Rahul Mookerjee

I wrote the book on isometric training a few months ago. 

And while I did that, I noticed something strange - that a lot of the exercises that you do when doing isometrics are also great in terms of flexibility training. 

They aren't just great - they are NEEDED - and they perform both functions (especially some of the isometrics I show up w.r.t the LEGS and hamstrings). 

Trust me, this is one HUGE missing link in most people's training, even those that train "exclusively bodyweight". 

You've got guys out there for instance, that can bang out 50 pull-ups in perfect form easy peasy. 

They can hike hills all day. 

Perhaps wrestle for hours a day. 

But amidst all this hardcore stuff, they forgot the "yang". 

And not necessarily willingly so. Hey, I know. I've been there too. 

The yin and yang basically, and the gentle and FLEXIBLE soothes the effects from the HARD and brutal, while the latter complements the fomer too. 

Truly a symbiotic relationship, my friend. 

And I'm amazed I had not written a book on isometrics before my great customer (one of them - the numbers are LEGION!) prompted me to do the book on isometrics (I believe it was him). 

He made other requests too which are all in various stages of completion as we speak. 

Lots to do and I'm loving it! 

But really - isometrics were used by EVERY great strongman of yore, and there is a reason behind this (as I say on the sales page). 

And ANOTHER GREAT customer of mine from the UK, John, just got this very book (in paperback format) - and said the following (bear the above in mind while reading what THIS man had to say) - 



Of all the excellent training information that you've written about in your superb training books I truly believe that the information in this latest book is the missing link that ties all the other books together.

It is no exaggeration that this book is a must read for anyone who wishes for their body to function as an integrated unit and not just a collection of uncoordinated body parts.

People, in this book you will find the secret to how calisthenics athletes perform such impossible looking feats of strength. Brilliant work Rahul.

Warmest Regards

John Walker

And he said it better than ever before! 

YES, bodyweight exercises do connect the entire body - even if you dont do isometrics. 

BUT, and this is a huge BUT. 

Your TRUE strength comes from the inside out, and so does your vitality. 

And if you're thinking that strong muscles are the secret ALONE, you're sadly mistaken my friend. 

They're PART of the secret yes, but by NO MEANS the MAIN reason. 

The main reason behind your strength and improvement in your strength training levels etc is - get this - your TENDON and LIGAMENT strength!

The strongest muscles in the world will do nary a bit of good if the "back up" system is weak my friend. 

And many a wrestler will testify to this. 

So will the "reformed bench pressers" and boobybuilders who KNOW how easy and painful it is to tear ligament upon ligament while piling more and more weight onto the bar in an insane manner... 

To truly learn the secret behind REAL strength - - to do it the way the old timers did - grab the course on isometrics NOW

Write back - and let me know your thoughts!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - John - thanks again for the great and kind words (and HONEST WORDS!). And folks - all of you - DO leave more honest reviews! 

Thursday, 26 January 2012 04:14

Isometrics and my opinion on them

Most people aren't entirely clear on what exactly isometric exercises entail. And that's understandable, as they are rarely discussed or talked about in the "muscle media" these days. Let's take leg training as an example: - I mean, how often have you seen a personal trainer advocating exercises where you stay in a certain position and don't move, as opposed to doing an "accepted" exercise such as the "leg extension" (which is actually an awful exercise in my opinion)?

Briefly then, isometric exercises are those in which you hold your body in a certain disadvantaged position, and hold for time. They also encompass exercises wherein you push or pull against an immovable object, thereby building a type of strength in the muscles, ligaments, joints and tendons that you wouldn't while doing other exercises.

Isometrics can be a great way to develop one's strength and endurance in certain positions. Done correctly, isometric exercises can also help strengthen muscles that are weak to "get them up to speed" for other exercises.An oldie, but goodie, is holdiing the "chair" position against a wall. This one is simple - simply find a wall, line your back up against it, and then "sit" down such that you are forming a "chair" with the wall - and hold for time. Sounds simple enough to do? Not advanced enough? Well, I have this to say - TRY it before you knock it! Most folks canot do more than 10 seconds of this exercise - and remember there are far more advanced variations as well.

