Displaying items by tag: life
The fresh or not fresh battle
An odd one, this, but more on CULTURAL differences I suppose!
(I'm an odd dude, remember, hehe. Nah, not really, a Bozo said that!)
I've noticed it in China and India (the two Asian countries I've been in and lived in the most - I suppose I could add in Vietnam and a few others, but I'd prefer to list the countries where I've really lived long term) ...
in China, food has to be so fresh that you literally kill it on the table apparently - sometimes in most grotesque fashion.
Sometimes you eat the damn animal while it's alive - not even kidding you, while that is extreme, it's common place to see seafood being gulped down barely dead in restaurants all across China, perhaps even Japan.
(not sure about Korea) ..
If it wasn't killed "right then" it wasn't fresh.
India too is the same way in many regards, while it's not so much about butchering the animal damn near on your plate, food better be cooked FRESH or else!
Then you have the West, and those in India and China used to how it is in the West (yours truly falls in both categories) ...
where you cook once, and you stuff food in the pantry, or larder, or whatever it is - or your big ass freezers you've got all over the place.
Theres always "wars" over this i.e. is it better fresh or not fresh.
The wife claims "Mom's food should be fresh" - and most likely Mom thinks she takes it to extremes i.e. the wife about the freshness part.
Yours truly doesn't claim to be an expert on this...
But yours truly can see both points of view, and where they come from, and yours truly gracefully bows out of any such arguments, and does his best never to get involved.
But to YOU on this list, I'm more than happy to discuss, rant, ramble about anything and everything - as y'all well know, hehe.
To me?
SOME things are fine even post expiry - for instance, if a pack of green tea (tea bag) has "expired" - I doubt it really matters so long as the damn thing is still packed and not opened.
I usually drink mine fresh and freshly sourced, of course...
but I've had that sort of thing "in a pinch" before, and it aint affected me none.
Oh, I was just classified as underweight for my height - probably am - was in 2016 in China as well, I'm down to the exact same weight NOW.
"Hey Mom" I laughed. So long as my vitals and medical tests are all ok, low resting pulse and that, all is well!
And so it IS. Hehe.
Anyway - on the other hand, food?
Again, some things are better freshly cooked, for instance, vegetables and stuff, Indian flatbreads etc - NOTHING beats freshly cooked there, or freshly cooked Chinese food and stuff - some stuff you just can't put in the microwave.
And reheat, or thaw out.
Other hand, other things - like frozen meats and stuff?
I'll thaw 'em out, cook 'em - and eat 'em - and raid the larder all damned day and night long for it!
Or, I might even put it in the microwave and eat the beef RAW, blood literally dripping from it as happened at age 20 once.
Not what I recommend, neither do I Recommend putting CD's in the microwave and ruining it "for the hell of it" - unless it's an old fucker you want to toss anyway, which we wanted to, damn that SOB was heavy - I remember lugging it backside to the dumpster!
Then again other things like toothpaste etc?
A few weeks past the expiry date wont kill ya on that either ...
I'm curiously enough despite a lot of my other stances "in the middle on this one" - while the folks that oppose either viewpoint or are for it are very vehemently on one side or the other.
So be it, hehe.
Anyway ......................
That bit of tongue wag - or chin wag - aside ?
Fitness wise, I'll tell you this, try and get your nutrients in yes, in whatever manner you want, but I'll tell you one goddamned thing, I've been telling you this all along, food ain't half as important and IS twice as addictive - as it's made out to be.
Trust me on this one.
True, Exercise is King and Nutrition is Queen, together they make a kingdom ...
But diet is one thing, you can have the best diet in the world, if you're a lazy ass and wont work out, it'll still show and you will feel it too - other hand, a not so good diet, or lack of it, or thereforth and brutal workouts done right?
Well, that shows too, pally...
And thats that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. - The Simple and Effective Diet is yours GRATIS with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and you'll find two of the most important secrets to losing weight FAST (and getting your hormones in order and all that jazz) in the initial few pages of the book, they're secrets, but they're right there in front of you, so obvious you might not even notice it, so look CAREFULLY.
The "fun guy" vs the "disciplinarians"
Last night, I was informed by my lovely (not, or maybe so? Hehe) wife that the daughter was off from school today.
Oh, really, I asked. (I was thinking "no-one tells me these things anyway" but I didnt tell her that).
"Yes", she went.
And then she said the school gave the kids a day off to prepare for the upcoming Math exam or something.
More drama from a pathetic excuse of a school - I wont name it, but I went to it growing up, and the farce it's descended into now, where teachers are more interested in playing games and painting their nails in class while doing "F all" in terms of teaching the students anything - giving them as many breaks as possible (these kids know next to ZERO compared to what we knew growing up) - coddling them (so they dont have to do any work i.e the teachers) - and giving them the entire term's work in one day three or four days before the exam...
Again, I'm REALLY tempted to name and shame here. But I wont, for now ...
