Rahul Mookerjee
On postponing the inevitable, and more . . .
While doing my pushups today it struck me that what is currently going on in the world on many fronts - - including the mess that India has currently got itself into (more on that later) with the Chinese, the overrallying cry seems to be “lets do it later”.
Let’s postpone the inevitable, though we all know it’s coming . . .
What do I mean?
Well, this Chinese virus for one.
We all know that the Chinese developed this, spread this and actively worked to not just contain info about it in the initial stages, but also make sure that the virus spread to ALL parts of the world by NOT imposing lockdown style restrictions etc on travel when it first began (when they first engineered it to begin).
And other than Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and a few others in the current U.S. admin (though that number has increased a lot at the time of writing this) NO-ONE stated the blinding obvious (I should say “yours truly” too here, but hey, I’ll let it slide!).
I still remember the widespread panic that is now being replaced (slowly but surely) by a “resignation to the inevitable”.
Which wouldn’t be so bad if wasn’t accompanied by FEAR.
Hey, let me be very clear and state something I’ve been very clearly and stridently advocating and STATING ever since the madness started.
One, this silly virus only affects people with LOW immunity, and indeed, studies have shown its not just those people, but people with pre-existing serious medical conditions that have been mostly affected.
And out of those people, 1 in 10 people die, and the rest . . . RECOVER.
Am I saying that 1 person isn’t important?
I recently saw that a man who I have known ever since I was a teenager and a man that has always wished the best for me pass away due to the virus. I’ve seen people I know affected by it. Believe me, I’m not making light of the deaths.
But where do we stop my friend?
Panic, and FEAR are indeed the biggest killers, and I’ve written about the mind control that inevitably follows, and . . . . well, you get my drift.
And these silly lockdowns.
You can stop the tide of water behind a dam my friend. The Chinese managed to do it on their mighty Yellow River for ages with the Three Gorges Dam.
And even that dam is showing cracks now.
And when that dam is released, guess what.
The water don’t just go away.
Same thing with the virus. It will and is attacking with all that pent up ferocity now, and combined with the panic that is still spreading willy nilly, it’s doing FAR more to dent recovery of any sort than the actual illness it causes.
And no-one seems to “get it”, least of all States that seem to want shut everything down again, not thinking of livelihoods lost, jobs that may never come back, and so forth.
And in all this, of course. The India-China conflict, and the Chinese bullying.
And most gallingly, India, a nation that CAN AND SHOULD stand up to India not doing so.
PM Modi is hardly to be seen these days, except in poses of him doing yoga, and one “designer photo session” (so it seemed to me!) of him talking to the troops in the mountains and proclaiming that the “world has seen what India can do” and that “the era of expansionism is over”.
Hmmm . . .
All the while, Army senior, or those that USED To be in the Army are publicly calling the government out and rightfully so, because despite all the hoo haa about talks etc going on, the Indian government has quietly accepted the Chinese “claims” and literally given away the biggest slice of territory to China since it gave Aksai Chin away in the 60’s.
Something that could have been avoided easily then. The Indian Air Force, for one stood ready to blast the enemy positions away, but the pacifist government of the time didn’t allow them to fire a single shot!
And we all know what happened thereafter.
The government now is seen as anything but pacifist, but what is happening now is the same.
The Chinese have intruded upon Indian territory, refuse to leave, and have created a buffer zone on INDIAN territory, a fact the Indian mainstream media (mostly all bought or threatened by the Modi government) does NOT want you to hear.
And a fact that many in the Indian Army are DESPERATELY trying to get people to hear.
It’s not for nothing that senior retired Army officers of the rank of Colonel and above have come out and said they’re ASHAMED to be associated with a military as hamstrung as this, ESPECIALLY when the FACT is that India could easily defeat China in a dog fight!
The Indian Air Force is far superior in terms of technology and training, and so is the Navy. Combined, these two (think the Straits of Malacca in addition to the hills) would be more than plenty to stamp the dragon’s economic “might” (so called might) out (and indeed, THAT is why the U.S. has sent them three big and bad boys into the Taiwan Straits right now, so as to ensure the Chinese don’t gain control of it!) out once and for all.
The Army itself is battle hardened, and China’s mini skirt wearing “warriors” aren’t. As for the mini skirt part, just look at their National Day Parade back in October . . .
The most astounding fact is this.
The Chinese are well known for their salami slicing tactics.
They intrude, make some vague claims, refuse to fully retreat, and on the front of it all, they “hold talks”. Talks that last forever and go round and round in circles, and accomplish nothing (a very Chinese way indeed of negotiation) while they themselves quietly prepare for round #2 (and indeed, they have been preparing for this since April this year!).
The Indian think tank knew of it, and did nothing.
And they’re doing nothing NOW.
And lest you think it’ll end here, think again.
There is a very strong parallel, and I’ve said this before between what Nazi Germany did in the months leading up to the Second World War.
They walked into countries that weren’t theirs and took ‘em over, while world powers at the time just “watched”.
They built themselves up using the resources from those countries, and to those in India asking “why is this happening’ - - well - - that’s your answer my friend.