So, should you include isometric exercises in your program? Most definitely. However, I don't believe they should be the cornerstone of your program - nor should they be the "base" upon which you build.

There are many reasons behind this, but the #1 reason is that isometrics do not lend themselves well to "cardiovascular" training. Most of the exercises I advocate (and DO) ensure that you get a kick-butt strength-cum-cardio workout in very little time - but isometrics, due to the nature of the exercises don't quite fit the bill. Do them, and you'll see why I'm saying this.

As for me, I personally do not a LOT of isometric holds in my own training, but I'll include them sometimes just for a change. I'll do them sometimes at the end of my workout, or mix it up a bit and include some isometric holds in the middle of my workout (for a "rest"). And it works great for me.

So, bottom line - include isometric exercises into your routine, but don't rely solely upon them. Mix them into your routine wisely, and you'llstrengthen your muscles in a whole different manner altogether.

Best Regards,


PS #1: You really should check out Fast and Furious Fitness if isometric training is something that interests you.

PS #2: We're going to have an online payment facility up on the site VERY SOON wherein you can order your product online and pay via credit card - stay tuned for this!

 These could probably be condensed – or seperated – and then hung out to dry, hehe – as TWO emails.

But first, a bit of a strange occurrence – or questions – or both.

Why, I ask, why (Bozo schofield, pay attention, LOL) would guys (ostensibly STRAIGHT guys) talk about “hanging condoms out to dry on clotheslines so they could be re-used” – or send dick pictures galore in what was decidely not a porn group on WeShat?

I can tell you why I call it WeShat.

But can these fine fellas, all fine upstanding “Gym Shym” preacher with big bellies (some) and even more gigantic bloated MUSCLE (some) tell me why they would be doing the same?

I won’t take names and kick ass (for a change).

Bozo Schofield, well, he’s the epitome of lunacy so I just HAVE To. Plus he makes me sales.

But I kinda like the other two dudes, hehe. Especially the boobybuilder with knee injuries who I Once asked to run sprints.

To his credit, cliff listened.

HE might not have DONE it.

But he didn’t trash talk bodyweight like a certain other guru shuru does.

(not to mention he came out and agreed with - or shoul di say had the GUTS to admit that the Chinese are one of the most racist people ever in certain regards, and he said this despite being a color you wouldn't think would say it, hence my rants about "not all people are bad!") 

(Credit bro!) 

Shuru, lol.

Thats “start” in Hindi.

Here I start again, I can heer certain people thinking.

Here I GO again. Like that Energizer Bunny, hehe, as certain female shave called me.

And to the other guy’s credit?

He said the following

“Rahul doesn’t just “do it” (to a silly question along the lines of “if I do it”.). He TEARS it apart”.


Now, inneundos aside (would you believe, that was the sort of conversation that went on in “Keeping it Real in China” (one reason I GAVE the group away, and Bozo Schofield of all people ended up getting it through a third party, and he promptly turned it into a porn group)) (and Charles was right. Dont give it to Glyn, he repeatedly told me, hehe).

But I didn’t.

Glyn “got it” …

but anyway. Point of all this you ask?

Brain dump for one, and this brain dump occurred during a SUPER STUD workout, my friend.

No, not pull-ups although that happened before and after.

But when, and hear me out, you can do 500 jump ropes in approximately 1:45, you truly ARE super stud level at jumping rope right if nothing else.

You’re probably pretty damned good at other things too.

(I wont go thre, hehe).

But jumping rope does increase blood flow all over the body, including to the nether regions where most modern day men and boobybuilders selling supplements get LESS flow.

Far lesser, I should say …

But anyway, I haven’t put out an advanced course on jumping rope as yet.

Maybe I shall.

But for now, Jump Rope Mania! Is advanced enough to keep you busy and sweating your WHOLE Life.

Now, the inner citadel?

Well, it’s simple

Tracy once told me that “you’re always so positive! I love it!”

High praise coming from a fine, fine lass … hehe.

And most people whether they agree with me or not have told me the same thing (on my list, and pretty much most people I meet) except THREE people.

Two, actually.

The Bozo = Hannibal, not “human”.

The other two?

I’ll let you guess, hehe.

25% discount off for those that DO guess – RIGHT!

