Misc. (343)
Why dealing with or listening to the "its just...." crowd is a sure shod recipe for getting "just a big fat zero" - and more! Hehe.
My friend,
It might sound insane and incredible, but if you'd ask my "wife" about my fitness prowress, she'd scoff.
Him! She'd say.
What does he know about fitness.
I know, I know.
But, for her to say that sounds incredible anyway doesnt it?
Her claim - or "logic" behind that is "he once used to be SOOOOOOOOOO phat" - and not the results that followed thereafter.
Certainly not the fact I could do way more at that phat phocker status than either other phat phockers or the average Shmoe at the JIm could in a lifetime - or tries to in one.
(oh, and to the other person who wrote in asking about "why I bring up the bad things also" (he was referring to women etc) - well, because I write about it all. The good, bad, Bozos and the Ugly. Hehe. And personally, I think what I write about, especially when it comes to these damn women affects WAY more of us than care to admit).
Anyway ... thats neither here nor there eh.
So back to it.
"Its just bodyweight exercises!"
Just pushups!
Oh, those, just squats!
Oh, thats just a book ...
And so forth.
Yet, how many books have THESE bozos making the comments written - or done pushups - or squats?
Nil in most cases, and less in the rest.
Dont get me wrong.
I'm not for blind Tom Tomming of any nature (one reason why I dislike the China Tom Tom's so much).
You'll never see me writing or advising you about "how to be a Bozo" (well, I can on that, hehe aka "The Glyn" - but seriously, no) - or "how to make a million dollars" - until I make it myself.
Or whatever goal or result it might be.
And if the other person is damn good at it, a damn sight better than ME, I'll say that.
You'll never catch me saying something -ve about my wife's cooking - because she's so damn good at it!
Funnily enough, this "it's just ..." thing doesnt apply to all the astrologers she follows with their only claim to fame being "x number of followers" - which I call out, because as I've said before, they can be deplatformed at ANY TIME.
Happened to Trump, can happen to YOU - or them.
Hell, you ain't gotta be Trump - its happened to me on LinkedIn - no "1 million" followers - but I had a hefty 6 k or so - all gone - just like that - with the wind.
Writing, articles, everything...
If I didnt spread it all out over other platforms, and focus on my own stuff, Id be wailing right about now. Hehe.
(not really, but you get my point!)
But to simply claim what the other person is doing as "just this or that" and not be able to do it yourself is a fuckin copout, friend, and anyone that does that knows it.
And saying like Chuck once did "I was zero before, and zero now" - well, true ... but it's also a statement that smacks of LOSER.
Sorry, friend, but it's true.
Show me the man who says I was zero - and less - and I TRIED my ass off - failed - tried - failed - and keep trying - THAT IS the man I respect!
In other words ...
I can tell you how much I deadlifted back in the day, Chuck.
You won't see me making silly remarks on (if you ever) your posts on that.
But how many pull-ups can YOU DO?
How many extreme pull-up or grip workouts have YOU DONE?
And so on and so forth.
The "its just" brigade is way more common than you'd think, pal. Avoid 'em like the plague!
Oh - and one last night thing - those claiming I am a hypocrite because I "once did weights".
I never denied I lifted weights - when I was a phat phock!
I never did boobybuilding though, no.
Hence, no books on that (though I've been asked, I wont do it, not because I couldn't write one on it, but because I dont like it or support it, and would therefore be piss poor at it, and plus it's not good for you, period) ...
But you'll find, Chuck, most bodyweight gurus have done some sort of weight training - either in the gym or "irregular weights" such as in Lumberjack "Lodestone" Fitness (far better IMO) ... not to mention kettlebells, barbells and the lot.
The reverse isn't necessarily true.
Most weight lifters may MOVE to bodyweight only - or in conjunction with other things once they get tired of injuries, lack of progress, or simply wanting to try it.
I dont know why thats the case, but it is!
And that, friend, is that.
Stay - away from the Tom Tom's and its just's - your life will thank you for it!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The best damn fitness system - right HERE!
How I write so much erotica
Larry recently asked me this (paraphrase) - after reading the book on Nazi feminism (look for a lovely - pun intended, hehe - REVIEW on that soon!) ...
"Just how do you manage to do so much fitness, yet write all those books on erotica?"
"And, that SORT? How did ..."
That is what the "half a page" email boils down to.
Larry, sage questions. Hehe.
First, my output is indeed prodigous in every which way.
But it's true. Writing included!
And second, "in the flow" is the answer to question #3.
Third, that ole bug bear Charles the former friend so hates...
Just do it!
Fourth, and perhaps what I was going to tell you last night, but the idea percolated in my brain ...
Believe it or not, B.S..
Nah, not bullshit you can smell a mile away.
It's Bozo Schofield.
Trust me, my friend, you'd never expect the type of erotica you see in that book (i.e. you see me talking about in that book in what is perhaps and aptly on #26 the PREMIER tip in that book amongst all the other very superlative tips) ...
It's not "get your dick wet" erotica, and it ain't "spanking her" either.
It ain't spanking anything for that matter, as far you're concerned. Hehe.
But it's so hot that it "makes studs blush" - those that have just read the "preorder pages for the book".
Trust me on this one, and it's a nigh perfect tip for the topic of the book.
But anyway, the Bozo.
He's a perfect,living example of how.
i.e. I put myself in th eBozos quite addled mind.
And, I just ask myself this.
"Will Glyn Schofield like this (the one in Brum)"?
If the answer is yes, I know two things.
IT's time to put out a book on it.
And, it's wacko central - yet "sizzlingly hot" - and as Dani said, she's read a few of them - "all real life!".
Precisely why those books are so successful. Hehe.
Plus, it's Mike in it.Hehe.
Or, Mike's "style" I might say ... "Just what Mike likes".
Mike, of course, is what am I to the Chinese.
But the Bozo provides more than just entertainment, my friend.