This is one of the top schools in Delhi if you can believe that, of course, I never wanted my daughter put in there, I've been there, I know how it is, but of course the wife and parents had other thoughts, each blamed the other, I still remember the frantic email I got from Dad in 2017 or 2016, I was teaching a lovely Carol English, hehe - and she canceled her class to get printouts of some form I had to sign and send back (wife claimed parents were on her ass, Dad ie Mom claimed "it was sooooooo urgent" and being I wasn't there, well) ...
And its interesting, the very adults who bitch and moan about all this on whatsapp groups and such are the same ones that pay huge bucks to these schools, and dont dare to once complain, those that do - like me - they let me "take the fall" (while silently hoping I'll do more of the same).
People in general are just fuckin pathetic these days, gutless, spineless, I gotta say it.
Oh, I once mentioned home schooling to my wife (I remember chatting about it with Marc the African Silverback Gorilla too) - the blowback I got - boy.
The ignorance, its just not worth combating it - sometimes. Hehe. Most of the times it IS!
Anyway - so I was then told to help my daughter prepare for Math.
OK, I went.
I was the one who suggested (against all family advice) that she learn Spanish - and NOT French or any other second language (and hey - practical purposes, Spanish is spoken widely in tons of places, you need good English yes, but Spanish is a close very practical second!)
Anyway, this young senorita - or Princesspa (if you were to go Italian, hehe) -doesnt quite like it when Dad asks her to do anything meaningful, workouts included.
To be expected, given the Nazi feminist conditioning being drilled into her you'd say since day one, but it's more than that my friend.
The bottom line is this - she views Dad as the "fun guy" - and the two women (mom and Granny - in fact she's even got names for the two of them, hehe) as the "disciplinarians".
They try and change this (the two ladies).
But it doesnt work much like a lot of what they try to do ultimately doesnt work ... illogical behavior never results in anyting but more "illogic" .
Anyway, I gave up dealing with that mess a long time ago.
In my own fun way I deliver more results than all the "yelling" in the world would.
And when it's time to do something, I inject that tone of seriousness into things, and the daughter knows it - which is what counts.
Not for me what I had growing up i.e. a Dad I was "scared" of (though I didnt need to be) - ditto for Mom (I still remember the scene at the age of 2 where I was literally "gheraoed" into a corner and yelled at or something for throwing up in the swimming pool post lunch or something).
Dont get me wrong, tough love is good, but like all things, it needs to be done in MODERATION - even my mother once privately admitted that "with you you're the first kid, we made mistakes yes".
She'll never admit it NOW, of course. Heh.
But thats perfectly fine, I dont mind at all.
Anyway, this mistake riddled "fun" guy that supposedly knows nothing (interesting how my wife told me last night "teach her the Spanish you know" - I was going to say I know a lot more than the damn teacher who bailed from the school and these idiots never replaced her, but there would be no point, would there??) about anything?
My wife seems to have forgotten her own words. Hehe.
And I made it easier, of course, by never talking about what I do know which is a substantial bit.
Hell, a guy that literally has an alarm clock in his head, a guy that HAS to get things done NOW - a guy that woke up despite hating mornings for years at 530 AM in the morning to hike hills, a guy that bangs out squats and pullups and more without fail, keeps on improving - and thats just the business and life part...
I'd say I know a thing or two about discipline.
But I dont enforce it on those where there would be no point. Waste of freaking time and energy ...
Anyway - point of all this?
This fun guy can get you in the best shape of your life - in a fun way you never imagined possible. It might be many things, ardous, tortorous, you might feel like yelling at me (I know a lot of you DO, hehe) - and more - but one thing I'll guarantee - it'll be fun, fresh and interesting.
Go HERE To learn more about it.
Rahul Mookerjee
Why I often put soap in my hair, that lovely HAIR, hehe.
"You've got the hair, boi" !
So said Tyrone Eric Milalkuwhat Blanks, him of the "floor humper pushups". hehe when we were discussing my prowress at a certain area despite being unfit as PHOCK during my college days, and his lack thereof (well, relatively speaking, he still did pretty good with the black girls, I'll give him that, for some reason he kept calling me the rainbow pimp though!).
(that link up there says spiderman pushups, but that wasnt what he was refering to - more on that in Pushup Central. If you are truly interested in Eric's description (his nick name) - then go HERE).??
Anyway, this isn't to tell you about my hair, or the bald spot at the top of my head most dont notice (not because I try and hide it, its just the way it is).
My wife tried "in vain" to get rid of it.
All those nights spent working on Dongguan Expat with Major General Michael no doubt contributed to it.
"You know, Rahul, I've got this bald spot on the top of my head which is getting BIGGER with every passing minute", I remember him saying - before I finally got the key to fixing why Google Ads would not display on PhpNuke.
Those - them - were the DAYS!
Now, I am not saying this because "I'm an odd dude" either.
That was some fool who didnt obey rules in my group, got kicked out, then bitched up and down about it.
It isn't to tell you about my prowress in bed.
It isn't to tell you what to do and what NOT TO DO beauty or hair wise. I'll leave that expertise up to the Metrosexual Bozos like Glyn Schofield and apparently a sizeable proportion of so called men out there...