Oh, and in an email or so prior or perhaps one that I wills end soon, there’ll be a goof that doesn’t seem like a goof, and the number “25” or a derivative thereof will be involved.

See if you can spot it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Get to ANIMAL like fitness levels and become the REAL Man you were meant to be (hint – Mother Nature didn’t intended you to turn into a puff duff boobybuilder my friend. Adding more poundage on to the bar ain’t where its at either. REAL MAN training is done on your FEET, not your back and ass (unless its the lovely not Schofield, of course, hehe) by INDULGING galore in the WORKOUTS that will get you there – Animal Kingdom Workouts, the book that is possibly my best and most controversial ever, and is raising eyebrows and getting RAVE REVIEWS!

PS #2 – I “Capped” off my workout with a 1 minute isometric stretch. Thats right, just one minute. And those workouts I give you in Isometric and Flexibility Training – last guess how long?

Righto, my friend.


And they WILL kick your ass. Guaran-damn-teed.

PPS – Citadel, “sh”it-adel. LOL. Never got to that. But basically it’s a Napoleon Hill expression which basically means you let NOTHING but the thoughts you WANT to come into your innermost mind. I’ve written about this before, and despite it NOT seeming that way, I practice it almost daily, and the results are wondrous. So should YOU!

And if you don’t know how, apply for COACHING on it here. (how dare I, eh. Hehe. But I did!) 

Tuesday, 22 December 2020 07:12

Jumping rope in a “twisty” manner

Yesterday I spoke about jumping rope, and getting a super workout in (one of them) straight out of Jump Rope Mania!.

And I’m sore today.

I’m sore all throughout the lower back, but not the legs, which is strange you might say for workouts such as these?

Especially because they really hammered the upper body as well in terms of pull-ups ...

And I didnt even get into torquing pushups and the such.

But anyway, my LOWER back is sore ... the SIDES.

Deep, deep down inside. Not the superficial “muscle” on top (or the skin, I should say).

It’s deep soreness, and it will be rectified as I move about today, but the point of this is ... that jumping rope is yet another way you can add in twisting to your routine.

You might think it’s not possible to twist and torque while jumping rope, but it is.

You might not think it’s possible to do on ONE LEG, but it is - - even for YOU, the average fitness enthusiast.

You might not think jumping in a tight circle, or any circle at all while jumping rope is possible, but it IS.

You might not think jumping rope alone gives you a super GRIP workout, but it does if you do it RIGHT.

And I could write tomes on it, but I won’t.

For now, the BOOK will have to suffice.

If what I’ve already told you doesnt hammer home the FAT BURNING effect of these workouts into your NOGGIN, then nothing else will bro.

Get after it right HERE. Jumping rope is one of those essential skills nigh on everyone should have, including you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – There is a reason boxers and wrestlers for one use this simple but HIGHLY effective tool in their workouts.

PS #2 – Oh, and don’t forget to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System while you’re at it. Truly the most comprehensive and RESULTS producing system ... EVER put out!

Friday, 04 September 2020 11:47

5 minute workouts, and more . . .

Pursuant to my last email about the number of lardasses globally INCREASING rather than decreasing, especially with the “lockdown shockdowns” everywhere . . . it makes me think.

Long and hard.

Now, it ain’t something I’ve not written before of course.

But the point is this.

People can find hours to discuss politics. Or post about it. Or discuss the latest training methods over dinner.

Or discuss the next move China is going to make, for that matter (see my latest FB Post for more on that).

Watch the news for hours. Goggle at the plague stats for donkey’s years.

And so forth.

And yet, a 5 minute workout seems to be too much for said people to get done.

Don’t get me wrong.

All of the above IS IMPORTANT to think about to an extent and discuss, and research. The more informed you are, the better it is always, and that holds especially true in these trying times.

But point also is this.

Health ultimately is the only wealth you’ll ever have my friend, and while the vast majority of people would scoff at this until last year or so (though truth be told, the signs have been NIGH globally for years) they probably won’t now.

At least not the majority of people.

Feel better, look better, and most importantly be healthy from the inside out.

Not just so you can beat the blasted plague or whatever the hell the Chinese CCP unleashed on the ROW.

For YOU.

And you alone, and your loved ones.

This afternoon, I broke my workout down this way.