Believe me, the Chinese done ran out of the most important resources there are - - LAND - - and WATER a long time ago, so much so that they’re actually trying to construct “water highways” from certain water rich parts of their country to other more parched areas like the North.
And when I say their country, more than 60% of it isn’t even theirs.
Wasn’t that long ago that Tibet for one was independent and a PEACEFUL buffer state between the two giants, and ditto for Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and the rest (oh, and Hong Kong too in most senses, but not anymore).
And much like the virus lockdowns, delaying the war with China and deluding oneself into thinking that “it’ll stop at tiny land grabs” is postponing the inevitable which is war.
And taking back what they stole . . . from EVERYONE. Not just India.
Much like Nazi Germany didn’t stop at taking over ONE country, China ain’t gonnna be satisfied with one either.
Don’t believe me?
Have you seen what is going on in Nepal, where they walked in and took a border village as theirs?
Have you seen the Bhutan mess (yet again)?
Truly imperialistic nations are NOT satisfied with pithy land grabs.
Those are done to further their overall aims of “world domination” by any means necessary. Could be imperial Britain we’re referring to or Gengis Khan if we go back further, but the point stands.
Mike Pompeo stated that the Indians “did all they could” to counter Chinese aggression.
I laud the man for saying it like it is and highly admire him, but I have to disagree.
The Indian ARMY would have to disagree too, and they are.
A LOT MORE could and should have been done. I mean, this is a country which doesn’t hesitate to order air strikes and “secret incursions” in retaliation for terror attacks on Indian soil (and don’t get me wrong; they shouldn’t!!) and yet when it comes to china doing the same thing on a much grander scale, what do you hear?
(And yes, I know. Pompeo DID say he expected India to do MORE on the open seas. Double kudos Mike!!)
Crickets, and mumbles of “they’re too strong”.
No they’re not.
And even if they were, look how they got there.
Anyone in India, including yours truly has had to LEAVE the country to truly accomplish anything of note.
The same cannot be said for China post 1980’s, where despite all the other BAD things they did, they DID at least create a “free market” of sorts in their own country where they allowed some sort of capitalism to run unfettered.
Why can’t India do the same? Why hasn’t it?
In the 80’s China was actually BEHIND India in many areas, and the economies were roughly the same size despite the Chinese land grabs and despite them having more resources, and despite their reported figures being far MORE then the reality.
Anyway . . . I don’t think I need to say any more, do I?? ?
Simply postponing the inevitable, my friend ain’t gonna work.
And as for those that ask “why do I care”, well, other than the blindingly obvious - - it is THIS.
I’d rather be speaking English going ahead, my friend.
Not Chinese.
Much like I’d rather NOT have wanted to speak German or Japanese if I was around when the World War took place, if you get my drift!
It sickens me though that there are Westerners out there that publicly decry their own nations while a) accepting MONEY from their own nation’s governments and b) utilizing the benefits that come from having said passports - - and all the time support the rogue Chinese in the hope that their little fantasy worlds teaching English (or whatever it is they’re doing there) won’t suddenly dissolve one day.
Don’t get me wrong.
If you’re there, and you’ve got a thriving business there (or other reasons to be there), by all means stay silent and don’t rock the boat if you don’t want to or otherwise don’t “need to”.
If it privately bothers you, but you don’t feel comfortable taking a stance publicly, hey. By all means don’t. To each his or her own!
But when certain sections of the people PUBLICLY decry their own nations (comments such as “The U.S. is …… and China is where it’s at! Are not just baseless, but sickening as well given these people are accepting benefits and money from the former, not the latter!) and publicly do all they can to appease the rogues, THAT is when I start calling ‘em out for who they are, which is hypocrites with a capital H.
Let me be very clear, my friends.
The threat ain’t going away, and India as the next biggest power in Asia needs to do a LOT MORE to counter China and its expansionism.
Good news is if they do, it ain’t gonna take much. Much like when you pop a bully and he runs for the hills, never to return. The Chinese are the exact same my friend.
And as for those that bring out the (and there is a fair bit of that happening in India as of today) “you’re not an Indian supporter” if you don’t toe the official B.S. lines . . . well, I’m sorry, but that ain’t how things work.
That’s how Communist China works, sure. Not a democracy, and not a vibrant, albeit highly chaotic one at that . . .
And let me ask you this.
Is wanting one’s own land back being “unpatriotic”?
Is wanting not to be bullied “unpatriotic”?
Would you rather believe the Army officers who have been there and done that, so to speak, in terms of actually trying to DO SOMETHING, or the politicians safe and isolated from it all? (or the Chinese, who don’t even publicly acknowledge their dead soldiers, and don’t allow their family to cremate them in a traditional manner, etc for fear of having to “acknowledge the uncomfortable truth” publicly?).
I didn’t think so, and I rest my case. (but I had to say it).
But postponing the inevitable, again, won’t make the problem go away.
It will just INCREASE it if anything.
And fitness is the same damn way.
People in general are getting unhealthier and FATTER by the day.
