Displaying items by tag: life
Why trolls troll.
They're truly an interesting bunch and a lot of them, like Glyn for instance, are quite successful at their chosen "Trade" if you get my drift.
The basic answer "Watson" to why trolls troll is this- they're dissatisfied with their lives - SOME aspect of it - if not overall, and in typical childish fashion (trolls have the mentality of a 8 year old - so does the average person deep down inside, but the average person controls it, trolls cannot) they get "jealous" and since they can't run to mommy complaining, they get on the internet "behind the safety of their computers" and troll.
I've always laughed at these idiots who hurl abuse at cricketers during games, for one.
As Australian cricketing great Justin Langer once said (when he got REALLY pissed at a spectator - unfortunately there is only so much you can say) ...
"These people guzzling beer, 50kgs overweight..."
(guy's a martial artist - black belt - and a top former cricketer, and current coach. Full marks Justin I agree!).
Look past the BS, and you'll see plenty of things that trolls have in common - all types of trolls.
They cannot hold down a job for long, and whatever job they do get, they find a way to get canned or have disagreements in it and then "quit".
They're usually NOT financially independent and depend upon significant others - or in Glyn's case scamming - or parents -or something of that nature to stay afloat.
And, like most people - they cannot STAND harsh facts being pointed out to them.
Nothing pisses them off more (or few things) than others raking it in - in supposedly tough times - by sheer dint of hard work, stickability and persistence, perserverance, all of it . . .
The human mind is great at, as Napoleon Hill said, finding 101 reasons as to why one CANNOT do the thing as opposed to find and work the one reason they CAN.
Trolls "utilize" this weakness of the human mind (though in hindsight there is a reason why it is that way) FULLY.
They'll find excuse upon excuse to avoid facts.
They'll never give you a direct answer about their own lives, instead preferring to focus on others (like with celebrities).
Another common factor - they're inherently LAZY people.
Fitness wise, an example of a troll could be someone who is fat - but wont acknowlege it, and will say hes "big" when the facts and mirror both speak otherwise.
And some of these trolls are actually quite good at trolling "logically" - they'll use ridiculous, yet "sound good" excuses of "but thats my body type" and so forth.
I've seen so many trolls in fitness try and justify their inability to either do a proper pullup or get teh chin over the bar by saying "thats wrong for my body type".
Not, my friend. You're simply too fat and unfit is the fact. The basics and nuances of any exercise dont change, and what I pointed out above is simply what everyone knows as a fact, pull-ups aren't dont properly until you get the chin over the bar at the very least from a dead hang. Anything else, you're simply not fit and strong enough, period.
(and have too much fat around the midsection most likely).
And these trolls will defend all this vociferously - which is actually funny and sad at the same time, because when you break the argument down to facts, devoid of emotion -much like Nazi feminists - they will NEVER answer direct questions with a yes or not, facts or figures. They'll find SOME excuse to avoid a direct answer.
Given all this, trolls are actually very successful a lot of times at destroying people's lives - because people in general react to them and treat them in a manner allows them to do so. (Lawd!)
Look, I get it.
The fine line between trolling and successful marketing is VERY FINE indeed - trolls exploit basic human insecurities and "feelings" very expertly indeed.
Often times, the person being trolled won't even being realize they're being played until too late.
Not that this helps the trolls improve their own lives, but it gives them a "quick jerk off" type satisfaction that they'd never get the real thing elsewhere, so they know they make do with "what they can get". Again, pitiful, but thats how this lot is.
Successful marketing pinpoints and exploits emotion too. But it does so at the end of the day with hard facts that can be backed up with RESULTS. Trolls, well, nothing doing there.
All this being said, they're actually rather sad and pathetic people with no real lives, awkward in social situations, couldnt speak extempore if they were paid to do so, list goes on. Losers bascically and funnny jealous lil kids basically...
All this said, best thing to do with trolls, you'd think and say - and indeed it is - is to IGNORE them. Block them. And so forth.
indeed it is - its what I do too pronto, BUT there is one caveat to this.
What you "run away from" chases you.
Law of attraction, period.
Now you can block it, but with trolls, they're addicted and if what you're doing is pushing their buttons, they'll find a way to keep coming back for more.
Take Glyn for example, his alter Mungo "still" keeps coming back here after everything ...
Its like poking the bear, or pulling a tiger's tail, there is no end to it anytime soon, or at all. Hehe.
So since you can't beat 'em, next best thing? Join 'em - and profit from them.
Once you needle a troll's insecurities, you literally have it made.
Thats one of the tips I include in EVERY tip of Profit Troll, a book which deals with this subject - something which is important for a LOT of people to know and understand.
Take Glyn for example.
You should actually welcome trolls if you're trying to expand your biz, they can do the best marketing that anyone ever could for you - with you doing nothing. Literally, Glyn did it on the biggest platform out there Amazon - and when I noticed the trolling (so called reviews) he left, I didnt even have to respond. My customers, some of whom I would not even have known existed out there since they bought off Amazon were doing a mighty fine job of responding to Glyn and the other trolls!
Believe me, I milked Glyn for cash like the proverbial cash cow that year in 2020, when most businesses were FAILING.
I still do.
But he's hardly the only one - there's plenty I do the same with.
And thats what I find hilarios and funny about some of these trolls that whine "he doesnt allow negative reviews".
Look, pal, for the nth time, thats up to Amazon. I can't control reviews there even if I wanted to.
And if they detect, and its easy enough that you're reviewing books you've not bought - or have excessive profanity in - or in Glyn's case, horrible paedophile like comments (he's a confirmed pedo, unfortunately I dont know how he's still running rampant - criminals like that scamming women out of thousands of pounds, and the bobbies in the UK are more concerned with face masks...) - then yes, they will remove it, for obvious reasons- it degrades their platform, no-one wants disruptive influences in their organizations like that.
Otherwise, they'll let it remain.
Proof in the pudding, Bozo Schofield's comments are all still very much up there. If enough people complain about it they'll remove 'em, but I specifically asked my list not to complain, hehe - so most people have not.
Yet, the trolls whine ... which is what is funny. Facts, my friend, speak loud and clear.
(and, if you really want to troll in a manner that wont be removed, do it semi logically. Go to Amazon, post about how you never bought the book, yet whine about price. Hey, be honest - at least. Hehe. And relax - no-one, neither me nor Amazon will particularly give a rip. They and I both realize how whining makes businesses MONEY.)