He makes the cash registers ring - quite literally.
So, Larry.
Thats how!
And the rest of you, if there are two books I'd recommend you get - it's the one int he 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Both solid, great books - and if you're on the warpath against the Libtards, Nazi feminists, and cucks in general, hey, #3 awaits!
Rahul Mookerjee
Has Boozy Bozo forgotten about me? And more...
Some random thoughts, but first, an interesting one!
Bozo Schofield and his tales, and I ain't even gotten started - truly legion, hehe.
If he had any brains, ah, but wait... he doesnt.
But anyway, here's what I just got.
"what about that fat ass that keeps sending you this stupid thing" (this guy was referring to a review he posted on Amazon, specifically, THIS one).
Lots of people want to be studs, hehe, but they aren't willing to pay the price, so they post inanity on websites which is free, and requires NIL effort (both are important for the Bozo, but the latter more so - he's just incredibly fat and LAZY to be honest. Does nothing, like his friend says, "sits around all day eating all my food and drinking all my beer, becoming a phat phock and burden in general we do NOT want to carry" - and trolls. Hehe. That thumb gets a lot of workouts!).
(thats what I should have emailed back, come to think of I'll do it NOW. My bad!)
But anyway, Schofield?
Trust me - he ain't forgotten squat.
He's just at a loss to DO something.
Hes tried all he had, and failed - the reverse of what he wanted happened.
Thats why I love these trollly sorts, it's so easy to get their plans to backfire while benefiting YOU, friend.
Unfortunately, the world in general gets intimidated and cheated by them, and of course, won't learn how because "it should be free".
Well, be my guest. Hehe.
Same thing for ... well, combating Nazi feminism.
Everyone wants to do it.
No-one's got the - well, I should say "precious few have" the gumption to actually do it in a SMART MANNER!
Then, of course ...
But anyway, enough on that.
I haven't forgotten about the Bozo either, and I'll be sending you some updates on that shortly too.
Neither have I forgotten the hordes of Bozos that sit around "lurking", beady eyes peeled looking for "free stuff in his emails and how to copy him to market".
"Learn for free from him".
You can, to an extent, but that will backfire upon YOU, my friend, unless you do it right.
Trust me on this one.
You cannot simple reverse engineer these emails and expect results - it won't happen.
Frustration won't make it happen either.
But, a good start would be doing what I did in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales - note, it should be 20, the sheer value I give yo u- and note - that is the START.
And, incorporating the life tips in Zero to Hero! (again, just the beginning).
Anyway, Boozy Bozo ain't the only one thats being a Bozo.
The number of Bozos is legion globally, and is only, as Daniela said the other day "global problem".
Not just customer service either, as I watch the idiots on WeChat either post retarded photos of ridiculously expensive apartments interspersed with "beautiful" pictures of themselves "hoping someone will buy" (hint - anyone with real brains wants service in that regard, not idiotic drama and Nazi feminism) ... or, and this I really don't get "selling it for cheap".
Dont get me wrong - auctions and garage sales have their place.
Hell, Gorilla Grip (Advanced!) is being auctioned somewhere right as we SPEEK.
But, if you bought a nightie or lingerie for X amount, sell it worn for 1/2 X?
I dont know, I dont think anyone actually buys it - people will wait for the latest coupon from Amazon or whatever and just get it brand new!
Again, dont get me wrong.
SOMETIMES, it's worth it.
When moving between apartments, I often hold garage sales.
Hell, I sold my old power bank to Sophia the "I want large mammaries" girl. Heh.
But ... most part?
Id rather just give away.
That coul dbe a flatscreen TV I am about to give away - or a perfectly functional oven I just gave away.
People - dont - get it.
At this time, and indeed all times, you have to GIVE - with an open heart FIRST - before you can recieve, yet, nutjobs are doing the opposite thing globally!
Or, an old DVD player.
IF you really want to "help" someone, half price ain't it. You just give what you no longer use away!
I often put old clothes etc outside my apartment - the lady comes every morning, and she takes it away.
Some people like the Bozo toss it in the trash "to be mean".
"How dare she make money off my trash".
Small minded thinking, and thats saying something!
Anyway, what can I say ... Bozos. Ugh.
But anyway, and again, ... real reason I'm writing to you?
I ain't forgotten you.
And despite me raising the price for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness like I said I would this morning, I ain't forgotten YOU - again.
Which means, of course, a gift for YOU - and all the other nutters lurking.
Let me take that back.
The lurkers, wel,l I dont want their business.
I only want doers.
And, here is a superlative discount offer for you - Lumberjack.
Thats right.
Thats the discount code you use during checkout to get a 20% off on the pre-order price for this truly special, once in a lifetime book - (hence all the opportunities to get in while the price is "comparitively low" etc).
This ones so special I might not even put it on Amazon.
It'll be sold - but only HERE most likely ...
Jury's out on that one.
But, most likely so due to price etc, that is how it will pan out.
Perhaps elsewhere, we'll see. I've already got plans for a solid video on it for one!
And anyway, thats that.
Rest assured the Boozo will be back, hehe.
And rest assured the discount code will work for you - but ONLY for this product.
Get in while you can, friend, and dont forget to checkout the new paypal design during checkout - it truly rocks!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - This product is one prime example of why it makes so much sense to just say "fuck it" and be a member of the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship, period.
Other than all the golden goodies I mention on that page, remember, you get access to ALL products for a lifetime free (digitial download) - so long as your membership stays valid.
To me, it's a no brainer... calculate, and you'll see. Hehe
And no, you cannot sign up and refund instantly or within a day or two.
Once you're in, you're in. No refunds, no exceptions.
So there it is, friend.
Back soon!
When everyone is too busy to reply, and one main reason I never do business with women.
I gotta tell you, friend, this most UNPOLITICALLY correct thingie.
The women part (except for rare ones like a certain Dani, hehe).
But in general ...