More miserable.
More frustrated at the lack of direction and apparent control over their lives (and of course, when someone says this for the fact it is, it’s far more convenient to “shoot the messenger” than do anything CONSTRUCTIVE about the real Problem which ain’t the messenger himself or herself).
And when you ask these people what they’re doing about it?
Nothing. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Zero.
“Waiting to see what happens”.
“I’ll get on the exercise tomorrow. Or perhaps day after. Or perhaps next month.
(or perhaps never) . . .
“I’m tired today”
“I deserve a break today!” (no you don’t!)
“I fought with my wife today! I’m mentally exhausted”( ok, I get it, but still . . . )
And so forth.
And all the while, as they postpone their own personal inevitable, the looming reality of the situation looms, not to mention the shirt buttons that start a-poppin and belt buckles that get loosened “on their own” if you catch my drift! ?
Postponing the inevitable never helps, my friend.
Might as well get on it now – and get it over with, or at least get started!
And that’s the most salient and indeed way too long lesson I can give you today. Im pretty sure it will cause some of the lookie lous to unsubscribe from the list, which is fine. As I wrote in another communique, which I have not sent out as yet; if you’re on the list merely for freebies, then you might as well not be there.
Youre merely postponing the . . .
. . . ah, but wait.
We went there, didn’t we?
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Stop postponing the inevitable, my friend. You KNOW you need the best damn fitness system out there. You KNOW it’s imperative you get that belly under control, and do at least a 100 pushups daily! You KNOW it’s important to be able to do at least ONE PROPER and slow pull-up if not more.
And so forth. . .
Get on the train NOW, my friend. Start right HERE!
P.S #2 – Point of a war, you ask? Well, simple. Take back Indian territory. Take back Tibet, or should I say LIBERATE the damn place. And you’ll see how quickly the Commies fall apart in other areas once that first step (and a most important one given Tibet’s natural resources!) is taken!
P.P.S. – For those that think I’m “B.S’ing”, please do your RESEARCH first and then get back to me on this. There’s no point making idiotic statements such as “China is the next superpower” with nothing to back it up. No it ain’t, and was never in a position to be so either! IF anything, it is India that has most of the characteristics you’d associated with a TRUE superpower “in the making”! Point being, of course, that India needs to (finally, at long last) get rid of the “in the making” tag and replace it with “made” . . . in India, preferably. Hehe.
Whats the best way to please Rahu
For once, the missing “L” is not a typo, heh.
And for once, I’m at a loss to explain just what the heck “Rahu is”.
I know what sun signs are, but Rahu takes sun signs to a whole new level altogether. My wife keeps talking about it, and to be honest there might be something to it (ancient Indian beliefs usually have some sort of logic behind them; remember, India was the first place all those years ago where civilization was actually discovered).
Long before Mr. Columbus discovered the good old US of A, or before the Brits discovered the jewel in the crown apparently.
Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro from what I remember in History classes.
One of the few classes I DID attend, hehe.
Every night before bed, my daughter asks me to regale her with stories of my school days.
And I do . . .
“Papa, which classes did you attend”
Stock question, and one she never tires of asking, and one I never tire of answering.
“History, Math . . . and that’s about it”.
“Not English????”
“Never! My own English was better than my English teacher’s at school, therefore . . . “
Giggle, giggle.
“Did you bunk class and go to the movies when you were supposed to be in school?”
(Bunk class is an uniquely British way of saying “cut class”, hehe).
And I did, but being I went to them naughty 18+ movies (when I was WELL under 18), “morning shows” as they called ‘em, I didn’t want to tell my 6 year old any further details of that!
Those were the days. Pre multiplex. Big ass movie theaters with one giant screen, and the closer you got to the top the better.
Or maybe the bottom rows, if you were a rowdy. Or so they said. Apparently the “bottom rowers” were the rowdies, and I’ve sat in both, and . . .
Anyway, back to Rahu, HERE is where you can learn more about it if interested - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahu.
And I don’t know why, but computers seem to KNOW what we’re thinking and can PREDICT what we’re going to search for even before we do it.
It’s uncanny. Every time I THINK of something, and then fire up Firefox or whatever on the phone, before I type it in, it’s THERE.
And no doubt this has got something to do with past searches etc, but still. ‘Tis uncanny!
And this morning, I received an email from “Quora” (which I have NOT signed up for).
“How to make Rahu happy”.
And of course, the usual concoction of remedies was provided (FWIW, I don’t really believe in sun signs and all that). . .
Anyway, it was weird, as I kept reading it as “Rahul”.
(Lesson for you typo monsters who keep emailing me back about my typos!)
And along with THIS little bit that I received on my Twitter account yesterday (in response to the “inspiring 100’s post)
“Always happy to make great motivators like you happy! People need people like YOU to keep pushing them forward. Whenever I’m low or lose my focus, I look up to motivational speakers like many others Hope you keep growing and glowing.”
So, what DOES it take to keep me happy?
Keep Rahul happy?
Well, not much.
A laptop. A mobile phone. And a steady Internet connection . . .
