Misc. (343)

I swear, some of the idiotic questions I've been getting as of late makes me stop and wonder if the Kung Flu truly hasn't made Bozos and idiots out of the "wilful non thinkers" i.e those that choose not to use their noggins, if even for a split second. 

Truly, some of the questions I get are beyond wacko. 

One being "why do you keep mentioning reviews". 

Admittedly Tracy asked this very politely, and therefore no, I'm not going to "tear it apart". 

(her question) 

But really, it brings to mind what a great customer from the UK once told me about this sort of nonsense . 

"Rahul my friend, you must have the patience of a saint. I dont know, but if I were you, I wouldn't even bother responding to these cretins". 

He was referring to the price wankers and Schofield-sort trolls obviously, not the person above. 

But (and he said it in slightly different language over email - I paraphrased) he's so right ... 

So I haven't replied to Tracy as yet (btw, this is a different Tracy from the "India man very hot" Tracy I've spoken of before!). 

But ... really, why would any business owner, at least some one with ANY sense, even a modicum of common sense and nothing else NOT do it? 


Anyway to explain the obvious. 

First, what Claude Bristol said in the Magic of Believing, which by itself is a marketing lesson unto itself (and life lesson, and should answer this). 

Repeition of the same chant, the same affirmations, the same incantations leads to belief - and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. 


But more on the obvious ... 

I mean, lets see, if a product HELPED a genuine customer achieve their fitness or other goals, then why the hell would I NOT mention this? 

I mean, isn't that the very point of the business ? 

Sure, we all have to make a living, but isn't the very point of all this to HELP people achieve THEIR goals? 

Brings to mind what Gautam, a great guy and a customer for the first book on Pull-ups i.e. "Pull-ups - from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!" said. 

"I can't wait to shower you with a glowing testimonial!" 

This was said BEFORE he actually bought the book! (so sure was he that the book would WORK - flat out work - plain and simple). 

Truly, the DOERS - do GET IT. 

And being birds of a feather flock together, if a doer reads a review from another DOER - well - it can only be HELPFUL, productive an dgood no? 

Sometimes, even the patience of a saint is tested by having to explain all this!

As for the -ve? 

Well, I tom Tom those even more. 

Yours truly ain't the sort of person that paints a "rosy" and "all is well always" picture like "Medam Cicy" loves to do. 

That may work for some people. 

I'd rather be a REALIST. 

I'd rather be honest about the fact I ain't for everyone - indeed the vast majority. 

I'm probably for the 3% - the TRUE DOERS in life - and FITNESS. 

And thats fine. 

I'd rather be honest about it! 

And admittedly I DO love calling out the Bozos on their nonsense, hehe. Always good to have some great entertainment coming your way, even if it's puerile and facile (when the Bozos do it). 

Last, but not least, rest assured that the only reviews I really tear apart are those sent in by price wankers, freebie seekers and Bozos (a large majority, but by no means "everyone"). 

If someone disagrees with me on something in a rational manner, I'm more than happy to give them their say and to HEAR what they have to say. 

I might not agree, but presented rationally, I am not going to tear most view points apart just because I dont agree with them, unless of course they're profoundly idioitc racist rants and such from jokers, ass clowns and jackasses. 

Anyway, folks, hopefully that clears that one up. 


All in a day's work, hehe. 

I'll be back soon!!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Here are some REAL words (reviews) from real customers ... 

Ya'll on this list probably remember the drunken and rather lengthy, pissed of rant a friend (former) of mine sent me about an innocous post on pull-ups on WeShat (which apparently hit the spot as it were). 

I've covered that before, but he ended with the following. 

"Your tips are useless! Yo ujust say just do pull-ups and handstand pushups and provide no other value!" 

Now, the rest of the rant has been covered on the sites and emails before. 

If you want to take a look, either do a search or let me know . . . 

But really, this silly value virtue signalling which the "so called gurus" always jumped up and down over, and which seems to have, for whatever reason gained a lot of traction this year. (and more so with every passing month). 

Maybe the Kung Flu is indeed driving folks insane ... 

But anyway, it ain't just him that had the "no value" grouse, so lets address - and DEBUNK. 

First off my friend, you signed up for one email a day - and you get like 6 to 8 daily. If that ain't value, I dont know what is. (for free).

Second, his REAL grouse was this - the link I (or the links I) specify in my email i.e. how dare I "sell with every email). (and make $$ off it). According to some people its perfectly fine to pay huge bucks for everything except less than a fraction of that for life changing and life changing fitness info. . . 

I get it. My stuff actually requires you to get down to brass tacks and DO. 

In other words, not everyone is ready to be a doer. 

And call 'em out on it, and the rants start. 

But really, I'd rather be honest and point people to a product which can solve their "problems" and address their pain points as opposed to dancing around the mulberry bush and pretending I dont sell or dont want to when I clearly do .

(and be a "so called value providing Tom Tom"). 