IT ant my area of expertise. It never will be. I dont WANT it to be either, so go ahead and put raw egg yolk in your hair if you want (supposed to be good for it, hehe) - or rub your face up and down with banana peels as the wife does (that one caught me by surprise. Supposed to be some sort of facial, yet that skin doesn't clear up no matter what, could it be fitness related - ah wait. How dare I go there!).
(actually, a LOT OF problems, including skin are related to fitness, specifically, CORE FITNESS - get that core in shape, you might be surprised to find out it ain't just mouth ulcers and digestive issues that go away - your skin, your breathing, ALL of it improves if done right. More on this in Corrugated Core (if you can spot it!)).
I do it well ... two reasons, one, like Nicholas Cage in "The Rock" - "almost blew the house up when I was 11" (not really, hehe) - I love to experiment.
It ain't got nothing to do with money either, I'll often use shampoo for laundry detergent, the hair dryer to dry a pair of stubborn johns - and so forth - I'll often use things not so called meant for "this purpose" for that - end of the day, its like food, all "mixes in your stomach" as the wife loves to say, no need to get too fancy - same thing with soap. Hehe.
Its just a simple memory.
When I was a little boy, I went swimming with my grandad in a big ole lake, and thats mentioned in 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections as part of the rest, I believe.
And I remember him washing his hair out with soap as we showered post lake (and post pool - we did both - 430 AM morning calls!).
Gotta give it to him - 70 plus, waking up every damn morning, working till 10 ...
Gotta give it to me too- but hey, whose counting the gotta gives. Hehe.
Anyway - point of this?
Isn't the hair, or my grandfather's memories (really, I just do it sometimes, nothing to do with him or the memory, just seems to make sense for me) - is this.
Your workouts were not meant to be staid and boring.
No, that aint an excuse to be lazy and lethargic and skip out on high rep squats saying "they're boring".
You follow certain guidelines - the base lines laid out in 0 Excuses Fitness, there is NO GETTING AROUND the fact that fundamentals MUST NOT BE IGNORED!
But you experiment, my friend.
Thats why I give you such a wide variety of workouts in all my books - truth be told, if you use your brain, you could come up with an even wider variety of workouts tailored to YOU - if you really try, and want to.
It's EASY, once you get into the spirit - or hang of things. Thangs. Hehe.
Lots of memories pumpin in post shower - TMI?
Nah, I dont think so.
I'm out.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The girls never seemed to mind the bald spot, hehe. So much for Dad droning on about "I'm sure they'll find you cute without the hair"!
Ah, the hair, something everyone so called close to me has tried me to get to shed - unsuccessfully at the very end.
So it BE.
Can't stop a man from doing what a man wants to, ultimately, why some people would want to beats me, but hey.
And thats the bottom line cuz... I said so, hehe (nah, cuz - is - IS!).
Sticking your head in the sand, when ignoring works, when it doesnt quite... and more!
I dont EVEN know where to start on this, the titles swirled around in my head until I did what I do normally, just blurt it out. Hehe.
But really, this movie - this Ben Affleck movie (I've never ever been an Affleck fan - Matt Damon, hell yes - always! - but Affleck, well, I dont know if I should be ashamed or proud to say this, but before today I wouldn't recognize him if I saw him, this is the first movie I've seen of him - and I'm halfway or a little more through it) I've been watching on a whim, mostly because of their false movie descriptions ...
(they market the movie as "a couple that agrees since there is no love between them the wife can cheat" - and she does - except what the husband thinks is NEVER considered throughout the movie, it is all completely non consensual, yet the movie description reads otherwise).
It is basically a movie about an UNWILLINGLY cuckolded husband.
Why did I watch it, or start to.
Well, simple - i wanted to see how the couple "agreed" to doing this, how they worked out the eventual guilt trips etc with something like that - when one partner gets it all, the other gets less than zero if you get my drift - and really, its not like I need a tutorial on it.
I've known plenty of couples that agree to this sort of thing, plenty of girls I've been with have done it knowingly to their husbands...
To me, if two consenting adults think it through and agree to it, dont try and make it mainstream "my way or the highway" as these damned liberals do, to me if they keep it between those that enjoy that sort of "play" as its called, to me so long as it's kept within the confine of bedrooms - hey.
I ain't gonna and neither do I have a right to comment upon or judge what two adults do privately behind closed doors so long as it's SSC (safe, sane, consensual) and legal obviously, and its not shoved down my throat for one.
But its when it's non consensual that the obvious problems start...
(in this movie the husband isn't even considered, let alone ASKED if it's OK, the wife openly cheats, brags about it, does it in front of her husband, and so forth, he's forced to just watch despite not liking it - and that is just the start of it).
Anyway, this is not about the movie (it isn't about the Bozo either, when I said I know tons of couples doing that sort of thing, I meant sane people, not idiots like Glyn who can't handle their own myriad and weird fantasies - come to think of it, Glyn, married, couple, wouldn't happen. Hehe.