A reliable WEB HOST (I cannot tell you how glad I am to have found THIS web host that I am using now. It was an absolute nightmare with the last one. Not just lost sales etc due to site downtime, but a slight dip in Google rankings etc I suspect. Anyway, all over now).
(Believe me, if I told you the stories of the last web host, you would NOT believe it. I have a new web host I am communicating with me right now in terms of moving the “other business” over, and they termed it as “simply outrageous”. And theyre RIGHT).
Plenty of Chinese tea. Plenty of cold ones (occasionally).
And . . . my man cave where I can be left alone, write my emails, create my product, write my books, do my thang, repeat, ad infinitum.
And of course, space to workout WITHOUT a bunch of morons showing up to pester me - - which given my workout routines doesn’t take a lot of space at all, hehe.
So that’s how to “please Rahul” (and NO, it’s NOT what you’re thinking when I say that, hehe)
And of course, by keeping it real – and keeping it CHALLENGING (kudos Charles!) – and keeping on keeping on DAY AFTER DAY, week after week, year after year!
By keeping an end goal in mind and doing what it is or takes to get there.
Being unafraid to speak your mind on whatever.
Being BOLD and UNAPOLOGETIC about your OWN views, and NOT being shy to express ‘em.
And of course, staying in shape no matter what.
And I think I just gave you the 7 or perhaps more fundamentals of true success right there.
Alright, my friend. That’s it for now. Back again soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Here is where you can go to get the best damn workout system ever (home based, of course!) – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
P.S #2 – That is just product #1 on a very lengthy list. Be sure to check out the entire product list here - https://0excusesfitness.com/products/
Dreams that come true in REVERSE
This one may come across as a bit of a strange thing to say, but bear with me (as usual,hehe).
I’ve often spoken about the power of dreams, both dreams you have when you’re awake, and when you’re FAST ASLEEP.
And with regard to the latter, I have often spoken about the vivid and very colorful indeed dreams I have, and how not just MOST of the time, but ALL the time, they’ve given me valuable information to use in my daily life.
Or, predicted events that would occur later.
In certain cases (a guy named Jack Lin being one prime example) showed me people and told me names in a way I couldn’t recognize from Adam at the time of the dream, people who I ended up meeting and working for weeks or months later.
In the case of Jack Lin, I actually did some work for him three weeks or so after having the dream which was set in a bar where “Charles” (and I know many people by that name!) asked me to go with him to Jack Lin’s bar.
That was the dream, and if knowing the result you have any doubts that the subconscious thinks in pictures, well, there is proof enough.
It was actually FATE that introduced me to a guy named Jack Lin and a guy named Tim who ultimately ended up recommending me . . .
Anyway, the point of me saying all this?
Is this.
Often times, I have dreams - - multiple and seemingly unconnected dreams.
First good, second bad. Or the second terrible, and the first and third awesome.
OR a combo therein.
And what happens ALL of the time is things come true per these dreams, but they do so, almost inevitably in reverse.
What I dream about the first usually happens last, sometimes even before the “fag” end of the day!
And what I dream about “last” happens FIRST.
And that’s how it’s always been for me.
Again, point of me bringing this up you ask?
Well, simple enough, pally. FITNESS is the same!
Most people think “six pack” or “muscular sides” when they think fitness (any sort of fitness – and lets face it, even the so called “I’m a big guy, not fat!” crowd wants just that).
If they didn’t, they wouldn’t . . . ah, but we went there, did we not. Hehe. In a prior email or many . . .
After that, it’s usually big arms. Or muscle on the chest.
Then the upper back.
And then “solid legs and thighs”. Perhaps the “diamond shaped calves” (most ignore that part of the body altogether!).
And guess what comes first.
If you guessed legs, you’d be right.
Guess what comes second.
IF you guessed BACK, you’d be right!
The specifics differ for each person, of course, but by and large, your body whips the most important parts of you into shape - - in that order.
And so it should be, my friend!
And that’s truly how dreams come true - - of any nature.
Get the most important things out of the way first.
Do the heavy lifting and SPADEWORK FIRST.
Set a solid base!
And once you’re past all that, focus on the smaller things you want to get done.
And this is sage advice that not just me, but anyone that’s achieved anything of note will tell you and then some!
Alright, enough talk from me. Here’s where you can grab the BEST damned fitness system first (and yes there is a reason I focus on legs and back the MOST!) –https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Pushups give you a full body workout including the legs. Yes, that’s right. The LEGS too! Pick up our MUCH VAUNTED course on pushups right HERE, and find out why!
Getting over the fear of losing BUSINESS
Something that most entrepreneurs struggle with when they start out (and indeed a lot of people that have ostensibly “made it”) is the feeling of “losing business”.
The feeling of (and lets face it, we’ve all been there) “what if they stop buying if I say what I really feel”.
If I say it like it IS.
Really IS, no punches pulled.
A long time ago, I was (a bit!) that way myself.
While I’ve always been called brutally honest from a very young age, I did sometimes have doubts about “if I should actually say it”.