Really, I dont think there is anything at all wrong with that (as opposed to shammy marketing, sneaky discounts, wacko and inane "lead ups to the sale" and so forth, all of which is designed for one purpose - to make a sale - and it usually doesnt when done that way). 

I'd rather be honest about it, and am. 

But anyway, back to value. 

Off the top of my head, lets look at three of th elast email sI sent. 

This morning, the first one was about "Roofus Rumpus Schofield and more". 

Lesson - hypocrisy, and MORE, and yes it applies to fitness. 

Then there was one in there about what to do if you do NOT want to or feel comfortable posting genuine reviews, and how to work up to it. 

Its a thought many have, and I addressed it pretty well I believe!

Then, third - there was one about handstand pushups, and I explained to you why my latest product on it is not only something anyone serious about fitness should get, but is also worth the (SO CALLED) big bucks I charge for it. 

(Yes, the Keith James of this world are already throwing fits over a product they weren't even asked to buy either directly or not). (more on that later). 

So I dont know, bro. 

Methinks thats value compounded x 10 if not more. 

Then you have my books and products. 

Most experienced athletes can't finish or even get halfway through my workouts when they first start. 

Let alone the average Joe and couch potato and Jane (and Bozo, or combo therein). 

Valuoooooooo, you say? 


But anyway, we all know the Rolls Royce is my flagship, and premier and first product I put out here - - that, and Gorilla Grip. 

And being a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a bazillion ... well, I put out five videos for the former which have got not only rave reviews thus far, but even with all the trolling, not ONE single negative review. 

And more on FREE - - other than these emails and such, years ago, I figured I'd give people a sneak peek into the videos for free

It was a great idea, and an AWESOME, spectacular SUCCESS - but it's something I no longer do, and will never do ever for obvious reasons, but the original videos are up HERE - the sneak peeks, rather - and the one I love the most is "huffing and puffing". 

And those short snippets should be more than enough to give YOU an idea of the superlative nature of the workouts I teach you in the Rolls Royce (for those that dont know already). 

And of course troll fodder too, but we'll let that happen. Hehe. 

Gotta draw the Bozo back out, hehe. He's gone a bit silent! 

(Mommy pulled his Internet most likely). 

But anyway, Gorilla Grip doesnt have any videos, because the nature of grip training courses means its impossible to put together a one size fits all workout - even more so than my regular stuff. 

But it's still one of my best selling products!

So value, or no value ... you, my friend DECIDE!

I'll be back soon. Just wanted to address a bit of idiocy, and I have now. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - IF you want more videos let me know for which product specifically, and we'll see what we can conjure up, hehe. 

At the outset, let me clear one thing. 

When I say core, I dont mean that silly little six pack or twelve pack that the nuts at the 'Jim Shim' die for , spend bazillions of dollars on protien shakes for, do millions of bunny "shunny" crunches, use useless gadgets and so forth. 

Tummy trimmers, crash diets and so forth and yet, those muscles never really show like they want .

What they want is a CORRUGATED CORE, except they dont know it, because they've consciously bought into the six pack madness. 

If there was something utterly ridiculous in the fitness world, its the craze for six packs - if you've ever heard the saying back it up? 

I'm sure you have. 

And most of the idiots with artificial six packs have NOTHING to show "behind" to back it up. 

No legs, no core, no glutes (but I guess that means Bozo Schofields dont chase 'em, hehe) - and certainly no grip and upper back. 

It's an unnatural look that starts to fade away as soon as you step out of the gym - or even in it, while you stop popping pills (or injecting testosterone, or any of the silly things men do in that regard). 

Thats another thing, by the way. 

Just why the heck someone would need to "inject" T into themselves is beyond me, but gaggles of men do it. 

Instead, why not get MORE T than you ever bargained for - naturally? 

Ah, but wait. 

That sort of training is HARD training - real man training. 

It constitutes things most people will never do, like hiking hills in blazing heat and humidity for years multiple times for one, and doing it in snow, rain, sleet or so forth, or pounding out 150 pull-up per workout ... 

But anyway ... 

Back in the day I used to be fat. 

NO secret there. It's even there on the cover of some of my books, hehe, (hence Bozos like "Keith James" and Mama's boys throw hissies over it, and hence I do not, and will NOT change the cover of ANY of my books). 

And you'd think with all the pushups and pull-up I did, my grip would be stronger than it is now, if just for the insanely moronic and ASS-ININE logic the BOZOS at the Jim have. 

That being, more weight = more strength. 

(and injuries, and other crap, but whose counting). 

More weight - more strength, eh? 

Well, first off, if this was true, why the fat focks can't do pull-ups like I do -and did - is beyond me? 


I know. 

But it's true. 

And my grip, my friend, only got to the scary levels it did when my CORE and rest of the body was in solid shape!

If you've ever done a REAL grip, you'll know you do it like a WRESTLER - naturally - to get that UNNATURAL pull to your grip! 

And the only way you can do that?

Is, much like when you're throwing a punch to flatten, you engage the core and legs. 

And THAT is how the grip goes from "ok" to truly spectacular - I cannot empashize this enough. 