Anyway back to Affleck - I'll say one damn thing, his acting isn't half bad in the movie as the barely concealed violence within him (he basically kills all the guys his wife cheats on him with openly ie he doesnt kill openly, but the wife cheats openly) - and despite his nice guy demanor, he never once says anything to his wife or tries stopping her (except on a couple of occasions where his rage shows) despite friends telling him to rein her in ... he never raises his voice, he's as cool as the proverbial cat, and ... well, good acting is all I can say in that regard. Didnt know Affleck was a good actor, I guess thats why Damon and him hung out together!
I dont know or care so much about the "gay" rumors, like I care either way about that.
But anyway, physically?
Dude has it SPOT ON!
Big, solid guy, no fat - just SOLID pure muscle - broad shoulders, muscular back and traps, though he's the cuckold in the movie, you feel sorry for the "studs"! You literally do -Affleck's mere present suggests hidden violence, and his physicality backs that shit up.
He looks like he works out old school, lots of pull-ups, swimming, perhaps a lot of hiking, weights done RIGHT, and so forth ...
Anyway - throughout the movie one thing they get right - IGNORING.
The way he stays calm and emotionless drives his wife INSANE when they discuss her infidedlity, she taunts, she teases, she makes him do all sorts of humiliating things, but he never once loses it. Hehe. At least in public and in front of her he doesnt, privately he's in a rage!
I dont quite know why. I've not finished the movie, an obvious who dun it from the word go (hell, Affleck's character even admits it openly at the beginning of the movie at a rave party or something) ... I'm sure there'll be some corny reason for it.
But ignoring women - or the Nazi feminists, as shown in the movie, well thats one tip right there in my book on benefiting from Nazi feminism! (while combating it) . . .
Anyway - ignoring works if thats the goal, or perhaps as I've said before if you're ignoring idiots in general which like a certain Bozo Schofield can't stomach the mere thought of being ignored or blocked, let alone it actually happening.
But it does not work in terms of solving the problem.
It didnt work in the movie.
And it doesnt in real life.
Lots of people stick their heads in the sand and ignore whats going on around them, then they say "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"
the real world dont work like Gandhi said it does. Hehe.
Look, it's one thing to not let yourself get affected by it all - that should be how it is, but not knowing, ignoring, pretending problems dont exist, that only makes things worse.
And your fitness is the same.
Lots of people ignore their rapidly deteriorating health for one...
They buy X size clothing to cover up that belly, then a few weeks later claim "they're big, not fat", then end up at the Plus size stores buying larger clothes to conceal the issue, all the while deep down inside they know the problem wont and hasn't gone away.
Then, those on the list that know they need some of my products.
Except, those some people are too damned cheap to invest in themselves, so they ignore these emails (but they still read and moan about price, hehe, so much for ignoring).
Look, thats fine if thats you.
Ultimately I can't control what you do - its up to you - yes, I CAN say this is not the right place for you if thats you, other than that though, well, its a free world, and I dont believe in forcing horses that dont want to to drink (I couldn't anyway, so I wouldn't bother wasting my time).
So thats the medley of thoughts for now.
If you're one of those that believes in SOLVING your fitness problems that have been staring you in the face for ages, then the 0 Excuses Fitness System is a great, great start.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. - This P.S was written before the actual somewhat verbose (but that is OK!) email - there's SO much going on here, including new books and products on the way - that I'd take up three or more emails just telling you about 'em.
Might not seem that way, given the amount of emailing I've been doing as of late, but I do a lot - that ole work ethic people that really know me know so well about!
Second to none, first above all. Hehe.
I ain't even bragging, I'm being very flat out honest.
But anyway, one of those big things is that a list will be coming up AGAIN on this site i.e. rahulmookerjee.com, and while right NOW, these are all going to the 0 Excuses Fitness list, these will be resegmented again (As it was when I first started out, I had two lists).
So if you want updates from both - sign up for BOTH lists.
I'll keep y'all posted, but wont take more than a day or so to set up the list here I believe. ie on rahulmookerjee.com. (which if that list was there NOW, you guys on the 0 Excuses list wouldn't be getting this).
And thats that.
Oh, "Deep Water", 2022 Prime release, its on Prime, probably the only reason I'm even considering it. Hehe. (or was)
Damn, 14 years and so called counting . . .
The words "happy anniversary" sprang to mind - as soon as I noticed the date, and it "struck me" - it didnt when I woke up, though I've been having very interesting dreams all night (which I often do, so ...).
I didnt say it, of course.
But I thought ... DAMN!
As I subtract 2008 from 2022, I get 14 if my Math is right.
I blinked.
Damn, I've been married that long??
For a guy who famously swore up and down until the age of 26 or so he'd NEVER, repeat, NEVER get married, for a guy whose been with more girls that he cares to count - interesting indeed!
Of course, there were happy times - not so happy times - and right now, well, we all know the status.
But still, even if a lot of those 14 years were "married years" because the wife wouldn't divorce or whatever ... its still something to me at least. Hehe.
I'd say Happy Anniversary to myself - but I dont want to. I dont quite feel it. Hehe.
The last time I told the ole wife, she replied with "I want my gift", so that put paid to "romance". So much for women being the so called romantic sex. Hehe.
I keep explaining these things to people, they just dont get it, or refuse to, and finally blurt out something about "keeping the peace so I do it" (which to me is pathetic, but hey, to each his own, if thats how you want to live your life, certainly no complaints from my end. Hehe).