Doubts that were removed by the REACTIONS I got from those that actually took the time to read what I was saying as opposed to making knee jerk reactions.
While not everyone agreed with me at all times (and that’s fine!) and a lot of people downright HATED MY GUTS for saying it like it is (and probably even more hate me now, and again that’s fine!) . . . there was ONE overwhelming consensus to all this.
If you really want the facts – then Rahul Mookerjee is the man to go to!
And loss of business? Followers? Social sh-media LIKES or so forth?
Who cares!
Ben settle I think it was who first wrote about “pandering to the mob mentality” I believe. (He likely wasn’t as he says in his post the first one to write it, period , but I read the piece on his blog, so . . . ).
Basically, the premise of the argument, and a very valid one at that was this.
(and he’s a copy writer, so he wrote from that angle).
“If you’re writing copy and getting scared about, and editing your copy to make sure it doesn’t offend, inflame, or otherwise “rile” people up – or make them madly “love you”, for that matter” then youre not writing anything that is worthy of reading.
So true my friend.
And more on losing SALES. And popularity.
Donald Trump, whom everyone “loves to hate” is currently enjoying a 96% plus approval rating in the Republican party.
This for a man who apparently “even his own party members distance themselves from at certain times!”
In short, if you want to be successful at busines, or anything in life, you have to polarize. Not ALWAYS, and I’m NOT saying you should speak or write with the intention of causing offense, but if you are stating the facts, and someone gets offended, well SO BE IT.
IF someone can’t handle facts for what they are, would you want them in your life anyway?
Either as a friend, or customer, or what not . . .
I really don’t think I would, my friend.
And as for the void not being filled worry, rest assured that the minute you cut people out of your life that DON’T matter, it gets filled with people that DO.
People that you WANT in your life.
People that respond logically to you. People that LIKE YOU. People that BUY from you. And so forth.
Trust me, if anything, saying it like it is will HELP SALES, and then some!
And so it will in terms of fitness.
If you’re currently struggling with being overweight no matter what you do, then the LAST thing you need to be told is that “what you’re doing will work eventually” (especially if you’ve been pavement pounding and the like for AGES).
If you’re currently FAT, then the LAST thing you need to be told is that “you’re a big guy” (unless you’re big and fat both, in which case BOTH need to be mentioned).
Trust me, the things we least like to hear are often times what we NEED to hear the most!
And on that note, I’m out.
Oh. Wait.
Before I go, here is something else a lot of people don’t like to hear.
The BEST DAMNED fitness system on the planet is right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
Have at!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Stop trying to “please the majority”, my friend. Really. It’s cringeworthy to say the LEAST.
At what point is enough enough?
As the violence on the streets rages on throughout the U.S., one has to stop and ask the very pertinent question . . . At what point is ENOUGH ENOUGH?
I don’t care if you’re talking protests (which probably started out as peaceful and then descended into the chaos we see now) or anything else – there is a limit to everything.
Was the killing of George Floyd WRONG?
YES. Obviously.
Should we take action against the guilty officer(s)?
That one is so obvious I’m not even going to dignify the question with a response . . .
But again, and I want to ask people – at what point is enough enough?
Do we simply burn the entire country down to the ground because of the actions of a certain group of people (a MINORITY)?
Do the actions of ONE guilty cop speak for ALL?
I can tell you one damn thing – cops in general have a tough job to do, and (at least in the U.S.) they do it exceedingly well for the most part (and I’m not talking the exceptions to the rule).
I remember one night I was walking back on campus (when I was in college) to my dorms (late at night, around 4AM or so) after an all night programming session, and was stopped by an officer asking to see my ID.
No reason given. None at all.
And yet, the WAY in which he said it was so friendly that I had no option but to pull out my ID’s – both of them, hehe, and show it to him.
“Here you go man”, I said.
“Thanks man”, he replied, handing one of my ID’s back. “I just wanted the student ID”.
He made a quick call.
“Ok, sir, sorry to bother you!” and off he went . . . or was about to, until I spoke again.
“Don’t worry about it buddy. I’m not doing drugs or anything. Got enough on my plate to worry about!”
The officer laughed back, shook my hand, and off he went.
Flash back to another scene outside the dorms where I lived on campus when the cops once “asked me to wait outside” before entering the building.
Being I was in a rush, this ticked me off a bit, but just a little.
I asked why.
“Because someone that looks Hispanic like you just committed a robbery and ran” was the non committal response.
Ok, no problem.
In another 10 minutes or so, the officers apparently figured I wasn’t the one, hehe, and said I could leave, while apologizing again.
And I did so.
And the above two are cases that could easily have gone down as “tragic” or at the very least “racial discrimination” cases.
I COULD have jumped up and down about “racism”, if you think about it, and yet, that would be the last thing I’d do.
Things happen for a reason. People say what they do and think what they do for a reason. And while blanket categorization ain’t right, try telling that to the cop who has to solve a crime – or detain a person – often in the spur and HEAT of the moment – with weapons and much else involved.