When I do my leg workouts, I feel a sense of INVINCIBILITY. 

Believe me, those leg muscles "pumping" under your clothes? 

Thats when you know it's real training as opposed to the idiotic machines where you do leg presses and such. 

It's when that muscle literally "bulges" out of your thighs WITHOUT you consciously trying to do so. 

And it's when you have a true CORRGUATED core, my friend - that you can truly have a GRIP that is beyond any sort of belief, scary and INHUMAN LEVELS. 

No, the latter doesn't work without the former. 

And its damn near impossible to get the former without the latter. 

My courses linked above have got praise from all over the world, rave reviews, and many other things due to one reason - they work - and they work better than anything else out there. 


And if there was one combo I have to tell you about, it's this one - Gorilla Grip - The Compilation - - and Corrugated CORE

Yes, I coul dmake more money if I told you to get Gorilla Grip, Gorilla Grip (Advanced), and the book on tips seperately, but that ain't what this is about ... 

Combine the above with Animal Kingdom Workouts, and your grip will go from "beyond scary" to "truly out of this world levels". 

Trust me on this one!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Thursday, 01 April 2021 08:21

More on blocking ... OUT the Negative.

I write about it often, dont I? 

Tell the world what you're going to do, but show it first. 

Keep your TRUE goals - your real goals - to yourself, or a very very select group of people, maybe your Master mind if you have one. 

Do NOT, in most cases, tell sposuses, "friends", significant others and so forth. 

People deem this as being "overly paranoid". 


Ask Marconi for one ,that invented the wireless who was almost "certified" by his friends for they thought he was a loon, so forward thinking was he. 

Or, ask the Wright brothers before they built the airplane, or Edison before the lightbulb, or Einstein, before the theory of relativity. 

The great Jeff Bezos (I was recently talking about NEVER doing business with anyone on a very large scale other than Amazon, for obvious reasons - for the most part) said it the best when he said that the greatest ACCOLADE an inventor - any inventor - can receive is when people yawn and say ", ok, not this again". 

Speaks Volumes as to some of the reactions yours truly gets, hehe. 

But anyway, this morning I literally "heard" bad news from the old homestead.

Turned out a gift I gav emy daugher a while back - something which had HUGE sentimental value attached to it for reasons I won't get into here - something which I've been keeping with me forever, and wanted to pass for a while to my daughter "broke".

The annoyance I felt - was - INDESCRIBABLE.  

It ain't about the money either. 

For the idiots and morons who claim that "I gave my old laptop" away to a charity because it was worthless - well - think - again. 

Same thing with that laptop, which worked so well for me for NINE YEARS, on which I created many a product, which stood thet est of time and travel, and was a Toshiba, and so forth. 

It ain't all about the money, my friend. 

SENTIMENT is priceless, and while this wasn't a laptop I gave her, from the minute I gave it to her, I felt "negatiive forces" working against me and her. 

Obviously the idiots reading this will call me paranoid, but those that call me and rightly so a "modern day Gandhi" or seer or pioneer and so forth will get it. 

"Rahul, if your gut tells you something - nine times out of ten it is RIGHT". 

I knew this from an early age, way before my buddy from the MArines made this statement about a certain landlady I was renting from in 2017. (temporarily). 

Same thing here. 

The people being negative don't even KNOW it, but they hated the "gift" from the get go. 

Indeed, a lot of people hate what I do - hate me - hate my relationship with my daughter (the only real family I have) - - and do anything to complain about it and wreck the relationship, but never quite succeed. 

When your up against the subconscious, my friend, few things can succeed. 

Maybe inanimate objects cannot, but I never put much conscious thought into the gift after I gave it. 

Big mistake. 

Anyway, fitness wise, same thing for YOU. 

Do NOT tell anyone your goals of doing 500 pushups at a go - a very worthy goal many of you have - especially if you're at less than ZERO now. 

Do not, for instance tell anyone you will go down from 120-60 kgs - except perhaps your coach with your best intentions at heart. 

Do NOT - never - tell anyone your BUSINESS PLANS. 

And most of all, never, never let that wall you build around YOUR MOST SECRET AND INNERMOST desires ever be penetrated. 

That, my friend is the takeaway from this one. 

And I'll be back soon/ 


Rahul Mookerjee


So says the cowboy from Texas, hehe. 

"The Hombre from Texas", hehe. 

Or, any of the other (it's crossed 1400 now, that list of names - and someday, I'll write a book on just the list of names I keep getting called, hehe) names people loveeeee to call yours truly. 

But really, back in the day (it seems back in the day now ever since he ranted about my book on pull-ups) "Charles the former friend" and the Bozo himself contacted me about the Bozo. 

Apparenty the Bozo sent Charles more than 200 messages all day long, all night long (which is about par for the Bozo), most of them to the tune of "Rahul is mentioning me! Boo, hoo!" 

I wonder if they knew the chuckles a person Dejon, a real strongman and - me - were having over it, not to mention the world at general. 