Anyway .......
'Twas the day yours truly got hitched.
A couple of weeks later we'd do it formally, and that would set off events that would last till 2009, go to the Delhi High Court, eat up a chunk of savings, create a lot of unnecessary drama, unresolved till this date, and so forth.
Maybe I should have listened to the parents who told my wife to "wait" (they knew i wouldn't. Hehe)
Come to think of it?
Maybe I should NOT.
I'm glad I didnt, and followed my heart as usual, I learned a hell of a lot.
We all make mistakes, key thing is to learn and MOVE ON from those mistakes - most people dont do either of the two, and keep complaining about and wallowing in the mistakes like a pig in quick sand , or a Father Walrus or something...
Uncle Percie? Hehe.
Anyway, Percie was a great guy, I aint going to bring him into this, but he was of the same breed of men mentioned above, "keep the wife happy and thats all that matters", and again, I've never quite understood men who want to live like that but "whateva" ...
Anyway, 14 years is a long damn time.
So is 10 years, I'd say. Or 11.
I think, but am not sure, it was in 2011 when I first came out with Fast and Furious Fitness, a very well received book until this date.
I suppose I could do up an anniversary special on it today.
But I ain't in the anniversary mood. Hehe. I never am, so that would be "fallacious" of me to do so!
Instead, I'll just point you to the link and tell you this much - if you want an oldie, and goldie, and book for the ages, THAT is one you should grab - NOW.
It also shows me and the wife in "happier times" - and a fit, slim wife at that ... Hehe.
Anyway, I'm out.
0 Excuses Fitness came out in 2017. Five years plus and counting, and what a SMACKEROO it's laid down on many people, and rightfully so.
It's been 14 goddamn years already!
How time flies.
How I keep circling back to the same point like my fitness routine and "life always comes full circle" and so forth.
So I'll end this here while I'm off to ruminate.
You guys get the books above NOW. Hey, who knows, if all of US together make it a bumper sales day, I might actually get a smile out of the wife (not keeping fingers crossed tho, hehe).
Rahul Mookerjee
Why binge watching Bozo Flix or "donating" to the Republican - or any - politcal party ain't a magic pill for nothing
It never ceases to amaze me, my friend.
These same people complaining about inflation, these same people complaining bout rising prices, these same people complaining about "his products are overpriced" (and if not mine, it's something or someone else) ...
... these same people somehow find the money to keep the most inane and useless of things going.
Or, they simply fritter it away on stuff not required.
Fancy gym memberships for one, we've been over this already so many times - neither is there any NEED for the same - nor do those gyms deliver in any which way (though ultimately it's YOU that has to deliver, the gyms simply market themselves well and people buy into the BS - because its EASY to sit on a machine, and it feeds their "lazy" bone if you get my drift than actually do some REAL exercise) ..
Worse than that, and I've spoken about this before, something like the ridiculously overpriced (and still increasing) Bozo Flix.
I mean really, if you have the money for Netflix while fitness related purchases "always have to be put off", if you think wifi is more important than breathing as opposed to fitness (Really, take people's Wifi away and watch them YOWL) - then you're just a pansy my friend, and I mean it.
Dont get me wrong.
I've got Wifi, and though I dont have Netflix, I do plenty of binge watching movies myself.
But in my case, it leads to binge selling and writing - and a hell of a lot of it, and even more than the hell of a lot I do normally, which is saying a lot, and thats the entire point. I could care less about the actual movies in most cases, I'm thinking of SELLING and business when I watch 'em!
Further, it aint my biz to tell you or anyone how to spend their money, or whether or not to WAIST - pun intended - it. Hehe.
No, really - it isn't.
But if that same somebody gets back to me complaining about price, if the same somebody is a slacker that never buys anything, just sits there on the list like a bump on a log - then there's no point to it, and I WILL call these people out.
Personally, if I had to choose between something like what I sell, and perhaps Prime or whatever, its a no brainer.
Then of course these guys who think repeated political donations will change things, it's the magic cure...
I'm sorry, it ain't.
YOU have to change things yourself, if your expecting the government to do it, then you're in for a rude awakening my friend - it hasn't happened for years, it wont happen now, regardless of which party takes back the Presidency, regardless of who controls the House or Senate, politicians are all as crooked as a dog's tail, that is just the nature of the biz, its dirty, or it would not be politics if it wasn't.
And the blind faith people place in these guys, because it's easier to just ignore the problem and say "he'll do it" - well, thats mostly how they fill their own pockets big time. Hehe.
Thats how it is.
And this applies to all ends of the political spectrum - with the exception of a perhaps a few liberterians... (and if you can prove me wrong, I'm all ears my friend).
There's too many wrongs that have to be righted for one, if that even happens, people dont even look at the overall picture or long term, preferring to stick their heads in the sand and whine about inflation and other issues they cannot control, yet should have seen coming years ago, and of course a lot of people "expecting the government to provide endless handouts or fix it all for them".
I realize a lot of this makes me sound like an ass.
But it's true, my friend.