Sometimes, you just have to co-operate with the cops, and in the vast majority of the “tragic” events, I’ve seen evidence that the person didn’t co-operate at some point.
Am I saying what happened was right?
Am I saying stopping me on campus on “suspicion” was right, and that my white buddy at the time wasn’t stopped?
But things happen, my friend. And for a reason.
And when things descend to the levels that businesses and normal life across the nation is being destroyed, then it’s time to call a spade a spade and call the people engaging in said activities what they ARE – that being domestic terrorists.
There is NO excuse for the looting and vandalism (and destruction of businesses owned by people of all colors, my friend – in some cases businesses that took years to build).
Hate does NOT go away with more hate (see what Martin Luther King had to say on that).
And while Prez Trump is being pilloried as usual for his statements on bringing the military in – well – to those that are pillorying him – WHERE do we draw a line in the sand?
Obviously the States have not been able to control what is happening, and keep it within LIMITS.
Do we just let the entire country descend into mass chaos and anarchy (not to mention the COVID crisis which hasn’t really been solved as of yet – and no I ain’t advocating more lockdowns!)?
I think NOT.
I think there is a limit to everything, and someone needs to take a stand, and I personally am glad Donald Trump has taken a stand – albeit an unpopular one (but sometimes, as Alan – a guy on my list – once said “unpopular is often what needs to be DONE”).
And so it goes with fitness too my friend.
Sometimes, you have to take a look at that expanding girth – waistline – and “gluteneous maximum of plenty” and declare that “enough is enough”.
Sometimes, you just have to stand up and say that TODAY is the day I’m going to start to change my life – both fitness wise – and OVERALL!
And sometimes, in fact often times, you need to draw a line in the sand, and say enough is enough, and the change – back to positive – begins NOW.
Or ask yourself the question I posed above.
And that, my friend, given what is going on globally seems to be about as pertinent of a topic I could talk about today.
Back with more later!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – If you’re one of the DOERS that is READY to drop the negativity, the excess flabbage and start to make something of your life starting NOW – then join the 0 Excuses SHIP right HERE - https://0excusesfitness.com/membership-account/membership-levels/
On being trolled, and more
On another site (well, the 0 Excuses Fitness site) I wrote about being roundly trolled a few years ago – as well as of late when I posted about my fitness stuff, articles etc.
One fine gentleman on Facebook went so far as to say “You’re a narcissistic little thing!”
And while the comment was more of a hissy than anything else (another one of those that made me spit out my puh er cha as I was drinking as I pictured the tub of lard behind the computer screen writing the comments) – did I get “annoyed”?
Or disturbed? Or worried about my “reputation being slandered” (as a friendly recently wrote about)?
Not at all, my friend.
If you want to troll me, well, I ain’t a hard man to find.
And it’s been going on for YEARS to be honest, hehe. I just haven’t paid much attention it until a few years ago (and the only reason I DID pay attention then was because that happened with a guy who myself and Charles (my friend) tried to HELP – the latter on numerous occasions).
A guy who stole money numerous times from Charles (who though I disagree with on everything is a hard working man in his own right and not one of the freebie seekers I write about so often).
A guy that contacted Alan, a good man and business contact of mine and attempted to troll him with comments about my ethnicity etc . . .
A guy that showed up half drunk in Charles’s house, stole money, hit on his girlfriend (other wierd stuff you do NOT want to know about), apparently made a royal pest of himself throughout his stay (don't ask hehe) and was found apparently lying outside in his underwear or something from the picture I was sent. LOL again.
A guy that was reportedly deported from China (and knowing what I do and the proof I have, it wouldn’t be surprising if it was due to drugs, and if so, he’s damned lucky they didn’t do away with him period – with their zero drug tolerance policy and what not, and I daresay in his case it wouldn’t be an entirely bad thing, hehe).
Anyway, such is the nature of online trolls my friend, and while the lady that wrote to me was apparently very upset about being trolled (as is happening to her now, and I suspect the first time), I wrote back and advised her NOT to worry about it.
There will always be people who don’t like you, my friend.
And anytime you’re trying to break out of the herd, or have DONE so – remember the bucket of crabs analogy (and I am referring to myself here, not the lady that contacted me), you’ll be routinely trolled, castigated, have abusive comments hurled at you, and worse.
Napoleon Hill once wrote about persistence being necessary for any sort of success.
As he said, persistence is to the character of man what carbon is to steel – and to this I’d add being thick skinned. Hehe. It simply IS a pre-requisite for any sort of success, and funnily enough, as I keep getting trolled, the number of BUSINESS opportunities available to me keeps increasing.
In this economic climate, supposedly “down” and the worst in recent history, I’m getting offers for . . . no less than INVESTMENT in my products.
Yes, that’s right my friend.
And more. The sales just keep shooting through the roof, and as I wrote about before – embrace the trolls, my friend. They truly are there for a reason, hehe.
As for HOW to respond to trolls – or even IF – well, that’s a topic for another email and one MANY are interested in. Watch this space – I’l be coming out shortly with an email on that too, hehe.