Especially the way the Bozo pronounces Chuck - for some odd reason he keeps pronouncing it as "Ch-oo-k". 

I dont know, maybe thats the accent thing coming in ... 

But anyway, English is hardly one of the Bozo's strong points, as his rants on Amazon show, and that sad, given he grew up in "Ole Blighty". 

Anyway . . . 

Why I won't stop mentioning the Bozo, you ask? 

Well, bear with me a MINUTE my friend. 

Yes, I get it. I've responded to him x 1000000 in ways he'd never imagine or dream of, and I'm just getting started. 

I've truly rubbed his nose in the DUST, and continue to do so, and will do so. 

But, bear with me for a minute. Bear with the man with a an elephant's memory talking about the Wacko with an elephant gut, hehe. 

Because ... 

When the Bozo started trolling me and some other people with not just trolls, but despicable memes, racist thoughts, and much worse - NO-ONE (well, certainly not "Chuck" who said "he sent me a few", but oddly enough NEVER once condemned the Bozo for doing it, instead implicitly SUPPORTING him by not doing so) .... NO-ONE Told him to stop or calm down. 

No-one told him that with his various attacks on other folks. 

No-one told him to calm down when he posted those rants and reviews on Amazon. 

If anything, he played the "poor Bozo being blamed" female blame game (given what he is i.e. a cuck at heart, that doesn't surprise me one damned bit) and got away with it on the Chuck and a few other fronts. 

The only person man enough to tell the Bozo to go straight to hell was Dejon. 

A bonafide Gorilla himself, hehe. 

Maybe the reason Charles never told me himself is because "he deep down inside felt the same way about me". 

Or, maybe it's what the Bozo said. 

"Ch-ooooooooooo-ck created the memes!" 

A claim I found specious then, and find insane NOW. 

Charles has some strange thought about pull-ups, sure, and does all he can to convince me that he's "big", not fat. 

OK, great. 

But that doesnt mean he's a troll. 

Quite the opposite. 

But anyway, THAT is primarily why I will not stop - until I deem it the time to stop (or until the groveling apology comes, and it will). 

I'm sick and tired of these idiots (they tend to be Nazi feminist for the most part - either male or female) that do all they like when they're on top, but when someone turns the tables on them x 10000, they whine and moan. 

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the goddamned kitchen. 

Come to think of it, making sandwiches and staying out of the kitchen barefoot is exactly what Bozo Schofield does NOT want to do . . .

Poor chappie. (pie). 


(as the Bozo would pronouce). 

But inanity aside, that is why. 

It's not so much the sales the Bozo makes for me, especially the ADVANCED book on pull-ups which he trolle dby saying "Rahul is a super stud" (even in the trolling, the truth and jealousy sparkles, as it did when he said the book was the jewel in the Mookerjee CROWN of fitness books). 

It's because, as the Trumpinator once famously said, "we will never forget". 

And it's because actions have consequences, and some people need to learn that the hard way, and so they WILL and are. 

And thats why, for those wondering. Hehe. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Oh, almost forgot the "ending pimp" to this - Animal Kingdom Workouts is THE course everyone BE Talking about now. Check it out here. 

Back in 2019, I was on one of my numerous factory visits in China - this time for green tea - or so I ... THOUGHT! 

This factory was a new one I hadn't worked with before, and when I found them online, I contacted them - and then quickly got the contact information etc of the salesperson handing my "case". 

Which was a certain lovely indeed 23 year old girl "Andrea". 

I really should title this email "why the idiots who think I'm jumping every girl's bones I meet are pretty much dead on wrong for the most part", or something like that. 

Actually, they're not wrong so much as they have "no clue". 

And hence the Bozos wanking around with wankers and beer bottles in hand late at night pestering women about "can I be your servant". 

Anyway, Glyn the public welfare nutjob will LOVE this if he's reading. 

Glyn, my little fella, ears perked please!

*pat on head* 

Anyway, pats aside (ugh) this lady seemed OK to deal with initially until when crunch time came. Before that, she was friendly as ever, and I flirted a little with her "business wise", but I always had the feeling of "something wasnt right in terms of the professionalism standpoint". 

Something wasn't right, and sure enough, when "push came to shove", there was an argument. 

I hate to say it, ladies, but business is business, and on that one, she was WRONG. She promised somthing, and didnt do it. Bottom line. 

And she was BRAZENLY unapolegetic about it, which you'll understand later why. 

Or part of why. 

Anyway, when it all came to a head, she introduced me to her "lao ban" (manager). 

And there we're introduced to "Medam" Cicy as she prounounced it, a lady who I've disagreed with on just about everything, but yet done and do business with, yet at the end of the day have a cordial and functional relationship, a lady who HATES what I say and think about China, yet doesnt hate ME, and has done all she can to help me ... 


Maybe, but also a lesson in two things - one, business is business. And two, there's always room for compromise and moving ahead. 

Lest you think there was any romantic whatever in all this? 

You'd be dead WRONG. 