(I can just see the trolls, especially certain ones RUSHING to Amazon now. Hehe)
Bottom line - we all have this sort in our lives, and we can ALL benefit from this sort if we know how to.
No, it ain't just business benefits you get - you can benefit in LIFE Too from this trolling, hard as you might find it to believe, and my book Profit Troll (this is part of the book) covers how in very great depth "unlike anything youve ever seen before", so, if this subject interests you, place the pre-order NOW.
Price will go UP shortly.
Oh yes, back to fitness?
Since we're talking elementary Watson, no pun intended, I put out a brief video today on the most elementary version of the pull-up I talk about in "Pull-ups - from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS" - one you MUST master before any other version of the pull-up. Even if this is all you did your entire life in proper form, you'd be in excellent shape!
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMGd5me-ZlY&t=17s
And its below at the bottom of the page as well.
Aite, I'm out.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
No pain, no gain . . .
It's an age old maxim, been passed down over the ages, like most of these maxims - holds damn true.
This evening, I was vacillating before getting into the ice cold torture chamber - or shower, hehe.
I'll admit it. I'm human too, my friend - and sometimes even I want that nice warm shower (or hot shower) all of us love so!
Yet, I went ahead eventually and jumped in the cold shower anyway - and felt great as always later.
No-one is forcing me to take ice cold showers all winter. I'm doing it of my own volition - and now that spring is finally almost here, what feels ice cold still to most people is nice and pleasant to me. Trust me, if you can take ice cold showers in an unheated house in winter with windows open, cold drafts blowing in all over the place, you're on to something.
I credit my cold showers, deep breathing and fitness routines to looking less than half my age - feeling even younger - and staying hale and healthy as a horse when nigh everyone around me is either sniffling or throwing up. Granted, its that sort of in between weather, terrible pollution everywhere, but hey. I deal with it, and seem to pass with flying colors - without having even one single tiny bottle of or tablets of Paracetemol around for an "emergency".
Think, and you will!
One of the things the guy I keep talking about that claims to want to do pull-ups, but never puts in the effort (thereby pissing me off to a degree I never speak to him at all now - loser!) - is what he said when I trained him once.
And when simple pushups brought him to his knees, and I showed him the right way to do 'em (he claimed to do 40, but could barely do 3 right).
No pain, no gain, he gasped at the end of it.
And he was right there. Of course, simply nodding the head don't rock the boat - simply saying it doesnt mean a damned thing until you DO. And he doesnt, so it don't count.
I was going to do this as a video, then decided to write it.
Boy, I'm growing to love videos as much as writing! Well, maybe not as much - as YET. Hehe. Early days yet, in a couple of months we've made giant leaps on that channel, more than what people do in years - anyway - back to it - its sad what society has become.
Let me tell you, and this is a real damn story - when you're in wrestling class, and you're the coach, and you can't put any sort of basic hold like an armbar (note - I just mean putting the hold on, not hurting the other person) on your pupils - and why? Because you're too worried the parents will sue you or otherwise report you or some nonsense for "hurting your child".
True story.
Compare this to Bret Hart's childhoold, growing up, his mom talks about the screams of pain emanating from the basement for hours as Stu Hart put the kids Bret, Owen and the rest through their paces with wrestling and other training.
Is it any wonder Bret literally turned out as the "excellence of execution" - a strappjng, solid, tough - technically superb wrestler (ok, its the WWE, but even there, Bret's skills showed and shone!)
I doubt he would have been even close to that if child services or some bullshit showed up at the Hart's door demanding to know why the kids were being pushed...
Same thing in my daughter's basketball class, guy's a great coach, genuinely likes kids, yet, every time he pushes them, they wimp out, and some idiot mother shows up to argue with him about "times are different these days", its not "that time" any more.
What time?
Back when we were tough and played all day long, when scrapes, brusies, even coming home with head bleeding (yours truly) -and worse was par for the course?
I'm not saying the brutal beatings and sometimes downright sadistic punishments handed down at school are required - no, there is a line, but these days, we've crossed way too far over to the other side.
High school coach makes his kids do pushups.
And gets kicked out of his job pretty much - why? Because the kids got put in hospital ... for what? For doing 300 pushups in an hour. And remember, these kids are supposed to be high school football players!
Child protective services is investigating him apparently.
Child protection my ass.
I've written about that before, of course - 300 pushups in an hour, even in hot weather is SLACKNG. You bang out 500 an hour if you're doing it right, give or take, and pushups should be like breathing for football players, unfortunaely it isn't - most prefer to hit the weights apparently (unless its a Herschel Walker or true doer).
Boxers and wrestlers by very dint of their sport seem to be the only ones these days that appreciate the no pain, no gain maxim and GAIN from it.
Look, life, fitness, business, the real rewards only come after a lot of pain,there is no other way any sort of real growth happens.
Writing it down on a paper, twirling beads and chanting mantras aint gonna get it done.
The PAIN and going through it is what makes you grow and if you're resilient enough, you come through to the other side.
Perhaps thats yet another reason other than the immense value I provide you with in my fitness books knowledge wise, my workouts are that damn brutal.
You either sink or swim, no in between.
I've been made to do that all my life.
I've always come out on top.
I believe so can you, if you dont piss, moan, groan and whine, and get down to brass tacks - and DO.
Pushup Central, Animal Kingdom Workouts, 0 Excuses Fitness - in fact ALL My courses will make you very sore when you first start, they wont stop challenging you even when you're at advanced level.
But if you back away from "pain", you might as well not be here my friend.
Like customers have said, "my courses aren't for the faint of heart".
And thats how we prefer it around here , true doers, a very exclusive and loyal band of customers and supporters, and so we grow ...
Alright, thats it for this one. Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
The one law that makes no damn sense to me.
For obvious reasons, I will and always have - held everything American and America in general - very close to my heart, and truly respected. The country has done a hell of a lot for me without knowing it - so has China, so has every place I've been to, visited - nay, LIVED - I've always maintained simply visiting dont cut it. You have to LIVE there, get into the culture, build relationships - even when I travel, I'd rather spend time in one place than run helter skelter all over the place like a chicken with its head cut off deeply in love ... hehe. Women love that tho!
The real America - not the tom foolery the Liberals want to turn it into - just clarifying. Real old school "pull thy sleeves up America" - when American manufacturing was strong, American craftsmanship truly the best in the world.