700 jump in 5minutes flat.

A minute or so break in between.

And as I completed 5 sets, I felt GREAT. And exhausted, of course.

And I could literally see my stomach expanding in and out as I detailed in that last email (hint – as I’ve mentioned in Advanced Hill Training, THAT is how you know you’re getting the fat burning MUSCLE building workout of your LIVES).

At the end of the 3500 jumps, all done in sets of 700, I did some pull-ups.

Again, same thing.

I did sets of 5. Before I knew It, I was exhausted. Grip failing. And this is Mr. Gorilla Grip we’re talking about!

My total workout time likely lasted around an hour, out of which HALF of that was just rest, walking back and forth to the park, resting in between sets etc.

Yes, what I tell you in Advanced Hill Training is very true about your rest periods far outdoing you rworkout times . . . and you making the best gains of your life on that routine!

Go HERE now, my friend, and invest today. This truly is worth it for the LONG TERM!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is that link again.

When you look at the picture of Mike Tyson with that jump rope in hand, or indeed ANY of his pictures, THREE things stand out.

The chiseled CORE.

The MEATY, SOLID forearms that could likely knock a damned gorilla out!

And that solid, muscular CHEST OF HIS. Slabs of muscle as it were, like no other!

And while I’ve covered pushups before, the one thing I haven’t is rope sprints. Done right.

At least, I don’t think I have.

I’ve covered hill sprints before.

Bourne sprints.

Regular sprints (and pulling my Achilles while I was at it!)

And BIPEDEAL and other sprints (that’s the next email, by the way!)

But not rope sprints.

And as I get done with a super, super workout, let me tell you something.

If there is one thing that burns and shakes when you’re doing jump rope sprints right, it’s your FOREARMS MORE THAN NAYTHING else!!


Quite literally.

And . . . gasp, your TRICEPS.

Try doing a set of pull-ups or pushups right after these rope sprints, and youll see what I mean.

If you’re doing ‘em right, you’re not going to be able to do more than 15-20 seconds of this REGARDLESS of the shape you’re in – if you do ‘em right!

The very same thing I talk about in Advanced Hill Training and the very same thing that causes fat to FLY OFF YOUR BODY like nothing else!

And the breaks, you ask?

Well, you REDUCE them.

And while that may sound hard to do while you’re breathing and panting up a veritable storm, it’s easy if you know how.

One way is to do what I said the other day, do an easier exercise.

Maybe a few reps of it.

Or, BREATHE Deeply like I’ve taught you . . . that by itself is an exercise unto itself.

Or, do another exercise (a complementary one).

The key is this – don’t stop to smell the roses (or sweat) for longer than you have to, and REDUCE that time.

Keep reducing it no matter what.

And the MENTAL part, of course.

There is a tendency to waffle around once you get tired, or start to.

During these times, AFFIX that IMAGE of yourself - - the PERFECT YOU as you exercise.

And imagine yourself super fit, and CONSTANTLY GOING!

Rep after rep, set after set, and you’ll see the exercise times going on, and the breaks, the heart rate hammering through the ROOF, and your gains too!

And last, but not least, don’t think for a minute think that this sort of thing ain’t gonna add strength.

Oh yes, it will.

Strength + conditioning in one package, and if there ever was a benefit to Rahul Mookerjee’s stuff it is THAT!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is the System that will give you the carved abs you want, and the benefits above.

P.S #2 – Make sure to check out Corrugated Core right here too!

P.P.S. - Taking a break from Animal Kingdom Workouts. I've decided to stop at 68 exercises for now, and am through writing the descriptions etc for 25 of them. Steady progress, and very much in the works! Back at it tomorrow, but for now, I figured I'd write to you. ;)

I’ll admit it.

Oh YES, I will.

I’ve been in one of my foul, foul moods as of the last couple of days. Day and a half, actually, ever since .  . .

Even since, ah, but wait.

I wrote a post about the FACT that ignoring the negative in your life won’t necessarily make it go away, and in some cases will even excaberate the problem.

That caused a few people to unsubscribe from the list. One person (well intentioned) even sent me this “Can’t you be a little less grumpy at times?”

Well, she was right in a way, but she was WRONG in a bigger way.