Every time either she and I have brought the topic up indirectly even for OTHER People, it was like a "dead fish" feeling. 

I never thought of her "that way". 

And Cicy, for her part, could truly care less about it. 

Well, I wouldn't say that. She does care, from what she told me about being fat, and (when I was gypped out of some money by a woman in China, the comment about "is she beautiful"?) . . . 

But for the most part, talk anything like that to her, and she flat out doesnt "care". 

She isn't necessarily offended, or not. 

To her, it's "so what". 

What really lights her BRAIN UP and why I love her? 

It's MONEY! And the chance of making a new biz deal, which hey, I get it. I have the same excitement every time I make a new biz deal too ... 

Anyway, Madam (so she loves to be called) Andrea deleted me off her list, and later when I saw her profile picture one day - the WORK picture? 

Believe it or not, it was Andrea with her "man" - literally - on a leash. 

And if that doesnt make Bozo Glyn Schofield whose currently pestering Dominas in the UK to do inane things for free JUMP straight out of his chair, Cheetos flying, beer crashing, I dont know WHAT will! 

And if that isn't enough of a lesson on why I ALWAYS keep, for the most part, business seperate from pleasure, and why YOU SHOULD too, there will never be enough reason. 

(And enough for the idiots who claim "he cheats on his wife"). 

True, I've failed in the second last regard occasionally. 

Sometimes, those girls get past your defenses, which in my case were never ever up anyway. Hey, my wife did! 

And the only time I've been involved in business with either my wife, or other women where "feelings" of whatever nature were involved. 


Dont get me started. 

Massive disaster x 1000 ... .(in some cases, that disaster lasted for YEARS. Super UGH). 

And therefore, if there is one thing I caution everyone to do, even the Bozos if that makes sense, is to keep business SEPERATE from pleasure. 

Believe me, the two do NOT mix. 

Anyway, where am I leading up with all this you might think. 

I dont know ... 

Maybe as Panourgias, a great customer once told me "Sexy legs and hills!" (I think he said "mini skirts", hehe). 

So maybe it's a pimp for my Rolls Royce fitness system, which of course has (interestingly enough) an entire chapter dedicated to nothing but training - on hills - and an entire one dedicated to MASSAGE as well (sorry, for those thinking, there ain't no hanky panky there either). 

Or maybe it's a pimp for Advanced Hill Training ... 

But to be honest, it's just one of those "gut spills", or brain dumps, whichever you call it, and I felt compelled to share it with you, so I did. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - HERE is where you can pick up Pushup Central - a "cold and SOLID" course that will keep you BRUTALLY HONEST if I might say so. I realize the wording makes no sense, but get the course, and it will. Nothig hammers you quite like pushups do!

PS #2 - I was supposed to write a book about Cicy and Andrea, especially her typo of "kissing a foot" (I honestly have no idea where that came from (one of those "she'll never live it down" comments, but we were discussing books, I believe, of a certain nature that Andrea loves - and I believe I do too in the right environment - and of course the Bozo does too, but NOT Cicy. It was a typo, I really think it was. yet, the typos are who we ARE, hehe, without even knowing it). Anyway, that book never got written. Maybe in the future!

For now, we'll stick to fitness on THIS here site, haha. 

I woke up thinking of the HILL this morning, and the intense LEG workouts I often have on the hill!

Last night, I was looking at my body - in a "non praising" sort of manner if that makes sense, with an ULTRA critical eye, because I haven't hiked in a while, and I often do this check to see "how things are going" without hiking with regard to the lower body. 

Amazingly enough, or actually NOT ... my legs are the SAME as before. 

My waist has actually gone DOWN a little from what it was, and it wasn't fat before either. 

And while I was thinking of the fact that nothing, my friend, can replicate tough leg workouts like HILLS can (the effect) - the fact is they CAN. 

Proofs in the pudding!

And I'm not even talking Hindu squats here, which is the very best out there in terms of leg training, and give you even more of a very brutal workout than the HILL every did me! 

Sprints are the only thing that come close, but not quite! 

Really, those squats are brutal, but I haven't been doing very many as of late at all. 

Pull-ups - yes. 

Handstand pushups - yes. 

Walking - a bit - yes. 

Yet, my legs you ask? 

Why and how the super leg workout?? 

Well, my friend, the key lies in ISOMETRICS. 

In the book on isometrics, I give you TWO stretches that the Bozos diss as being too simple, and the doers comment upon as and they're RIGHT - "it looks simple, but it's anything BUT if you DO". 

One is the "Rahul Mookerjee" style squat I teach. 

The second? 

Well, it's a STRETCH I teach in the same book - NOT taught by anyone else out there. 

And that not only works the entire leg area - butt -hamstrings - hips - but also the UPPER body if you do it right. 

And that, my friend, more than anything else is responsible for the effect I'm talking about. 

As for the title of this email? 

Well, I keep getting these inane marketing emails that have tripe subject lines like that. Big companies at that. Makes me wonder! Hmm. 