Anyone even remember them days??
Anyway - old timers aside, every place has some things about it that must be called out.
And the drinking age in the US is one of them.
I mean goddang it, you can fight wars at 18, die for your nation, join the Marines, you can vote - whatever good that does, lol - but you can't buy a damn beer?
I remember being constantly pissed about that law, and finding inventive ways to break it. Like growing out my beard. Hehe. Age of 19, I'd look 26...
Or, NOT being a "definite" - which was our definition of a pothead back in school. Hehe.
Or, getting the girlfriend to buy it. No fake ID's tho, hehe. Some things I draw the line at ... I still remember up in NY, not having a driver's license initially (when I did the change over from MS to NY) - and the girlfriend who never changed hers which we didnt really need to, to be frank - the MS license was nice and plated for one, not so the NY one ... plus we weren't moving there full time ... buying 'em from me, guy in the office who'd bum cigarettes off me and apologize saying "I know your girlfriend has to buy 'em for you!" Hehe. Memories!
Sneak in, sneak out, no lengthy convos or smiles... I still remember hoping at Jr Food Mart the guy wouldn't ask for my ID. He never did. Hahah ... (and then sneaking into the dorms with it).
Lots to share with regard to my US travels as well - including, but not limited to icy cold Maine on Memorial day, lots of creeks down South - Biloxi - the casinos - And of course, Niagara Falls and the trip to Canada that never happened at the time. Hehe.
New York in general and the great times we had up there.
All of that was way before the internet took over - it was back when we had Mapquest printouts to give us directions (I still remember the ex telling me I was like her grandfather, I'd get SO pissed if someone would deviate from the set route) ...
... and a trusty camcorder I gave away to a school in 2021, hehe (in India).
Along with my old Toshiba...
Tons of memories, too many to list here.
Fitness wise, here are some ...
And I'll have more on this later. BAck soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
The type of guy (or girl) I respect the MOST.
The other day - last afternoon, actually, the wife was in one of her very rare good moods - and the lunch she dished up, my!
It sure did prove the good mood, and she demanded to know where the daughter's "leads" (her way of saying headphones) were.
For some reason the chip off the old block runs through stuff pretty quick, unlike her old man who seems to reuse certain things till you cannot use them no more. "Thats a perfectly good car", as Jeff Bezos - well on his way to becoming a billionaire - once said about his beat down Honda! Hehe.
I respect guys like that - not for driving beat down cars, or being practical alone - yes, those reasons, but because .... they did it THEMSELVES.
Bootstrapped, ok, Bezos had help from his Dad initially which is more than what a lot of us get, but still - he is to me the modern day version of Henry Ford, and that takes some doing.
"I'm buying it", I went. "But I want to get a good quality one, like the one I have, not just one of those cheap ones".
When I told the wife how much it cost, after she asked - she grinned and shook her head - "I'm not spending that much".
And then.
Partly in jest.
"Buy one for me too!"
Anyway, story behind this - I want to get the daughter the same headphones I have - good quality - and the guy that advertises them or used to, at any rate - a Bollywood actor I hardly ever watch, I've barely seen any of his movies.
But, guy's in SHAPE.
Real shape.
He's a dancer.
Yes, he does tons of pull-ups!
More than his fitness though - he STRUGGLED.
His family did all but disown him for not bending to their desires. I can identify for sure, and I can identify with the old Maruti Zen he literally lived out of while struggling to make it big which he finally made it "in some regards" big.
I'm sure he remembers those days.
I'm sure he wouldn't exchange the struggles for ANYTHING. I know I wouldn't. If you ain't run from pillar to post, been at the very edge of desperation with one foot hanging well over the cliff of utter, abject failure then you aint lived in all regards, and you're not qualified to talk about any sort of success, period.
I should know. Been there, done that - in the trenches. Thats the sort of dude I respect - big time!
Anyone that makes it on their own - I respect that person.
And like I told the wife.
"Shahid Kapoor advertises it. It's a vibe. He wouldn't just sell shit..."
And I know.
It's a vibe, hard to explain, one of those things, you cannot fake GENUINE people!
Anyway ... the old Zen.
I had one of those, a golden colored Zen, and when I first got it, it might well have been "Punchy" the Dog in Rocky Balboa that the teenaged son (Lil Marie's son) did not want to get initially.
Beat down, depressed, dead, not unlike the dog that shows up next to me EVERY TIME I work out - even when I shoo it away. You've seen that dog, I've shooed it away but it keeps coming back, and I've decided to accept it for now. Hey. Some things!
That car - nothing worked except the engine. I still remember driving it up without brake fluid up the hills of India, if you can do that, now you've got some serious balls (driving on those narrow Himalayan roads - just Google if you dont believe me. Hehe). I still remember a case where I almost pissed my pants driving in the jungles in the dark, lost ... Anyway thats a tale I've covered before, but for now?
The ZEN.
And yours truly at that time, truly phat phocker. Hehe.
There's a famous photo of me on Instagram, chowing down on snacks with a beer in hand at 11 AM in the morning - from one of my favorite places to visit. Hehe.
Those of you on Instagram have seen it.
And for now, here's the trip down memory lane you must read about - - A 5 day road trip to Dalhousie/Khajjiar - Team-BHP
This will be part of the travelogues series I plan on coming out with soon - which will have details on my travels back Stateside (yes, the US is a massive country with lots to see!) - China (another massive country) - maybe Russia someday in the future too. And more - and India, of course.
For now, thats that.
And remember, for hard hitting life info that works unlike what the self help so called Gurus tell you - Zero to Hero! - and Gumption Galore are the tickets.
Thats that then - enjoy the link above!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Notice the calves in the photo. Some might call me "strong" - indeed, many did back then- reality though, I was PHAT. Hehe. Lesson coming from someone thats been there - and done that.
Listen to me, YOU will catapult yourself from woefully unfit to the ranks of the elite too ...
Ps #2 - I was sort of forced into selling the trusty Zen when I moved to the Middle East for a short period, something I shouldn't have done, but running on the beaches, and them boxing workouts were cool!
But I still remember almost crying - literally - when I sold it off.
So many hours invested into rebuilding that car, standing around for hours in the hot sun with mechanics, learning everything I could about cars from it ..
I know the guy I sold it to, he still has the car.
Hehe. some things, OLD is truly GOLD!
Was I always this good at video?