But anyway, I'll always remember a conversation I once had with Marc the African Silverback Gorilla on people not getting to messages.
I cannot understand, friend, why people are so damn rude - and it's getting WORSE.
I mean, I told Marc the following.
"I usually give people at least 24 hours to reply - if they dont, it means they simply dont want to"
He agreed.
And then he said this
"And, it's sheer disrespect".
Which it is, but at the time I focused more on the "dont want" part i.e. they want to get back, they'll get back asap!
Its just getting worse - to be precise, more annoying.
I can just hear the Tom Tom's snicker.
"he's frustrated".
Not as much as YOU, my friend (to the Tom Tom's).
I'm happy - very so - with my life and the direction in which it's going, but I DO want sensible people to have, you know, a conversation with!
Not just idiotic one liners of "HI!" and then crickets (waiting for entertainment).
Or, stupidity to the tune of "we're too busy" - but not to update social media by the minute.
They just dont WANT TO.
Such as Bozo Glyn, when I tried calling him.
"I'm doing other things!" his voice tailed off (he was in ass mostly likely).
Naturally, this getting back doesn't need to be taken to an extreme - I usually allow people 24 hours to get back.
If you're busy, truly so, there is NO Need to answer the phone "now".
But, at least return calls.
And, these days?
Send an email with an issue that requires thought and resolution?
Send an email that is "copy and paste" in terms of responses?
Youll get speedy responses before you even think about it.
"Anther one out of the way", you can almost hear the person sigh.
And, business wise?
IF there's money to be made from you, watch the sheer speed of replies!
Of course, once said dough is minted - service?
Goes down the toilet!
And of course, if its a guy dealing with a woman, she'll eventually pull the "he's rude to women" bullshit when you PUSH like you would with a man.
Men, beyond a certain point cannot pull that excuse.
And thats why despite my love for women in general, I never ever do business with them.
I've written about why it's a recipe for disaster doing business with significant others for one...
And it's true.
Anyway, these people that dont get back aren't too busy.
ANd when you point out stuff like
"Life, slow, eh" (with the snicker)
OR their relentless social media CRAP with
"Everyone's too busy, yet always on their phone!"
They dont reply.
Not necessarily because you aren't important.
BEcause they're sitting and sTEWING, simmering!
"How dare he say that"
"I wish my life was like his!"
I swear, the fake feeling I get from most people - until and unless you light a fuckin fire under their asses has gotta be seen to be believed.
And most of all ,these days, people are just retreating into their shells, and amazingly enough, a time when they should be giving the MOST - focus on TAKE.
And, rebut all help that come their way unless it's idiotic selfies in the Jim (requisite with makeup and the right pose, of course!) - and showing the right amount of skin - or so forth.
And, unless it's something that requires NO effort, in that case you won't be able to serve the customers, so many of them will be.
What a pain.
Anyway I had to get this off my chest while doing a "Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness" workout, and remember, that pre-order - we're nearing the completion of the cycle - my fingers FLY as I write that last bit due to reasons I will not mention now.
But it's nearing completion, so get it now at the price it's being offered at. Post pre-order, watch the price shoot up, up, UP.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - No, I'm not going to "go easy on people". At a certain point, it comes time to take charge of your life and just DO it, for eff's sake!!!
I can just hear it,
"Thats great if you're life is great, Rahul! But not everyone is the same!"
Well, if you truly think that way - those that do - and are dissatisfied with life, it's YOUR fault, friend, NO-ONE ELSE's!
The Gorilla Grip Auction!
Interesting, my friend, interesting.
I just recieved yet another "nth" notice from a courier company (delivery company, express company, kuaidi, whatever you call it, hehe) - to the notice of one of my books "Gorilla Grip (Advanced)" supposedly been stuck at custome somewhere, and them wanting the "import duty" or what not applicable from me.
This message and the emails came to me for months, then stopped.
Now, I have no idea why.
The book was supposed to be sent to a customer from the US - but at the last minute, we changed how it was sent - and it never crossed any borders, let alone into Asia.
But apparently the "canceled" order on Amazon or whatever it was never reflected globally.
One of those things, and today, I received some "long overdue notice" from some "import export adminstration" or some nonsense, some "non official" committee or something (beats me how they got my address???) ... stating that the "professional and technical manual" would be put on auction if I didnt retrieve it or some nonsense.
I've even got the photo. HEhe.
Much like I still have the photo somewhere of being served with a notice by my management in China and being threatened "we call police for breaking you peace!" and "creating mess" - all for what?
Tossing beer bottles in the trash. Hehe.
Some broke, which caused a catastrophe (personally, a cranky neighbor complained - PLUS, of course in Chinese... hehe. If I had done the same if it happened to me, literally no-one would care! and of course, the cleaning lady who couldn't sell the bottles for a profit or what not) ...
Hey, it wasn't like I was tossing them down from the 11th floor like the Bozo was, bringing women of ill repute back home (Bozo was, he was paying them to -ugh, you know what) ...
So his notice was warranted, mine maybe not...
(though yes, plenty of "women" came, but I never got the ill repute thing served to me, hehe).
But it's interesting.
THey never told me where the book would be auctioned and "proceeds would be used to pay something off".
No amounts mentioned!
So, some lucky dude will get it - except where, how and when - I have no idea!
I'll keep y'all posted.
Last I did auctions was on She-Bay, I dont particularly enjoy them either.
(nothing against 'em, just a hassle the way I see it).
Anyway - I wonder what'll come of that!
Will keep ya'll posted, but in the meantime, remember, my friend - building your grip is paramount to fitness at any level.
And the Gorilla grip series is one you simply must have.
Pick it up now, either individually, or in compilation format, you'll love it - and benefit like never before.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS -And do NOT forget the book on tips - Volume two, yes, on it's way, maybe in a few months!
What if you changed "I wish" to "what if", my friend?
Phock, this damn thing crashed while writing it!
But as I wrote it, the Universe was speaking to me - right down to a voice telling me "dont tell her!"