(Of course, its those big Bozo compaies that claim writers should be paid a pittance. HA!). 

And companies in general. 

"Writing is easy". 

Double HA! 

I wonder why the idiots don't do it themselves if its so easy. 

On that note, perhaps they do, hence the TRIPE. 

And I didnt answer that email but do I feel stuck indoors - with or without the plague? 

Well, I live in China where it rains all the time for one! 

I've never let that stop me - as you can tell from 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections, Ive never let extreme weather of ANY NATURE stop me. 

But lets say theres no hill nearby. 

Do I feel stuck? 

In the past I used to to a degree, but now? 

No way, my friend. 

Because with workouts like Animal Kingdom Workouts - - and of course the great book on isometrics "Isometric And Flexibility Training" - you literally never need to step outside. 

Dont get me wrong. 

I walk outside in Nature all the time, but I do it because I WANT to. 

Not because I need to!

There is a difference. 

That, my friend is the key ... 

And yes, I highly recommend walks outdoors for reasons mentioned before. 

Ill get more into that at a later date, but for now, grab the two books above. You, the DOER and real trainee will love 'em!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - And the Bozos might as well unsubscribe in droves. Thank you! 

(Ditto for the people who are "just on the list" for free stuff. Thanks, but NO THANKS). 

PS #2 - Lots of folks do NOT know that when creating the Rolls Royce of Fitness - -my FLAGSHIP product, I didnt climb the hill for not just a while, but months upon months. And yet, the results. Trust me, my friend, just trust me ! 

(I know the doers do already). 

Today is a Holi-day in India. Apparently yesterday was too from what my lovely wife says (I sure as heck dont know, and could care two figs less either way!!) . . . 

No normal holiday either. 

Holi, the festival of colors, and I've made NO secret of my utter distaste and dislike for Holi  - the so called modern day version of it at least. 


Well, pelting passerby's and just about anyone in general with colored ballons (of water) from the balconies. 

Throwing nasty color at people that do NOT want to play Holi with you and say they dont want to. 

Being rowdy and a lout and using Holi as an excuse. 

And many more things. 

No, I'd rather stay away. 

As I said on the other site, these sort of shennanigans AND UTTER DISRESPECT would get people shot or worse in most countries, but India? 

Its sad, but a country that is purportedly aiming to be the next big thing after China accepts this mess for what it is. 

Dont get me wrong. 

Pelt colors and what not all you want - but whatever happene dto th eword consensual? 

Some guy going to work, and you just pelt him with colors and laugh at the poor chap (he was my tutor in tenth grade, and a solid guy!) who has no option but to walk around in wet clothes all day? 

I mean - get the F real! 

And when I say that? 

How dare I, hehe. 

How dare I disrespect Indian culture, the bozos go. 

Well, newsflash bro. It an't Indian culture anymore than "freedom fries" are American culture (real American culture). 

It's HOOLIGANISM. Plain and effing simple, and I'll say it too. I damn well WILL. 

Holi was supposed to be played with simple dabs of color an merriment between those that celebrate it, not everyone in general. 

Diwali was never intended to be the MESS it's turned into in recent years (pollution central for one). And a vulgar display of "burning cash". 

Anyway, my wife was telling me about the rowdies and louts at the park - I've got plenty of experience with those, hehe but we'll get into that later. 

Apparently she took my little one to play with the other kids. 

She did - they did - they had a whale of a time, but the rowdies were trying to pelt my wife with balloons etc. 

What losers! 

Of course, it's INdian culture. How dare I!

For a change something which my family in general and I agree upon, it's LOUTISH behavior the BRATS AND BRUTES and newly rich etc employ on Holi. 


Then some couple wife knows was trying to pelt her as well. 

From their balcones. 

I mean, Jeez, lady, at least have the balls to come DOWN and do it (of course, how dare I. The plague from China will get her!). 

But I asked her why the latter couple did it, being they know her. 

Somewhat at least. 

"Maybe they're newly minted money types". 

Doesnt seem like it, I said, shrugging. 

But it brings to mind an interesting point (and no, the current xenophobia against foreign devils in China is NOT Chinese culture either bro - you can thank Xitler and company for that!). 

STOPPPING doing what made you successful in the first place and turning into something you're NOT. 

The stories are legion of Indians and Chinese having their land bought by the government at insane prices, and then they throw away their milllions in and on frivolties, having NO clue how to use their money or save or invest. 

Literally, I've seen mansions that lie - VACANT - with no food - so much did they waste their money! 

Classic eh. 

And they aint the only ones. 

Sly Stallone was guilty of this after Rocky succeeeded big. 

ALL The movies he made after that were flops until he finally wisened up in Rocky II and got back to being REAL which is what made him the success he is TODAY. 

Being himself and being real. 

Until then, it was all fake BS and Sly will be the FIRST to admit this himself. 

Hes in hallowed company. Yours truly in 2019 lost track as wel to a degree. 

Admittedly I kept writing, kept producing books etc. 

Admittedly I didnt forget about the business. 