As always, there is a long answer, and a short one.
Short answer - NO!
Much like with my workouts - much like with a lot of other things that are now second nature for me - no.
Except for a couple of skills I have which even my worst critics would be hard pressed to (or they don t, actually) say I'm "poor at" (remember, if even trolls won't troll you on it, it means something, hehe) - everything else I am good at, very good at, damn good at - was LEARNED - through EXPERIENCE, not a teacher teaching me.
Being in the trenches, life is the best teacher.
Age 19, final presentation for Dr P, a guy from Poland at USM where I went to school at, almost applied for grad school there too.
I still remember my friend coming up to me after the presentation saying "I could see your fingers shaking as you gripped the mouse".
I was so damn nervous doing it, I could barely sleep the night before (well without beer, hehe) - and I can't figure out till this date how I even talked while doing it - or wasn't laughed out of the class as I thought I would be (answer to #2 - people are usually far more forgiving if they see you TRYING).
Now, part of this was due to the fact I wasn't prepared for the presentation as well as I should have been, part because this prof paid GREAT or laid, I should say - emphasis on DRESS code - if you were dressed up in a shirt and tie, you were guaranteed to not fail at least - and I wasn't, obviously - but most of it, I was thinking "man, thats nervous, what will people think, how will I look like" and so forth.
I once called out an almost 40 year old on here for being a nervous 16 year old out on a date with her crush - well, he's worse than that, he's even being prompted by a script! - but that time, age of 19, or maybe 18 - yours truly - same boat.
All the years of teaching in China - believe me, getting in front of a class ain't that easy either - especially when and as I did it - never having done it before, picking it up on the fly - well, one reason why "crowds" and giving speeches dont bother me none no more ; in fact I look forward to it.
My mental mindset, another reason.
But a huge, huge part of it is the confidence knowing that I'm in teaching mode - or talking mode - or a combo therein ... and knowing I'm an expert on what I do choose to talk about, and results backing it up.
Of course, nothing beats practice, day in and day out, or learning in the trenches.
People take classes for years to develop these skills, and a lot never do despite that.
And when you have teachers like the one my wife has who claims "say I'm rich, and you'll be rich!" 108 times - or sticking a piece of paper on the wall with your goals (latest is she wants to be a (or rather "is" - emphasis on quotes for a reason) professional "tarot healer" and "is" (when she isn't) earning x amount per month" and a lot other gobbledook - its stuck on the wall in pain sight - I mean plain sight, hehe - for all to see) and other rot - its not surprising that most people attract the polar opposite of what the gurus say they will.
Of course, the gurus are off vacationing on some island with these shmuck's hard earned money.
Man, I can just imagine the horror on Napoleon Hill's face if he saw this tripe, the "is" crap aside, while claiming to draw from his line of philosophy (which works, is taken from Emerson and other greats, who in turn got it from the Universe and so forth) - jeez, talk about violating the cardinal principle of goal setting, or one of them - that being "tell the world what you're going to do, but SHOW 'em first".
This above was accompanied by the drawing of a doorway which is good, but again - it should be kept private, not stuck in "the corner of the house that attracts the most Vastu" (Indian for Feng Shui) and other nonsense.
The lunacy .. ah.
Really, to the people who say my stuff is expensive - I could really rake it in by growing a long beard, throwing on saffron robes and becoming a Baba. Hehe.
But I wont.
Duping people ain't my thing.
Kicking their RUMPUS into high gear - in all regards - is.
And thats that!
Thanks a TON for all the comments on the videos, live streams etc - again, for a guy who never thought he'd be doing 'em - he's thrilled to do 'em now!
And thats that.
If you're looking for some great, great down to earth books with life tips -not hacks, tips - you can use to benefit yourself, real world, practical USEABLE tips, not nonsensical hocus pocus tricks/affirmations that go nowhere - then Gumption Galore! - and Zero to ... HERO! are your babies. I'll have more on this subject out in the future as well.
Oh, years later, or two actually after that presentation, I had one with Dr Ali, but that dude was SO cool and laidback he passed everyone - including myself who had NO clue of the artificial intelligence presentation he did in class ... Hehe. And I wasn't nervous either, well, somewhat, but nowhere near as with the first guy, but the prof was so cool and laidback, so were the students... hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
Well,since YouTube age restricted my pet fuckin peeve (one of them - no jokes please) - and no, I'm not going...
... to appeal their motherfuckin decision either. Though it would make perfect (non) sense that a liberal leaning channel like Youtube would choose to "age restrict" something which than part of the title is perfectly appropriate for all age groups and is common sense more than anything - which ain't all that common in today's fuckin world.
I swear, some of the ladies working in houses etc around India and the subcontinent, the downtrodden women who this same society doesnt even permit to sit on the same chairs or use the same bathrooms as their employers do - and this isnt just about India by the way - society in general has descended into utter tom foolery and "pander to lazy buffoons" and "white knights pandering to entitled brats" - and what not - but it's working class people everywhere - India, China, good ole TX - and so forth -t hat make the most sense these days as opposed to the so called educated moronic cunts - both male and female - out there (and in between too, if you're Schofield and his / her ilk).
They sit around in the park gossipping, complaining, not that I have ever given two or more flying fucks (or less) for either male or female oriented or origin gossip, but the language they use, these ladies, my, some of it would make a sailor blush. More to the point though, what they say makes perfect sense - after all, these people work for a living as opposed to the vast majority of government/wife teat addicted liberal nutjobs out there ...
My wife was spot on (doesn't happen too often does it) when she mentioned women cuss even more than men do.
Try getting today's addled society to acknowledge this though - and of course, men can't do it, but women can? Huh?
Maybe I should do what I wanted to the other day - there was a couple of girls doing "Instagram fitness" (ie. one min bursts of so called ab exercise while making sure their tits and tummies were on full show, and their spanking new spandex and what not) and spending more of their time searching for the right music to accompany the video as opposed to actually take the video ... i was going to invite them over with me for filming.
I'm 100 % positive they wouldn't mind - with all the corners of the eyes going on for one, if you get my drift.
But with a woman around, or she-male, or whatever goddamned definition fits today's liberal brain in terms of "acceptable" - or "he-female" - or what not -Youtube would gladly never ban even the most risque of content, let alone age restrict something that isn't even anywhere near risque.
Anyway ...
check out the video below.
