, the word "never". I cannot point out the number of times I've said "never" - in fact, even in terms of China - and there bang I am a few months down the line - back in good ole Chna. The Middle King(k) dom, as they say, NO pun intended!
But this isn't about kink, it's about keeping the spirit ALIVE, not just alive, but kicking.
What am I referring to, you might ask.
Well, as the majority of the world drifts more towards pessimism and doom and gloom than ever before, NOW is as good a time as any for me to say this - especially given the backdrop of looming war everywhere (please dont say I did not warn you WELL in advance, hehe) - as I get done with 100 squats, 10 pull-ups, and a few lumberjack swings, and thick bar work - as I'm fixing to get BACK to it soon - "never say die".
It's true, my friend.
In the vast majority of cases, even those you might consider seemingly hopeless, there is ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS something you can do - though often times, that something might not be easy at all to spot.
Napoleon Hill's story in Outwitting the Devil of following his gut, spending money he didnt have on a fancy hotel - having faith he'd FIND the right financier - illustrates this perfectly when he says he "gave up all hope" and paused to rest (not in those words, but that is the gist) after being EXHAUSTED after doing but think, and search for the better half of a day and a half for the right person, not to be able to find it.
... then in a flash, VOILA!
Against all odds, the name came to him - much like the plan to go Philly did.
You'll have to read the book for more - again, I get nothing from that. YOU DO!
It's one of Hills lesser known books, so controversial in his time they didnt even publish it till years after the great man passed on.
He still lives - through his books, the most well known of which is Think and Grow Rich, but thats hardly the one I admire the most, though its a gem and masterpiece in itself.
Many times, business wise I've logically "all but given up".
Situations have seemed UTTERLY hopeless sometimes, literally so.
Yet, I found it in in me to keep the faith and keep going "one more round" as Rocky says!
One more round is indeed what makes ALL The difference!
And the way Ive done it is by knowing there is ALWAYS something I can do - and you can do.
Now, some idiots will no doubt (and this has happened!) get back with history about the Holocaust and other horrors from the past and say "what in those situations"?
Well, sorry to break the news to you - but SOME people survived even back then in the direst of circumstances.
Human spirit can only be broken if you LET it be broken.
Most would prefer to bitch, moan and give up at the slightest hint of misfortune, which is fine, hence ... well, do I need to say more?
But those that survived even in those horrible circumstances - I'll bet they did what they had to do at any cost.
I'll bet they never gave up - even when they didnt know it - in their MINDS.
Far too FEW people are willing to do what it really takes, to keep going aganist all odds.
I'm proud to note I'm one of the very few in that regard.
And YES, despite what people say about "not everyone has that capacity!" - well, I'm sorry to tell you, but thats a false statement if there ever was one - we aint talking beer drinking capacity here for one, hehe, which admittedly not many can match my prowress at.
We're talking gumption, a quality ANYONE can build and develop if they choose to.
Look at the strongman with no legs and an upper body most people can only dream of - I'm sure you know the dude? Hes been going viral all over Twitter and such ... even wechat in China!
Fitness wise, same thing.
There is always something you can do, if you WANT To do it, and if you DO - the second being KEY, the first COMES.
If you dont DO - nothing will happen despite your best intentions my friend - if you combine pure, solid, utter DESIRE with DOING - that is when and how mountains literally MOVE for you, both life wise and fitness wise and in every regard.
Do what you will with that message - but it's all very true.
And - rememeber - my workouts, the WIDE panpoloy of workouts I give you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System make sure even the most ardent of doers and the laziest of lazy phockers - have something to do - anyday, everyday, anytime, any place.
Get on this system NOW - truly the best and most RESULTS producing.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - IF inspiration of this sort is your thang, all my books are for you but specifically Zero to Hero! - and Gumption Galore!. Trust me on this one, friend.
When the going gets tough, the TOUGH truly get going.
DO you have it in you?
Only you can answer that question - if so - welcome ABOARD!
An old, wise, and TRUE Napoleon Hill saying goes as such -
Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one up when success is almost within reach.
It's so true!
In fact, the way I say "old man failure" in this post is also his writing speaking to you NOW.
There are so many similariities between his life and mine - right down to the sexual transmutation, to the making of a business from scratch - to the "doing what I was truly meant to in one way or the other whether I consciously wanted to or not" to unsupportive family - to many, many other things including travel - and his physcial workouts i.e. walking 10 miles daily, usually UPHILL if he could, that I wonder if I'm Hill reincarnated.
Given what people say about me and my ethnicity, despite "facts" seeming otherwise - I might well be!
But anyway - the above quote.
So true.
Ive seen so many times when people think they've got it made in biz - slack off - it all comes tumbling down to WORSE than what it was when they started.
Lesson learnt?
Sometimes, it's something people can't avoid.
Sometimes, it's other things.
I've had a combo of all the above, yes, including the first - happen to me not once - but multiple times.
Remember, it's a privelege to be at the top.
It can all be taken away, and some day, the wheel WILL Turn - in the meantime, what you can do?
Is to keep working at it.