YOU have to fix things, it starts, ends, and continues with YOU.
And if your life aint going the way it should be, or you'd like it to, chances are YOU are doing things wrong.
And fitness wise, if you're not on the 0 Excuses Fitness System as yet, you're definitely NOT doing it right - I'll say that, write it, and sign my damn name to it ...
And thats that, my friend.
From who a fat Bozo once called "Gods gift to fitness" and who another called "he thinks he's hot shit" -
Yours truly, always BRUTAL - yet right -
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Pushup Central is one of the best and most effective courses we have, thats another one you guys (those that have not got it as yet) need to pick up NOW. Like, yesterday, to be honest...
Why "bad jokes" are the ones that truly work, and are eternally remembered.
Same thing for so called corny one liners - or movies choc a block full of them.
Before I dive into this one, think about it - what is the purpose of a GOOD JOKE?
To make you laugh like you never have before, or a lot.
And if slapstick jokes and/or bad jokes do it the BEST - which they often do?
Well they're the GOOD jokes then. Hehe.
What do I mean, well, Sly Stallone's movies are a perfect example of them!
Take for example the joke Rocky tells Adrian in Rocky I (or maybe II, I can't quite remember) - -
"Why do cows have bells?"
She doesnt know.
"Because the horns dont work".
Till this date it's never failed to arouse titters from my little one or anyone I tell this joke to, no matter how many times they've heard it - much like the movie itself, the joke is CLASSIC - because it's so so called "bad". Hehe.
Or, one liners...
The movie Cobra, for instance, where Sly offers a girl (the lead heroine) an apple.
She giggles and declines to take a bite out of the same apple he is.
"Dont like health food", he quips-cum-asks.
And that same theme is repeated throughout the movie where Sly's partner is shown to be the one gorging on gummy bears (whatever those are) and other "snacks" while Ole Sly does little other than drink coffee and munch on apples, not unlike what he did in real life at the time where apparently his diet was so pure that if he'd have a burger, his stomach would go into convulsions for days.
Not kidding either.
But those same one liners, similar jokes etc keep getting repeated throughout the movie...
An idiot wrote to me the other day about "like bad jokes, your emails keep selling, stop, stop, stop!"
He ain't the only one either.
But before we get to that fool who I did not even bother responding to, it aint just movies either.
"Drain the swamp".
Now, I'm pretty sure there's swamp on all sides of the political spectrum eh.
But that term sticks, people remember it, cheesy though it might sound - guess what - it WORKS.
It just flat out works.
The most natural things work best, and work all the time, period.
And they work the BEST you know when?
When you do as Claude Bristol says "repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmations, leads to belief. Once that belief becomes a deep seated conviction, things begin to happen".
You could call it persistence and stickability no matter what as well.
If you've read Three Feet from Gold, you KNOW the agony felt by quitting something when you were within reach of GOLD.
(basically the story of a young man who got caught up in the California gold rush back in the day, showed up with his Uncle and borrowed money/equipment to mine the gold, struck gold almost instantly, but then the gold suddenly stopped.
They tried, tried, tried, couldn't find any more - and finally gave up - selling the machinery to an used junk man I believe, I can't quite remember.
Dude used to be an engineer, showed the maps the guys had given up to to another guy.
And lo, gold was found literally THREE Feet from where the guys gave up after trying for donkey's years, yet, one more try would have made them richer than Croseus, not the junk man).
There is a lesson to be learnt there (Darby learned it - later on in life he became a multi million dollar insurance salesman "I will never quit when a prospect says no!" became his motto - that was a solid, valuable learning experience indeed).
So to idiot who said what he said above, well, dude, I'd be a moron not to sell in every email.
I'd be a fool not to tell you to get the products NOW.
I'd be doing YOU a disservice if I were to do that, because I consider it my duty to pitch you products multiple times a day that will help YOU.
It's as simple as that, perfectly black and white.
And if after all the pitches you reply back with nonsense - the joke's on you my friend, and it aint either good or bad if you get my drift.
Similarly, if after all the noise people are making about it, and rightfully so, you have NOT yet gotten the 0 Excuses Fitness System - and if you have, if you ain't left a review?
Well, the joke's on YOU, pally, if thats the case.
And thats all I gotta say ...
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Those still on the fence - time waits for NOBODY - if you want it, and judging by the clicks etc, SO MANY of you do - then just freaking drop the ball and get it now, this "delay" and constant hemming and hawing mystifies me. If you're someone that takes donkey's years to decide on essential purchases, and fitness is as essential as BREATHING and life itself (the right fitness) - then you really shouldn't be on this list, period...
Quotes for the ages . . .
Dear Reader,
I dont know who needs to hear this today - maybe a lot of people do. Maybe not many on this list. I'm not sure (though I bet the latter).
But I'll tell you one damn thing, inspiration is something we could all do with a little more of.
Personally, those of us doing our own thing often get hit the hardest by life - and everything else (I realize that sounds "uncaring and arrogant" but try and follow a dream you've got for years, but never have, then when you finally do, watch the world seemingly put up barriers at EVERY stage).