I wont. Hehe.
Beyond that though ...
Tom Tom's and idiots and Buffoons that are neighsayrs, kindly dont read past this.
Freebie seekers, dont either.
Those that believe it's all motivational gobbleydook with no basis in the real world - kindly dont read.
For the rest of though - doers - kindly do and please READ!
Let's face it.
HOw many times per day does the average person, you, me, everyone use the words "I wish"?
Recently, I was talking to a dude, a guy who I met in 2013 with regard to certain goals I have.
Right from the minute I met this dude, right from how he was introduced to me, in a way most people wouldnt understand or even begin to comprehend - right, play of words - and the four ones above - just words, but they make a hell of a difference, friend, a HELL Of a difference!! - to your life - and results - or lack thereof - anyway, right from that point, I knew three things.
Ambitious, the right guy to do what I wanted to get done then - and the person to work with on that.
Great guy as well.
Now, he was saying something along the lines of "Man, I wish someone would get that for me!"
He wasn't referring to a handout, he ain't that kind of guy.
But, it got me thinking.
How many times do you, friend, say or think the following.
"I wish my life was better"
"I wish I wasn't going through this".
"I wish I wasn't married"
"I wish I was in better shape!"
"I wish I had a lifestyle lik eRahul where I could do exactly as I please, when I please, make $$ to boot... and the rest of it"
(on that note, freebie seekers, like a certain Mr S, if you've made it this far - free coaching - nah. Please leave NOW.
While YES, I AM giving you the secrets - some of them - for free here, they ain't the entire picture.
But, a huge part of it anyway!)
"I wish I ... "
Lets face it, all of us do it - and sometimes, often, we ain't even aware of it.
Then we console ourselves by looking at the rest who're in the same boat.
Miserable, unhappy, sad, UNFULFILED..
yet, what if, my friend, just what if ... You changed this thought to - for example.
"What if I was fit enough to do 500 pushups per workout?"
Thats it, and keep THAT thought in mind other than "I wish I was ...?"
Words make a huge fucking difference, friend.
And are ultimatly what seperate the true doers from the wannabe and Bozo sorts.
You might not think so but words make you picture and FEEL a goal - and the intensity with which you feel is what attracts, or helps you attract, NOT the other way around i.e. just saying it without meaning it doesn't do an iota or fig leaf of any good whatsoever.
When you say what if, if you do so right, you'll start to notice two things -
One, how you FEEL. You'll automatically, even if you dont want to, picture the life without a spouse - or with more money - or being super fit - or job of your choice - big house - whatever it is!
This, my friend, is how you start to attract.
When you feel it, you'l have it. Simple fact of life, and you'll be on the way to getting it too if you ain't already.
Second, you'll be elated at the world of possibilities opening when previously yo uthought "impossible".
Trust me on this ...
Try this trick fitness wise with any fitness goal you have for just a week - and report back in terms of your progress, and how you feel (and do so with deep emotion, the goal must be meaningufl to you).
And next, remember this too.
I ain't given my copies of Fast and Furious Fitness away for free.
No way ... but I WILL give 'em to folks interested, and now that I've put out feelers, a lot are.
But yet - I'm putting it on hold.
I want YOU the list to have plenty of opportunities to get it FIRST because you deserve it!
So, repay that faith, friend.
Go ahead and get these now.
Trust me, pure gold, you will ALWAYS cherish this one book - as I do so deeply.
Hence, I talk about it so much, or I wouldn't give a rip either way.
Rahul Mookerjee
Isn't the word "family" - the way it's used these days by most people - overrated, and ring HOLLOW?
One of the prime arguments between my (ex) wife and myself is this - "you got the married tag!"
Apparently her point is that I "say" I'm married, when the reality is the polar opposite.
(I wonder if a certain Bozo - a female one - who twatted about "you're married, but you hide it!" is reading this ... )
Luna, I believe, was this bozo's name (not the Luna I once knew and taught - she's a great gal!)
But anyway, the way most people bandy the word.
It's a good word to begin with, and trust me, traditional families when things work like they should are the best thing ever, yet, the reality?
The world is becoming more and more dysfunctional by the day, and it's Bozos who Tom Tom the word family, yet FEEL the exact opposite about family - that are responsible.
You keep hearing it.
"My family is important!"
Until the next ring notifcication for money recieved comes on your phone it is...
Until then, busy, family, and of course veeeeeedddddeeeoooosssss....
Thats not to say everyone is the same - no - but in the dysfunctional world we live in, where apparently in Scotland - get this - FOUR YEAR OLDS can "change their gender or what not" and "not inform their parents" - I mean WTF - four year olds???????
SSC is one thing, but FOUR YEAR OLDS?
Give me a break, and these are the Tom Tom's talking about family!)
Carol, that girl once I knew who had quite uncomplimentary and 100% true things to say about my own family has done an "about face" for the past couple of years - along with the rest of the increasingly FAKE world.
Yesterday, I told her she could visit me with family someday.
Her response?
"When you with family together? How are you?" (and she's fully cognizant of the so caled family situation, more than most are!).
Trust me on ths one.
She of course, has turned into a Tom Tom too, ignoring most of what is said to her . Of course, she is "too busy!"
And "other time is family time!"
I cannot tell you the CRAP feeling I get from these posts i.e. these people are just getting more and more desperate by the day i.e. it coul dbe Carol wanting to (so called) climb mountains with me, or anyone else, but the reality is - the "family time" excuse is only used so much when times are tough, and there is nothing else to do, so Tom Tom's just focus on what they have.
Ever seen a DOER constantly use the word family that way?
Real doers DO.
If there is a family, they take care of them.
They dont sit on their ass and say we dont cook and clean (if you're a woman) - and if you're a man, you are the breadwinnner, simple as that.
And for my wife to talk about "the tag" in a world where no-one gives a rip about it, where three wives and fifteen husbands with Bozos licking butt is becoming normal, I gotta say this.