And if you're not into common sense, might as well click the PHOCK away - NOW.
Basically, its about a pet peeve of mine other than white knights - that being people interrupting me with inanity during my fuckin workouts, and I gave these people a piece of my common sense addled mind, and rightly so.
Respect a person's time, folks
Just because you're lazy and choose to do F all doesn't mean EVERYONE is like that.
Dont come up to someone obviously busy with something and interrupt with inanity like "can I borrow your sunglasses" or ask dumbass questions like "still using this phone" or "when will you go to cHina".
Like fuck off, pal, none of it is your damned business, especially not when I'm working out. Live and let the fuck live ...
And thats that - more in the video.
Sign in to see it ...
And thats that.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Probably the best part about the 0 Excuses Fitness System, even more so than the stellar results it brings - it infuses a healthy dose of practicality and common sense into anyone with enough sense to get on the program. 'nuff said.
300 pushup punishments? Pah!
I was recently reading about a story on the news where apparently a high school in what is BY far my favorite state in the US of A - the Lone Star State - has been placed on leave because he made kids do 300 - 400 pushups as punishment for something, and the kids ended up in the hospital - and he got put on leave.
Now, these weren't your regular kids - they were apparently kids on the high school football team of all things.
Of course no further details are forthcoming on the incident, what prompted the punishment, why it happened, the kids background, none of it.
I've got a feeling the media is looking to spin this into more of a witch hunt and demand for yet more mollycoddling in today's already weak and pathetic society (though its good to know some hard asses and old timers like us are doing what we can to change things - I dont know what the background of this is, if YOU reading this do, let me know - but I'd personally say well done coach!) ...
Anyway, 300 - 400 pushups in an hour as punishment?
In one freaking hour?
Thats EASY PEASY! And I bet the coach didnt make them do styles of pushups I teach you in Pushup Central - which at the age of 42 if I can rock out 500 pushups every day with the sun blazing down on me - with no "water bottle" handy by the way - then so can high school athletes.
I dont know if these kids were like a former friend Charles who claims up and down he's "big but not fat" - and that he "wrestled" in high school so has huge legs, but when PRESSED on it, he admitted that "football was more his jazz". (and the way he said, exactly the same way Glyn denied having all the strange, or maybe not, fetishes and sexual preferences etc we all have - deep down inside ... like dude, at least be honest, that is a START)..
Weightlifting is big in football, probably those idiotic machines too these days - Herschel Walker would have a coronary. Hehe.
And so these kids, I've no idea what their physical fitness levels were like, but Id hazard a guess and say atrocious given they were athletes - and that they were what most kids unfortunately are these days - dumbphone addicted mollycoddled BRATS.
This goes both ways, of course, Ill tell you more beneath - but get any weightlifter doing the routines and exercises in Pushup Central, and they might end up in the hospital too if they haven't conditioned themselves for those workouts - or Battletank Shoulders workouts (as customers have said "not for the faint of heart!!") - or if they dont, as is shown in the books, WORK UP TO IT!
You dont jump straight from a perch on el couchola for years to do 500 pushups a day, for one.
I still remember Charles Mitchell, whose an avid Pushup Central customer and ex cop telling me about how the fingertip pushups in there are FAR tougher than what his karate instructor taught him.
And they are!
Knuckle pushups are taught a lot in karate which is great, but nothing beats fingertip pushups - although some instructors do teach em - I remember a Korean dude who reportedly did 50 fingertip pushups daily (in college) and was a black belt or something at .. karate, I believe.
My thoughts and memories on all this - if I'd have to say it in one line - same as I've said above
Kids, and society in general have turned into molly coddled, dumbphone addicted idiots and WEAKLINGS.
Very few real men and women left out there.
Back in high school, I remember the PE "final exam" when I was 17 - how the girls threw the shot put farther than I did, how the guys beside me exhorted me to do better - but I couldn't - I had no fitness background growing up, I was not strong or conditioned though I sure as hell had ambitions to be, but those ambitions were CRUSHED by my mother who believed in the usual "studies rule" rot - and "he thinks he's soooooo strong!" every time I wanted to do something physical.
Goes both ways though like I said, my reading habit which got inculcated in me due to sheer necessity - well, thats held me in good stead as you can tell - both communication wise and writing wise! I'd often have my favorite novel in my desk drawer beneath my school books when I was supposed to be preparing for exams. Hehe. Turns out the chip off the old block does something similar too, but anyway - fitness - well, I remember being sore for days after that exam which involved a run too in the heat.
Little did I know years later I'd be hiking hills daily in extremely hot and humid "tropical jungle like weather" (one minute it rains, the next minute the sun's out - so hot - that the clothes stick to your back again!) where people were literally fainting around me, and I'd be dripping trails of sweat up and down that hill.
THIS is hill climbing, as Kelly, a student of mine rightly said!
The same father who once mocked me for "wanting a pipe attached to the heavens" every time I wanted a water break during tennis on Sundays (which I hated - but loved the swimming!) - then said "you're a bonafide fitness maniac now!"
Seeing me do pushups shirt off in the park out there - I sometimes wonder what they think. Hehe.
Back in eighth grade, when the beatings administered at home for cutting class or what not did not work, I remember my teacher menacingly glaring at me in school, telling my parents - or me, rather "I'll take care of you HERE the next time!"
And our punishments were nigh brutal, my friend - the punishments we got in school?
Being forced to stand in awkward positions for hours, worse than kneeling on rice and such, repeated blows to the back of the head (ugh, I hate that!) - being hit with implements and such - all when we were KIDS - today's kids would go straight to the hospital for sure with some of that, so when he said brutal, he meant it.
Then again, in their days brutal meant getting beaten at home if they showed up one minute late from play ....
I gotta say though, though my dad and myself dont like each other to the point we avoid each other by walking in opposite directions when we see each other - even in a setting like a wide open park - he's OK when it comes to FACTS.
Put facts in front of him, and he will put his like or dislike of the person aside, and acknowledge facts - which I do as well if required, so I can respect that.
He might not be the ideal father, or know how to teach - but thats OK. I picked up the slack on that one!
Anyway .........
On that note, exercise as punishment?
I remember teaching kids at Hanlin School in China, I've taught kids for YEARS - and in PE class and what not, they were supposed to be playing soccer, and instead?
They'd be coming up to me doing pull-ups!
Certainly not because I told them to.