Just when you think you've done it all, when you've hit a high point, BAM!
Life hands you a sucker punch and you're back BELOW where you started with MORE of a struggle to climb up - and out - of the hole.
It ain't anyone's fault either.
Napoleon Hill says it very well indeed in the Chapter on persistence in Think and Grow Rich where he talks about how there is a "hidden guide" (his choice of term is right i.e. guide because you learn a hell of a lot, I mean a hell of a lot during your dark and down times - about life - people - who your TRUE friends are - and a lot more (and how family will almost NEVER support you in pursuit of your dream or goal which is why I recommend NOT telling anyone until you get there i.e "Tell the world what you want to do, but SHOW 'em first" - Napoleon Hill again) who job it is to test men through countless discouraging challenges before finally "relenting" ...
And some of these challenges can be way tougher than you ever imagined - and come at times there could not be possibly "worse" in many regards.
EVERY doer, every achiever in life has been through this phase, often for extended periods, often for a long long time before success finally caved in!
You might not hear about their stories (the tough times part) a lot.
But theyre very much there, believe me, the higher a person rises, you can bet your bottom dollar he had to go through some INSANE struggle to get to where he (or she) is today.
Thats just how life works...
Homelessness seems to be one common factor as well - from Jean Claude Van Damme to Sly Stallone (and it ain't limited to just Hollywood either - it applies to life and business all across the spectrum) - some of the stories you hear about this guys, I gotta tell you, if they hadn't persisted - gone one more round when NOTHING and NOBODY was there for them - you wouldn't even know about them today.
It's persistence, gumption, the knowledge that the long game eventually rents, it's STICKABILITY - it's dedication - all of this ,plus that "intangible" Napoleon Hill talks about in his books.
I'll close this with quotes from Sly Stallone, someone who knows more than most about this sort of thing . . .
From selling his wife's jewelry on the sly to being homeless for a period to having to sell his dog because he literally couldn't feed himself, let alone the dog - working as a movie usher for years - this dude knows a thing or two about struggle.
He ain't the only one either, but Sly with his interest in writing - he pens things in an interesting manner indeed - and it makes his movie dialogs seems all the more believable, you can tell the man has LIVED it himself.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!
Or this
"going one more round when you dont think you can is what makes ALL the difference in your life"
OR ...
"Being broke is BAD. Really BAD. Have you ever had a dream? A wonderful dream? But You are too broke to implement it? Too tiny to do it? Too small to accomplish it? Life is tough. Opportunities will pass you by, just because you are a NOBODY. People will want your products but NOT YOU. Its a tough world. If you ain’t already famous or rich or “connected”, you will find it rough. Doors will be shut on you. People will steal your glory and crash your hopes. You will push and push. And yet NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. And then your hopes will be crashed. You will be broke. Damn broke. You will do odd jobs for survival. You will be unable to feed yourself. And yes, you may end up sleeping in the streets. It happens. Yes, it does. BUT NEVER LET THEM CRUSH THAT DREAM. Whatever happens to You, Keep Dreaming. Even when they crush your hopes, Keep Dreaming. Even when they turn you away, Keep Dreaming. Even when they shut you down, Keep Dreaming. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF EXCEPT YOURSELF! People will judge you by HOW you look. And by WHAT you have. But Fight on! Fight for Your place in history. Fight for your glory. NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Even if it means selling all your clothes and sleeping with the dogs, IT’S OKAY! But AS LONG AS YOU ARE STILL ALIVE, Your STORY IS NOT OVER. Keep Up the Fight. Keep your dreams and hope alive. Go get it !!!"
And that, friend, is that, like I said, I dont quite know who needed to hear this today, but I'm sure many did.
Even if not, words for the ages basically from a true DOER - legend!
And thats that.
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - For more such inspiration you MUST have at your bedside - check out Gumption Galore and Zero to Hero!
More on this moronic "I'm rich" nonsense people spout even more these days
It's just increased manifold, the lunacy - life coaches that have done exactly F all themselves in terms of their own life sprouting up ALL over the place with their retarded, ridiculous affirmations - numero uno of course being that people pick up on "I am rich!"
And needless to say for the vast majority of people, repeating this useless mantra does exactly nothing for them - in fact, people have reported back to me that in the long run they not only did NOT make more money by reciting this nonsense mindlessly, but things WORSENED for them in many regards as well (overall, for those that were smart enough to see the overall picture - a lot aren't, and keep getting brainwashed by these same gurus aka scam artists over and over again).
Look, some of the best damn motivators out there motivated PRACTICALLY.
The book Think and Grow Rich is a classic, a lot of people complain about the title being "salesy" - but thing is, Napoleon Hill does not mention this affirmation of "I am rich" even once in the book - it is jampacked with PRACTICAL means of attaining what you want - mixed in with the spiritual i.e. faith and persistence which is a mixture of both -but the REAL secret, and Hill says this in the book at the start - YOU gotta find it for yourself.
Telling you, he says, is no use because that would deprive you of most of the benefits you'd get otherwise if you learnt/figured it out / stumbled upon it yourself.
Then these idiots (so called life coaches) send emails to their followers "How to become a life coach" and the brainwashed fools actually follow those instructions.