Then Nicole, another "outstanding" girl I know.
She posted somethong on her moments translating to this -
"Dont bother my peers today!
They're dating!
It's not easy to find someone!
I work overtime, I dont date!
To say this post smacks of DESPERATION - and tough business (hey, thats China now) - would be an understatement,
She's the boss.
So, of course - she'd rather people go directly to her to avoid paying commissions out. Interesting how the reality is often not mentioned!
And the "instant reply" part from someone who never replies to anything most of the time says it all.
In short - the world is getting FAKER by the day.
I never heard the word "family" being bandied around so much as I do these days - and it ain't because people love each other more.
Divorces for one, are SKY ROCKETING EVERYWHERE - as is entitlement and Nazi feminism ...
Men probably aren't entirely blameless either on that front.
Anyway, yours truly has always been very open about his status, and continues to be so ...
But really if you use the word, MEAN IT!
Don't just use it to show fancy idiotic pictures on social she-dia for one...
To me, my only family, my daughter.
Thats pretty much it, friend - if you talk about mutual caring, respect, and love.
And that, my friend is that.
This post will be a most unpopular one, I'm sure.
But it's nigh true.
And on that note, more unpopular, yet sEARING advice that will get you in the best shape of your life HERE.
Remember, choose the Collector's Edition, pure gold, until copies last, which is 2, so hurry!
Rahul Mookerjee
(and one of those is mine, one the ex wife, so HURRY!)
(I done "actually sold out" a LONG TIME AGO).
In case Asus and WinBlows 10 are listening...
They probably aren't!
But actually they are. Hehe. I can feel them seething "just who is he to post such comments" (before they get together with their Big Tech Cronies and then ban me for saying it. Hehe).
I can't recall what I posted.
But it was something along the lines of "1" i.e. I'd NEVER recommend this brand to anyone - crappy China made Asus which the battery died within a few months of getting it, then the HDD crashed (so called SSD) ... Then, of course, Windows 10 made me install and reinstall the OS until I got sick of it, and never updated anymore.
And I posted some other choice comments ther etoo, all on Twitter (which the Bozo for one I Can see him furiously "wanting to see what Rahul wrote". Hehe).
But really, y'all on the list KNOW all about the computer, phone issues etc and how Big Tech is literally trying to SQUEEZE MONEY out of your pockets by the day.
Thats not the most important thing here.
Two things are.
One, follow me on Twitter, since it likely is the only platform I will use in the near future. (until I get over 10 K there and they ban me haha, as they're doing to us Conservatives everywhere - but we wont STAND FOR IT!).
And two, THIS ...
Ill see you soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Know the sneakiest part of this?
Winblows made me think I was submitting feedback to Asus. Classic case of Bill Hates "firing a gun while on another person's shoulders!"
Why my 8 year old little one has MORE SENSE THAN MOST ADULTS, and whose "really pulling the strings"!
Sage, so damned SAGE!
And so happy I am right now!
TRuly a chip off the old block.
And here's the thing , with the Universe listening, and me being in full flow, what I BE talking about now - well, it was a conversation I just got done with my little girl (well, first the wife, but it "transferred to her" pretty quick as the wife gave me the expected "who are you!" response) ...
I told them about the article I sent you in the last email - tailored, targeted and designed to scare YOU, friend, with examples that seem so real life that they likely are, except they never gave you the full picture!
My wife was like "so what benefit can the UK get from you".
.... (in other words, who does he think he is. This arrogant snot!)
But my little girl didnt say a word.
And later on, we had the conversation about ... well, she told me some news she had heard on the Tee Vee Shee Vee.
I keep telling her to regard most news as a joke..
She's caught on oh so well!
Dad, they showed that 30 people attacked a Hindu temple.
Now, she was watching some India based news.
Does that news ever tell you for instance, when someone attacks a Christian or Muslim church?
Dont get me wrong, it's wrong nonetheless.
But they keep tom tomming their own view does the media, they never ever give you the entire PICTURE!
My daughter then so sagely told me about .. well, before that, it was somethig she didnt understand.
Something about my wife and her job, some "recruitment drive" or some nonsenese to which "50 or 100 people come! Yippee!!"
The sheeple, in other words.
I wasn't shy of saying it.
And on that note, one person (before I wrote this) asked me what a Tom Tom was.
I tried explaining, hehe.
On WeChat.
I said the Brits could probably explain it the best, but that it was an idiot who followed dictum blindly without question, and while saying it, I did the "Tom Tom" with fists up in the air too!
Later, daughter asked me the same thing (she didnt understand what "drive" meant - and the school obviously don't teach her) - and I told her.
Honey, the typical Tom Tom's and their numbers have inreased exponentially.
Dad, what are Tom tom's?
I repeated.
And then she astounded me - though really I wasn't surprised.
She's got a great example to follow, and its the Universe speaking to YOU through me and her!
(Interesting how the Tom Tom's all get pissed when they hear me tell her to follow my example, and when I say she's got a great Dad to emulate. &, do all they can to STOP her from doing so.
They dont get it, the Tom Tom's, do they. Hehe. Its all mental. Thought transmutes -if you KNOW about the ether we ALL LIVE IN!
The DOERS never do - they agree!).
(Of course, when its something negative, they all jump on the mournful bandwagon of "Her Dad oh, woe be ME!!!!!!!!!!!")
Few better people to emulate than Rahul Mookerjee, my friend, and that aint even Tom Tomming.
It's a FACT.
In life, fitness, whatever.
MOst of all saying it like it is.
"Dad, the kids are being puleld into the teacher's dictatorship, the teachers into the administrator's, and the government of course tells the admins what to do" ...
(You might think it's me saying that, no?)
Yet, it was an 8 year old when I was ranting about the brainwashing going on in Asian schools (China being one prime example, but others including INdia have jumped on that bandwagon as of late).