Admittedly I had several other profitable irons in the fire, and it happens sometimes. It's happene dto Napoleon Hill too - him of the pathbreaking Think and Grow Rich who let success go to his head (I didn't let it go to mine, even when I was making sales beyond my wildest dreams!) and its happened to tons of others. 

But no excuses, I wasn't going full steam on it! 

And I figured it out the hard way multiple times in my life. Trust me! 

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. 

Hill fell, so did Sly, so did I at a certain point, and we all thankfully realized the error of our ways. 

Anyway, what does this have to do with you and FITNESS? 

Well,one of my best and greatest customes Charles Mitchell once said the following. 

"The reason you ain't as rich as Jeff Bezos is becuase your books aren't for everyone. Most people would say "F that" when they look at your stuff ! your training is not for pansies and pussies! Keep challenging us, and never become a trainer that goes easy to sell more books". 

"You could, but that ain't you!" 

I'm amalgamating two quotes and writing in my own words but WORRY NOT! 

I will NEVER EVER do that. 

My man cave may be made of gold, but it's still a damned man cave, and I still take a dump daily on a normal "throne" and clean the damned thing myself. 

(no Bozo Schofields please! Hehe). 

Thats another thing he asked Josie. 

"Can I clean your bathroom Madam". 


Really, Glyn!

The things people love ... and get off to. 

But anyway, my workouts will only get tougher if anything else. 

PROOF is in the pudding - decidely UNBOZO like pudding. 

Check it out HERE


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - And no, the introductory price won't last forever so if you're smart you'll jump now on this TREASURE TROVE and get it NOW. 

PS #2 - Bozos and louts understand one damn thing - the power of the FIST and muscle, hehe. The LOOK. And to get that sort of look - well - Barnstormer Shoulders will DO it for you! 

(Remember the old Fast and Furious Fitness page - I mentioned it there too, and it's damned TRUE). 

PPS 1 - But really, back to LOUTISH nonsense - my aunt - one of them - once made the point about "well, they throw snowballs at us in NY too!" 

Maybe thats bad too, but it's NOWHERE near as bad. Trust me! Naughty kids is one thing, adults engaging in this sort of thing?


An adult "male" TUSKER

Both priceless and unpadronable. 


An adult male tusker on the RAMPAGE!


So says Rahul Mookerjee! And I'm damn right on this one (and everything I say, because unless I'm not, I keep my trap SHUT, hehe). 


PPS #2 - I WILL kDSCN0627_BW.jpgeep saying it, and for those that will bitch and moaon I care NOT about offering SO CALLED Indian, Chiense, Bhutanese, Bozo-nese, Westernese, Martianese, Poop-nese, Peking-ese, Ape-nese so called frigging cultures. Akel ke Dushamn as the lovely wife says. 

PPS # ... - My tutor in grade 10 was a great Sikh gentleman. And amongst many other outstanding people of that faith I've been priveleged enough to know, thats why (another reaosn) I love Sikh culture. Forward thinking! 

MR Bhalla even called me after the 911 attacks to find out how I was. Now thats a true dude! Thank you, Sir!

trump tank

Trump 2020 FOREVER.  

First, I Say wannabe's, because compared to the Bozo-ness of the Glyn we all chuckle at, there are NO OTHERS that come close - - can come close - or ever will. 

In terms of sheer lunacy and idiocy, he truly does take the cake (and he eats a lot of it too looking at that massive ponderous belly of his, and worse, from areas you wouldn't dream of ever "eating" anything from - he truly is the "pits" if you get my drift on that one). 

NO, I AM NOT lying on this! 

In fact, in the near future I'll share a tale of a Domina he pestered to "let her be her servant" (after a certain lady Josie roundly blocked and booted him figuratively off her WeShat list). 

But anyway, what with the sudden "spate" of unsubscribes? 

Well, for some reason, the "my wife called me a bull" email - which I started off by saying is NOT a PG rated email and is NOT intended to be quite obviously - caused this. 

Along wth one sale for the book so far - the paperback at that. 

Clearly what I wrote about yesterday i.e. I'd rather have ONE genuine customer than 100 idiots holds true. 

And clearly, mention the Bozo = sales. 

The most astounding this? 

I'm simply being honest in terms of what I say about the Bozo - in fact, he's proved it publicly himself. 

In terms of what my wife says? 

It's hilarious, but again, I'm just being honest!

In terms of everything I do, say, and will ever do, say and have ever done, and said - it's this - I'm brutally honest to a FAULT and I will only be MORE that way in the future. 

You either love me, or you hate me, and the list of haters and lovers is legion. 

But anyway, here is why I dont lose any sleep over unsubscribes and even welcome them - a few reasons - 

One, these people aren't buyers. They're wankers. 

Two, they COMPLAIN up a storm, but dont do the thing. 

Three, they're usually the "how dare he" and "it's too easy "sort (but can't do a lick of what I tell them to - um, Bozo, not backside lick - themselves). 

Four, they CLOG up the list. 