In the meantime, don’t forget that the best way to banish negativity out of your life, period is by ignoring the trolls – and getting in great, great workouts on a regular basis. Pick up your copy of the 0 Excuses Fitness System right now, and get started today!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Take a gander too, for those of you that seem to be “unable to land the girl you want”, hehe at this course right here - - Advanced Hill Training
When your woman thinks you’re too little . . .
Several things are, actually.
The first being a comment from my coon ass friend Rueben (remember him, hehe) who I was once discussing being FAT with, and he made the following comment in a sage manner like only HE could . . .
You know you’re too fat when you look down and your belly is so big you can’t see your dyck!
LOL. But true, if you think about it . . .
Then of course, that old Chinese saying I’ve spoken about before.
“Ren Pang Qiu Dian”
(fat man have small penis)
And I’ve explained this one before too, hehe.
And last, but not least, an ex girlfriend of mine way back in the day
“You want . . . again??” she said, a horrified look on her face. “Third time!”
Well, not horrified - - but, you get the drift! Hehe. ‘Twas but a few hours between . . . and while I ain’t gonna go there, you know what I mean!
Anyway, where am I working up to with all this garbage you might ask?
I don’t know, my friend. Well actually I do and I’ll tell ya once I stop cackling . . .
You on this list will recall that a subscriber wrote to me asking about certifications etc, and got an answer detailing my thoughts on the matter.
And after all was said and done and the dust settled, I got a response that made my jaw literally drop with amazement (and a chuckle or two ensued).
I didn’t think it would lead to this after his comments on my “style being unique”, and me saying “as it should be, hehe”.
i need to be more man. my wife thinks im too little and i dont think she wants to sex with me anymore. i need to save my family
This response floored me. LOL. For a while I didn’t reply, and then I sent this back –
Get on a manly exercise routine then. You'll FEEL more manly straightaway, not to mention LOOK more manly . . .
Now, I can’t say if it’ll make the size of his you know what increase, and we better not go there, but the point stands!
My exercises DO increase libido my friend – and DO make you look – and FEEL a lot better.
Its all in the mind and at the end of the day, I’ve always felt vastly energized after a quick workout burst - -even if it’s just five or ten minutes during a workday, and so will YOU, my friend.
And yes, certain exercises do contribute more to blood flow to the nether regions than others . . .
Here they are, in no real order . . .
Hindu squats.
The exercises in Advanced Hill Training
The BEST darn exercise ever.
Pretty much MOST if not all of the pushups I teach you in Pushup Central
Pull-ups, and more . . .
Get good, real good at any one of a combo therein of these exercises, and it’s pretty much a given that your libido will shoot through the roof – not to mention your FAT LEVELS which will go down so drastically that youll wonder what you’ve been waiting for all this “here” while. Hehe.
And that’s that for now. I’m out!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – I can’t promise that the size of your “wang doodle” will increase on my exercise, but you WILL understand the truism of “Ren Pang Qiu dian” . . . as you see the fat melting away, you’ll naturally see more of what matters, and so will your S.O (insert gender of choice, hehe). ‘Tis but a fact. And to get on them fat blasting routines go HERE to get Advanced Hill Training – and get started – NOW!
P.S #2 – Don’t forget too, to pick up a copy of the best selling 0 Excuses Fitness System (I haven’t mentioned increased libido specifically as a side benefit of these exercises, or even a main one, but it’s very much a real benefit!).
P.P.S – Too funny, hehe.
A mass purge
Dear Reader,
As you read this, and indeed as I write this a MASS PURGE is going on - on this particular site.
The email list has grown to be huge and bulky, and has over 30 K subscribers at the time of writing this.
Some of you guys on the list are genuine - some NOT.
And some of the email address (indeed quite a few of them) seem to have been inputted by people OTHER than the owners of the email addresses themselves. Absolutely NOT acceptable to me, my friend.
And not only that - over the past few days, I've been chatting about reviving the rahulmookerjee.com site.
I've already got my 0 Excuses Fitness site going STRONG - so it ain't about business.
It's about the heart.
THIS IS WHERE it all started (to grow and be FULL time doing this) for me, and this site has a very special place in my heart, as does the orignal Fast and Furious book.
(NB - although all my products are DIGITAL now, Fast and Furious Fitness is the ONLY product I currently offer in hardcopy format. Collector's items as it were, and again, good reason behind this!).
You always remember that first love. The first book you wrote. The very first fitness venture you embarked on, hehe (and for me it wasn't even this rahulmookerjee.com website. It was another domain and I'll have to check and see if that is still available!).
Ah, if only I had known what I do NOW - I could have made things so much "bigger" and helped SO MANY MORE people . . . but thats OK.
It all happens at the right place and right time, and for a reason.
I've had a very storied life indeed - continue to do so - no complaints, and in that vein, I'm back to deleting people.
KEY TAKEAWAY from all this, you ask?
Well, THIS.
If you're truly interested in receiving updates from yours truly (note - these updates will NOT in MOST cases be the same as you get from on a daily basis from 0 Excuses Fitness) then please resign up again using the newsletter sign up function on the main page (at the bottom).