Hell, I was happy enough with them playing soccer - it gave me more time to work on my pull-ups, which being I was the only instructor there in any sort of shape to do pull-ups - I did, and the rest of the teachers just stood around and looked.
And the kids of course like the little monkeys they were, showed up wanting to imitate me, and long story short - pictures of me with those kids in my arms getting the over the bar are likely still floating around somewhere in that school.
Not that I didn't teach them well academically - like my Taekwondo instructor once said "hey, I study too!" - there's pictures of me with those kids on my lap learning English (Admittedly I was missing my own daughter a lot during those days, but thats life - happens!).
My daughter's basketball instructor is a great guy, solid teacher, and genuinely likes working with kids.
And he makes them do exercises that are GOOD for them at their age.
He teachers all age groups...
And the kids of course find every excuse to show up late to skip running or what not ...
There's only so much he can push, of course, or some idiot mother will show up demanding to know "why you're torturing my fat child".
Society these days.. ugh.
So back to the current case - more details please, and I've got a feeling much like cops are made the target of witch hunts for simply doing their damned jobs - the coach is being villianised here as well.
If I'm wrong, write back, tell me why, I'll gladly "eat my words" if warranted.
Like a great English journalist had to do back in in the day - 1983 - when India won a cricket World Cup no-one gave them a snowballs's chance in hell of winning -so much so that India wasn't even granted passes to the hallowed "Lords" (the home of cricket, much like the MCG in Australia) - that was only for the white boys apparently, with the West Indies having barrelled their way into the club a while back.
Interesting, these tales.
The great Tony Greig claiming he'd make the West Indies grovel in front of England, then after they hammered the Poms, Grieg literally went down on a knee in public and groveled. Hey. Great guy, I love him - and thats what you gotta do! (i.e. back your talk up).
Same thing for English journo, after India won that world cup, he literally put his words in a glass of wine and drank it. Hehe.
Those were the days, Indian captain Kapil Dev - even after winning a world cup they went to bed hungry because no-one had money for food (despite playing for the national team), everything around was closed, at training they'd only get VERY limited rations ...
Yet, they did.
No wonder Kapil hates the molly coddling as much as I do ...
Pushup Central, my friend, is not for sissies and crybabies - if you aint the sort that can deal with old school brutal workouts, dont get it!
But coach in TX - hey, if someone knows his number or email, send it to me- I'll send him the link - he would LOVE the book - and its EXACTLY what is required for kids these days, especially those claiming to be athletes.
And thats that - - back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - I've said it before - if you're going at a good cliip, you do 500 pushups in one HOUR (ie approx 15 minute blocks for every 100). Or thereabouts. And 300-400 in an hour, even in hot weather, easy peasy. Pah!
The plight of the unheard, long suffering, much ignored "daddies" ...
Pun NOT even intended, to be honest - hehe - in fact this might well extend to "daddies" in that regard too if you get my drift.
But before you wonder what exactly I'm on about now - though those in the know already "know" - let me preface with a bit of history with my daughter's Whatsapp school group.
This group is one in which the most inane of issues are discussed, usually by women, and of course if you know how kids are these days, it's the polar opposite from when we were growing up, so the group is usually jampacked with mothers discussing which kid forgot which HW, which kid fought with which, and so forth.
"In our day we simply headed off to the woods to play!"
I remember Alan Murray saying that in a sage manner at Balboa School ... hehe.
I agree with him.
The unsaid part was the extreme mollycoddling these days, NOT good at all for kids - and it shows - both physically and in their mental and physical health as well. My daughter for one seems to have picked up this indigestion problem and a hacking cough from shoving too much junk down the gullet and very little real exercise unfortunately (Kiddie Fitness days seem to have been put on the backburner - more on this below!) ...
Anyway, this group - any time there is any real issue that requires someone to speak up, of course, no-one wants to be as Uncle Bob once put it "the nail that sticks out the most also gets hammered the most".
When my daughter was being bullied at school beyond a limit, other than telling her to smack the dude one (and she did with me standing right there and so was dudes Dad) - I also posted a brief paragraph in the whatsapp group - brief by my standards in hindsight.
The silence in that group, it was like a Russian bomb fell on it or something. ...
Everyone agreed with what I said.
No-one had the balls to say it publicly or even agree in public which I thought was pathetic, but liberals these days - well - thats how they are.
More recently, and I believe I wrote about this to the list - mothers were complaining about their kids having to do "more physical activity" in school (two extra days of dance or something, which to me was an excellent thing, the kids needed it BADLY).
Of course, the complaints started from the kids, then in the group, and I posted I was personally HAPPY this was going on, with all the other rot in the school and the sorry excuse that passes for "education" these days - at least their health is improving, albeit temporarily.
That was the gist of it, I was far more polite and verbose (yes, I can be very formal when I need to be!).
(because if I wasn't some idiot teacher would no doubt find a way to take it out on my daughter).
Pindrop silence again.
My wife, who often says "these people's food doesnt digest without a good fight in the group" said that night "you're taking the Mickey out of them" (in Hindi).
I was stating a fact, and an obvious one at that, and it goes to show how far society has fallen and how damned pathetic people have become in general when such facts are greeted with stoic silence and "oh my God, what did he just SAY!".
Two ladies agreed.
I'm sure more did too.
One added me on whats app and then pretended "I did that by mistake".
Right, my dear, that New Year's greeting I got was by mistake too?
And that brings me to the central point of this.
New Year's greetings were being passed around the group, but for some reason, all I saw repeatedly was "Happy New Year to all the mommies" and kids saying it to each other ...
This happened thrice before I just had to chime in - I thought twice before doing it, but instinct took over. you know me!
I quoted a lady, and responded thus -
"And the poor, much ignored daddies too" ...
I suffixed that with several smiling emoticons, given all the females in that group. They love 'em!
All females love emoticons. Hehe.
And sure enough, pin drop silence again as if to say "thats truly the bottom line" has been said, and then ...
A couple of the ladies giggled and said "good one".
More likely agreed.
One reason they dont talk a lot to me is the language barrier, I suppose, but more than that - its the fact I THINK Differently and they can tell.
Its also the whole "he's from the US, who does he think he is!" nonsense people have in their minds ....
But either way - point and why I said this - well, it's true.
When was the last time you saw a Dad get wished on Father's Day - or on his birthday - without strings attached?
When was the last time women actually spoke to a man without money being involved or "I need this or that".