And she finished off with this.
"Who is rEALLY pulling the strings, Daddy?"
Wonder if WeChat is listening, hehe, because after that LONG conversation I got two message.
one, good news.
And two?
"Big Boss is listening!"
I shit you NOT. I can show you if you dont believe me!
Anyhow, two things -
One, her question is an interesting one. Though people blame the politicans I'd blame the sheeple and the people REALLY behind the scenes.
Google and other search engines that actively collude with those tracking YOU right now.
The all invasive Microsoft.
Those thinking devices.
And much, much more.
And two?
The Univese, my friend, actively tests us - and gives us choices.
Pass 'em all, you SHALL suceed - either life or fitness.
I've just given you many examples, if you've got a pulse, and you know the S of Spiritual, you'll KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Rahul Mookerjee aka a REALLY BLESSED DAD!
I want two answers from YOU, friend.
This might sound a bit odd, but I've been thinking about if for days, I haven't come to any conclusive answer either way.
And as A tom tommer recently told me.
"You're an odd dude!"
That I am friend, but a sensical odd dude, hehe. (He broke group rules, was booted, so was bitching)
Anyway, yes, conclusive answers...
On two questions I'm going to ask YOU, friend.
Now, before I start please - please - do NOT get back with "you think too much".
Thinking too much is a good thing.
If you're thinking right and the right WAY, which most people do the polar opposite of.
And please dont get back with silence or apathy. Hehe.
If you do ...
... well, nothing. You do. But I want them answers, hehe, and I want 'em from YOU. I.e. YOUR VIEWPOINT!
First question, something you might could help with. Second, maybe ... maybe not.
Without more ado.
First, WHY are more people not leaving reviews?
Friend, it boggles the mind.
You get a 10% auto discount for leaving reviews, 10% for sharing, then you get a mention on these newsletters, special coupons etc ... the whole shebang.
It ain't that you dont love the products.
You do!
(or, you wouldn't be buying).
I could go on Google.
I could wax lyrical about "why people dont leave reviews".
I've got tons of reasons why.
but I want to hear it from the horse's mouth - YOU.
The review link is there damn near everywhere - most of all, in the purchase email you get.
Some of you have bought products, not left reviews for all.
A few days ago, I pondered if "maybe they like some products more than the others".
But the reviews are equal amongst all, so that ain't it either.
Apathy or "do nothing" - or "we're too busy" - well - I dont buy any of those reasons, and I hate it when people tell me that anyway, because it's not true, if you truly want to do something you'll find time for it - plus, clicking a link and leaving a review for something you LIKE - I mean trust me, if people didnt like it, you'd see all sorts of Bozo like BS out there - but it's mystifying to me!
A person, of course like me who emails Amazon back with comments on how to improve their service - unasked for.
No, I dont have too much time on my hands, before you ask ...
My former friend Charles did. Hehe.
(Unfortuantely he never used it productively).
Try writing over 10,000 words a day, working out - and doing all else I do, then tell me about "no time" ...
Hell, try, 500 or a 1000 a day and keep it up for amonth.
So it ain't the no time BS either.
So folks, for this one - please, YOU TELL ME.
Aint nothing wrong with spreading the word, is there?
And even if the review isn't 5 star, so what?
yes, most are.
That isn't a double edged sword i.e. I'm not telling you that only 5 star reviews will be accepted, approved, what not - hell, that link you use? With your email? i.e purchase email?
I can't even modify that review unless I got into the DB to do it, and trust me, I'm not in the least bit interested in doing that.
It's there for a reason, I set IT PURPOSELY so I couldn't modify it so people would feel more comfrortable.
After Bozo Keith said this "This author only wants FIVE star reviews".
Maybe we all want 5 star.
What wrong with that?
But I want HONEST above all - so folks again, write back and tell me!
YOUR words and answers are what count.
I've emailed some of you personally as well for it, but ...
But anyway, question numero TWO!
That being, what the hezey. Hehe.
I even forget what I was going to ask you.
I guess, what I'm saying is why people ignore the sensical and embrace the nonsensical ...
Especially more so these days.
You have Jassy jumping about her super skinny self, yet when I tell her she was "normal" in 2019 without this gym madness (trust me, she ain't doing it because she wants to be super skinny, if that were to be the case, she would have done it a long time go. Dig beneath the surface, you'll likely find that her big ticket investment clients want it, so in a tough market...)
... which is fine, but SAY it.
But yeah, I know y'all can't help me much with the answer on that one. We all know it, already!
People just dont want to come out and say it.
Running scared, apathy, all those reasons...
Anyway, I'll be happy if you can answer question numero ONE for me definiteively, hehe.
And leave more reviews, please!
Timothy, PLEASE - use that link you get in your email. (and the rest of you too, hehe).
(he liked "Jump Rope Mania"!)
"Makes me feel like a boxer doing these routines, Rahul!"
So said the man himself...
But anyway, yeah.
LEt me know.
I'll be listening!
Rahul mookerjee
What Michael Bevan and the great, worldbeating, all conquering Aussie cricket team of the 90's can teach YOU about life and goals!
The last bastion, or the last stand, I often like to call the 90's, before it all started to fall APART.
Before the world started to go to hell and a time when men were men, women were women, men were real men that did a hard day's work and werent shy about downing a beer - or two - or ten at the end of it (well, they had the Tom Tom's then as well, but near not as many!) - women would be happy enough to take care of the child and let the man do what the man does i.e PROVIDE...
Normal times, natural times.
Times of great, heady optism.
REAL times.
I should know. I grew up during those times!
Anyway, the name Bevan probably isnt' familiar to most of you.
Except a few of you "Poms" reading this, hehe.
He was - is - one of the Aussie cricketing greats, and in many ways a pioneering force and influence in what was then still a novelty and not cricket for the purists ie. "one day cricket".
Which the purists scoffed at as being "wham bang thank you Ma'am", and now weaned on an even more whammy diet of T20's and T10's, they all love the ODI with 50 overs!