I wasn’t being any grumpier than my normal “el groucho” self. I was stating a fact, which with all the hoo haa about everything going on, people choose to ignore these days, and “just think positive”, thinking it will “draw the positive” to them.

And the so called goooorrooooosss don’t help either, my friend, by propogating  stuff that flat out don’t WORK.

As for proof?

Look around you, my friend. Look at what is happening not just to you on a macro level, but globally.

And as for this damned COVID19, don’t even get me started on the stupidity again. Apparently it’s gotten to the point where even normally sane people are buying into the insanity of “the world needs to stay locked down indefinitely” and to hell with why or the repercussions and consequences.

Deep breath ….

Anyway …

So you have probably noticed my two sites (at least the fitness ones) beiong up and down over the past day or so.

Actually, you probably noticed an OLDER version of the site yesterday without the most recent blog posts, and today, a BLANK page when accessing the site.

My host done moved servers for what seemed like the umpteenth time, and in typically professional manner and by their own admission they never bothered to inform any of their customers about it.

And for what seemed like the billionth and one time, 2-3 days of blog posts and site upgrades were LOST during the transfer, and the host could care less despite this problem occurring not once, not twice, but damn near every month.

If anything, their response is “so what. IT happens”.

And one fine gentleman on the support team took the time and initiative to rename the site main file to “hello world”, and then claim it was working when 0excusesfitness.com showed nothing but “hello world”, something my six year old could probably have done eyes closed.

And for those that didn’t know, they call this “tech support”.


Some will no doubt ask why I don’t move hosts given all these fools have put me through in 2020.

But I did my friend.

And the last one was just as bad, and in these times of lockdown and what not (indeed, they have a ready excuses “we’re working from home! Please understand!”) I am not sure a move would be the best idea.

What infuriates me is their stock “We’re sorry for the inconvenience” response to everything, which they just generate by pressing a button on their customer service app. They’re anything BUT sorry, and this problem reoccurs every month, so if they WERE truly sorry they would have fixed it, but nothing.

A law unto themselves a lot of these web hosts are, and while I’ve shortlisted another one, I’m not hopeful. But we’ll see.

In the meantime if you have any suggestions on this front, feel free to pass ‘em my way and we’ll go from there.

And on other fronts, and grip workouts …. Napoloen Hill correctly stated that every situation, every negative occurrence has a positive – and the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit if you look for it.

While I’m not sure this situation has any benefit whatsoever, I was feeling 200 on a scale of 1 to 100 on the grumps scale this morning, and I’m at 70 now.


Well, the only way I know how.

A hard, hard workout in which the jump rope darn near slipped out of my hand, and not because of the sweat either.

IT was because I couldn’t grip it any longer at a certain point during my workout.

That’s right.

The Gorilla grip fanatic could barely grip the jump rope!

Would you believe it if I told you that my workout involved nothing but this, and the numbers 1600 and 20?

A 20 minute workout for 1600 jumps, and a slight change in hand position that left me fried.

A small change that torched my entire chest and core, and upper back, and my grip … and that explains the numerous typos in this here email, more so than normal, hehe.

I’m not going to reveal what it is HERE, but rest assured it’s BIG my friend – it will work your entire body and fry that unsightly lard off in ways you never thought possible – in record fast time.

And I’ll reveal all on my groups and inner SHIP (circle) once the site is finally back online. UGH!

And so it goes for now, my friend. I’m so pissed I haven’t even turned on the air-con and I’ll do so now and might as well take a shower too, hehe.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Napoelon Hill wrote about being tested, did he not? In his own words, there seems to be a hidden guide whose job it is to test men through all sorts of discouraging circusmstanes and heartbreaks to ascertain just how much they can take. The men that succeed are those that keep picking themselves back up  and keep on keeping on, until they finally “reach” – and the gates of full blown success are thrown wide open – and in terms of hosting – and some other things right now – I sure do seem to be going through it!

P.S #2- Nothing new for me though, hehe, so rest assured. We’ll be back with a bang very soon – and how – and on that note, I’m out. See ya later!