I could potentially die tomorrow, and my "family" would probably just shrug and say "we dont know what happened" - thats how dysfunctional it is these days - and it ain't just my family either.
And whats most aggravating, these damned women spoil the kids's health - their mental state - all for their own petty purposes. Hell, my daughter and I used to to go the park, for Granny "thats not good" - and for Mommy "she shouldn't take videos out there to benefit YOU!"
Its utter BS, like I need someone to take videos anyway - that was done to benefit my daughter, give her some skills other than sitting in front of the blasted dumbphone all day, and as a bonus we'd do Kiddie Fitness together, she NEVER had any health issues like she does now, yet, trying to reason with these blockheaded women is like banging one's head against the vault in Fort Knox.
Didnt you know, they are women, so they can get away with bloody murder and you can't do squat about it.
Women, my friend, and the liberal Bozo men that enable them have literally turned men into expendable sticks of meat to be roasted, grilled, BBQ'ed and shat out later.
Even "sugar daddies" face the same thing - lol - they wouldn't be called that without cash i.e "human ATM".
And men love it apparently - the vast majority of buffoons out there.
No, not ALL Women are like that - but the vast majority are.
The only ones I know that are NOT of that bent of mind are usually Republican too - just sayin ...
It's always been this way with women, my friend. Bottom line tho - the reason society wasn't this dysfunctional before is MEN were real men back in the day, and wouldn't ever put up with a lot of the shit that men take for "reality" these days.
No, not all those women in the group are Nazi feminists, but good part - I'd benefit if they were. Hehe.
Point is this, there are still a few real men out there like yours truly who dont believe in this crap, who believe in true equality, goose and gander and so forth ...
And deep down inside, most of the liberal men know what I am saying is true too.
And if YOU want to break free of the Nazi feminist shackles, and not only benefit from it - but PROFIT from it at the highest levels possible - well - crack open my course on doing so NOW.
Whining about it wont help (no-one cares about male problems or feelings, women, of course, the slightest little thing turns into a tsunami worth of global media attention apparently), neither will fighting it directly. Society's too far gone for that. Instead if you can't beat 'em - join 'em - to WIN against them in the only manner possible - but its a GRAND manner indeed - and YOU will have the last laugh ...
I know lots of men feel this way, but wont speak up - change that - but do so i.e. speak up in the right manner, and at the right place/time, but dont ignore how you feel. The more men that jump onto the bandwagon, the better it is not just for men, but society in general.
Never accept second place or being relegated to little less than a human cash cow or something to that effect - if you're a real man, that is - and there's precious few of us remaining out there.
GET the course now, implement, win, and laugh all the way to the bank (especially tip #26 in the book! - so sage it's #26...).
And thats that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Be sure to check out the related - somewhat - in general - video I did on this at the bottom of this page. Lots more to come in this regard; stay tuned.
End of 2022 - BLOWOUT SALE!
Here it is -
First off, for you RETURNING CUSTOMERS - and note, if youve bought from us on Amazon or other sites etc - - then to me, you're a returning customer, but you have to email me here so I can set you up on this site as well - - then you get an automatic 25% FAT - or flat, hehe - discount off your cart provided you have at least three products in the cart and for a change, NO minimum order "value" required - all that is required is three products to be there in your cart, and that is it (and for you to be logged in when you make the purchase).
Second, for everyone - returning customers included, of course - a flat 20% discount assuming your cart value is at least $100 - no product limitations!
So those are two great sales, as you can tell, we value our returning customers and customers in general - very highly!
Lots of you have been waiting to get products, NOW is the time my friend.
Strike while the iron is HOT - this sale is slated to end Jan 1, 2023 - but I doubt I will let it last even that long, so hurry - it ends at the stroke of midnight TODAY i.e. Dec 31, 2022.
And speaking of hot ?
Well, this sale is hot - but THIS is the story behind it!
And thats that.
Get your buying on NOW.
Rahu lMookerjee
Troll update
Well, well, well!
As we head into 2023 - I'm thrilled with what lies ahead - and how far we've come - on all our businesses (although I have to admit, the fitness business seems to be the one attracting the most number of trolls - wankers exist everywhere, but fitness for some reason has sadly turned into a pissing contest of "who can sell what for cheaper" which is sad ... as with anything else, the real goods always come at a price - a huge price - which is life too my friend, and you get the benefits accordingly too).
Anyway - the trolls seem to have had, for the most part, an especially rocky Christmas. One fat troll was so enthused by the the turkey this year he, if reports are to believed, even sneakily ate up most of the wifes turkey, then claimed "it was a small bird, costs are rising" or some rubbish, ate up all the bread etc, drank all the booze up in the house too - didnt get out of bed the next day - did so irritated the day after - and then promptly started his trolling which is now bordering not just on lunatic, but downright desperate. More on that later... but it reminds of a certain Schofield who once showed up at Charles's house in Jieyang, refused to budge, I still remember the aggravation in Charles's voice when he sent me those voice notes about Glyn.
"he sits in a room all day trolling people, eats all my food, drinks all my beer, NEVER pays me for it ; makes a royal mess, doesnt clean up after himself" (he didnt quite include the part about Glyn taking off with his girlfriend's underwear - ugh - that came out later as he was tonked out rather unceremoniously on the road, face down in underwear on a street in Jieyang - someday I'll post that famous pic here. Hehe).
Then a lot of them have figured out their financial situation isn't about to get any better (mostly because they're so damned lazy) - so they've decided to go down the SJW route apparently, and write long rants on Amazon about "why are his books so expensive!!!!!!" (not that it's any of their business, hehe).
Some like Schofield have realized it's becoming increasingly hard to work their scams from overseas on gullible old ladies - and have hunkered down in Mama's basement - and every time they feel aggravated about something which is daily, they write lengthy rants about yours truly. Hehe.
As you can tell, these trolls truly come in all shapes, sizes (ahem) and forms (double ahem).
They will ALL be mentioned in the upcoming book on profiting at the highest levels from trolls (something most people wouldn't dream of, and dont know how to do - most get angry, hate it etc - but there is a far better way of dealing with it my friend - make MOOLAH off it!) ... Profit Troll.