Mess x mess = ... well, I'm seeing a live example of it right in front of me NOW.
I wont name and shame for once.
And I wont say ALL affirmations are bad, my friend.
My favorite chant is the ole Claude Bristol line "Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmations, leads to BELIEF. Once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to HAPPEN".
It's a saying that is ALWAYS with me - along with another secret I will not mention here - through all my computer crashes, old computers, new computers, phones, what not - THAT is my desktop background - against black, the words, along with Bristol's face.
(and trust me, the Magic of Believing is a GREAT book - my favorite along with Think and Grow Rich).
There is a reason for that, as John walker, a great customer recently wrote back saying "despite all the tech out there, human beings are still subject to the Laws of Nature".
Spot on, friend.
Bristol was big on affirmations - DONE RIGHT.
Most do it utterly wrong.
Lets break it down to bare, brass tacks.
Lets say your shopping for a new cellphone - and you really, really want that "spanking new iphone".
You dont have the cash for it, but you add it to your cart anyway.
And you forget about it - so you think.
You DON'T though - every so often you check back, think about it ...
One fine day, and that day comes sooner than you'd expect, without even thinking about it, that phone is YOURS - somehow. Sometimes, you didnt even buy it yourself!
(not always, but a lot of times the Universe works in wondrous ways if you let it).
In the meantime, what do you do?
Do you "settle" for another cheaper model? One you dont really want?
If you do - well, you're classified as someone who doesn't "really want it" - and therefore wont get it.
If you're like me (and this was me the last time I bought a damn dumbphone) - you dont settle.
And you get what you WANT.
It's a simple example - and that can be applied to your affirmation, yet, saying "I have that phone" didnt attract it to me.
I said the polar reverse, actually ...
Same thing applies to shopping for clothes - to attracting money - to something as simple as deciding what to eat today.
If you really, really want it - you'll figure out a way to get it, it's that simple, repeating affirmations consciously or not does not matter. It will be a part of you, period, and it wont rest until it gets what it wants. Simple as that.
Same thing applies to your FITNESS my friend.
If you are REALLY REALLY Sick of looking in the mirror and seeing a flabby mess staring back at you (if you're honest with yourself to admit what sort of condition you're in) - if you're REALLY, really sick of being weak and not being able to do a single pull-up - or very many pushups at all - if you're sick of looking at the "studs on TV" and wishing "I was like them" - then you'll TAKE the steps necessary to improve your condition.
You'll invest in the resources you need to improve yourself - whether I tell you or not - whether you "affirm" it to yourself or not.
Thats how it works, friend.
And thats the Law of Attraction broken down into its simplest form - there's more to it, but thats the "gist".
Anyway ...
For those truly interested in getting in kick ass shape - starting NOW - and tossing out the rubbish excuses and "time tried nonsense" - well, the link to start is right HERE - The 0 Excuses Fitness System.
It is the baseline every serious fitness enthusiast, regardless of what "level" you're at right now MUST either begin at or pass.
And thats that for now - back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The "adding to cart" is a dead giveaway that You, or SOMEONE wants it - and believe me, there are SO many of you that have added products to the cart and keep coming back to the checkout page (believe me, I can track this) that it begs the question "why the delay" my friend.
Like I said, if you're truly serious you'll do what it takes NOW. I can't do it for you. YOU have to do it yourself, its that simple.
The new and politically correct dumbass way of saying "exam".
I'm learning new and progressive ideas daily, progressively most RETARDED buffoon created "ideas" too.
For instance, I had no idea you were supposed to use "three pronouns" when referring to women - apparently men too - apparently calling a man "him" and a woman her and saying there are only two genders is the most politically incorrect thing you can do these days.
A certain VP Harris clued me, the cluestill onto that BS.
And on Whatsapp as I view my daugher's examination schedule, it's called "evaluation".
Or "greater evaluation" or some bullshit.
I scanned the entire message from head to toe, not a mention of "exam" anywhere.
When I asked my daughter to prepare and told her how to, the answer was "well, we just need rehash what we already did in class".
In other words, exams are basically given in class as HW, the students hardly ever write it down so it comes home to Whatsapp so they can stay glued on even more to their damned devices - Moms apparently love it and allow their kids to become dumbphone addicted with the "everyone does it excuse" (not all moms though - I know several that limit their children's screen time, but you'd be a fool to expect something like that from my daughter's mother) ...
... and the school itself is closed half the time, every time it rains apparently the school is closed, every little thing, they find an excuse to shut down the school - and increase fees - which "everyone gladly pays" ...
And so continues the clown circle.
It ain't just in India either, this politically correct madness has swept the world.
It ain't just my daughter's school either, I suspect they're all like that.
And I know no-one bothers to say anything about it, people like me that do are the idiots for saying it.
Ah well.
To me, I'd rather be old school as I always AM.
Always will be, regardless of how much I make or dont, how much I sell or dont ...
And thats that from me.
Rahul Mookerjee
Ps - And thats how my products are structured too. And thats one prime reason they get RESULTS. Have at - if you so CHOOSE.