Welcome aboard again as I "resucitate" this website (funnily enough, it still ranks very highly in Google) - and while I'm not sure what plans I have for it down the road, for now, it's going to be something DIFFERENT - that is ALL I can promise!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. - And yes, I write about topics other than fitness. If that pisses off some people, so be it - please do NOT sign up. Other hand, the 0 Excuses Fitness site will probably become more fitness related down the road, and THIS one more life - but we'll see how that goes, hehe.
P.S #2 - Last, but not least, don't forget to check out 0 Excuses Fitness products right HERE - https://0excusesfitness.com/products/
Here today, gone tomorrow
A while I ago was chatting with my friend Dwayne about . . . well, I can’t remember. Life in general I believe it was, and we were talking about work and success, and how things don’t often go according to plan.
And how we should always be prepared for not necessarily the best – but the WORST to happen.
Hey, don’t get me wrong.
It’s all well and good to EXPECT the best, but what if that happens in a manner and (perhaps more importantly) TIME not of your choosing?
What if the “worst” were to be something that “was slated to happen” in order for the best to happen?
And curiously enough, that is how it usually DOES work.
When you’re at the bottom of a tall, tall mountain with nowhere to go – guess what.
It’s GREAT NEWS – because you have got only one way to go.
Henry Ford famously once made the comment along the lines of “when everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplace flies AGAINST the wind, not with it”.
So true, my friend.
So true.
It is only after experiencing the nadirs of FAILURE that one can rise to the heights of success, and after studying scores of successful men and women, I cannot think of a SINGLE case to which this didn’t apply (and usually not just one failure either – several massive failures).
If you’ve never failed at anything, chances are you’re never truly succeeded at that thing either.
Point here though isn’t that failure is required in order to achieve true and lasting success.
That it is, but what Im saying is here is what WHEN the mishaps occur.
Do you sink – or find it in you to SWIM – often times against a mighty tide doing all it can to keep you DOWN – and OUT?
Simply answering yes to the above question isn’t enough.
You must DO the thing.
And the key to this, my friend lies not only in what Dwayne very correctly said – – but also what Claude Bristol said in The Magic of Believing.
Success is a matter of never ending application. The minute you pause to rest on your laurels is the minute it takes wings and FLIES away.
Paraphrased, but the gist is what I just wrote.
And if there ever was a comment that rang true with yours truly THIS IS IT!
(and that’s what Dwayne was talking about with regard to “I’m the chump that keeps working”. And if you want to listen to someone that’s BEEN there and DONE the thing, and then some, well, that’s the man.)
I cannot think of how many times in the past Ive done something successfully.
Built up the momentum. Felt great. Built up several small victories.
And then inexplicably I slacked off. For no good reason, I’d let things “slide”, thinking that the momentum I created would be enough to keep things humming.
It wasn’t, of course, and I found that out the hard way.
Right now, every time I embark on a new biz venture or even something fitness related, I think long term and do NOT let the small successes or failures alter my overall emotional state either way.
You gotta be in it for the long term, and this holds true for fitness too.
Here today, gone tomorrow holds true if you stop to “admire yourself in the mirror” and forget that WORK, solid WORK is still required – and that, my friend, is the topic for today.
Chew on it some, and let me know what you think!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – The exercises in the 0 Excuses Fitness System are NOT “one trick ponies”. In fact it is a challenge even for the baddest mofo out there to MASTER any of these exercises in its entirety – even the humble pushups. And there is a very good reason I keep working on the basics despite my “advanced” status at all this, and why YOU should too.
Find out more about the System here, and get ROCKING now – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
Huge Announcement coming up - Stay TUNED!
Dear Reader,
Oh MY! Something huge is coming up - a new book release, to be precise, my own "Zero to Hero" book - and it will be available for sale VERY SOON indeed at the 0 Excuses Site.
Here are but SOME of the results you can expect from following the tips I lay out in this book, my friend: –
Overweight, rundown, “beat up” and unfit -> Full of stamina, STRENGTH and boundless ENERGY!
From “frustration at where you are in life” -> a LIFE IN FLOW – with BOUNDLESS optimism and REWARDS!
From “procrastination” – > a state of “getting her done” no matter WHAT!
From self doubt and self denial -> a state of ACCEPTANCE, DEEP CONTENTMENT and ZERO “self denial”!
From “stuck in the grind” to SELF EMPLOYMENT and FULFILLMENT – with minimal “apparent” effort!
Man oh man, I'm so excited I can barely TYPE!
I'll end this one here - but anyway - the reason I'm sending it out to THIS website FIRST is because this is where it really all started, my friend.
This is where I really got going first - and so it makes sense to post it here first, even though I'll be selling it on my other site soon.
Get "thee buttocks" over to 0 Excuses Fitness now, my friend - and if you haven't already - sign up for the mailing list there!
Do it NOW, my friend. Don't waste a SECOND LONGER!
P.S. - Additionally - be on the lookout for a MAJOR, MAJOR announcement coming TONIGHT on the 0 Excuses site!