Five, like attracts like, and I dont want to attract nutjobs like that. 

Sixth, they're usually sensitive to a T, and their "women" (so they think, hehe) probably complain all the time about them not "lasting in bed" and therefore, as i thought it would, the "bull" part pissed 'em off even though I very CLEARLY said the email wasn't meant to be sex-ual in nature or have sexual inneundo. 

And seventh, well, the truth hurts. 

There, my friend. 

Thats seven reasons right there. 

I've no doubt there are 7000 more, but hey - thats enough for now. 

Pick up what is my best damned book ever, my friend right now - Animal Kingdom Workouts. 

I'll see you when you join the ranks of - truly the - SUPERHUMANS!


Rahul Mookerjee 

PS - This book isn't for skirt wearing Schofields. if that ticks off the Bozos, so be it, but I'd rather be honest up front. This book is for REAL MEN, REAL DOERS, so if you fall into that category get it NOW without a moment's delay, else click AWAY even faster. 

Saturday, 27 March 2021 05:13

Could YOU be stopping Three feet from GOLD?

I did something last night I dont do - last did back in January. 

That being, buy an Audible book. 

They have books you can "listen to" which a lot of people prefer - another great initiative by Amazon for sure, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm not much of a one for audio books. 

E books, sure. 

But listening to audio - well - y'all on this list know why I dont like to do that!

It takes up way too much time for one - I can read and assimilate FAR faster for one, and many other reasons, and plus books - it's just easy to flip to a page as opposed to find the right spot in the recording. 

Plus, I dont know. 

Some of the old books I read and the modern day voices that read 'em - it doesnt "fit right". 

Nothing against the narration or narrators, all top notch ... but well, just not my thang. 

But I did it anyway. 

I bought Three Feet from Gold, which is a book I've read before years ago, but I wanted to read it again - for some odd reason I decided to get the e-book. 

The book itself is another one of Napoleon Hill's great, great books on SUCCESS. 

But it emphasizes PERSISTENCE more than anything else, that character which is to man's character (according to Hill in Think and Grow Rich) what "carbon is to steel"). 

Many years ago, W.U. Darby, who is known for his insurance sales (he made millions from it) went with his Uncle to mine gold during the gold rush back in the day. 

To Colorado I believe. 

They drilled where they were told to - sure enough - they found gold. 

They shipped it back to be smelted. 

Sure enough! High quality gold - they congratulated themselves upon striking it big without much work! 

They continued to drill. 

But suddenly ... lo!

The gold up and DISAPPEARED. 

Franticaly, the Darby's kept digging. 

The gold just wasn't there to be found. 

Frustrated, they did what most men do when faced with defeat (temporary defeat). They GAVE UP. Sold the mine to a local junk man and went HOME. 

This junk man was no fool. 

He had been plotting to get hold of a mine for years. 

And now, the opportunity came, much like it did after years and years for Edwin Barnes, the tramp turned millionarie who traveled by goods train to meet Edison to not work for him, but WITH HIM!

As Edison said, there was SOMETHING about him that made him give him a chance when no-one else would, because he saw he had made up his MIND to get just what he wanted, and nothing else, and when someone does that, as the great Edison knew himself, literally nothing can stop the person. 

Anyway, junk man took the map of the mine to an engineer, who predicted the gold was there. 

All one had to do ? 

Was drill again - THREE FEET - YES - - from where the DArby's gave up!

The junk man made MILLIONS from that mine. 

The Darbys? 

Young Darby learned a very important lesson about never quitting and evenutally made his millions in insurance. 

When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing for a man to do is QUIT. That is exactly what most men do! 

(Napoleon Hill). 

... and this is pretty much the reason for FAILURE mor ethan anything else for most people. 

But it got me to thinking. 

Could YOU be doing the same thing? 

Fitness wise? 

Some of you come to this site, and look at the products, and instantly "oh, too expensive!". 

My friend, have you considered the GOLD in those books - laid out over YEARS AND YEARS - waiting to be mined by YOU? 

Some of you look at the workouts, and say "F ... thats too tough!" 

My friend, have you considered the value of persistence and stickability in terms of turning into a human gorilla which you WANT? 

If you want something, you put in the hard yards. You persist. You slog. You have a vision. I sure did during all those tough climbs up the HILL! And more!

Some of you are great at dreaming. 

Lets say "500 pushups per workout". 

Which is a superlative goal to have. 

Yet, when it comes to the doing, lots falter. 

"IT's too tough". 

After a month or so of doing th epushups, you STOP. 

And go nowhere. 

And get fatter and more miserable. 

My friend, could the day you STOPPED be the day you would have made great gains if you PERSISTED? 

These, and many other questions ran through my mind as I listened to the ebook, so I'm asking you . . . 

And thats that from me. Let me know - I'll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Three Feet from Gold is along with Outwitting the Devil one of Napoleon Hill's best books. And for me, I'd say Animal Kingdom Workouts along with the book on isometrics and Pushup Central. Grab all these NOW my friend. 

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