P.P.S – And while I won’t name and shame the web host for now, I’ll tell you this – stay AWAY from companies that pretend to be based out of the U.S. and have their support sneakily and entirely based in India. I’ve written about how tech companies and BPO etc in general is quietly leaving India, and THIS level of service is one reason why, and believe me, with my I.T. background and work experience here, I KNOW (back in the day I actually worked for someone, hehe).

No it aint racism, so please get off your soap box(before you start). It’s me stating a FACT, my friend. Customer service in anything (or most things) in India atrocious if at all existent … Amazon India being the one exception to the rule.

I’m sure there are good companies there, but they are very much the exception I’d say rather than the NORM!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012 06:14

An instant pick me up

Dear Reader,

Was another one of those days today where I woke up a bit cranky, and not feeling "on top of the world". No worries - I know exactly what to do to drive the blues away, and proceeded to do so almost pronto. And I'm feeling great now - can't imagine another case of the blues attacking me today. 

And my instant pick me up is NOT comfort food, not a magic pill, and certainly not "one for the road". It involves a jump rope, and my running shoes - the exact formula being 1500 jumps. That's it - it's that simple.

Jumping rope is a fantastic overall exercise, not just for overall fitness, but also to drive the blues away. The jumping motion strengthens your legs and back, and the constant whippy rope turns ensure your forearms get a decent workout in as well (more than decent, if you do things the right way).

And fat loss? Man, when you can do 1500 jumps within 15 minutes, your not going to be worried about losing fat - your metabolism will be cranked so high that you'll be doing it all day long without even thinking about it! 

Note than I'm emphasizing the TIME taken a lot - this is key. You don't want to take all day to jump rope, or any other exercise for that matter. I'm not saying everyone's gotta do 1500 in 15 minutes, but try and get your routine done as fast as you can without comprising form. This is key to weight loss, but also to releasing the correct endorphins into your body, and also gives you a fantastic, natural HIGH - that lasts all day long.

If your a beginner, start with some of the routines I mention in Fast and Furious Fitness. Do what you can, and you'll quickly realize why I can't praise this one exercise enough.

And last, but not least, don't overdo things. Progress slowly, and at a level YOU can handle - and you'll be on the road to super fitness within no time.

Let me know how you do!

Best regards, 


PS: For the folks at Technorati, here's the code you requested me to put into a blog post: Q76FX9ABA3U9 . Regular readers may ignore this line.

PS#2: There is a reason why boxers and wrestlers jump rope as part of their daily routines. Find out why by going HERE.


Tuesday, 24 January 2012 03:31

5 minute jumps to super fitness

If your like most people, you probably think this one is not doable.

Most people have been conditioned to believe that any effective routine has to be somewhat long; for most people, this usually equates to an hour or more (and I'm not even talking about time spent driving to the gym, changing into workout clothes, et al). I have a hard enough time convincing folks that you CAN get a super workout in 15 minutes, 20 minutes at most.

And now, I'm talking about 5 minutes. That's right, everyone has five minutes to spare - and the margin for excuses just got way slimmer (no pun intended). Think about it - how hard is it to simply devote five minutes of your day to an activity that will more than justify the time spent on it?

FIVE minutes out of your daily routine is what you need to spare - and YES, you WILL improve your fitness in that period!

One of the keys to "5 minute fitness" is jumping rope. Jumping rope has been around for ages, but has inexplicably fallen out of favor with most people these days. This is bad news, as jumping rope is one of the most effective overall body workouts you can get. Your legs get a great workout from the constant jumping, and you chisel fat off your body with every jump. You also build solid, useful muscle all over your body - not to mention the deep breathing, which energizes your entire system. In fact, I did a very brief 15 minute routine today - which included rope jumps amongst other things, and I had nothing left by the end of it. And I feel absolutely GREAT now! 

I cover rope jumping in Fast and Furious Fitness. Simply jumping rope on a regular basis is enough to transform you into a lean, fat burning machine, so incorporate it into your routine if you have not done so already.

Don't believe me? Try jumping rope for five minutes straight, and then tell me how you feel. I'll bet you feel a whole lot better - and if your a beginner, TWO minutes of continous jumping is likely all that  you need before you can't go any further. Either way, you'll benefit tremendously from this one exercise alone.

Happy jumping!

Best regards,


PS: Jump on over HERE to grab your copy of Fast and Furious Fitness.