Persoanlly, I thought one day international cricket provided the perfect match between wham bang thank you man IPL and other such 20-20 leagues which are over in three hours - and test cricket which spans out over 5 days - or is supposed to.
Tests were supposed to the boring, puranitical version of cricket.
Odi's were supposed to be for the hipsters, slick shysters, dashers!
Anyway ...
Bevan was a pioneer fitness wise in an ear where beer bellies and drinks galore after a game were still rampant in cricket.
But more than that, it was his attitude towards chasing tall, tall targets - and WINNING - which was nowhere near as common as is on the batter friendly highways they prepare these days for cricket that really in my books sets him apart - and the way he went about it.
The Aussie cricket team of that time was probbaly the greatest ever.
Led by Ice man Steve Waugh, they had dashers and stylists at the top in Mark Waugh, Ricky Ponting, and hitters galore like Andy Symonds and so forth - any ONE of whom could change and turn a match on its head on his day.
Someone always seemed to!
And down at the last of the specialist batters - they had -well - another ice man - Michael Bevan!
He was not a six - or boundary hitter. In an era where clearing the boundary is the norm (today) - that might sound pedestrian.
In HIS era, hitting the boundaries was considered "required" to keep up with chasing tall totals.
Indeed, it is in a way.
Bevan though hardly ever hit any - - and his record stands out as - STILL - being a batter that has helped his team win MOST times when chasing - or damn close. An average to be damn proud of, even when compared to today's batters that are molly coddled and provided with every form of assistance they can get, right from rules favoring them - to pitches - to balls - to heavy bats that can be swung very easily - and so forth.
Thats not criticizing today's great guys, it's just me "saying" what is . . .
But anyway, Bevan won many a match for his team when chasing tall totals, when the rest of the dashers had failed!
He did this in a way most people could barely understand.
He did it by running - and focusing on the 1's and 2's - which down the line, turned into BIG ones!
When chasing 300 plus run totals, which was HUGE back then, you didnt see Bevan focus solely on the big goal.
He had it in mind, yes.
but he focused on the 1's and 2's!
He understood, better than most, the truism of two things.
One, a big goal can be taken care of if you focus on the small victories and tasks that add up to a lot.
He focused on converting each ball into a run.
ONe run into two.
The 2's into 3, boundary if possible.
He literally, my friend, ran the opposition ragged!
Two, that a bear can be eaten - one bite at a time!
A target of 300 in 50 overs was HUGE Back then, and you'd need to get 6 an over for it to happen.
Which was tough back then too.
Bevan focused on each ball ,and the runs he could milk from each ball!
It was sheer genius, the way the Aussies started with a blaze, then consolidated in the middle overs, then went for one final push in the end.
And usually won.
From impossible situations.
I remember a match against the Proteas in the late 90's where ... the target was 284.
The Aussies were 90/4, ALL their star batters gone.
Bevan And Steve Waugh, hardly a one day batter - were there.
I still remember turning off the TV saying "oh well" - though I didnt think they had lost, I didnt think they would win either!
I remember my Dad saying "all over" as well!
Next day, we woke up - and lo!
Bevan 100, Steve Waugh 90 something - they won!
Another mammoth chase in that series, 333 was done in a similar manner by grafting 90's from Ponting and Darren Lehmann - another classic!
This is not to educate you on cricket, friend.
It's to tell you the value of GRAFTING, something often ignored, but something leading to HUGE results if done with persistence.
The Aussie cricket team of that era had IMMENSE Self belief.
It would NOT be overstating to say they "knew no defeat".
They truly never thought about it - and the results showed.
POnder all this as you start your day - go about it - or head on to bed.
You might achieve some spectacular things, my friend, if YOU take these lessons to heart!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Do also read the 10 Commandments of Physical Success in the 0 Excuses Fitness - to me, thats the most important part of the entire book!!!
PPS - It's the small actions that lead up to big things being "normal" friend, and even bigger goals being set, which is how it should be.
7 - 10 emaisl for me a day is normal while most people struggle with sending one daily without fail!
Think about that - and how I GOT THERE!
I didnt get there by starting out this way.
I started out with one a day.
I wanted more.
I upped the ante some. Stuck with it
Then before I knew it, I naturally expanded my "area of comfort" or comfort zone or whatever it's called.
Stuck with that.
And so forth!
There is a very valuable lesson to be learned in this - fitness wise too!
It's all a bloody mess, friend.
And of course, there's no better quote of the day for 2021 than that.
Thats probably what a lot of you think too looking at whats going on.
I rarely read the sh-news. It gives me things to write about occasionally, but after the past few emails with the Joe Biden rubbish, I'm OFF it again. What a nightmare!
Lets stay sane, safe, and sensible, and fitness wise, which is why YOU are HERE - well, this is the link we need to ALL focus on.
And if you gotta share something, via social or whatever, share this.
Remember, another one of those great 10% coupons for dong so.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
The apoplyatic fit that is SO TYPICAL of Tom Tom's and liberals globally...
It's hilarious, isn't it friend. And it transcends politics - into LIFE.
A perfect example of what I mean here would be a person who is probably the MOST unfit a person has ever been to be President of the United States of America ,the "leader of the free world that forgets where he is half the time" - and is a doddering old fool apparently that doesn't like any of his opionins challenged even a LITTLE.
Look at the out of control crowds when he speaks, and look at Biden desperately trying to control them when protestors show up.
"Let him speak!"
No-one DOES let the protestor speak, of course!
The most baffling, or perhaps not, thing with Creepy Joe is his tendency to look like he's going to have an aneurysm anytime actually, you know, ASKS him something or challenges him on something - anything.
"Come on!" is his angry, baffled response, like a cranky Grandfather woken up from a siesta.
Or, he'll challenge other old men to pushups and running and what not. Crazy!