One of these fat muttonheads is an obese (literally) troll who regularly sends me photos of his phat self along with his boyfriend (I am NOT shitting you here) - that cannot do one single squat in proper form (and is too lazy to try, so claims "step-ups are the God of fitness" or some nonsense). There;s another who cannot do a pull-up in proper form and has a long history of cosying up to fitness guys, and then being summarily booted by each and every one of them because he neither looks the part (obese) nor can he sell anything (he lives on his wife basically, we all know him) - and then trolling them (oddly enough he never realizes his trolling is paying off for them big time, hehe) - and his latest is claiming that ... "dancers dont do pull-ups" (where this Bozo got this from only he knows) and that his fat back is the epitome of fitness ...
This ass clown does the sort of pushups where his nose touches the floor first so he doesnt have to go all the way down on a rep ...
(some of this sort have long brown "Pinoochio" like noses from poking it in where "it dont belong" - and literally, in "orifices" as Bruce once said, to "brown nose" "where it dont belong" Ewwww!)
Just bonkers that guys like this are even around, but hey. We all need the amusement. Personally for me I normally stay away from it all and just count the sales, but for me - well - sometimes even need my amusement, I have to admit, the desperation showing through in some of the trolling, most of which is ultimately centered around MONEY - is hilarious.
Give them the product for free, they'll promote it all day as the next best thing in fitness as phat boy used to do, when you call a spade a spade - ie in terms of their results and their own complete lack of fitness they throw a hissy fit and go the other extreme. Strange, and its sick how they keep coming back to me for my "approval" - end of the day they're pissed I didnt lead them out of their mess.
As Sly rightly said in ... the prison movie - Lockdown?? to a guy who kept saying "but you're our leader!"
Goddamnit, I'm not your leader!!
But true leader are followed no matter what, so they follow me, tongues out, they have to do SOMETHING in their sorry lives, so might as well troll I suppose.
Insane, the level to which price whinging has gone up to as well, not like these trolls have products of their own to promote beyond dodgy supplements, and writing books, putting out great videos etc - forgettttttt about it. Hehe.
There's so many of them as well - but anyway, point of all this?
Is two fold.
One, a lot of our great customers decide - literally - hehe - sometimes - how to choose a product.
"If the trolls troll you the most on it, and you're so proud of it, I must have that!"
And so he did
Pushup Central, the very BEST and only definitive course out there on pushups like only the bodyweight exercise Guru can teach you, yours truly used to be #1 on the list for a long time ...
And here's the review he left -
The Bodyweight Guru has done it again, 55 ways to bring on the pain, a magnum opus on how to really use what is possibly the world's oldest and "most diverse" exercise.
If you're like me, you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract and how your body screams at you to stop but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your mind and you cannot stop until you hit that target, yes my friends this is training "brutally effective" training.
Buy this book and take up the challenge of Push Up Central.
The Bodyweight Guru is waiting for you, let him show you how with this (innocently sounding) book you can become more than you could ever have imagined, this is hard training at it's absolute best.
Now a word about the previous review, Glyn Scofield is a total moron and his reviews suck almost as much as he does, Glyn, if by chance you ever read this, do yourself a favour and just stop, nobody cares what you think.
Bozo left this review -
Boring, poorly written... drivel.
A whole book dedicated to... how to do pish ups. Really? Badly written too.
I'll let y'all decide which one to take into account. Hehe.
But other than that, the other books on the hit list -
Squat 101 - from idiots that can't squat because they're too phat.
(or lazy, more like).
Pull-ups - from Dud - to STUD within a matter of weeks!
(when seeing me even when fat do pull-ups willy nilly they whine about how I should be "kind to others" about their own utter lack of strength and fitness).
As a customer rightly said about this book -
Quite simply, if you cannot pull your own bodyweight from a dead-hang till your chin passes over the bar you are not "strong" and no amount of lat pulldowns will correct this weakness.
Buy this book and learn how to do the most important upper-body exercise correctly and you'll never look back.
Brilliant book, thank you.
And he's right...
No chin over bar = not strong, my friend, cut it whichever way you like - emailing me pictures of your fat self chomping at the bit about "strong arms broooooooooooooo" won't cut it broooooooo... Hehe. (dont you just hate it when idiots show up at your doorstep with this "bro" bullshit? I know Marc the African Silverback Gorilla hated it..)
Truly, as charles Mitchell once said about "Shoulders like BOULDERS!" -
People buy your books because they want to learn how to do things from you - you can do things they cannot, but they want to!
And the trolls troll exactly for that reason too. Hehe.
And Jump Rope Mania with all the great stuff we've put out in the paid version is attracting trolls too (literally you'll want to get your hands on this one NOW. There is NO other course that will teach you how to get to ACE level at jumping rope than mine can. You'll want to grab it NOW).
And so it goes, my friend.
Advanced Plyometric Training is one slated to come out very soon, you'll want to place your pre-order for this now.
(one troll even claimed "learning from this dude is not the way to go". but he forgot to put in WHY... Hehe. Can we say ???
Well, thats true, as the phat troll claimed once "he wants a few organs for the book".
Not really, hehe. Like this guy said in a review for Grizzly Power
Although I don't own this particular book, I do own two of the books in this compilation so I believe I can give an honest review.
Hopeful Evangelist points out that the authors books are reassuringly expensive and I have to agree they're not cheap, however, as I've pointed out in a previous review of the authors material, you cannot put a price on knowledge, if you want the authors knowledge you have to pay what he is asking, otherwise you'll miss out.Interestingly, Hopeful states that the authors knowledge is nothing special??? Sorry I have to disagree with that statement, the author knows his stuff from the inside out and his training methods work but here's the "kicker" his training methods only work if you do!!! There are no magic exercises or routines and that's why most people do not get the results they expect from their training, they lack application.
It is often asked why prison inmates are so muscular and "jacked" what is their secret? Their secret if you want to call it that, is this, they train very, very hard and they do this consistently day in day out without fail.
If you apply yourself appropriately to any of the authors works you will be rewarded for your efforts but do you have what it takes? You've got to dare to sweat, dare to strain and dare the pain, most are found wanting, hope this helps.
The more they troll, the more I make. Hehe. I'm luvin it!
And thats that - truly the bottom line.
Pity the fitness world has turned into what it has, but hey - yours truly - always the visionary, always the torch bearer, always the iconclast, and rightly so.
Folks - step up - show your REAL MAN "vibe" (god the terms) - and get these products NOW - and if you do so before the New Year, well, plenty of other goodies awaiting you for the New Year.
And thats that!
Rahul Mookerjee