Steel, because, well steel, rebar, because, strong and flexible - you get the photo, my friends and fellow fitness lovers / fanatics! 

I happen to fall into the latter category i.e. fanatics. 

But along with looking like a 14 year old (or was it 13, hehe) thats "not entirely a bad thing!" 

Anyway, before I tell you what I really want to, pushups are well known for giving you a core of steel. 

It could be any pushup, really. 

If ALL you did was 25 regular slow and easy pushups with proper form and breathing DAILY, you would be in better shape than and have a stronger, leaner, tighter midsection than the majority of people in this world - more than 99%, I'd say - gym goers definitely included. 

Or, if you could even do FIVE reps of the best darn exercise, essentially a pushup x 10. 

But what I want to talk about today is a pushup many call "arms extended" or arms out pushups. 

I call it the Jack La Lanne pushup - and a core blaster. 

Yet more call it a "floor humper" pushup. 

And THIS pushup is what I Really want to focus on today - because if there is one pushup that is mostly lats and CORE - and lower back - and shoulders, but especially core, it is this one. 

What do I mean? 

Well, take a gander at this link first. 

Hell yes - this IS A PUSHUP! - YouTube

One of those shorts - a clip, in fact, from the 0 Excuses Fitness workout video - of exactly this pushup. 

Most people - including seasoned fitness fanatics find it impossible to even get into position for these, let alone do them towards the fag end of a long ass workout. (250 x 2 pushups that day when I filmed, one in the afternoon, one in the evening. Had to get my "pump" on. Hehe. Nah, not really, bu tyou get my drift). 

Today, I was going to do up a brief video on just this exercise, but it's a cold, dank, dark day out there - and I dont think I wanted mud all over me in the park. 

Not to mention, other than a few giggly schoolgirls staring at me curiously, there was no-one out there - no Mr Tan, no friend, no-one. Hehe. And I wasn't going to walk up to the schoolgirls! 

Anyway ... 

You tube, even if you dont subscribe to my videos, does a fairly good job of showing you the videos anyway - if you see a video, naturally, these days, it'll do the subscribe for you without acutally doing it, and show you more of the same from the same creator - but you should definitely subscribe and like for all the updates. 

Now, this pushup. 

Most of you find it impossible to do. I know, I've had feedback on this. 

So without further ado, a few steps to make it easier, maybe - 

When you start, remember the arms should be AS far ahead of the body as they can go. 

Not a shape where you make a triangle with the floor, the body should be parallel to the floor. Period. 

Second, arms WIDER than shoulder width is a great way to start these. 

Third, if you can't hold that position without quivering and shaking - work up to the isometric on it. 

It's a GREAT way to build strength in the position, even those of you that can do 20 plus of these (like me) will find the isometric immensely useful. 

Fourth, the closer your arms are, the tougher it gets, ultimate goal should be to bring them in as close to each other as you can. 

And fifth, perhapst most important. 

When you lower, the tendency, even for super fit studs out there, will be to touch the core to the floor, not the chest. 


You touch the CHEST to the floor, slowly, exhale down, inhale all the way up - THAT is what gives you the armpit (lat) work - and lower back and core (especially upper abs) work. 

You will take a long, long time to get good at these, my friend, but work them daily, they're that important, and that worth it. 

The great Jack La Lanne did these on his fingertips, and I can think of few better grip builders than to simply hold the position like that. 

In Pushup Central, I tell you to to be damn careful doing them on your fingertips because you WILL almost collapse on your face the first time you do 'em! IF you can do 'em - otherwise, hold the isometric. 

The sky is the limit here, of course - you could take fingers away, or an arm away - but those while being real fun to do, and super hard - aren't even required. 

Just get good - damn good - at the regular version, and believe me, your core will be POPPING before you know it. 

In the tuture, it'll happen when it does, there will be a Youtube out on this - stay tuned. 

And for now, remember the pushups tutorial video in 0 Excuses Fitness, a mammoth, detail packed behemoth in its own right explains this better than any written post ever could. 

If you haven't yet got the System, you'll want to get it now. 

Thats it from me. 

Back SOON!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - While you do feel this pushup in the upper chest, the GOAL should be to feel it in the lats, lower back and CORE. More on that later. 

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