It's hard to believe that (in my book) one of the, if not THE best damn Presidents the US ever had, the Trumpinator, is only a few years younger.
True, he got upset too, but he didnt throw a fit - never!
He engaged with people - very vociferiously and vigorously, but he kept the conversation going as opposed to Biden who you can just see HATES being challenged on his BS.
He ain't the only one either.
I've seen a long list of Tom tom, assking Bozos and liberals act this way. Especially those who think "their way is the only way in life".
"Maybe you know another way, but I haven't seen it!"
OK, so why not let me explain it!
"I dont want to hear it", they holler. Be sensible!
Sensible my ass.
When sensible is refuted logically, these Tom Tom's take refuge in yelling and theatrics like Creepy Joe does.
Advances, or tries to advance bloody mask mandates while ... he pays people more to stay at home than actually, you know, go out to work.
It really is!
I cannot believe even Liberals are that stupid (maybe they are?) to believe that lockdowns aren't the real killers in terms of economies. A third grader knows this!
Yet, the vast majority of sheeple don't know it apparently - or don't care anymore.
And why just Biden, friend.
You've got a sitting VP "Hyena Harris" who blatantly lies when asked questions half the time and cackles like a hyena to boot as if to say, how dare you ask me!
Of course, Biden was probably the one she got it from. Ever seen the debates in 2020?
Every time Biden was asked a question he couldn't answer, he first laughed in a "guffaw" sort of manner (cross between a hyena and an elephant with a fish craw stuck in its throat) - a wierd, creepy sort of "haw haw haw" laugh (Harris is no less creepy though to be frank) ... and then blew his top.
Boggles the mind - truly the mosy dysfunctional admin ever this!
How we ALL miss not just the Trumpinator, but the uber solid and dependable Mike Pence...
Anyway, I'm glad to report there are still plenty of us sensible folks out here.
Yours truly being one.
Precautions, friend, not panic!
Governor Ron Santis in FL - has my highest recommendation - GOOD MAN!
Governor Abbot in Texas.
And other "conservatives" who really should be called "sensible folk".
I dont get it, this constant panic, madnes.
Just what the heck are people thinking, friend.
It boggles the mind!
Anyway, yours truly has always been up for an argument.
And usually I win it - because I'm uber logical.
The tom tom's call it "useless logic".
Because it doesn't agree with their Tom Tomming and Tom Foolery, hehe.
So be it.
I am going to continue to rail FOR what I consider is the most important thing for all of us - FREEDOM!
Remember, folks.
Bottom line is this - when America does well, the rest of the civilized world does too.
So no, to the Tom Tom's claiming "it's just US politics", it ain't eitehr.
It's LIFE!
Anyway, had to say that. So I did!
And remember, the pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness WILL end by tomorrow, given both phone and laptop are back to "normal" - for now, heeh.
So get your orders in while you can before the price goes up, up, up!
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
Panic Central... ?
I cannot believe the lunacy I'm reading about.
A nurse told her husband to get vaccinated, or move out.
Alarmed Louisiana Residents Turn to Vaccines in 'Darkest Days' of Pandemic (yahoo.com)
Like, hell what about the guy's right to CHOOSE?? The Nazi feminist forgot that one, it seems!
(you can bet if SHE didnt want to take the panixine, and the guy forced her to move out - oh boy - what a huge hue and cry it would cause, both "because she's a woman" and because she's got the right to choose.
But guys don't? )
Phock that, friend.
I mean, really!
Yes, LA is experiencing a surge, but have these idiots and Tom Toms forgotten that Israel, very proudly Tom tomming itself as a leader in vaccinations, 95 % rate or what not - THEY are now havin g a huge resurgence as ever?
Have these medical professionals ever considered the FACT that a) these panixines are not fully tested, b) there are side effects, sometimes FATAL - and c) you can still get the damned China virus anyway?????
Anyone that dares to speak out against the mask nonsense - is labeled "spreading misinformation", yet Fauci who spreads more rumors than an old lady on speed every day (his latest is that "new variants worse than the Delta variant will come" - is thought of as "sensible"?
The very same guy who most likely sent money to the CCP to MAKE THIS Damn virus??
I mean, folks, have YOU considered that despite the Tom Tomming the CCP is now doing i.e. "shutting down borders so people can't travel internationally" - have yo uforgotten what they did when this whole damn thing started?
They covered it up at home, silenced voices that dared to speak out - THEIR OWN PEOPLE - and they let peopl etravel willy nilly to spread it to the rest of the world!
Amazing how people forget these things so quickly, eh.
Then again, the Bozos, Liberals, and Tom Tom's dont think a lot at all ...
My stance on this madness is the same as it's always been .
Precautions, not panic.
THe minute you panic, the minute you're GONE.
And the minute you join the ranks of the sheeple, friend.
I mean, I dont get it - at least if the damn vaccine would work, I'd take it probably - or I wouldn't be critical of the idea, but with the Communist City of New York considering mandating EVERYONE to have a vaccine or else, the country of Bangladesh (a friend of mine is there) saying they'll do it, The steps taken in France and ITaly ... I mean, it all alarms me.
I'd rather a free state like Florida - and preferably one like TEXAS!
Anyway ...
Had to get that insanity off my chest.
I've got it off now.
But really, when parents of young kids are moaning in parks (my wife told me this one, I dont know if she said exactly what the other lady, but I think she did).
"Why don't we all just die once and not suffer!"
This from a housewife apparently whose lifestyle staying at home wasn't even that much impacted - except - gasp - she had to actually take care of her kid as opposed to fob it off on someone else.
Pathetic, just so frigging pathetic, the way a lot of people have "given up". And "await death".
FIGHT my friend.
RISE UP - its the only way!
And remember, that pre-order - time's a ticking. Countdown starts now, there's about 4-6 more hours left I believe before I pull it.
Get in while the going is good - NOW.
See you "on the other side" - I mean that in a good way, hehe.
Rahul mookerjee