Is to keep being prepared.
Sometimes, failures are inevitable - indeed, if you're a real doer that succeeds on his own, you wont make it without 99 failures and that ONE big hit - period.
Life, business, relationships, customers, all holds true.
That ONE , that 10% as Sylvester Stallone likes to say about his life "90% being a mistake" - makes all the damn difference.
And it does!
Not many get it - that is why not many truly succeed at the highest levels.
Anyway - this isn't a life coaching class...
But it applies to your fitness too.
I cannot tell you the number of times I thought "I didnt need to do anything more" - or slack off - and all came tumbling down there too.
You have to keep working at it - period.
If someone like Bruce Lee could walk around all day with a dumbbell despite his elite status - what makes you think YOU can't - or shouldn't - do your own equivalent?
Keep trying to break another barrier.
Keep aiming higher.
Keep pulling that chin up higher over the pull-up bar.
Keep getting DEEPER stretches in on pushups, more squats ................. and the list goes on!
As Claude Bristol rightly said in the Magic of Believing.
"Success is a fickle bird, the minute you rest on your laurels is the minute it takes wings and flies away".
Amen, I should say.
Lesson learnt for all readers, I hope.
End of "sermon".
Back soon (but that sermon BE true).
Rahul Mookerjee
I remember an incident back in the day when we were standing outside ... well, I believe the Math building in college.
I believe we just got done with Calculus class, a class I used to ACE half - or totally drunk -much to the chargin and annoyance of those (majority of the class) that attempted it sober - and flunked, or got D's or what not.
I still remember chugging the Beast Ice before the exam, I still remember a certain Dr K telling me not to take Mickey Mouse classes, and we were standing outside talking about something - Vincent, he of the Italian pizza, hehe (interesting how all the people I know named Vincent, including a good friend of mine - ex Marine - are either Scots or Italians by descent, and they ALL love pizza like ME, hehe) (and beer too!) - Bruce - and myself.
"Sand Nigger", went Vincent, chortling when asked "about names for me" or something.
That floored me - for an instant.
I wasn't offended.
Well, for an instant I THOUGHT about being mildly offended. I tried. REally.
"But he's not racist", went Bruce, with one of his smiles.
I couldn't help but chortle either! Hehe. (I'm chortling now thinking of PC fools saying "just because he has a friend of a different origin doesnt mean he's not racist. True, Schofield uses that excuse all the time, you fools, but not everyone is Schofield - though most PC sorts are somewhat tolerant of his ilk).
Today, if that same thing had been said to me - I'd ask him for more such names. Hehe.
He's a good friend till this date, and that was all fun and games to us - not to most I suspect, and I'm posting this here precisely so some PC idiots get pissed off. Hehe.
Anyway, this here sandy nikka...
And sand, and mud, and so forth.
The Bozo used to troll me and still does with that name. I love it, he doesnt so much anymore. LOL.
But they both have interesting properties!
The ancient Indian wrestlers for one did Hindu squats in the "akharas" - the mud pits where as I teach you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, their fingers scraped the ground as they went down - all the way down - no puns - on EACH repetition.
EACH - no exceptions!
And when you do it you'll know what I mean.
And they scraped up mud - supposedly holy the akhara mud is in the Hindu religion if I have it right - and slapped mudfuls on their chests - burly and muscular - with each rep.
Quite a good massage too that! (self massage).
And great recovery for sore chests - not to mention the theraupetic properties mud and sand have.
Now I teach you to do the squats somewhat differently, as you guys know.
But you can do it that way too, and in the future I'll have videos of yours truly Gorilla slapping his chest with each rep. Hehe. It will be in Squat 101 too!
But for now, why do I bring this here dispatch to you?
Well, because of this simply - sand and mud - and WATER - are GREAT great tools for workouts!
Brooks Kubik once back in the day had THIS to tell me when I told him about the workouts I did lugging huge bottles of water up in each hand to my fourth floor apartment (ala the Chinese middle aged "tiny pocket dynamos" who did it!) ...
"Fill them up with sand when it gets harder!"
And he was right.
Not only that, you dont need sandbags - or beer kegs filled with sand for a great, great workout - although that heavy to move weight is TOUGH as heck - believe me, it's one thing to lift a heavy dumbbell that you can at least grip, its quite another to lift up a massive moving ODD shaped object (Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness!).
ANIMAL movements can be done in these too - and EVERY bear crawl, every duck waddle, EVERY sprint - will be made much harder if you're doing it on sand - or in mud - or in water!
My wife when she was a kid was put through her paces in the FIELDS by her father. Hehe. Every morning at 5AM sharp.
I put myself through the paces at 530 sharp on the hill.
And Animal Kingdom Workouts while offering you flexibility on the when and where does NOT allow you any flexibility in terms of putting you through your PACES, period, bro (or sis). (or in between).
Grab this award winning book now, and start to whip yourself into the best shape of your life - either on flat land or otherwise!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Readers of this book (buyers) heads up - in the future we'll have special dispatches, but only on the website for YOUR EYES - NOT for the public. So, grab this book NOW if you have not already.